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is everyone oblivious to whats above us?

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posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 05:06 AM
Yes, unfortunately people are living like flies not conscious of their own existence. My mind is always blown when I think about the strangeness and vastness of the universe. I have a little test to see if people around me are conscious or not, I tell them : did you know that we are actually "flying" through space at the speed of 4 or 5 millions km/h? Then I tell them : yes look ! Our planet revolves around itself, then around the sun, then the whole solar system revolves around the centre of our galaxy, then our galaxy is attracted by a bigger galaxy named Andromeda, then all those local galaxies are attracted by another much bigger cluster of thousands if not millions of galaxies.. Do you realize ? And then I look at their face and I listen to their answer. Sadly it's very often "so what?" or "what's the point of knowing that?" or "why are you telling me this?".

There are many things that contribute to that state of things :
- work : you don't have time for this, and when you have time you are tired (it is worth noting that in this day and age, we could work like 3 or 4h per day)
- religion : you have all the answers you need, don't look elsewhere, besides this universe is nothing compared to what awaits you when you die
- entertainment : stupid brainless television makes for stupid brainless conversation and stupid hobbies/interests
- etc..

a little video i made

edit on 11-8-2013 by gosseyn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by cass1dy09

There is only one word to answer your question....


posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by sparky31

I don't know about whats above us, but I quit reading since you insist on writing in abbreviated Facebook style.....

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by sparky31
why is so many people oblivious to anything but what we know?

i mean everyone i know just lives day to day and never has a thought about anything beyond our earth even tho we,r a spec in the universe.i bet 90% or even higher of the people i know don,t even look at night sky and think what else is out there.i know that cause most people like my best m8 who i,ve tried to speak to about it is like don,t be daft,not interested,nothing out there and thats it.

i look up every night and think how many planets round that star or is that star i,m looking at have planets with life who may be looking back?

think what i,m trying to say is that its sad that everyone is pretty oblivious to whats above us and is cocooned to just what happens on planet earth and never gives a thought of whats beyond.

does anyone else feel the frustration when you try to discuss it with people and its like a conversation thats over in seconds cause no1s interested.

this maybe in wrong forum cause i,m now thinking it should be in rant,please feel free to move lol

Your first question in my opinion is the wrong way round.

It should read

Why are so many oblivious to many things we as humans do know?

Your whole OP is one hell of a generalization and only accurate to your situation or those with a similar set of circumstances.

How many people do you know on a personal level?

How many people have you tried speaking to about this other than your best mate?

If your numbers for these questions are over the 1 billion mark then you might have a point, other wise its just ignorant generalization to stimulate ones mind to feel better about thinking a certain way when many in their lives think oppositely. Life is a search for that good feeling so we all make this mistake.

I understand your rant but feel as though it only generalizes the mind set of the people you've interacted with as ATS is evidence of the opposite, that many look up and ponder the what if.
edit on 11-8-2013 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by sparky31

Well OP, there was a time when it wasn't hard at all to find like minded such as you.
Hope this helps.

Now devote some time to thinkibng about what lies beyond the captured universe. Aim higher !
edit on 11-8-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by sparky31

Maybe you need to ad some new friends. Clearly there are many people just like you! My husband cannot look at the starts without saying "just think those are suns with planets so many..."! we watch and talk and think about it all the time.

I bet you could find some new friends who share your awe and interest in it all.

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by AK907ICECOLD
reply to post by sparky31

Your punctuation sucks, as well as your your poorly written thread IMO.
Please take as much offense as you like. Come on man/or women?

Could you pose a more insightful or intelligent question. I'm still trying to understand the motion of your inquiry
that has not already been posted on the majority of "blah" on ATS.

I'm waiting on the "proof,". Thank God that's not's in your title, lol

Clarify and elaborate please

You do realize there are some very young thinkers on ATS right? if writing is not up to par in your opinion why not envision a bright young person making an insightful thread for their age?

or maybe you are just very young yourself and unable to grasp what is being said?

Personally I feel it expressed their feeling and thoughts just fine, I was not lost nor unable to understand even though I use no form of texting myself!

