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Coupons - 50$ off Abortions on Sundays offered at Orlando Womens Center

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posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 06:14 PM
The Orlando Womens Center is offering $50 off on Sunday Abortions.
The distribution of these coupons were targeted towards poor women.

The coupon can be found here ....
Abortion Clinic Sends Coupons to Low Income Women - Save $50 on Sunday Abortions
And if you act now ... you get FREE DEEP IV SEDATION ...

Orlando Womens Center
Their ad says they 'specialize in late term abortions'.

This clinic and the doctor who commits abortions there have been in trouble many times.
WFTV Orlando - Authorities Raid Abortion Clinic

Kill Your Baby For Free Day at Orlando Womens Center
Free "drive through" abortions on that day.

Police raided and closed the Womens Center. But when women called into the clinic, they were told it was closed for maintenance. The Center didn't tell people the truth ... that the place was closed by the authorities and that the doctor had been brought up on charges.
The Doctor Has Been HIt with Lawsuits

Police in June shut down a late-term abortion clinic in Orlando, Florida and seized and removed property from the building as a helpless abortion practitioner could only stand by and watch. James Scott Prendergraft, whose medical license has been suspended a fifth time, stood in the background as police and other officials taped off his abortion clinic with crime tape and locked him out of the building.

Pendergraft was hit with a massive In 2011, Pendergraft was hit with a whopping civil medical malpractice judgment of $36,737,660.16 in compensatory and punitive damages in a case involving a botched 20 week abortion that resulted in the live birth of a child physically damaged by Pendergraft’s incompetent abortion process amid what was described as “third world conditions” with virtually no counseling. He has refused to pay the judgment.

A clinic receptionist told callers at the time that the Orlando Women’s Center is “closed for maintenance” and are unsure whether the clinic will reopen.

Targeting poor women with these coupons ... having a history of law suits .... being closed by the authorities and then telling lies about 'closed for maintenance' to customers ... drive through abortions ... botched abortions ... failure to pay lawsuit fines ....

Sounds like a lovely place (sarcasm). I understand that people have a right to run whatever business they like within the law. But holy cow ... this is awful. With those conditions and those legal issues ... I don't understand why it's back in business and open 7 days a week. (And I REALLY don't understand the late abortion thing. Why wait so long to have an abortion? I know that sometimes a reason will sneak up on a person .... health issues and that sort of thing. But waiting six months, seven months, eight months and then saying .. gee, I think I'll get an abortion now ... that's just really sucky!! )

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 06:24 PM
This is really going to piss off the hardcore Christians!

You know, even some rich people use coupons. Rich people can be some of the stingiest people around. Hence why they are rich.

Instead of coupons for abortions, they ought to offer coupons for blade-free vasectomies. I'd be down.

Wait, drive-thru abortions? Do you just hop in your backseat after they put some plastic down? Do you pay at the first window and have it done at the second? What about those idiots in front of you in the drive thru that always take forever to decide what they want?
edit on 9-8-2013 by MystikMushroom because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 06:34 PM
It's almost as if it doesn't matter at all.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 08:25 PM
This is absolutely NAUSEATING!!!!
Chrikey, Holy cow.

Wow and facepalm. Sick.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Abortion many may be distasteful, but it's still legal. People may not like to hear are about abortion, and may try to silence honest discussion with hype and disgust, but these clinics have the right to advertise, especially given the climate and the constant attempts by lawmakers to silence abortion related counseling, and education on the issue. They're enacted laws that gag doctors and nurses from speaking of abortion and, in some cases, doctors are ordered to lie to their patients about possible fetal genetic defects.

I see these advertisements and sales as a push back to the policies being enacted all over the country to silence and close clinics.

Their ad says they 'specialize in late term abortions'.

It's nasty business, but someone has to do it. Late term abortions are NEVER elective, but are always a heart wrenching necessity. They aren't done willy nilly. performs intracardiac injections to stop the fetal heart beat on late second and third trimester therapeutic termination of pregnancy procedures when fetal anomalies and/or genetic defects are found or to protect the health of the woman. Therapeutic abortion procedures end pregnancies that were originally wanted, but cannot be continued due to problems with the fetus or to protect the health of the woman.

