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Psychotronic weapons

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posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie

Originally posted by Hefficide

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
reply to post by NotAnAspie

Could it be Hefficide which used another web browser and connected onto a different account to make such claims? Maybe, maybe not, but nevertheless is seems to follow what happened previously logically.


Normally such a baseless accusation would end up removed... and another staff member still may do so. But I am opting to choose, instead, to point out how hollow such tactics actually ring.

What if I were to say that I believe that the supporters of this theory all strike me as disinformation agents who are utilizing known psychological manipulation methods and fallacies to try and silence the opposition. The goal - possibly to undermine the credibility of the ATS community by associating it with outlandish claims - thus marginalizing the community and its ability to influence the greater public.

Seems legit. Right?

Only it's not. It's a character assassinating ad hominem attack... exactly like the one you posted about me. It only serves to muddy the waters and artificially undermine or augment arguments without involving the merits of either argument.

In short, poor form.

So you are willing to believe in disinformation concerning this topic. That's good.
Good that you notice how strange it can get but remember, no conclusions till you have all the facts... so that means essentially never drawing a full conclusion, but maintaining what you witness. I'd rather debate this with a skeptic, then be baited by a disinfo agent into looking like I'm completely paranoid and will lash out at anyone who doesn't agree with me by insinuating they are yet another person "out to get me" because I've gotten very used to having to discern the difference.

Oh please, for a third time I will say and I hope t will be the last, the thread was made to find solutions to the issue, now discussing whether its real or not.


posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by tetra50
And frankly, I'm not sharing that with you. And it needn't be shared, for I have given plenty of reasons why anyone would fall prey to such: research, for one. But you and I have argued this to no end, and I am weary, because you accept no logic as to that.

I don't care if you share it or not. I'm trying to get you to understand that posting info about the tech doesn't answer the question and that you can't answer for anyone else.

So the question, in your case remains unanswered and it must also be asked of everyone that claims to be a TI, it is a question that they should even ask themselves, even if they choose to not tell a single soul about their situation.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:54 PM
I for one, cannot say I have any damning evidence that should get me murdered... and those who care about me like to keep it that way.

It's late... I'm off. Have yourselves a nice debate.

PS... And Remember ETs exist!

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by tetra50

Originally posted by Hefficide

Originally posted by tetra50

Because I want to set us all free from it....and this is my only play to do that....put yourself in my shoes for a moment, instead of constantly fighting my story and reality. And it happens that I truly care about those who suffer what I do.....

As do I. I care about everyone who suffers on any level. Something I think my posting history clearly demonstrates. Part of caring, however, sometimes involves being responsible and strong enough to ask tough or painful questions.

Ah, yes, I do agree. However, you do us all a disservice by assumptions that we are mentally illl and do not recognize it......quite an assumption. But you are clearly invested in a certain explanation for this phenomena, despite whatever sources, Department of Defense or otherwise, to deny, obfuscate and argue.....that we are all mentally ill and in denial.
Please Tetra50, Hefficide did try to focus on the purpose of the thread which was finding solutions, try not to confront him as it does no good, neither to you, nor him, nor me nor to the thread. The whole purpose was to find links on the topics, which many were given in the previous pages. Many solutions were presented and this is the way it should go.
I wish not to oppose, but I am sure you understand what I mean inside this post Tetra, this I am very sure.


posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by tetra50
And frankly, I'm not sharing that with you. And it needn't be shared, for I have given plenty of reasons why anyone would fall prey to such: research, for one. But you and I have argued this to no end, and I am weary, because you accept no logic as to that.

I don't care if you share it or not. I'm trying to get you to understand that posting info about the tech doesn't answer the question and that you can't answer for anyone else.

So the question, in your case remains unanswered and it must also be asked of everyone that claims to be a TI, it is a question that they should even ask themselves, even if they choose to not tell a single soul about their situation.

