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It's true, they're purposefully dividing us by race

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posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:31 PM
Oprah was assuming things, and we all know how assumptions get you into trouble. Either that or Oprah is trying to stir the racial pot up a bit.

I could believe that she is like any other human being and is subject to making mistakes. I could also see her being too proud to admit that she made a mistake.

Maybe im just having trouble reading between the lines today.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
reply to post by Jason88

Obama getting involved in the case was pretty stupid imo, Presidents in the past have stated opinions tho but not deeply.

Oprah on the other hand, she should have a say in however she is treated in public, being rich does not mean they are immune from no way in relating this case however, it is common occurrence for high end retailers to look down on people, by how they dress, their colour and overall "physique".

Was is petty she had to go pick a fight with a lowly assistant? yeah.

Was it wrong she spoke out? nope.

I agree and disagree. Yes, Obama speaking out deeply about this case was stupid. But was it calculated? I can't believe whether Obama or his puppet master do anything unless they've measured it, tested it, and experimented with it. So I'm leaning more toward purposeful intent rather than ignorance of his position.

As for Oprah - she once made a remark about the meat industry and nearly crashed the markets on red meat. She is different. She's an emperor and her words make things happen - the media must take notice, and the populace will have conversations/reactions. Because she's a billionaire personality I believe she doesn't have the right to stir up controversy on a whim. Also, I believe it was calculated.

That said, her movie, The Butler, is about this topic - race relations, slavery - I can be persuaded to believe she invented this instance to drive black audiences into the theater for monetary/social gain. It's gross. But, there may also be more at play.

As for high streets - sure the homeless guy doesn't get to test drive the Ferrari, but the shop assistant makes a compelling case for her innocence.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
reply to post by butcherguy

Obama is black in the eyes of his haters.

I really do not know about Oprah, she is rich, so people look at her affluence over her skin colour.

obama identifies himself as a black man.
he has said it many times public during speeches.

two of the most recent times i can remember is my son would look like trayvon, and trayvon could have been me 35 years ago

we all know that his father is from kenya and his mother was born in Kansas.

oprah is a black woman.

Oprah Winfrey
Winfrey was born in Kosciusko, Mississippi, to an unmarried teenage mother. She later said that her conception was due to a single sexual encounter and the couple broke up not long after.[21] Her mother, Vernita Lee (born c. 1935), was a housemaid. Winfrey had believed that her biological father was Vernon Winfrey (born 1933), a coal miner turned barber turned city councilman who had been in the Armed Forces when she was born. Decades later, Mississippi farmer and World War II veteran Noah Robinson, Sr. (born c. 1925) claimed to be her biological father.[22] A genetic test in 2006 determined that her maternal line originated among the Kpelle ethnic group, in the area that today is Liberia. Her genetic makeup was determined to be 89% Sub-Saharan African, 8% Native American, and 3% East Asian; however, the East Asian may, given the imprecisions of genetic testing, actually be Native American markers.[23]

edit on 14-8-2013 by hounddoghowlie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:51 PM
These are my observes coming as european living in Europe. I read about both of these incidents when they first hit the news here. Obama crossed the line of being credible trustworthy leader of United States when stating Trayvon Martin would be like a son if he had a son and being in wrong place at the wrong time. With this statement he showed that it doesn´t matter if the kid is criminal or not ( in this case a burglar ) just being black makes all black kids innocent no matter if they were in the criminal activities ( no pun intented ) in his eyes and stating so before the trial was over was to influence the public opinion even the jury to render kid as a victim of horrible crime. This was insult to the US law system and same time to all US citizens from Obama and that was a racists act... remember Obama is a lawyer he should know better, he should decide which he is Lawyer or a POTUS, he cannot play defence lawyer and be POTUS of all the citizens of America at the same time..

Oprah crossed the line when making just a small incident and misundertanding as a huge issue. Most likely what happened in that store went without big drama, shop assistant showed her similar bags so if she had been insulted really, i doubt she would have looked at the other bags at all, this tells me they had a conversation and a bit chit chat. So it tells me Oprah just wanted to put up the race card AFTER, the reasons why she did it we can only wonder, she is a Diva could be one reason, She is a racist could be a reason and on the circumstances what happen propability too, She is celebrity who NEEDS to make headlines could be a reason as well. Making victim of a innocent shop assistant was a unforgivable and unforgettable action.. Big failure from Oprah´s side. You don´t boost your image by hurting others.. specially when you are a celebrity.

IMHO there are too many race cards put on the table these days which has no real base .. just hate i assume. makes me wonder how people who have so much influence could hate so much the people who pays their salary.

edit on 14-8-2013 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:58 PM
Powerful conversation you guys are having

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 01:59 PM
Does Oprah have "Handlers"? You know someone to tell her what, to do how to act, what to say?

I could see her being DIRECTED by someone to go this avenue as it spurs viewership and interest.
Interest makes ratings go up, in turn bringing more ad revenue from the TV and Websites and other things like book deals, signings and such.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by shaneslaughta

Of course, all rich people, with a celebrity status have a PR person they discuss before saying any public opinion. This was most likely discussed before it was released in the media.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by dollukka

That is assuming shop in fact do not do that, that meaning pass preconceived judgement on people based on their skin colour. She probably never experienced it because she was too rich and famous(tho not immune)... but it does happen in reality.

Race card will cease to exist if racism is not experienced. Then again, some people never experience it.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by shaneslaughta

Oprah doesn't have "handlers"
She is a "handler"
I can think of very few American women who have as much power over the female population as Oprah does.

Bus Beating Youths sentenced
All three were charged with Aggravated Battery.
If you really want to promote this issue then you should question why none of these kids were tried as adults, even though the judge himself says that their charge would be a second degree felony.

The Ring Leader was also charged with robbery.

Their sentence. 9 months probation and anger management courses.

posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 06:20 PM
Oprah is creating crap over a small unimportant event. I for example, really don't give a crap about a freaking bag, that needs to be worth 26.000 Dollars ? Cause it really is just a bag... A misunderstanding from the woman in the store, it happens. She is only human. Don't you think she wouldn't be happier, if she sold that bag ?
However Oprah starts screaming, murder, death, racism...

O god I'm black and I can't hide it behind the bag... bla bla
Obama gets the word... Oh God I'm black ? What if I wanted to buy the bag ?

Both the Prez dude, and the filthy rich duddette, are both creating a situation that still represents racism.
They are the racist people on this particular case.

Shame on you....

The truth is making it even more pathetic.... Racism is without meaning, it doesn't exist.
All men, woman and child. All difference colored skin that exist and the physical features that make some of us look really different. None of any of the most obvious or th invisible differences.... Makes us all less human from any one else.Never before has there been a species of mammal, that was genetically so similar to each other then any other human from any other part of the globe.

A black guy from the Congo is more like my brother, the two gorillas that are born on the same mountain.


It seems that there is a wedge driven between two cultural groups of people in the US, by 2 of the most influential people walking around. This alone is a criminal act.

I've also seen on a documentary that large parts of the US are basically 3th world areas. The lines between black and white were also dividing both children groups, preventing them to play together.
Unfortunately this was part of the top of the ice berg. There should be something done about it !
It's your country, they are your neighbors, you need to share the place you live together in peace. Make friends, enjoy life.
Only then you can stand up for your right. Demand that it's time the city will get maintained and people can walk health across the streets.

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