reply to post by ForteanOrg
One thing you said bugs me,
"On a sidenote: isn't it funny how all capitalists keep telling us that competition is key to a healthy market - but in the meantime the big
companies all cooperate to make it useless for us, customers, to take our business elsewhere, because they all use the same conditions and pricing?
Seems that good old Kropotkin had it right when he observed that it is not competition, but cooperation that drives progress"..
It is easy for me to point my finger at the different corporations and say, It is all your fault.
And, I have done this, for many years. But then, it dawned on me that the corporations only do what they are allowed to do by Governments. All big
corporations have a compliance department to make sure they are not breaking any laws. The real blame lies on the shoulders of the corrupt politician
who created the loopholes,
(for a promise of money, or simply put, a bribe), that allows crooked business practices by corporations.
The corporations do what any of us would do, they take advantage in every opportunity that the different governments afford to them.
True Capitalism is made or broken in the market place. Your goods are desired, or they are not.
The market decides your fate.
The capitalism of today is hinged upon speculation in futures. This climate of speculation allows for those who can throw weight around, to do so.
Even so far as to tamper with some product or service in order to throw things in their monetary favor later on. Consider the recent plunge of Gold.
It is said that one family does control the price of Gold. And now they are on a buying spree. It is also said that this families cash intake amounts
to $11 Billion/Daily.(and I am not even considering the hidden tax of inflation here, by the brute force attacks on Gold Prices).
I will not mention their name. You either know who they are, or you do not.
I will go as far to say they loaned money to Rockefeller and Carnegie, and among others, Governments.
Crooked Politics put these people in power, so, it is not the fault of the corporations,
nay, it is the fault of very corrupted governments and politicians.
Now, not to sway too far from the topic, even though he did use the Banks Logo, they should have checked the application for relevancy. Being that
they did not check it before signing, it is now a signed contract, and here's to giving it back to them in the end...