Many people in the thread gave examples and reasons why they were targeted. It's been answered and explained many times. If Tetra wishes not to go into details then that is find, I feel like you try to put some pressure on the ATSer by such comment and this detrimental to a good conversation in my personal view of it.


posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by daskakik

Originally posted by tetra50
And frankly, I'm not sharing that with you. And it needn't be shared, for I have given plenty of reasons why anyone would fall prey to such: research, for one. But you and I have argued this to no end, and I am weary, because you accept no logic as to that.

I don't care if you share it or not. I'm trying to get you to understand that posting info about the tech doesn't answer the question and that you can't answer for anyone else.

So the question, in your case remains unanswered and it must also be asked of everyone that claims to be a TI, it is a question that they should even ask themselves, even if they choose to not tell a single soul about their situation.

How insulting. No, the question in my case does not remain unanswered, except for you. and why would I convince you? Could you help me. Would you? I will telll only who can and will help and believe me, and in the meantime I have my 9 mil. Glock. Convincing you has to do with the others who suffer and are too afraid to speak. You really don't get that at all. You are not offending me, nor swaying me at all. I know what I know, despite whatever you believe or don't. I jusrt hope, for your sake, you don't walk in my shoes.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by tetra50

Originally posted by Hefficide

Originally posted by tetra50

Because I want to set us all free from it....and this is my only play to do that....put yourself in my shoes for a moment, instead of constantly fighting my story and reality. And it happens that I truly care about those who suffer what I do.....

As do I. I care about everyone who suffers on any level. Something I think my posting history clearly demonstrates. Part of caring, however, sometimes involves being responsible and strong enough to ask tough or painful questions.

Ah, yes, I do agree. However, you do us all a disservice by assumptions that we are mentally illl and do not recognize it......quite an assumption. But you are clearly invested in a certain explanation for this phenomena, despite whatever sources, Department of Defense or otherwise, to deny, obfuscate and argue.....that we are all mentally ill and in denial.
Please Tetra50, Hefficide did try to focus on the purpose of the thread which was finding solutions, try not to confront him as it does no good, neither to you, nor him, nor me nor to the thread. The whole purpose was to find links on the topics, which many were given in the previous pages. Many solutions were presented and this is the way it should go.
I wish not to oppose, but I am sure you understand what I mean inside this post Tetra, this I am very sure.


You are right. And I bow out now. But I would point out that most of those sourced links were provided by me......oh, i know,,,,,ego at its worst. Thanks for the thread, OP, and your support. Sorry if I ruined it for you.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
Many people in the thread gave examples and reasons why they were targeted. It's been answered and explained many times.

My point was that the question must be answered and explained, not to anyone in particular, in every case because it might provide the first clue that that particular case might not have an external cause. It doesn't mean that anyone must share anything that they don't want to.

edit on 10-8-2013 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by tetra50

I fail to see how you came to be insulted by what I posted.

How does convincing me help others who suffer and are afraid to speak?

On the flip side, how does not convincing me harm others who suffer and are afraid to speak?

How does either get that guy to stop pointing his psychotronic weapon at you?

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Do you not see the entrenched thinking involved in simply dismissing anyone who disagrees with you as either woefully uninformed or deliberately obfuscating?

Again, flatly refusing to entertain any explanation other than the one you are emotionally led to believing is highly contrary to reason.

I will say it again, the thread was not intended to prove or disprove anything but to find answers a problem which is known to be real by the one who are experiencing it, period. I do not wish to be rude, but you truly are ruining the thread by the attitude you bring into it.


I am sorry you feel like the thread is being ruined. I don't think Heff is ruining it at all. What I see objectively are real questions that have validity. I am enjoying the thread. I was hoping for more proof in links though or I missed them somewhere.

Now hear me out on this because it is a little far fetched for me, but, I have always wondered too if these weapons were real, being used on unsuspecting targets.

Now I do get tinnitus all the time. But I have medical reasons for that, but sometimes I wonder because I will get a ringing then a certain song from like 20 years ago pops into my head. I am then sitting there stuck, like what the heck, where did THAT song come from....It usually happens when I am on the phone with a friend who has had the same type of things happen. Our conversation ALWAYS gets turned around back to our days (and there were many) of UFO and paranormal phenomena. Now is it just a coincidence? What is a coincidence is that WE BOTH have brain disorders. She has had multiple brain surgeries and I have a neuro I am a Army vet.

