posted on Aug, 15 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by tanda7
The first thing I looked at was the location, to see if this was the place in Florida I loved for several years. Why? Probable sleazy cop encounter.
Alright, the details -
Some years back (probably early 2001), I was driving with my oldest to take her fiance home. I had a big Cady at the time, and the fiance, a BIG guy
- over 6 ft and large framed) was sitting in the back, leaned back resting, because it was late. We got pulled over on a darker stretch of road,
because apparently, a headlight had gone out. Well, no issue there, but the behavior of the cop was ODD. As in creepy-odd. Both my daughter and I
noticed this right off, and gave each other a look. After a few minutes of conversation, seemingly needless, with nothing specific one could point to
as bad, but still wrong, her fiance shifted forward in the back seat, clearly sensing a threat. The cop almost jumped out of his skin, because he
didn't realize anyone was there. The response, though, wasn't exactly what you'd expect. The look on his face was NOT one of, "Crap, I could
have just been shot.", but more one of, "Crap, now I can't do (whatever it was he had planned)." From his reaction, and earlier behavior, it was
clear he had something in mind for two lone (he thought) women on a dark road.
I have to wonder, how many times does this sort of thing happen? How many close calls, and how many worse that don't get reported?