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Connection between RH negative blood and extraterrestrials: The connection may not be what we think

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posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by rainprincess64

I have been encountered and am type O -

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 02:41 PM

I have been encountered and am type O -
reply to post by mattsawaufo

Do you have a thread about your experience I would like to read about it if you do...

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
Interesting topic. I have read a little on this, but honestly, not sure I believe all the alien stuff. I am AB Negative. I have ALWAYS been obsessed with space, the possibility of life out there, and science in general. Yes, I have had many strange things happen to me (I guess you would say paranormal), and from what I have read, I can relate to much of it. Physically, I am Fair skinned but tans easily, med golden brown hair, slender build, golden brown eye color.So...what does it all mean LOL.....I do know that I have very few people I connect with, but when I's awesome!

You sound like my twin Stealthykat!
Im A neg, obsessed with space and the paranormal, light brown eyes, fair skin tans easy, and (once upon a time) brown hair, now more salt and pepper. Why is our blood different? I wish I knew.

posted on Sep, 5 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Well...hi there twin!
Let me ask you you shock easily? By that I mean when you touch appliances, car doors you get shocked? That is one strange thing I have had all my life....sometimes I "hear" the humming...and I have had times where my hair will stand up on my arms and the hair on my head will lift up haha!!! Everyone is going to think I'm a nut case now
It's true though. Another fascination I have is with ancient Eygypt and Africa....why I don't know, but it's been since I was a small child. I'm also very sensitive to other people's feelings and emotions....even animals. OK now that I have made myself sound crazy....can you relate to any of this? Like I said, not sure if I believe all this but, who knows?

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Well...hi there twin!
Let me ask you you shock easily? By that I mean when you touch appliances, car doors you get shocked? That is one strange thing I have had all my life....sometimes I "hear" the humming...and I have had times where my hair will stand up on my arms and the hair on my head will lift up haha!!! Everyone is going to think I'm a nut case now
It's true though. Another fascination I have is with ancient Eygypt and Africa....why I don't know, but it's been since I was a small child. I'm also very sensitive to other people's feelings and emotions....even animals. OK now that I have made myself sound crazy....can you relate to any of this? Like I said, not sure if I believe all this but, who knows?

Sorry for the delay in responding, firstly, I have been obsessed by ancient Egypt since I was a little girl, I don't understand why though, other cultures are equally as fascinating, but Egypts just got it for me somehow. Do we have a memory of something Stealthykat? what do you think.?
As for the "shocking" question, yes I do shock easily, heres a thread I made a while back about that very same thing and how it relates to my daughter, who's also a rhesus neg.

posted on Sep, 6 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

Ummmm it's getting creepy!
Well I always in the back of my mind, always felt maybe I had been there a past life or something. The "shocking" things seems to be confirmed LOL. Let me ask you this...another obsession ...and I DO mean obsession of mine (also since childhood) is science ...most of all astronomy and study of the universe. I can't get enough....looking at all the photos from Hubble and Chandra and all that to me is almost a religious experience.It's more than an interest....I FEEL something when I start watching video or photos of the sun or holes and other mysteries of the universe...see how I'm rambling already?
Another thing is that I "sense" things. Like I sometimes feel "tapped into" something beyond our reality...I don't really want to say spirits....but things in another realm...don't know how else to put it. that I officially sound crazy....I'll stop here hehe

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 12:57 PM
Something of further interest is how many human blood group types exist (or rather, are known to exist). There are actually over 30 currently known blood type groups (over 600 blood antigens). The ABO and Rhesus factor are simply the main 2 blood groups of interest, as these 2 groups are involved in the most violent blood type incompatibilities. As a lot of people who are interested in the RH negative blood type may know, the RH factor incompatibility regarding blood type mixing is of course the most violent reaction.