Women in need of a therapeutic abortion have few choices of where to have the procedure performed. As in the State of Florida, the majority of hospitals, medical centers, clinics, and physician offices across the country do not perform the intracardiac injection procedure at all due to a lack of training, moral values or fear, or for choosing not to perform this procedure.

drive through abortions

In response to numerous requests, we are now providing Abortion Pill Services (RU486, Mifeprex, Mifepristone) for medical, chemical and non-surgical abortion at several of our Florida locations. We are able to offer patients from 3 to 14 weeks this service at our Women's Center of Hyde Park office in Tampa; the Ocala Women's Center office in Ocala; and both of our Orlando Women's Center offices in Orlando. The advantages of our Abortion Pill Clinic are the minimal amount of time required to spend in the office; the ultimate privacy of this procedure; and because patients may decide where they choose to have the abortion and with whom they wish to have with them during the abortion process.

The abortion pill process consists of having routine urine and blood lab tests performed which includes a pregnancy test, determination of whether or not the patient is anemic and the Rh typing. A sonogram is then performed to verify the number of weeks of the pregnancy. The patient is then given medications (Methotrexate by injection or medication taken by mouth) and possibly additional medications that will stop the growth of the pregnancy, cause softening of the cervix and produce contractions of the uterus. Cytotec tablets are taken by mouth and inserted vaginally 48 to 96 hours from the initial office visit which cause uterine contractions. Vaginal bleeding usually begins within 2 to 4 hours and the pregnancy tissue is expelled on an average of 4 to 8 hours after the medications are given. The above times can vary with each individual.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by windword

Did you seriously just say that 'Abortion is ugly business, but somebody has to do it'????


posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by windword

Soooo, apparently you agree that advertising and providing coupons for late-term abortions from a person whose medical license has been suspended five times, operating an incompetent abortion process in third world conditions, that lacks counseling, and whose staff blatantly lie to the people they are servicing is a good idea?

Not to mention, this abhorrent scam of a doctor who exploits the law, moral standards, the Hippocratic Oath, and lots of disadvantaged pregnant women to enrich himself just happens to owe $36 million in punitive damages based on the ruling of a civil medical malpractice court.

Abortion many may be distasteful, but it's still legal.

This clinic was more like revolting AND illegal at the same time.

Late term abortions are NEVER elective, but are always a heart wrenching necessity.

Funny you made this up out of thin air.
Survey of 1,900 American women who had late-term abortions
When asked why they didn't get abortions earlier in their pregnancies they responded thusly:

71% Woman didn't recognize she was pregnant or misjudged gestation
48% Woman found it hard to make arrangements for abortion
33% Woman was afraid to tell her partner or parents
24% Woman took time to decide to have an abortion
8% Woman waited for her relationship to change
8% Someone pressured woman not to have abortion
6% Something changed after woman became pregnant
6% Woman didn't know timing is important
5% Woman didn't know she could get an abortion
2% A fetal problem was diagnosed late in pregnancy
11% Other

As you can clearly see at least 87% of women had late-term abortions for willy nilly reasons that were not only elective but due to irresponsibility, lack of good judgement, immaturity, or not being properly informed as regards gestational phases.
edit on 10-8-2013 by djr33222 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Would you rather see a woman die because her pregnancy is threatening her life, or be forced to give birth to an morbidly deform fetus that has no chance of survival?

Wow, just wow!

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 02:08 AM
reply to post by djr33222

16 weeks is not "late term" abortion.

Late termination of pregnancy (TOP)[1] or late-term abortions are abortions which are performed during a later stage of pregnancy.

Late term abortions are performed during the 3rd trimester, 24 plus weeks, for emergency reasons only.

In 1987, the Alan Guttmacher Institute collected questionnaires from 1,900 women in the United States who came to clinics to have abortions. Of the 1,900 questioned, 420 had been pregnant for 16 or more weeks.

This kinda sketchy data, but that's how the "pro-life" forced birthers roll. Intellectual dishonesty is their calling card.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
(And I REALLY don't understand the late abortion thing. Why wait so long to have an abortion? I know that sometimes a reason will sneak up on a person .... health issues and that sort of thing. But waiting six months, seven months, eight months and then saying .. gee, I think I'll get an abortion now ... that's just really sucky!! )

While I know that based on statistics most late term abortions are not performed due to some horrible drastic health issue, but I also know that some are. Back in 1995 a woman who lived in the same town as I testified in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee in opposition of a ban on late term abortions, her geographical closeness to me and her heart wrenching story really kind of brought the situation home to me. There is just something different when it happens to someone who could practically be your next door neighbor. It took some searching to find the transcription of her meeting with the Senate Judiciary Committee it's been a number of years, but somethings you just don't forget and Sometimes things just go to hell in a hand-basket.

