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Dr. Boys pointed out that the British Museum, where the “fossil” was stored, prevented it from being examined by experts for over forty years (ibid., p. 261). Dr. Henry M. Morris points out that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin has been “implicated by a number of his fellow evolutionists as one of the perpetrators of the infamous Piltdown Man hoax” (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., The Long War Against God, Master Books, 2000, p. 23). De Chardin was one of the leading evolutionists of the twentieth century.
Dr. Michael Pitman writes:
Only in 1953, when a method for determining the age of fossil bones by analyzing their fluorine content was revived, were critical tests carried out on the Piltdown fossils. The human skull and ape-like jaw, contradicting updated ideas about man’s evolution, had aroused suspicion. They were found to be of commensurate [equal] age but much younger than the other fossils and articles which were supposed to have been found. Most of the specimens had been artificially stained with bichromate [a saline solution derived from potassium. The specimens had been artificially stained to give them the appearance of great age]. The canine tooth had been filed, coloured and packed [artificially] with grains of sand. An elephant bone associated with the skull, of a type found…in Egypt, had been cut with steel instruments into an improbable “bat” shape. The Piltdown skull was a deliberate fraud. The faking of the mandible and canine was skilful and deliberate: it was certainly a determined and unscrupulous hoax. Sir Solly Zuckerman, who later reviewed the story, considered the hoaxer knew more about primate anatomy than the experts who were several times deluded (Michael Pitman, Adam and Evolution, London: Century Hutchinson, Ltd., 1984; reprinted by Baker Book House, 1987, p. 93).
Who was responsible for this hoax? Charles Dawson, a Sussex lawyer, who led the excavation, was twice “surprised…in his office staining bones” by two paleontologists who did not trust him (p. 93). Arthur Smith Woodward was the head of the anthropology department at the British Museum – who collaborated with Dawson. Although he was an expert on fish bones, Woodward was “certainly not an anthropologist” (ibid., p. 91). Teilhard is the third man. All three, Dawson, Woodward, and Teilhard, took part in the “discovery.” The tooth, filed down from that of an elephant from Tunisia, was almost certainly supplied by Teilhard, who had visited the place where these elephants are buried in Tunisia. Michael Pitman tells us,
Dawson was certainly at the bottom of it but probably didn’t know enough of primate anatomy to do the job well. Others from the British Museum may have been involved [this would explain why the "fossil" was kept under lock and key for so many years, and even such [leading] anthropologists as Dr. Louis Leakey were not allowed to examine it, ibid,. p. 93], and Teilhard de Chardin almost certainly planted the [ground-down and stained elephant] tooth (ibid., p. 94).
Thus, Eoanthropus dawsonii (Dawson’s Dawn Man) was proved to be a hoax. Why did these men create this fraud? The answer is simple: they were trying to find “missing links” to prove the theory of evolution. When they couldn’t find any in Britain, they created one – to try to prove the theory of evolution. But you can’t “prove” this theory with hoaxes!
On receiving a tooth [found in Nebraska] from a Mr. Harold Cook, H. F. Osborn (head of the American Museum of Natural History) declared it had characteristics which were a mixture of human, chimpanzee and pithecanthropus. He named it Hesperopithecus haroldcookii (Harold Cook’s Evening Ape). In Britain Sir Grafton Elliott Smith fully supported him and, on the basis of a single tooth, there appeared in the Illustrated London Times (24 June 1922) a center-spread of an artist’s impression of “man-ape” Hesperopithecus cavorting with his wife. [Nearly everyone believed in "Nebraska Man" in 1922].
A report from the Los Angeles Times recently had the byline, “Once Hailed as a Missing Link, Forgery is Found to be Mosaic of Fossils from Microraptor and a Bird” (Los Angeles Times, December 2, 2002, p. A12). Here are the highlights of that news report:
NEW YORK – When the smuggled stone slab first surfaced at a Tucson mineral show, it seemed the likely key to a mystery of evolution. To the collector who paid $80,000 for it, the Chinese fossil had every appearance of a feathered dinosaur that flew like a modern bird. The purported missing link made headlines when National Geographic trumpeted the find in 1999, then caused red faces when it was revealed as a forgery a year later. Researchers in China and at the American Museum of Natural History in New York now have completely deciphered the deception. The find wrongly hailed as a crucial link between the dinosaurs and the birds actually does contain fossils of a dinosaur and a bird. But the only connection between them is glue.
In a study published recently in the journal Nature, the researchers revealed that the major part of the doctored fossil belongs to an ancient, fish-eating bird called Yanornis martini. Its lizard-like tail belongs to a small, carnivorous dinosaur previously identified as Microraptor zhaoianus. Both creatures lived and died more than 110 million years ago. Working with Julia A. Clarke at the American Museum of Natural History, [paleontologist Zhonghe Zhou of Beijing] compared the front half of the forged fossil with the only two known specimens of the long-extinct bird.
