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Those AGAINST GMO - VS - Those For

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posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Superhans
Please, what is the name of this organic farm that does not use pesticides? Since you look into what ones don't use them you should know a few right?

See! Right ^^^ there^^^ you admit that you have no idea where I purchase my food yet claim you know its poisoned.

edit on 8-8-2013 by VoidHawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Superhans

I can believe that small scale organic farms can produce better yeilds I worked on one in Costa Rica for 3 months the problem is that it wasn’t scalable and required more labor to maintain.

The other thing was that that article was comparing monoculture to those who were doing crop rotations which will always be better for the land but many areas are not suited for crop rotation. I do not think it is a fair comparison.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

No botanical knowledge you say?

That is laughable.

Please. Point out where I'm wrong then.

Just saying so and calling me names doesn't make it so.

Be specific please.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:31 PM
GMO foods are probably no different to a non-GMO equivalent.


when your local food producer starts to manipulate government legislation by buying themselves "get out of jail free" cards by way of The Monsanto Act, then it arouses consumer suspicions as to why they need to purchase Zero-liability and therefore Zero-accountability laws tailor made specifically for themselves.

The second part to arouse consumer suspicion is the fact that they now manipulatie many global governments in order to push their products onto every dinner plate in the world by means of more legislative manipulation and non-disclosure on labels of GMO products.

I like Nike shoes, but if Nike was to one day corner the global market on shoes and force every citizen to purchase their shoes and deliberately destroyed the free market as part of its MO, then I would go out bush, skin a kangaroo and make my own shoes.

People don't like food rammed down their throat, this also applies to Religion and Politics.

My vote is AGAINST.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by covertpanther

100% Against
2nd line
edit on 8-8-2013 by Bassago because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:46 PM
100% Against GMO and Evil Monsanto

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by VoidHawk

Originally posted by Superhans
Please, what is the name of this organic farm that does not use pesticides? Since you look into what ones don't use them you should know a few right?

See! Right ^^^ there^^^ you admit that you have no idea where I purchase my food yet claim you know its poisoned.

edit on 8-8-2013 by VoidHawk because: (no reason given)

I didn't claim i know its poisoned, organic farms used pesticides-that is a fact. YOU were the one saying that you get your food only from farms that don't use chemicals or pesticides. If you read what i wrote i was clearly just asking you what farms you got your food from, since you look into what they are using on their crops i assumed you would know what farms they are. So again...
What farms do you get your food from?

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I'm against religious interference in public life and I'm an atheist and pro science guy so I'm sure you all know my answer.
I'm 100% against GMO's altogether.
Wait, what did you say!?
I'm against GMO's.We can grow good healthy food and enough if we use our planet for the good of man and animal instead of profit.Look at Aquaponics and Permaculture for high yield crops.Just look at our cities lawns and non food producing trees everywhere.Golf courses, public parks and "Nature strips" haha nature strips what a joke .We waste so much energy producing weapons and junk consumer items.To paraphrase Bill Hicks "It's a choice between fear and love".
So why do we even have GMO's if we don't need them?Because my friends it's called Intellectual property.What is that you ask,well it's the privatisation of knowledge.Patentable junk!!Nothing more just more junk and I'm not buying.If Intellectual property was around 200000 years ago we would all be paying royalties on fire making.It's one of if not the most insidious type of ownership ever devised.With Intellectual property we don't even own whats in our own minds anymore.Learn a new trick pay the owner if you use it.Knowledge becomes privileged.If corporations are now people which the U.S Supreme court says they are,well if I ever meet Mr Monsanto in the street or at the bar I'm going down for an 8-10 year stretch.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by ARandomAfflictionOfSense

I'm against GMO's.We can grow good healthy food and enough if we use our planet for the good of man and animal instead of profit.Look at Aquaponics and Permaculture for high yield crops.

A man of science eh? Not sure if i understand or even if you understand what you are saying. For example, aquaponics is a method of growing plants and has nothing to do with GMO foods. You can grow GMOs in an aquaponic system.
The rest of your post is kind of all over the place and has little to do with the subject of GMOs. The whole intellectual property on crops came along long before GMOs ever exsisted, so again does not really have much to do with GMOs

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 11:01 PM
Im for anything that we can grow and eat after the SHTF.
For, dumb a$$ sheepel mad becouse there is GMO corn surup in there ice cream & soda.
edit on 7/4/13 by lifeisgreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 11:01 PM
This is my second vote,


m o N S A n t o

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 11:10 PM
I'm aware aquaponics can grow GMO crops.GMO proponents claim we need them to feed the world I argued we don't. I'm sorry that wasn't clear.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 06:06 AM

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by groingrinder
reply to post by Blaine91555

I haven't seen the studies that compare gmo and non gmo crop yields. I anyone has the links, please post them up and I will do the same.

At the bottom of this page you can see comparisons in yield of gmo and non gmo soybeans and corn. I am still looking for more info in this.
edit on 8-8-2013 by groingrinder because: Edited for more.

that makes two of us brotha.

gmo's support the raping of the land through soil degradation, soil pollution and mismanagement.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 07:11 AM
Edited: Previous reply moved here so as to facilitate the poll, as per OP request.