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by sparky31
why is so many people oblivious to anything but what we know?

i mean everyone i know just lives day to day and never has a thought about anything beyond our earth even tho we,r a spec in the universe.i bet 90% or even higher of the people i know don,t even look at night sky and think what else is out there.i know that cause most people like my best m8 who i,ve tried to speak to about it is like don,t be daft,not interested,nothing out there and thats it.

i look up every night and think how many planets round that star or is that star i,m looking at have planets with life who may be looking back?

think what i,m trying to say is that its sad that everyone is pretty oblivious to whats above us and is cocooned to just what happens on planet earth and never gives a thought of whats beyond.

does anyone else feel the frustration when you try to discuss it with people and its like a conversation thats over in seconds cause no1s interested.

this maybe in wrong forum cause i,m now thinking it should be in rant,please feel free to move lol

this is being done purposely I think, back during the space program, in the 60's we were sending astronauts out to the moon, doing some serious R&D towards space exploration, and then in the early 70's we just stopped... Turned our direction back to the dust and dirt on Earth, and did everything in our power to keep man from looking up..

We should be exploring space, in space ships by now.. Or at least have a base on the moon by now, and mining it, and exploring it further, the tech we had in the 60's vs what we have now, I am thinking we could discover more answers to question we have had since the 60-70's.. I think something happened during the space program, there is speculation we discovered super intelligent life during that time, and who knows, I just do not really understand why we just stopped reaching for the stars..

I hear ya thou OP... We don't know anything about what is above us, we can look at it, call its parts names, and act like we can predict its nature, but we do not understand its nature or ever its origin..

This is why we need to explore space. If we would have stayed focused on the space program, i am sure by now we would have a life support system that could maintain human life for a long time, and millions of miles away from Earth, and also a form of propulsion.

edit on 11-8-2013 by Bicent76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 01:04 PM
I think of all the stars that we can't see...

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 05:15 PM
It is hard to believe it,
but their is more than one type of human.
some have empathy and imagination.

not the imagination of an artist.
but of some one who can believe in things beyond this world.
aliens, unicorns and dragons.
their are stories of them all over the world for as long as man.

not magical animals but real animals.
dragons! why should all the dinosaurs have been wipe't out before man?
man killed the unicorn and dragons off.

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by AK907ICECOLD
reply to post by sparky31

Your punctuation sucks, as well as your your poorly written thread IMO.
Please take as much offense as you like. Come on man/or women?

Could you pose a more insightful or intelligent question. I'm still trying to understand the motion of your inquiry
that has not already been posted on the majority of "blah" on ATS.

I'm waiting on the "proof,". Thank God that's not's in your title, lol

Clarify and elaborate please

It is this kind of comment, it a good punctuation or not, which could rebuke ATS users from posting. I find it sad to see such comments being made.


posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by AK907ICECOLD
reply to post by sparky31

I just want to be a pric k, n Sab tat u b tripn oonn som zz n stuf ... Lame

I could consider this post a sword hit in the water, it is of no use what so ever and contributes in no way to the thread.


posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 09:34 PM
I as well look at the stars all the time,, and wonder, it is no different than someone who loves to look at old cars, baseball cards, motorcycles, you get my drift, so no it doesn't say you are weird ,, just courious , ,, my sons and i have looked into the night sky and seen so many strange things,,, yes ufo's,, and when you read this you see ufo you have been conditioned to think alien, no i am saying unidentifed flying objects...if anyone would take the time to look in the sky you would see them as well,, and don't hammer me just because i have seen them ...and you have not taken the time to obseve ,,, i beleive there is so much more going on in all aspects of life that we are truly just sheep

posted on Aug, 11 2013 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by sparky31

I think most people are afraid to admit that their may be more to our universe than what they can see with the naked eye, because then they may have to tell themselves if that's true humans maybe small and insignificant.
Our existence here may be nothing more than mold on bread and I thing that alien life may just view us that way.
I for one know that there are other forms of life out there, I have had two close encounter's over the years, (Not fun stuff by the way) I used to think that I would be able to walk up to a craft and show I meant no harm and It would be just like the movie's. But Its not anything like that at all! The whole gut instinct thing kicks in and the fight or flight response ramps up big time. I have seen other UFO's also but thankfully from afar and not out of my drivers side window as I'm hauling a** down a gravel road. They are out and about and pay no mind to those who are unwilling to look up. Someday they may have no choice...