The researchers compared more than 200 features to pinpoint the creature’s true identity. Suspicions about these bones of contention were first confirmed when X-ray analysis revealed that the fossil was a mosaic made from 88 fragments of rock and fossil leaved together in three layers and glued to a single supporting slab of shale. Grout had been used to fill any gaps…. a hoax to deliberately mislead scientists, as was the case with the infamous Piltdown Man.
In that 1912 incident, a researcher deliberately altered a set of human and orangutan bones to make them seem to be remains from the same creature, then buried them in an English quarry. When they were dug up, they were hailed as a missing link between ape and modern mankind. The hoax distorted scientific ideas on the descent of man for almost 40 years.
The latest Darwinian “evidence” to bite the dust: the peppered moth. Most high school biology textbooks today cite this creature as a proof of evolution…According to the evolutionary scenario, the peppered moth rests on tree trunks during the day. Industrial pollution blackened the tree trunks, making the dark moths invisible to preying birds, which caused them to become the dominant variety. Later, pollution controls caused the light variety to resurge.
Biologist Jonathan Wells, who holds PhDs from Yale and Berkeley, exposes the myth of the peppered moth in his book Icons of Evolution (Washington, DC: Regnery, 2000). As it turns out, peppered moths do not rest on tree trunks during the day. In some studies, this was faked by gluing and pinning dead moths to trees and photographing them. (James Perloff, The Case Against Darwin, Refuge Books, 2002, p. 59).
“Naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace admitted that he received the basic tenets of the Darwinian…heresy while in an occult trance in a Malaysian jungle. It does not take a theologian to figure out the identity of the revealer…Modern evolution is simply the continuation of Satan’s long war against God” (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., The Long War Against God, Master Books, 2000, p. 10).
“If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.” Most of us have heard this piece of advice on more than one occasion. Yet, this was exactly the case with a famous Neanderthal fossil discovered in a peat bog near Hamburg, Germany. Prior to its discovery, the evolutionary timeline of ape-like creatures remained extremely “fuzzy” as it approached modern man. There simply were not any fossils that shed light on this period. But a single discovery dated by Professor Reiner Protsch cleared up the picture. Many years ago, he was invited to date the famous skull, which he later pronounced to be the vital missing link between Neanderthals and modern humans. He dated the skull at 36,000 years old, allowing it to fall neatly into the evolutionists’ timeline between Neanderthals and modern man. Finally, thanks to Protsch, the gap had been filled. All the pieces were in place.
For evolutionists, it was too good to be true. And indeed, it was. On February 18, 2005, Protsch was forced to retire in disgrace after a Frankfurt University panel ruled he had “fabricated data and plagiarized the work of his colleagues” (see “Anthropologist Resigns in ‘Dating Disaster,’ ” 2005). Once believed to be a world-renowned expert on carbon dating, Protsch’s entire professional career is now being questioned. The university noted: “The commission finds that Prof. Protsch has forged and manipulated scientific facts over the past 30 years” (“Anthropologist Resigns…”).
Read more here
Originally posted by MystikMushroom
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity
Darwin didn't "discover" evolution, and the "theory of evolution" wasn't coined by him. Charles Darwin is credited with his book, "The Origin of the Species" which espoused natural selection.
Natural selection is not the same thing as "evolution".
If you're going to go off on a rant about evolution, at least get your history correct.
There is a war going on and many understand different aspects of it, but when examined in total the only logical explanation is that there is an absolute full on assault through the new age movement and science to undermine Christianity via fantastic tales and hoaxes which they seek to hide via their compliant media whores.
"The model of human prehistory built-up by scholars over the past two centuries is sadly and completely wrong, and a deliberate tool of disinformation and mind control. ...they demonstrate a systematic destruction of proofs that show another reality than that the official story. Falsifications and even destruction of such proofs has been common for more than two hundred years." LINK
"One acquaintance once told me he enjoys debunking Darwinism, when I asked him why? He answered with "the math", what he was referring to is that math with biology can't support it. One biological scientist once said the Darwin theory is so mathematically impossible it's odds of happening are like 1 out of the number that represents all the atoms in the universe. Nobody knows what that number actually is. But it's a hyperbole to make a point."
It would take days to begin to explain how much false evidence has been put forward as proof for Evolution. There was the Piltdown man fraud, there was the Orce man fraud, there was The Archaeoraptor Liaoningensis: or the Fake Dinosaur-bird ancestor, which turned out to be a fraud, and a big embarrasment for National Geographic Magazine.
There was the Nebraska man fraud, there was the Java man fraud, there was the Neanderthal man fraud. This could go on and on, and the reason for this, is because as soon as they think they found the missing link, the Evolutionist bring out their big brass marching band.
Yet as soon as they find out that the evidence in question is a fraud, everything is hushed up, and you never hear any more about it. Which leaves everyone thinking they have the theory nailed down.
About every few years they come out with the new missing link, only to find out the link is either another species or a fraud. And this happens over, and over, and over, and almost no one ever questions this, and joe public just believes what ever the news media tells them.
Consider this link:
What part of Evolution is a lie?
Thanks ATS. Thanks. You just had to remind me that these people still exist. I really needed to be reminded, because my forehead isn't sore enough from wall-bashing. Are they breeding? Please tell me they're not breeding.