posted on Nov, 11 2004 @ 12:28 AM
Flouride and mercury... Jesus, really when you get to thinking about it, even the dioxins in the coffee filters I use every morning. What are we doing
to ourselves in terms of long term exposure to these toxins. It would be interesting to study the trace chemicals found in say the average eighty year
old compared to the average ten year old, I would be willing to bet the results of a study like that would scare most people out of the consumer
markets. I am not saying there isn't a need for vaccinations, but the last I heard, the mercury compounds serve no useful purpose in the vaccinations
themselves. We need to be more aware as a populace as to the extent of toxic compounds we are exposed to, especially, as in the case with flourides
especially, when these chemicals are purported to be of any kind of a health benefit.