I am 100% opposed to GMO.
100% for mandatory labels.

Food Freedom for all!
edit on 9-8-2013 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Wait... are you seriously telling people to ignore posts because they don't adhere to your views?

Those two been in the site for a while, longer than you, and i seen them in other discussion. You have no right to point them out as shills and stop them from responding. Go after the ball not the player.

This is a conspiracy website, without the opposition, you would have bunch of fruits claiming everything is a conspiracy.

I am for GMO, not for big companies, that goes for thieving "organic farmers" as well.(triple the price and claim "100% safe, while it is not much difference from traditional farming)

People in this age are easily manipulated, and here i thought that ended with cold war, seem like the effect is longer than i thought.

Microbiology/Biotech BSc -.

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by AlphaHawk
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

No botanical knowledge you say?

That is laughable.

Please. Point out where I'm wrong then.

Just saying so and calling me names doesn't make it so.

Be specific please.

you compared hybrid breeding with genetic modification in this post and the two couldn't be farther apart.

"You'll be hard pressed to find any food that man hasn't had a hand in changing in some way.

Wheat, corn, rice and the like all have been altered by us to grow the way we went it to.

Some thousands of years ago."

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Echo3Foxtrot
reply to post by AlphaHawk

Right. But the OP (and possibly some cronies) has an agenda. GMO bad, all who oppose say aye. All who say nay are to be bound, dragged, the later shot dead by blow darts.

untrue, you will only be forced to eat your own poison

100% against

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by luciddream

Im telling people to grow up and behave like mature ADULTS on a forum website. Stop bickering and runing in circles with the same arguments.

There are un-countable threads on GMO, with the exact same circle of arguments in every single one - I wanted to avoid that here. Is that to much for you to accept or abide by? Stop playing the 'telling people what to do BOSS' card, and grow up son.

Btw, I have been on this site since 2005. Dont judge a book by its cover buddy

If you want to run around and bicker like children, be my guest here guys. But the intention of the OP was that of a POLL like thread, where all the posters needed to do was give a simple 'FOR' or 'AGAINST'.

The only sour-pusses here are those FOR GMO, making a big deal and arguing. Some people dont grow up I suppose.. But as I said, behave how you feel you need to. Or, leave the thread and go argue in another GMO thread

Yea, you have freedom

edit on 9-8-2013 by covertpanther because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2013 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by covertpanther

don't worry about obvious greedheads,

that's why when examined in the harsh light of reality
all claimed "benefits" and "advantages" of gmo's are false
and it's all about the money and weaponizing food for control with them
their obvious contempt of those who oppose or even question
shows them for the crypto-nazis they are, the irony is that their put downs
reveal their own weakness, stupidity, greed, and deathworship
it's always that way with projectionists
especially the extreme kind
[the word is related to Wendigo]

Forbes writes, "For several thousands of years human beings have suffered from a plague, a disease worse than leprosy, a sickness worse than malaria, a malady much more terrible than smallpox." Indigenous people have been tracking the same "psychic"[ii] virus that I call malignant egophrenia for many centuries and calling it "wetiko," a Cree term which refers to a diabolically wicked person or spirit who terrorizes others. Professor Forbes, who was one of the founders of the Native American movement during the early sixties, says, "Tragically, the history of the world for the past 2,000 years is, in great part, the story of the epidemiology of the wetiko disease."[iii] Wetiko/malignant egophrenia is a "psychosis" in the true sense of the word as being a "sickness of the soul or spirit." Though calling it by different names, Forbes and I are both pointing at the same illness of the psyche, soul and spirit that has been at the root of humanity's inhumanity to itself.

pt II

The origin of wetiko is the human psyche. Psychologically speaking, shadow projection is at the very root of wetiko disease. Shadow projection is a process in which we split-off from and project out our own darkness onto others. It is our misguided attempt at a ‘final solution' to the problem of the evil within ourselves which actually deprives us of the capacity to deal with evil. Projecting the shadow opens up the door and invites in the vampiric entity of wetiko to make itself at home in the most intimate spaces of our own psyche. It is through the dynamic of shadow projection that the wetiko bug digs in and entrenches itself within our psyches, where it is then able to commandeer the executive function of the psyche to its own ends. When we project the shadow, we unwittingly become a conduit for evil to possess us from behind, beneath our conscious awareness, and to act itself out through us. When there is mutual shadow projection between individuals, groups or nations, each side has an unconscious investment in the other playing out the projected evil so as to prove their own self-righteous innocence, a dynamic which becomes self-reinforcing and continually feeds the polarization in the field. Shadow projection, as it collectively plays out en masse on the world stage is an outer reflection of the initial process within ourselves of our be-night-ed effort to exterminate our own darkness (please see my article Shadow Projection: The Fuel of War). When shadow projection happens en masse, it is as if the archetype of evil emits its toxic radio-activity underground, through the shared unconscious of the collective, and manifests collectively as destructive psychic epidemics.

they will discover soon enough that they cannot eat money

edit on Fri Aug 9 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

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