So is everything we have experienced just psych stuff or are we being targeted? I would like to think grandiose thoughts that I am special bla bla bla...BUT in reality I have to look at all possibilities....

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by tony9802

Originally posted by Grimpachi
Cop tazer s will not work you need to ask a healthcare professional to give you electroshock treatments specifically for the implants and they should help you out.

My understanding is that Neodymium magnets can work, otherwise there are jammers, such as professional bug jammers that can work as well, but I'm still doing research on these devices.. Some of them can be costly, but well worth it.
edit on 9-8-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

How come can a magnet work in this case. I am not in the knowledge of it so that is why I am asking you the question. By the way I must add, and it might sound silly for some, but i tried the tinfoil hat thing, around 10 layers of aluminum after it is all folded and guess what? It seemed to partially block some of the rays that were sent.

With that being said, I plan on buying a couple of tin foil rolls to make a helmet similar to this.

Oh, and yes it was intended to be Magneto as I thought it would be funny and on the topic considering waves being sent to the head.

If you look up on youtube how to deactivate rfid implants you will see a few videos of persons with some experience with this, and the magnets seem to be efficient.

Also, do a search for deactivating implants with neodymium, and there's a couple of TI's that seem to have removed the problem, and the rays with this magnet option. They are rare earth minerals, also happen to be found in computer laptops, and they have worked for other individuals.
edit on 10-8-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by Hefficide

So very telling to me. All I've done is table the idea that there are far more logical conclusions than being the victim of psychometric warfare. In response a series of escalations have occurred where civility is out of the window, an attempt to silence all opinions other than those who agree blindly with the OP was made, and now the insults and personal shots sink in.

All because I dared suggest that some grand hyper tech conspiracy was not the most likely explanation for hearing voices.

As for the personal statements? If you feel let down that I do not think selective psychotronic attack of random citizens is the most likely explanation for hearing voices - then you obviously had the wrong impression of me to begin with. I am not in the habit of enabling irrationality.

Hi Heff, once again, no one here on the thread has said anything about hearing voices. Why do you keep bringing up that symptom to refute the existence and use of mind control weapons? They exist and that is fact and we all agree with that.

Then what do we disagree with? You say people need to be examined, see doctors first, go get xrays and remove all medical problem possibilities first. I would normally agree with you, sure however, it just so happens that the agenda of these groups or governments is exactly that: they want you to go see a doctor, get some x-rays and tell them your story. Why would the medical establishment want that? Because naturally the establishment will immediately and systematically call a subject "psychotic" and suffering from "psychosi", period. Next stage: label it, and get it out of the office, prescribe the meds and now they have a medical record on said subject to which they can have recourse should anything occur in the future in relation to that subject. To label people is their objective. It's pointless then to obtain a professional medical opinion since it is complicit and collaborative with the powers that be. The medical establishment will never be open-minded enough to accept even the remote possibility of these mind control weapons. Theirs is ultimately a government agenda.

You will say, well psychiatry and the like work for some people. That might be true. However, if it doesn't work for everyone, is it fair to say then that the medical industry is perhaps faulty? I would say: absolutely. It only works for some individuals, is does not work for all individuals. In fact, it will destroy "certain" individuals.

They do not believe in mind control technologies even though we have proof that the technologies are real and exist.. The fact is, the psychiatric establishment has been totally in denial about all of the technological experiments they have historically conducted since the outset of all of this subject experimentation- since the 50's, post WWII.

I do not understand then, how someone as well versed as yourself is capable of unreasonablly placing such extensive blind faith in the MH industry--that is very dangerous. They are not who you think they are. I would suggest you be very cautious with the Mental Health industry, you hold them in extremely high regards which is not only unwise, it's unreseasonable given all of their obvious and documented complicity.. To be honest with you, that is the last entity and industry anyone would want to go see. They will twist all of your information, distort it, and make it seem as though you are absurd, and in need of dangerous medication that is not good for your psychical health.