Just last year in the beginning of 2012, 2 new blood group types have been discovered (making the count of blood group types now at 32). Although the molecular basis of these 2 new blood types (Junior and Langereis) aren't well understood, having or not having these blood proteins could make a difference in blood compatibility (and in that life or death). Apparently both of these proteins are associated with drug resistance for cancer treatment, and may even affect mother-fetus blood compatibility. Generally lacking these blood proteins are not as big of an issue in the United States, although there are some Japanese and European Gypsy groups who lack one or both of these blood proteins (thus affecting their ability to get blood should they need it). There seems to be more blood type systems (said to be 10-15 more) that have yet to be discovered. The discovery of these blood group types could account for why blood incompatibilities still take place, despite having the same ABO and RH factor blood types.
edit on 9/29/13 by rainprincess64 because: adding

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by rainprincess64

I must say, I'd have to agree. No matter how much I'd like to believe it were that simple, you're correct. We have many variations of the Rh complex; there are even more variables than just the Rhesus factors too. They're just not quite as 'popular.' lol

posted on Oct, 7 2013 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by bojimbo

Not to mention how many blood proteins, genes, etc. we have in our DNA. Why would extraterrestrials go for one specific protein (or lack thereof) when there are so many blood proteins to choose from, especially ones that are more "important" to the overall function than the presence or lack of the Rhesus Factor?

posted on Oct, 8 2013 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by rainprincess64

Amen to that rainprincess!
I like the way you think.

The Rhesus factor is just one of the many.
I can understand the alleged extraterrestrial interest in the human biochemistry, and I really do want to believe in some sort of physical tangible connection.

I think this needs to be more 'fleshed out' to be considered significant. *wink wink *nudge nudge
Oh, the pun was so intended. lol

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 03:46 PM
I am on day 2 of my RH Negative fascination. Yesterday I felt "compelled" to Google RH Negative. Why, I have NO idea. I have not thought of this issue since my last pregnancy 11 years ago. I had no idea before yesterday that there are whole forums on this subject. I have MANY of the characteristics associated with Negs. Redish/brown hair, hazel eyes, a high forehead, extra sensory perception ( i cant control it at will though). I have a pointed ear, I can see and "smell" darkness in people. I avoid eye contact because I always felt like I was seeing something in their eyes. Like secrets I should not be seeing. Nothing like actually "seeing" their experiences but, I can feel myself tumbling into them. If that makes sense? I had a rough childhood (foster child) and attributed alot of my ani social, loner, the feeling of people not liking me or not belonging to my up bringing. I am now starting to believe there is something more. I feel like I have a purpose but, I cant articulate or latch onto it. It is like it's just out of my grasp? On a lighter note, I watched the Gravity movie last weekend. First you must know that I HATE going to the is very draining and overwhelming to me. Back to the movie.....I did not care about the plot line or actors, all I could do was look at the "space" that they where in. I immediately went home after the movie and started looking at pictures and video from the shuttle and Hubbell excursions......Either I am 50 shades of crazy or there IS something more.......

posted on Oct, 17 2013 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by shells4u

I think I was encountered. I initially associated the "encounter" with maybe a pharanormal experience. Here goes.....about 10 years ago I was in the kitchen with my now ex husband, our 8 year old son and my oldest son 13. We where just finishing up food prep for ceviche(not important) and we where going to retire to our living room to watch a show that was coming on. A bright light appeared in the corner of the room, it snapped, crackled and made my hair stand up. It was there for maybe 10 seconds but, it felt like it was longer for some funny reason. It illuminated the whole room. I was frozen just SHOCKED as hell that it was there. When it snapped shut??? (hard to explain) I looked over at my son older son and he exclaimed "did you SEE THAT!" My ex and younger son never saw it. When we went into the living room our show had ended and almost 2 hours had gone by. My ex attributed the time lapse to the guide on the TV being wrong. To this day I KNOW my son and I saw SOMETHING. He is RH negative too.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 12:30 PM

reply to post by wevebeenassimilated

Very interesting story you posted on MUFON. I am curious to know what kind of feelings you experienced while seeing this UFO (fear, curiosity, joy, etc.). After I read your post, for some reason the movie Phenomenon popped into mind. I know George doesn't end up getting leukemia specifically but he did at the very least start showing signs of his brain cancer after seeing "a light", which a lot of people would believe is a UFO. It's very interesting how those 5 individuals ended up getting cancer after they were possibly abducted. I will admit that this is the first I have heard about some abductees getting cancer and whatnot afterwards, although it is not entirely surprising. I've actually heard of stories where leukemia was supposedly cured as a result of alien contact, such as this one.