Testimony of Vikki Stella Before the Senate Judiciary Committee in Opposition to H.R. 1833/S. 939 November 17, 1995 I'd like to thank the Judiciary Committee for asking me to speak at this important hearing. My name is Vikki Stella. My husband Archer and I live in Naperville, Illinois, in the western suburbs of Chicago. I am nearly eight months pregnant. Our son is going to be born soon -- probably sooner than you might think, because I am diabetic and my babies grow much bigger, much faster than for other women. We have two daughters already, ages eleven and seven, and Lindsay and Natalie absolutely cannot wait to have a little brother to fuss over. My husband is just about to burst with joy over his son. In the midst of our happiness, though, there is still the pain of what happened to the son we almost had. . .and the apprehension over what Congress is trying to do to families like ours. A year and a half ago, I was in my third trimester of pregnancy with a much-wanted son. Because I'm diabetic and my health is of particular concern, I'd had even more prenatal tests than most women: amnios, ultrasounds, the works. A few weeks before the world ended, my doctor pronounced my pregnancy "disgustingly normal." Then at 32 weeks, I went in for another ultrasound, and everything fell apart. Ultimately, my son was diagnosed with at least nine major anomalies, including a fluid-filled cranium with no brain tissue at all. He would never have survived outside my womb. I almost had to be carried out of the doctor's office. My husband was literally holding me up on my feet. Never in our lives had we imagined that a disaster like this could happen to us. We went home to our house in Naperville with a room prepared for a little boy -- clothes folded, crib up, walls painted--and we cried. My husband is in private business now, but he was a practicing physician for some years, and he knew even better than I that there was no hope for this pregnancy. The diagnosis had been confirmed by a perinatologist with a level II ultrasound. We found the only answer we could: a surgical abortion procedure performed by a physician in Los Angeles. When we got to his clinic, we knew we were safe. As a diabetic, I knew that the controlled, gentle nature of this surgery was much safer for me than induced labor or a c-section, since I don't heal as well as other people. We found out that our baby would die peacefully and painlessly, from the combination of steps taken to prepare for the surgery. He would be brought out intact, though the doctor would have to use a spinal needle to take some fluid off his head so that my cervix wouldn't rupture. And then we could hold him and say our goodbyes. That's just what happened. And, as promised, the surgery preserved my fertility. This past spring we discovered I was pregnant again. Then the doctor from Los Angeles, the doctor who saved my life, health and sanity, the doctor whose picture I still keep up on my refrigerator, called and said Congress was thinking about banning the surgery I had. Would I go to Washington and tell them my story? I agonized. This isn't an easy story to tell. It's a very private pain, and my community is very conservative. I feared what the neighbors would say, that they wouldn't understand, that they wouldn't allow me near their kids anymore. But finally our outrage at the lies and misinformation being spread about this procedure grew too great, and my husband and I agreed that I should tell all of you about our son, Anthony. Since then I've been fighting to stop this bill, known as the "Partial- Birth Abortion Ban" Act. With other mothers like me, I've tried to make sure the truth is heard, not the right-to-life propaganda that starts with the outrageous and inaccurate name of the bill. It's been an education, I must say that. I've heard the worst one human being can say about others, without ever knowing them or having walked in their shoes. For example, I've been told that mothers like me all want perfect babies, that we're having abortions because of cleft palates and missing fingers. Well, yes, my son had a cleft palate. I wish to God that was all he had! He wasn't just imperfect -- he was incompatible with life. The only thing that was keeping him alive was my body. He could never have survived outside my womb, so I did the kindest thing, the most loving thing I knew to do. I took my son off life support. When I came back to Washington the second time, my oldest daughter asked me why I was going. I told her what I had told both girls the first time, that I was going because of Anthony. Lindsay's eleven, and smart. She wanted to know why I had to go to Washington because her baby brother died. So I sat her down and told her the whole story. When I finished she looked up at me with her great big eyes and said, without hesitation, "Mom, you did the right thing." It's a sad thing when an eleven-year-old is wiser than some United States Senators. Next month, our son will be born. And in our joy over this new baby, my husband, my daughters and I will remember our first son, and how the way his short life ended made it possible for this new baby to be born. We hope that other families like ours will be given this same chance. We hope the Senate will listen to the voices of families and reject S. 939.


posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by ButterCookie
reply to post by windword

Did you seriously just say that 'Abortion is ugly business, but somebody has to do it'????


Such a compelling argument.

Glad you chimed in there.

Do you think it's pretty business? Would you like to do it?

