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The arrival of "Concentration Camps" in Russia

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posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by ERagerz
reply to post by kaylaluv

I could have sworn that I said "and the distinctly freer more open society" by way of a comparison between the two forms of government.

By your response it would seems that you are intentionally distorting what I said.

If not - then please tell us what you meant. Thank you.

edit on 7-8-2013 by ERagerz because: (no reason given)

Russia is NOT a distinctly freer more open society. Period.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by ERagerz
reply to post by kaylaluv

I could have sworn that I said "and the distinctly freer more open society" by way of a comparison between the two forms of government.

By your response it would seems that you are intentionally distorting what I said.

If not - then please tell us what you meant. Thank you.

Russia is NOT a distinctly freer more open society. Period.

That's not enough.......if you cannot debate or argue the point then its best that you say nothing.

Full context of my remarks-

Seems to me that what Obamanation is doing to post Constitutional America is looking very much like a direct copy of what Hitler accomplished from 1932 - 1945 under Nazi rule.

As for what sometimes appears to be pro- Soviet support lately - what you are seeing is a comparison of two evils; of two evil heads of state, and Putin comes out on top every time when put against Obamanation's dictatorial police state agenda. Obama also turns out to be a rabid Marxist whereas Putin has pretty much abandoned Marxist/Leninist strategies of domination and subjugation of the people and has taken up a much more conciliatory political posture.

In other words, we 'true patriotic Americans' are astounded at the reversal of fortune that we are now witnessing wherein Russia has become more free than that's what you are seeing happening. Not necessarily praise of Putin so much as a total condemnation of the Obamanation -- and rightfully so.

Originally posted by ERagerz
reply to post by ERagerz
Continuing an earlier post...........wherein I was characterizing some significant cultural and social distinctions/differences between the Obamanation, and the distinctly freer more open society promoted by President Vladimir Putin - one actively promotes and encourages bizarre sexual behavior amongst the citizenry, and the other condemns it. One endorses - from a position of authority - the barbaric practices of abortion, (partial birth and otherwise), and infanticide while the other condemns it as uncivilized.

edit on 7-8-2013 by ERagerz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by ObservingYou
I'm concerned about threads like this, which are equally uninformed.

Russia, like America, is divided into two factions.

Those being 'Bolshevik/Zionist' and those of the Orthodox Christians.

I think you'll find the 'internment' camps popping up in the US and Russia are created by the Zionist parties, whilst the 'Anti-Gay' laws are being proposed by the Christians.

I'm generaly Pro-Gay rights...However, having said that, if we keep pushing the Gay 'agenda' (which has been in play for the last 20 years)... The generations that follow will believe that 'Gay' is the new 'straight'.

Are none of you concerned about the natural laws of nature and procreation? I am.


That line of thinking only works if being Gay is a choice. But since it isn't, you should have nothing to worry about.

Homosexuality isn't some new fad. It isn't even a "human thing." It's been documented in several lifeforms. It's been around since the dawn life on this planet, and it will be here long after mankind is gone. Followers of Abrahamism made it a big deal, but truthfully, it wasn't even that big of a deal for Christians a thousand years ago.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by ERagerz

I did. I provided a link showing how Russia is not free. You chose to ignore it. Care to debate all the points in that link?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:10 PM
Im still liking this idea of a place where homosexuals are not allowed to spread propaganda. Im really looking forward to visiting.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Superhans
Im still liking this idea of a place where homosexuals are not allowed to spread propaganda. Im really looking forward to visiting.

Looking forward to you leaving. Buh-bye.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by Superhans
Im still liking this idea of a place where homosexuals are not allowed to spread propaganda. Im really looking forward to visiting.

Looking forward to you leaving. Buh-bye.

Why? You don't even know where i am?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by superman2012

Maybe the Principality of Sealand?

You are right though, every country has done something they aren't proud of.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by Superhans
Im still liking this idea of a place where homosexuals are not allowed to spread propaganda. Im really looking forward to visiting.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by Rocker2013
I am neither pro nor con for Russia, but we pulled the same stunt in the USA during WW 2...We had Japanese-internment camps...Whats that old saying...When you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones...

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by shells4u

The difference being, we were at war with the Japanese at the time.
As far as I know, there is no gay nation, no gay military, no gay spies spying
to feed a gay agenda, no gay threat to any nation's security.

True, the Japanese camps were wrong, but to compare that to this is
a bit "apple & oranges", wouldn't you agree?

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:55 AM
First of all, the OP is crying wolf about a very serious issue and that is shamefully irresponsible.

Beyond that, the obvious point about Russia and the US these days is not that the Russians are perfect; it is that the US clearly has lost whatever moral high ground it once had. Pointing to any lack of this or that freedom in Russia is just so empty given the sad state of the US itself.

Originally posted by shells4u
reply to post by Rocker2013
I am neither pro nor con for Russia, but we pulled the same stunt in the USA during WW 2...We had Japanese-internment camps...Whats that old saying...When you live in a glass house you shouldn't throw stones...

No need to compare this to WWII. The US has more and larger camp type facilities for holding illegal immigrants right now than Russia ever will. Here is a list straight from the horse's mouth, ICE itself. This one in Raymondville Texas was the largest until recently, and was probably scaled back because of the media attention it attracted.