I do not pretend to be an expert by any means (alien research, biology, medicine, etc.), so take what I have to say with a grain of salt. I will however do my best to be as medically accurate and such as possible. From what I have read on CLL leukemia, it seems that a lot of the DNA changes that relate to the development of CLL occur throughout a person's lifetime rather than it being inherited. DNA mutations can be passed on from a parent, although any inherited genes that makes one prone to CLL rarely actually lead to CLL according to some sources anyways. It seems that certain deletions in chromosome 13 [specifically genes DLEU1 and/or DLEU2] are the most common DNA abnormalities involved, although others are sometimes involved (or a combination). Not much is known about what exactly causes CLL at this point unfortunately, although radiation exposure is a suggested cause. I'm curious as to whether or not you have a history of having problems with sinusitis or not since that night (said to be a risk factor for developing CLL and is also thought to be related to being an abductee/contactee).

I've been hearing of stories where supposed contact with aliens has resulted in people getting cancer afterwards and also people of being "miraculously healed" from serious illnesses. I'm not sure about what is up with that, although my guess is that some people are more sensitive to the radiation that could emanate due to the alien technology (ships, medical tools, etc.) or even the cosmic rays the ships were exposed to than others. Now with that being said, I think it could be possible that after you were exposed to this UFO, some DNA changes occurred from possible electromagnetic radiation exposure coming off of the ship. I'm curious as to whether your wife has experienced any changes in her medical status and what her blood type happens to be. As for whether or not there's a connection between developing cancer (in your case CLL), seeing this UFO, and RH negative blood types, I am not sure. I tend to think that when it comes to extraterrestrials and their interest in certain individuals, it has to do with something that is in the overall immune system of those individuals and not necessarily whether or not they're RH negative. I think there may be a connection between auto immune diseases and extraterrestrials (have heard that supposed starseeds are prone to certain autoimmune diseases as well), although I am not sure what that connection really is. I'd have to do more reading on this (would have to get back to you on that one). I suppose that's partially what this thread is about, figuring out what it is in people's blood that makes them more or less interesting to extraterrestrials.

I hope this helps answer your question at least a little. I do have to do a little more thinking and will probably come back with more thoughts on this in the future

Firstly, I must apologize for my tardy answer to you. I thought this thread had been closed as many of these types of threads have been.

As far as my emotions and those of my wife, we were first in disbelief, then a huge deal of curiosity and a little fear. I strongly felt that I should not stop the car and get out. If that were possible I may have done so but the construction barriers prevented me from doing that because the lane was so narrow. One thing I thought of but did not mention in the story was that when I could not see the craft I was wondering if the light from it was shining on us and indeed it was shining on the hood of the car! It was late at night and had been raining so I could not see any light reflecting from the road.

The weird thing about my CLL is that I have had many tests done and the F.I.S.H. test did not show any chromosome deletions at all. My last cbc showed my wbc at 275.5k which is extremely high. Since then I have gone back on my Mediterranean diet but with very few carbs and sugars.
They have convinced me to join their study and I have signed up for it. They said they want to "play" (analyze) my blood samples!

I have another visit to my oncologist/hematologist at the cancer center coming up in a week so we should hopefully see some improvement.

My wife's blood type is A+ and her health has apparently not changed since the sighting.

As far as sinusitis, yes I have had terrible problems with stopped up ears and yellow waxy stuff always stopping them up. One of my ear canals is so small my otolaryngologist cannot even see inside. I have tinnitus as well and an almost continuously stopped up nose. (I am always buying ear candles!)

