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Former NSA Boss Calls Snowden's Supporters Internet Shut-ins; Equates Transparency Activists With A

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posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:49 AM
link sts-with-al-qaida-terrorists.shtml

"If and when our government grabs Edward Snowden, and brings him back here to the United States for trial, what does this group do?" said retired air force general Michael Hayden, who from 1999 to 2009 ran the NSA and then the CIA, referring to "nihilists, anarchists, activists, Lulzsec, Anonymous, twentysomethings who haven't talked to the opposite sex in five or six years".

The War on Terror is ridiculous enough without the specious addition of opponents of domestic surveillance and supporters of Snowden's whistleblowing to the "enemies" list. Hayden's mindset indicates there's an underlying tension that encourages intelligence agencies to view millions of Americans as latent threats simply waiting for something to trigger their "terrorist" actions.

Not a lot to say as the article is pretty simple. They really, really don't like us at all and think we are all terrorists. Not anything new, but Hayden stoops to new lows in the name calling department which shows how desperate they are to demonize everyone.

Just remember there is a boogeyman everywhere you look, and don't forget to participate loudly in the five minute hate sessions. The rhetoric is almost comical at this point. Almost.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by TheSpanishArcher

"nihilists, anarchists, activists, Lulzsec, Anonymous, twentysomethings who haven't talked to the opposite sex in five or six years".

Wow, me thinks thou dost project to much Hayden.
Ridicule, discredit, minimize, SOP. I love that the spooks are spooked and jumping at shadows. Americans the 'new terrorists', paranoid much NSA?
edit on 8-8-2013 by Iamschist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by TheSpanishArcher

Lol, I think he's underestimating how many people are upset about this. Also, did you see Obama on Leno? Had ro get out and try to convince the older crowd that snowden is a criminal and whistleblowers have options. I am personally still a bit skeptical about Snowden, but if it wakes people up it helps.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:31 AM
it'd be funny if it wasn't so tragic,

they are demonizing people, because those people are claiming they are being demonized............

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by pryingopen3rdeye

My memory recalls palin doing the exact same thing when referring to her detractors. To wit, she called them 'blawgers in mom's basement'. She said that these 'blawgers' aren't real amerikans.

Wanna bet?

# 31

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by TheWhiteKnight


Ats has many Securitrons

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 05:24 AM
Well, gee!!! Maybe if they hadn't done such a grand job in blowing our economy to hades, more people would have jobs and less time to spend on the internet!!
The USA is the people who are living in the USA!! It is not the government, it's agencies, elected officials, and czars!! If they are feeling that the american people are a threat to them, maybe it is them who are the enemies to the US? Maybe they should at least think of it as a wakeup call and reconsider the policies that they have been following of late! But, there's just too many people who are at the moment unhappy with the way they've been acting to consider them all the enemies of the country!! They are the country!! The Gov't is just the tool that we use to maintain order. And the people that are within it are our employees, public servants.. If they feel that we are the enemy maybe it is a cue for them to step down, since they obviously aren't interested in serving the general public's needs anymore!

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

I am personally still a bit skeptical about Snowden, but if it wakes people up it helps.

Say what you will about Snowden, he's certainly created a buzz.

Brazilian Senators Don 'Snowden' Masks To Protest NSA Surveillance

During the fight over ACTA in Europe, you may remember that a key turning point was when Polish politicians donned Guy Fawkes "Anonymous" masks to show their disapproval of ACTA and its non-transparent process. We may have just had a similar moment down in Brazil. Glenn Greenwald, who testified before the Brazilian Senate concerning NSA surveillance, noted that a bunch of activists showed up at the Senate with Ed Snowden masks and some Senators borrowed the masks and wore them during the hearings.

