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Dolphins granted personhood by government of India

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posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 02:30 PM
Almost forgot this...

So long, so long, so long and thanks for all the fish!

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by deadeyedick india/

Dolphins have been granted “non-human personhood” status by the government of India, making India the first nation in the world to recognize the unique intelligence and self-awareness of the cetacean order (a class of aquatic mammals). The decision was announced by India’s Minister of the Environment and Forests which also outlawed captive dolphin shows. The ministry added that dolphins “should have their own specific rights.” (SOURCE)

I wonder who will be the first to marry one of these people.
I was surprised by how the article puts dolphins on such a high pedestal above humans. I'm all for their protection but these rules are made to steer in some direction and i'm not sure where. a-0/
edit on 10-8-2013 by deadeyedick because: (no reason given)
I came here to parse this post and in one paragraph you turned into something sad.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Battleline

Originally posted by deadeyedick india/

Dolphins have been granted “non-human personhood” status by the government of India, making India the first nation in the world to recognize the unique intelligence and self-awareness of the cetacean order (a class of aquatic mammals). The decision was announced by India’s Minister of the Environment and Forests which also outlawed captive dolphin shows. The ministry added that dolphins “should have their own specific rights.” (SOURCE)

I wonder who will be the first to marry one of these people.
I was surprised by how the article puts dolphins on such a high pedestal above humans. I'm all for their protection but these rules are made to steer in some direction and i'm not sure where. a-0/
edit on 10-8-2013 by deadeyedick because: (no reason given)
I came here to parse this post and in one paragraph you turned into something sad.
Do you really i am to blame for humans havng to declare a fish to be a person in order to protect the fish. This avenue taken could open the door for many unintended results. I am all for their protection but do not feel that they are people. I wonder how the world will change when they get on the internet.

edit on 12-8-2013 by deadeyedick because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by deadeyedick
Well you have continued to show how much you really care or don't care by calling Dolphins "fish", there mammals................but this really isn't about the Dolphins being given special protection it?

One would almost think you are really anger about this and maybe a little jealous .........naw can't be.

I would hope if they do get on the internet they treat people with more respect then you have them..........Oh and maybe they will learn a little more about humans then you have about Dolphin's...........yah, I know, just a damn "fish".

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 04:25 PM
Your right i called them fish in ignorance but that doesn't make them people. I think they part of what is above us. Maybe they are rain makers? I don't want them to die but i think giving them human rights could be dangerous in the future.

posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 01:39 PM
and with this decree, the dolphin populations of Earth came together and sang in unision "So long, and thanks for all the fish!!"

I believe The true God of the universe will shine favorably on the open minded people of India for their respect to these creatures. Living in Florida, I have encountered dolphins many times up close in the water at the beach as well as aquariums. I honestly can feel like they will attempt to communicate with you on an individual level.
edit on 8/15/2013 by DYepes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by Battleline
reply to post by deadeyedick
Well you have continued to show how much you really care or don't care by calling Dolphins "fish", there mammals................but this really isn't about the Dolphins being given special protection it?

One would almost think you are really anger about this and maybe a little jealous .........naw can't be.

I would hope if they do get on the internet they treat people with more respect then you have them..........Oh and maybe they will learn a little more about humans then you have about Dolphin's...........yah, I know, just a damn "fish".

I really hope they don't get onto the internet. There's so much hate and ignorance on here already, it'd be terribly embarrassing for the dolphins to find out just how terrible we are.

Deadeyedick, I very much doubt you'd marry one of them, because there's no way they're stupid enough to marry a human. That's kind of what this thread was about, the fact that they're considered non-human persons. You'll notice my earlier post disputing that the ruling was for their status as non-human persons, because, the article states that they must be treated better. Non-human persons was merely speculative. However, I'm all for having people on the planet who aren't human. Especially dolphins, because they're spectacular... I just don't see how someone could really ever dupe a dolphin into marrying a human.Sorry. (In saying that, if somehow all this comes to pass and you do end up engaged to a dolphin, I wish you the very best)

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