Seeing a doctor is not an option to be discarded- it is the option that can destroy you. It gives the medical establishment the authority to demoralize you, control you, more importantly institutionalize you- thereby taking away your rights as a citizen. But isn't that the final objective nowadays after all in current united states of america? It certainly seems that way.

edit on 10-8-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by daskakik
reply to post by tetra50

I think you don't understand the question which is the reason that you don't see why your "answers" don't even come close to answering that particular question.

For starters, you can't answer that question for anyone else. The proof that these technologies exists does not substantiate any particular individuals claims. That is what I reapeated over and over and over again and you still never seemed to grasp that.

It seems as though you're asking tetra to divulge and state that they are a TI and to give us their story. I don't think that's necessary, and that's also a personal choice, one not to be forced into, merely to partially prove their logic and rationale about the knowledge they already abundantly possess regarding these mind control weapons.

If tetra is this informed on the subject, there must be a reason for that, so let's respect it. Tetra is substantiating the claims of the existence of the technology. Why? Because alot of individuals here wish to discredit and disrepute the existence of the technology. Why divulge one's personal story, if no one on the thread even believes that the technology exists. That would be counter-contrary. I'll talk about it on a thread where other members, likewise subjects, wish to share their stories. That was the original purpose of the thread, but the discussion has partially derailed into whether or not we wish to legitimize merely even the existence of the technology. How can members move forward into actual "testimonials" when so many people are saying "Nah, you're a bunch of bologna..". That attitude doesn't make it possible to enter the thread comfortably- as a result people keep having to defend and provide proof of the existence of said technology. Tetra understand the thread and question perfectly in my opinion;
edit on 10-8-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by tony9802

I apologize, a quick scan through this particular thread does show that the term "voices" has not been used by anyone claiming to be suffering from psychotronic weaponry. A better term then would be "implantation of thoughts and emotions"?

As for the rest, as has been mentioned in this thread ( and in my posting history ), I am a psychiatric patient - though there is a slight correction to be made. An earlier post cited my diagnosis as five items long. The quote used is out of context for the whole... my diagnosis is seven items long. The reference to five was comparative to a list of "major" problems - of which I share five from the list.

That fact colors what I am about to say.

Over the course of my life I have interacted with many, many people who were facing mental illnesses. I have seen many ( including myself ) cease medication for a myriad of reasons ( weight gain, side effects, sedation, fear of judgment, denial, delusions, loss of sex drive, insomnia, etc ) and the end result of these decisions is most often negative. This is doubly true in the case of those who have been prone to delusional or compulsive thinking. Sadly the decision not to engage with medical care is often simultaneously reinforced by, and feeding into the delusions or compulsions. Persecutory delusions are especially vulnerable in this regard. Even with treatment a belief that the treatment is part of a conspiracy can seep in causing the individual to discontinue treatment. The further from treatment, the stronger and more reinforced the delusive thinking.

The case that stands out most in my memory is of a friend I had about 28-29 years ago who began to complain that his custodial grandparents were forcing his medication onto him as a means of neutering his individuality and assertiveness. He secretly stopped taking his meds. A few weeks later he murdered both of his grandparents.

While that is the most extreme anecdotal experience I can cite - it is not nearly the only one. In my own life a decision to stop taking anxiety medication - a decision made out of pride, as I wanted to prove I was not a weak person - led to my entire life falling apart around me and an eventual nervous breakdown that cost me everything.

Thus, I do not agree that psychiatry nor modern medicine are inherently evil or malicious. Quite the contrary - I see these fields as beneficial to those who need them. I see it that way from the perspective of a person who has experienced the benefit first hand... as well as having paid the price for rejecting said benefits.

Having said all of that.

I am not at all seeking to dismiss the claims made by those participating in this thread. There may well be technology capable of doing such things and it is within the realm of possibility that such technology might be used against any of these people. However I stand by my assertion that, while possible, I find it highly improbable based upon basic deductive reasoning.