Thank you for your kind and informative respond to my post! Sorry again for my delayed reply.

posted on Oct, 19 2013 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by rainprincess64

Okay guys the website for the original article has been changed, due to changes made on that specific network. This is the new link here. You can also click on the original link and change the .us to .net in the web address.

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 02:56 AM
there is 3 blood types and there is 3 originally types of feet

the types of our feet are (Egyptian, Roman and Greek)

the other 2 are a mixture of DNA.

the 0 type of blood is Greek but there is also A and B types that belong to the other races... 3 types of blood and 3 types of feet... interesting.

I personally have greek feet (am greek also) and 0 blood type. Thats why they tell you, to never make babies with someone from the same blood type. Its a myth, just because they want to mix the poppulations. All my family is 0, we are all healthy, lol... Celtic race created after they mixed with greeks in the ancient years, thats why most of Irish people have the greek feet. All ancient statues, have the greek feet.

I dont know about the alien theme, but they try to connect the 0 type of blood with bad things... Just because they hate the 0 type of blood.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:04 AM
interesting post i am o rhesus - don't see anything diff or alien about me . i am very individual that's about it . S&F for it relates to me some what . i have never been encountered or abducted to my knowledge.
edit on 05/09/2013 by leopardpimps because: missed a bit

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:09 AM

there is 3 blood types and there is 3 originally types of feet

the types of our feet are (Egyptian, Roman and Greek)

the other 2 are a mixture of DNA.

the 0 type of blood is Greek but there is also A and B types that belong to the other races... 3 types of blood and 3 types of feet... interesting.

I personally have greek feet (am greek also) and 0 blood type. Thats why they tell you, to never make babies with someone from the same blood type. Its a myth, just because they want to mix the poppulations. All my family is 0, we are all healthy, lol... Celtic race created after they mixed with greeks in the ancient years, thats why most of Irish people have the greek feet. All ancient statues, have the greek feet.

I dont know about the alien theme, but they try to connect the 0 type of blood with bad things... Just because they hate the 0 type of blood.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

i am o - and have Egyptian feet , what does that mean?

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by leopardpimps

It means, in the past was a kind of merge in your family... But the blood type matters most... After all these thousands of years, what you expect, everybody to be original greek or original roman and egyptian?
As I said, there is a myth in progress, that if you and your partner have same blood type, to avoid making babies.. Thats a myth... What you expect, most of people believed and believing that, so they merge.

Only few families keep the bloodline pure.

Those who have 0 type of blood, normally they also (must) have extra dna code from the other humans. All greeks in the race, have extra dna code from the other races. They say its the dna from the gods, that one day, will be activated again... there is a whole story about it with Promytheus, it was under the command of Zeus... u should know that! You are o!!!
edit on 7-11-2013 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:29 AM


Originally posted by StealthyKat
Interesting topic. I have read a little on this, but honestly, not sure I believe all the alien stuff. I am AB Negative. I have ALWAYS been obsessed with space, the possibility of life out there, and science in general. Yes, I have had many strange things happen to me (I guess you would say paranormal), and from what I have read, I can relate to much of it. Physically, I am Fair skinned but tans easily, med golden brown hair, slender build, golden brown eye color.So...what does it all mean LOL.....I do know that I have very few people I connect with, but when I's awesome!

You sound like my twin Stealthykat!
Im A neg, obsessed with space and the paranormal, light brown eyes, fair skin tans easy, and (once upon a time) brown hair, now more salt and pepper. Why is our blood different? I wish I knew.

i am neg have light brown eyes browish hair and tan easy not sure about space obsession

posted on Nov, 7 2013 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by leopardpimps

we 0's love the stars, because they didnt "created us" here, we moved here from elsewhere, to reside on this planet... So its inside us, to love the stars and feel it as home.
edit on 7-11-2013 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)

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