While most illegal immigrats to the US are Mexican, you will note that the largest group of detainees at the Raymondville facility are from El Salvador. This is because of a serious effort to stop the spread of specific, very dangerous narco-terrorist organization, MS 13. The Russian efforts bear direct comparison because they are focused on guarding against infiltration by Islamic terrorists from the Caucuses, particularly Chechnya and Dagestan.

Either the OP must level the same accusations of 'concentration camps' against the US itself, or admit they were crying wolf and/or ignorant of the US facilities.

Originally posted by Garkiniss
The difference being, we were at war with the Japanese at the time.
As far as I know, there is no gay nation, no gay military, no gay spies spying
to feed a gay agenda, no gay threat to any nation's security.

There are also no 'gay camps' in Russia.

The camps the OP is referring to are for mostly Islamic illegal immigrants from the Caucuses.
edit on 8-8-2013 by 11andrew34 because: responding to a post that showed up while I was still composing this post.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by 11andrew34

Great post. I don't have any problem supporting Russia when they do great things like giving Snowden a place of refuge. Or not following the ridiculous US-mandated crap that any country that doesn't bow down to our central banks or corporate rape and theft of their resources is somehow the axis of evil. Russia doesn't seem to think it's necessary to say "How high?" when Israel says jump.

The US needs a check and balance like it's never needed before and Russia is really the only country capable of doing that. I suspect if you added up all the horrors and atrocities committed by both the US and Russia the tally's would be fairly even. The difference being that Russia isn't acting like it's some kind of paragon of ethical behavior sent by God to teach mere humans the correct way to live.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:49 PM
reply to post by Rocker2013

Quite honestly, we could do with adopting the Russian approach to illegal immigration here in the UK.

Concentration camps in Russia are not exactly a novel idea, remember the Soviet Gulags?

edit on 8/8/2013 by nake13 because: .

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Rocker2013
I know there is a lot of pro-Russia sentiment on ATS, and I have long believed that this is not a black and white issue. I am sick of seeing people here supporting one side and ignoring their abuses because of their stance against a common enemy.

In recent months there has been a rise in this pro-Russia position on the forums, with people willfully ignoring negative aspects of Russia just because they have assisted Snowden. The assistance Russia has given Snowden does not automatically absolve the Russian government of all wrongdoing, and this thread should hammer that home to many here.

You may be well aware that Russia has new anti-gay laws which are affecting many in Russia. While there are many here who (rightly) point out that nations have the right to create their own laws, those same people ignore the increasing abuse targeted to the LGBT community.

People are being assaulted in the streets, in their homes, tortured and even killed - not for breaking any law, but because this "anti-propaganda law" has given permission for the far-right to act with impunity.

You can argue a defense of sovereign laws, but you CANNOT argue that gay people having to flee their homes under police protection for doing nothing wrong is also "right".

I have been saying for a long time that things in Russia are becoming increasingly dangerous, and we now have more evidence of this in a report from the Guardian which explains the opening of "concentration camps" for illegal immigrants.

You might also note that the law used for rounding these people up is very loose, meaning that if there is anything remotely wrong with their papers, they can be incarcerated.

On 29 July, police began raiding markets around the city and arresting immigrants whose documents were not in order, most of them from the Caucasus and Central Asia.

But that's not all. There are plans to extend this system of detention across Russia, with a bill expected to go through which would create 83 detainment centers for immigrants.

Russia currently has 21 detention centres for immigrants facing deportation, but authorities have prepared a bill that would create 83 special centres across the country's 81 regions.

Guardian - Russia detains immigrants in 'concentration camps'

How long do we think it's going to be before these detainment facilities are filled with journalists, writers, activists, political opponents and LGBT people? Does anyone have any faith at all that a government can resist using such measures to deal with people they don't like?

Harvey Fierstein is right. This was already looking like a direct copy of what Hitler began under Nazi rule, and with the development of these camps Putin is furthering that goal.

What will the world do about it? Will it take reports of executions and mass graves before any government makes a real statement about this? Will we see a repeat of the 1940's?

There are things in the US political arena that are beginning to reek of this stench. There are routine check points in California and Arizona more than 70 miles from the Mexican border, checking for citizenship, weapons, drugs etc..

Everyone in America is deemed suspicious under the stock piling of personal profiles through phone and internet communications.

DEA detectives routinely sweep through poor neighborhoods to incarcerate (and socially eviscerate) black men with the authority of over-reaching drug interdiction laws. The prison system is the fastest growing employment industry in the US (and the world).

FEMA and Homeland Security has well over #500 walled security centers, where illegal aliens and up to two million people can be housed. What do you think these places are built for?

If you're worried about the LGBTs, perhaps you should turn your concerns toward the so-called free nations that are quietly building these prisons on the backs of the working man.

One would expect Russia, China, N Korea and the Middle East to persecute minority groups, but what about the west with its burgeoning police state? Its expansion requires police depts. to shop for criminals.

I can understand your frustrations, but what do you think would happen to such minorities when the economy collapses and people are jobless, hungry and full of hate?

I would suggest that you consider where your true interests are and concentrate your efforts on reversing the political insanity gripping the west through the nihilism of anti-terrorism security policy. The west has been militarized, a condition that must turn inward as history plainly illustrates.

edit on 8-8-2013 by g2v12 because: grammar

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