Please don't accept this post as an invitation for you to proliferate the fallacy that fleshy growth on the uterin wall=human being because Jesus.
edit on 10-8-2013 by LightOrange because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 04:17 AM
And yet at the end of the day...its their bodies their decision

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 04:40 AM
Roll up Roll Up..Kill one, Kill one for free...
No matter how you look at it, whether you believe Abortion to be right or wrong...A Living Being is being Killed and the majority are killed because people just dont have the time for a Child in their hectic lives right now...Fact!!

You would go to jail for a very long time if you killed the unborn of any other species without a very good reason.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by windword

Late term abortions are performed during the 3rd trimester, 24 plus weeks, for emergency reasons only.

Actually, after 20 weeks an abortion may be considered late-term.

This kinda sketchy data, but that's how the "pro-life" forced birthers roll. Intellectual dishonesty is their calling card.

Who is a pro-life forced birther and why are you talking like that?

A study in 2006 in Perspectives of Sexual and Reproductive Health, a publication of the Alan Guttmacher institute, which has been affiliated with Planned Parenthood throughout its history, conducted a study of hundreds of women who had second-trimester abortions (the second trimester ends at 27 weeks). It came up with the following results:

68% had no pregnancy symptoms

58% Didn’t confirm the pregnancy until the second trimester

45% had trouble finding abortion provider

37% unsure of date of last menstrual period

30% had difficulty deciding on abortion

The study sample had no cases of late-term abortions for health reasons


In 2003, Katha Pollitt, who is pro-choice, wrote an article for The Nation discussing late-term abortion. She gave the three most common reasons why women had these abortions (1):

71% didn’t realize they was pregnant

48% had difficulty making arrangements

33% were afraid of telling parents or partner

Both these more recent studies corroborate the previous one I cited.
Link to article

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 05:06 AM
reply to post by windword

Would you rather see a woman die because her pregnancy is threatening her life, or be forced to give birth to an morbidly deform fetus that has no chance of survival? Wow, just wow!

I have already cited three studies, one from 1987, one from 2006, and one from 2003 that gave surveys to women who had either late-term abortions or abortions just before being late-term and they all clearly show that the vast majority of these abortions have nothing to do with birth defects or life-threatening complications for the woman.

Despite this proof I assume you will disregard it, try to say it is not valid somehow despite you having no credible opinion of what constitutes a valid study, or try to spin your BS some other way. That is just how to pro-abortion people operate sadly...

Women get these late abortions because they are irresponsible, misinformed, or just plain lazy. That an individual can possess such character flaws should come as no surprise to a person like yourself.
edit on 10-8-2013 by djr33222 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 05:55 AM
Im pro-choice but i think maybe this guy's practice should be shut down, sounds dangerous and that defeats the purpose of having legal abortions - They're suppose to take place in safe hygienic environments.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by windword
Abortion many may be distasteful, but it's still legal.

I made mention of that.

Late term abortions are NEVER elective, but are always a heart wrenching necessity. They aren't done willy nilly.

You can't say that. That's projection of your own higher level of humanity onto others.

When I was in the Army, I personally knew a woman who had an abortion at 6 1/2 months.
She was a lazy classless mess. She felt nothing when she had it.
I"m sure she's not the only one to do this. All those people going through
this late term abortion clinic aren't having life threatening complications with
their pregnancies. If they were ... they'd be at the hospital instead of the clinic.

Originally posted by windword
Late term abortions are performed during the 3rd trimester, 24 plus weeks, for emergency reasons only.

"emergency reasons only' ... not true.
Abortion on demand at any time up to the point of birth.

edit on 8/10/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by windword

Their ad says they 'specialize in late term abortions'.

It's nasty business, but someone has to do it.

If it were really late term abortions because they HAD to be done ... serious health reasons, etc ....
then these people would be having it done in the hospital rather than a shoddy abortion clinic.
And I disagree ... 'someone has to do it'?? Nobody has to do it except a hospital if the
woman is in a life threatening position.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 06:12 AM

Originally posted by muse7
And yet at the end of the day...its their bodies their decision

And yet at the end of the day ... it's NOT their body that they are killing.
It's a human being who has a beating heart, who sucks their thumb, who sleeps,
who wakes, who plays with their toes and the cord, and WHO FEELS PAIN.
Late term aborted babies die in AGONY. And the vast majority of these babies
die horridly simply because the mother says ...'naaaah, I change my mind'.
MOST of the late term abortions are not necessary to help the mothers health.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by LightOrange
Please don't accept this post as an invitation for you to proliferate the fallacy that fleshy growth on the uterin wall=human being because Jesus.

This isn't 'fleshy growth' ... and no one brought up Jesus except you. We have brought up the fact that this baby is alive and can feel pain. That's science, not religion.

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