It also bears restating that my posts have not been especially mental health-centric and I have stated that there are many illnesses, including physical ailments, which could cause the symptoms being discussed. Brain injury, tumors, neurological disease, toxicity, etc.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Do you not see the entrenched thinking involved in simply dismissing anyone who disagrees with you as either woefully uninformed or deliberately obfuscating?

Again, flatly refusing to entertain any explanation other than the one you are emotionally led to believing is highly contrary to reason.

I will say it again, the thread was not intended to prove or disprove anything but to find answers a problem which is known to be real by the one who are experiencing it, period. I do not wish to be rude, but you truly are ruining the thread by the attitude you bring into it.


Thanks thruthseek3r, you keep making it clear that we do not want to have the thread derailed into questions about whether or not "mind control weapons and technologies" exist. Everyone already knows they absolutely do exist.

The thread seeks stories and perhaps testimonials, and the "solutions" discovered by those persons considering themselves to be targeted individuals, which for all obvious purposes, we will take for granted here.

Allow the thread to move forward comfortably, let's not question the legitimacy of those stories and testimonials, calling into question one's right to call oneself a targeted individual. We are taking that right for granted here on this thread, so that we can hear, and discuss solutions to the problems the targets have faced. It's that simple, so let's all move comfortably forward. Welcome to the thread and share the knowledge you have about how to work against these mind control weapons and technology.

edit on 10-8-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Point well taken, thank you. One thing I would like to add though, the drugs manufactured by the mental health industry can "cause" psychosis, and even "cause" people to react wrongly, even to the point of committing murder. Sometimes it's in the drugs that are administered by clinics and psychiatrists that are the danger, and not the individuals themselves. Some of these pharmaceuticals also even cause cancer; see Risperdal for example, where that drug in particular was taken to court, for causing terrible fatalities. The medical establishment can also be a catch 22, even though, in some instances their work can help to "stabilize" some people, who do not have sufficient physical self control.

edit on 10-8-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by tetra50

Hi tetra sad to see you go, and I'm sorry for all of the anxiety, in the meantime though, I think in this post, that NotAnAspie, was actually trying to defend you. He is stating that the other guy, will not accept answers. That's how I was reading the post, so aspie looks like a thumbs up to me..

EDIT- sorry about the error in the name writing, I just chose to abbreviate your name, no offense, just a little fatigue after sitting here writing so much.. take care,
edit on 10-8-2013 by tony9802 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Starwise

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by Hefficide
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Do you not see the entrenched thinking involved in simply dismissing anyone who disagrees with you as either woefully uninformed or deliberately obfuscating?

Again, flatly refusing to entertain any explanation other than the one you are emotionally led to believing is highly contrary to reason.

I will say it again, the thread was not intended to prove or disprove anything but to find answers a problem which is known to be real by the one who are experiencing it, period. I do not wish to be rude, but you truly are ruining the thread by the attitude you bring into it.


I am sorry you feel like the thread is being ruined. I don't think Heff is ruining it at all. What I see objectively are real questions that have validity. I am enjoying the thread. I was hoping for more proof in links though or I missed them somewhere.

Now hear me out on this because it is a little far fetched for me, but, I have always wondered too if these weapons were real, being used on unsuspecting targets.

Now I do get tinnitus all the time. But I have medical reasons for that, but sometimes I wonder because I will get a ringing then a certain song from like 20 years ago pops into my head. I am then sitting there stuck, like what the heck, where did THAT song come from....It usually happens when I am on the phone with a friend who has had the same type of things happen. Our conversation ALWAYS gets turned around back to our days (and there were many) of UFO and paranormal phenomena. Now is it just a coincidence? What is a coincidence is that WE BOTH have brain disorders. She has had multiple brain surgeries and I have a neuro I am a Army vet.

So is everything we have experienced just psych stuff or are we being targeted? I would like to think grandiose thoughts that I am special bla bla bla...BUT in reality I have to look at all possibilities....