Maybe they listen to their people there in Brazil as they will actually get out in massive numbers and protest, whereas here in the U.S., not so much. I don't see anyone on the Hill donning Snowden masks, they would rather burn them up there.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by TheSpanishArcher sts-with-al-qaida-terrorists.shtml

"If and when our government grabs Edward Snowden, and brings him back here to the United States for trial, what does this group do?" said retired air force general Michael Hayden, who from 1999 to 2009 ran the NSA and then the CIA, referring to "nihilists, anarchists, activists, Lulzsec, Anonymous, twentysomethings who haven't talked to the opposite sex in five or six years".

The War on Terror is ridiculous enough without the specious addition of opponents of domestic surveillance and supporters of Snowden's whistleblowing to the "enemies" list. Hayden's mindset indicates there's an underlying tension that encourages intelligence agencies to view millions of Americans as latent threats simply waiting for something to trigger their "terrorist" actions.

Not a lot to say as the article is pretty simple. They really, really don't like us at all and think we are all terrorists. Not anything new, but Hayden stoops to new lows in the name calling department which shows how desperate they are to demonize everyone.

Just remember there is a boogeyman everywhere you look, and don't forget to participate loudly in the five minute hate sessions. The rhetoric is almost comical at this point. Almost.

Snowden just validated what we already know.
edit on 8-8-2013 by HUMBLEONE because: NSA have a great day!

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 03:52 PM
I don't know what to think about Snowden. He brought us no real anything, just like Assange, who I do distrust.

It's all coming true for anyone who saw the bastards over the rise in the horizon, decades ago. Snowden allowed us to assimilate this into our thinking. The water in the pot just got a little hotter. They who are 'smartest', most fit to 'run things' watched with little surprise at the picture as it developed, in the bowels of their snazzy AI machines.

The machines that instructed them to create bots, using old established accounts, raise the dead, if necessary, and to do it yesterday, and as fast as they can do it. None of this is a surprise. If they do not win, then they are essentially as good as dead.

What is embarrassingly evident is the shameless demonization of free thinkers, and those in hermitage, in internet land.

anderson cooper did some magnificent work during sandy hook. In one presentation he referred to them as shut in kooks who, using the internet, are now able to reach out and contact other kooks just like them. He went further:

'Should these nut cases even be allowed to be heard?'

To discern what is inside such a creation can be soul crushing to behold. I won't go into the benefits of seclusion and solitude. To find waters there is to have your social life forever altered. Time is time. There is no way we could stand next to one another; one of us would die from the exposure. In one of us, something would die.

To stand his ground, anderson receives money, and knows what will happen if he breaks the deal.

To the integrated soul, nothing is more laughable than falling to such a corrupted one.

It costs him everything, and nothing at all, to remain there. There simply is nothing else.

They don't fool me. They know this is the only way they'll ride this one out. As a bonus...they get to finish on top, that is, if they win. The hand they now reveal appears to be a strong one. It is a pity that they brought their cards to the wrong table.

They do fear certain things, such as inspired truths, and force. Is it any wonder 1 and 2 are in their sights?

"should they even be allowed to be heard?" said the man.

I expected him to burst into flame as I watched this.

That is why the Fathers were hesitant to include what are 'inalienable' rights, in their paperwork.

Though these rights are 'self-evident', they rightly anticipated that it was just a matter of time, until the smartest, most fit to run things, emerged to incise these rights like scissors beats paper.

They knew. They didn't even want to give them the inch that was given, once put on paper.


To the smartest, and most fit to run things, these 2 words are like hearing their own doom.
Like a vibration they can neither conceive* of, control, nor corrupt.

* They get credit for trying at least to conceive of it, but then two super boogie steps backward for how they tried to form it.

# 32

edit on 8-8-2013 by TheWhiteKnight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 04:02 PM

edit on 8-8-2013 by Rikku because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by TheSpanishArcher

they are just scrambling to cover their crimes..

every time i hear them speak its double talk..

they know the truth... you can hear it in the Freudian slips..

standing up for truth & the law is, no matter, what is justified..

Snowden rejected the order, the policies and exposed them for what they are to the people..

edit on 8-8-2013 by reeferman because: (no reason given)


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