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 04:26 AM
You know, Im one of those who usually wonders about things beyond our comprehension and that sort of things, however, having conversations of the sort is usually inviting other people to expose at full and spread their overall pretentiousness, ignorance and stupidity. Its usually a way more fun experience to talk about sports, movies, music, sex or world issues than "whats above us".

Oh, and BTW, when looking at the sky, whether night or day, I simply prefer to turn my brain off and fully enjoy the beauty, couldn't really care less about what's the meaning or the implications of what Im watching.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by sparky31

I am in the same boat my friend. My family and friends are Christians and skeptics. I get frustrated because I feel that if God created man he didn't just stop by and say, " oh earth seems like the only place in this universe I will create life." I believe in a creator and I believe that there is absolutely no way in hell that God would only stick with one planet. Maybe he never had the intentions of having us find out about one another but it will happen some day.

On another note I can't believe how many people that are so well educated on this site be so closed minded. I see more skeptics than believers. People that would rather tear others down like numb skulled barbarians than listen to what others have to say.

Nuff said I just wanted to rant kinda.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by sparky31

We'll you have done the right thing, by posting on ATS, there are lots of like minded types on here who will discuss why people roam around their planet without a thought of who is watching them from some other universal corner of our little galaxy. trouble with people is they are pre-occupied trying to pay fuel bills and grocery bills and working for far less than their worth, with no options, and little to look forward to, so I guess most of us don't get a chance to run a self diagnosis of what, who, and why we are here... but I do see your point and so would lots of others too if we could get a little peace on this earth planet...

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by sparky31

so we should ponder about communicating with other beings when we can't even get along with our own kind??

I would be all for pondering what is out there... if that would mean i did't have to go to work and knock out that rent every month.

pondering stuff like that is for children or for the rich

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by buddha
It is hard to believe it,
but their is more than one type of human.
some have empathy and imagination.

not the imagination of an artist.
but of some one who can believe in things beyond this world.
aliens, unicorns and dragons.
their are stories of them all over the world for as long as man.

not magical animals but real animals.
dragons! why should all the dinosaurs have been wipe't out before man?
man killed the unicorn and dragons off.

The word dinosaur was first used around 170 years ago. So when you hear stories of dragons, I can only assume they where seeing dinosaurs. As far as unicorns go.... No proof of any kind they existed. But how far fetched is it to say there wasn't a horse with a horn. Not very. And not magical in any way. Just another animal that no longer exist.

And to the O.P., As time ticks by and we get older, Looking for answers of the unknown fade. It is because life has taken hold and we have to much reality to deal with.

posted on Aug, 12 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by russ1969

Originally posted by buddha
It is hard to believe it,
but their is more than one type of human.
some have empathy and imagination.

not the imagination of an artist.
but of some one who can believe in things beyond this world.
aliens, unicorns and dragons.
their are stories of them all over the world for as long as man.

not magical animals but real animals.
dragons! why should all the dinosaurs have been wipe't out before man?
man killed the unicorn and dragons off.

The word dinosaur was first used around 170 years ago. So when you hear stories of dragons, I can only assume they where seeing dinosaurs. As far as unicorns go.... No proof of any kind they existed. But how far fetched is it to say there wasn't a horse with a horn. Not very. And not magical in any way. Just another animal that no longer exist.

And to the O.P., As time ticks by and we get older, Looking for answers of the unknown fade. It is because life has taken hold and we have to much reality to deal with.
yeah we get older but the older i get the more i want the answers of the unknown more,not less.

when i was aged 20-30 i really wasn,t interested in the unknown so saying the unknown fades i think is a bit misinformed.

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