It is not necessarily because you are special, although it could be, but I understood with time it is more related with what we know which could potentially break our handlers cover than what we really are as we are all humans right? I do feel for ya and I hope your Tinnitus will get better and please bear with me, in no way i am a doctor and can pretend everyone's sickness is related with electronic harassment, but the real issue is that some symptoms or psychotronic weapons are very similar to some of the well known disease.



posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by tetra50

Originally posted by Hefficide

Originally posted by tetra50

Because I want to set us all free from it....and this is my only play to do that....put yourself in my shoes for a moment, instead of constantly fighting my story and reality. And it happens that I truly care about those who suffer what I do.....

As do I. I care about everyone who suffers on any level. Something I think my posting history clearly demonstrates. Part of caring, however, sometimes involves being responsible and strong enough to ask tough or painful questions.

Ah, yes, I do agree. However, you do us all a disservice by assumptions that we are mentally illl and do not recognize it......quite an assumption. But you are clearly invested in a certain explanation for this phenomena, despite whatever sources, Department of Defense or otherwise, to deny, obfuscate and argue.....that we are all mentally ill and in denial.
Please Tetra50, Hefficide did try to focus on the purpose of the thread which was finding solutions, try not to confront him as it does no good, neither to you, nor him, nor me nor to the thread. The whole purpose was to find links on the topics, which many were given in the previous pages. Many solutions were presented and this is the way it should go.
I wish not to oppose, but I am sure you understand what I mean inside this post Tetra, this I am very sure.


All that needs to be done is for more people to post videos and examples of targeted individuals and their testimonies and their solutions. I'll try to find some videos to move the thread along.

posted on Aug, 10 2013 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by tony9802
reply to post by tetra50

Hi tetra sad to see you go, and I'm sorry for all of the anxiety, in the meantime though, I think in this post, that aspie was actually trying to defend you. He is stating that the other guy, will not accept answers. That's how I was reading the post, so aspie looks like a thumbs up to me..

I was not specifically defending Tetra. I was making my own point to that other poster. I am a she. There was a post I made to Heff giving my take on why no one should draw a quick conclusion on this subject and why hearing voices is not the only issue at hand. Tetra then sent me a message along the same lines you are suggesting but I didn't respond. I assume the switch is because this angered her that I would not openly defend her, which I would never do at this point.

This topic is not going to cause me to side with any one person over another because my opinions and my disagreements are mine and mine alone. If I appear to jump to anyone's side it is happenstance and a result of the issue at hand, nothing more.

Aspie is a disparaging name to call someone in my opinion and I'd appreciate if you would take notice that my name is NOT An Aspie. Quite a big difference but I'm sure you've noticed and this is why I'm politely asking you stop. It's rare I get called that but it has recently occurred twice in this thread. It doesn't hurt my feelings so much as I feel inclined to explore what will come of my simple request.

Concerning the OP topic, one thing you definitely want to do is not take comfort solely in the comradere of another person claiming to have experienced these things. You should tell your story. THEY should tell their story... simple as that. I have mentioned other suggestions as well, but I feel this one is particularly important. I could go into some detail concerning someone on another forum years ago who knew my name without me telling them, befriended me graciously in private conversations, brought me into arguments in public and was using my IP address somehow to make their posts. We both ended up getting banned as the administrator thought I was using an alt to have another person there to back me up and promote me to moderator, which was all her idea and I never wanted in the first place. Around that time a man across the street kept having to run cars off of the vacant lot next door to him that would sit there and park. As strange as this may sound, to have an entire forum insist you are crazy and are posing as another person flinging all kinds of insults at you all the while you have done no such thing but bear witness to this strange encounter is GREATLY upsetting. Probably much more so than it sounds, but take the time to imagine it. I left the forum for a while and returned only after having sorted some of it out enough to calmly and politely talk to the administrator about this, who again repeated that they did in fact pull a duplicate IP. The whole thing was rather strange but fortunately didn't send me over the edge despite having other recent "bad luck" to go along with it. You never know who is trying to bait you.

edit on 10-8-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

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