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Bedroom Tax Question

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posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 04:40 AM
Hi I hope someone here can answer a questing I have pertaining to that evil swine Cameron's Bedroom tax.

I currently live in a two bedroom flat with my partner and 2 children one 7 months old and the other 6 years old(Boy and Girl). My 7 year olds bedroom is only 10ft by 8ft and is in no way suitable for two children to occupy. My little boy is sleeping in a cot at the bottom of my bed. There are other council properties available to rent in the area, however these are 3 bedroom flats.

Basicly I need a new house so my question is this will I even be eligible or entitled to view/rent one of these 3 bedroom flats given the fact that I only have 2 children under the age of 10 and thus only entitled to a 2 bedroom flat?

I am even willing to pay the shortfall in rent if I have to.

I should also point out that since im not an ethnic minority i'm not a priority(There words not mine). LoL

edit on 7-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 04:50 AM
reply to post by andy06shake

You'd be well down the waiting list mate I'm afraid.

Don't know if you saw it, but there was a documentary on Channel 4 the other night about social housing, the waiting list in some areas, even for qualifying people that needed to be moved, ie: over crowding etc. was in excess of 5 years

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Argyll

Seen it mate, absolutely deplorable IMHO!

Lets just say i won't have to wait, what I need to know is if I can still be considered for a 3 bedroom flat by the housing association if I am willing to make up the shortfall in rent?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:00 AM
Unfortunately it's bad news m8. With both children under 10 you wouldn't even make it on to the waiting list. I understand your complaint that the small room is inadequate for two children but our glorious leader and his council minions have flat refused to give official guidance on what constitutes a "bedroom."

As I'm sure you're already aware, once your eldest child is over 10 and because they are boy and girl, the eldest will be eligible for a room of their own. That's when you will be accepted on the list.

There is a loophole however, if you arrange a council swap with someone looking to downsize then the rules do not apply. You will simply lose 14% of you HB until the eldest child is 10.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by andy06shake
Hi I hope someone here can answer a questing I have pertaining to that evil swine Cameron's Bedroom tax.

I currently live in a two bedroom flat with my partner and have 2 children one 7 months old and the other 6 years old(Boy and Girl). My 7 year olds bedroom is only 10ft by 8ft and is in no way suitable for two children to occupy. My little boy is sleeping in cot at the bottom of my bed. There are other council properties available to rent in the area, however these are 3 bedroom flats.

Basicly I need a new house so my question is this will I even be eligible or entitled to view/rent one of these 3 bedroom flats given the fact that I only have 2 children under the age of 10 and thus only entitled to a 2 bedroom flat?

I am even willing to pay the shortfall in rent if I have to.

I should also point out that since im not an ethnic minority i'm not a priority(There words not mine). LoL

edit on 7-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

To put it bluntly....No chance.

I suggest, if you need a larger go out and work harder to support the kids you brought into the world.
You think your kids deserve more space, then go out and work so you can provide such. The government isnt there to supply housing to every person who is irresponsible enough to bring kids into the world knowing they cannot provide for them.

Sorry it just really annoys me that people think that, they can do nothing, pump out kids and get large properties for nothing. There is a girl near me who now has 4 kids by 4 different dads all in the hope of getting rehomed in a larger flat......irresponsible parents....

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by andy06shake

I've got to say I doubt you will be considered mate....not until your kids are 10 years old any way.

Unfortunately unless your an ethnic minority that's just arrived on these which case you'd probably be given a 4 or 5 bedroom house .....your not even on the radar

Social housing in this country is an absolute farce.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

I suggest, if you need a larger go out and work harder to support the kids you brought into the world. You think your kids deserve more space, then go out and work so you can provide such. The government isnt there to supply housing to every person who is irresponsible enough to bring kids into the world knowing they cannot provide for them.

How do you know what the OP'ers circumstances are?......bit presumptuous aren't you?

What exactly do you think social housing is for?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

"I suggest, if you need a larger go out and work harder to support the kids you brought into the world."

I actually have a disability my friend which prevents me from working, so please get off your soap box. LoL

"You think your kids deserve more space, then go out and work so you can provide such. The government isnt there to supply housing to every person who is irresponsible enough to bring kids into the world knowing they cannot provide for them."

I have 2 kids not 10 and the only bedroom available to both of them right now is 10ft by 8ft, essentially a jail cell!

I'm not a dole mole mate, just on a very low income!

"Sorry it just really annoys me that people think that, they can do nothing, pump out kids and get large properties for nothing. There is a girl near me who now has 4 kids by 4 different dads all in the hope of getting rehomed in a larger flat......irresponsible parents"

Actually both my kids are to the same partner and I seriously hope by irresponsible parents you don't mean myself because I have to say If so I find that rather offensive!

Jog on if you don't have anything helpful to contribute!

edit on 7-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:19 AM

Originally posted by andy06shake
reply to post by AmberLeaf

"I suggest, if you need a larger go out and work harder to support the kids you brought into the world."

I actually have a disability my friend so i can't work so please get of you high horse.

"You think your kids deserve more space, then go out and work so you can provide such. The government isnt there to supply housing to every person who is irresponsible enough to bring kids into the world knowing they cannot provide for them."

I have 2 kids not 10, I'm not a doll mole mate, just on a very low income!

"Sorry it just really annoys me that people think that, they can do nothing, pump out kids and get large properties for nothing. There is a girl near me who now has 4 kids by 4 different dads all in the hope of getting rehomed in a larger flat......irresponsible parents"

I seriously hope by irresponsible parents you don't mean myself because I have to say If so I find that rather offensive!

edit on 7-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

I find lots of things offensive, its just life im afraid.
Irresponsible: Not showing a proper sense of responsibility.........

Dont post on public forums if you dont wish to be offended o.0

So let me put it like this, you are on a low income so you decided the best course of action it to have another kid?
You didnt think "Im not well right now, maybe i should rubber up until i can provide for MY kids" or "i cant provide a large enough home so i should wait"

You can try to justify it, you can try and make it sound reasonable in your head....but in reality your irresponsible actions have put you in this situation. Id NEVER have a kid expecting the government to provide for it!! The only way id have a kid/kids is if i could provide everything for them, its a shame more people arent as responsible as myself.....its little wonder our country is in such a mess.

Dont have anything helpful to contribute? REALLY??

Sorry, but not everyone agrees with your behavior.

edit on 7-8-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:23 AM
Wow that's weird. In north america that's such an afterthought.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:27 AM
Well its plain to see that you're an advocate of planned parenthood! LoL

I have epilepsy its not like i'm going to get better.

So in your opinion people who are on low incomes and also have a disability should not breed??? WTF

Next you will be advocating eugenics! LoL

edit on 7-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Argyll
reply to post by andy06shake

You'd be well down the waiting list mate I'm afraid.

Don't know if you saw it, but there was a documentary on Channel 4 the other night about social housing, the waiting list in some areas, even for qualifying people that needed to be moved, ie: over crowding etc. was in excess of 5 years

Yea i saw that, made my blood boil!!

Very much like this story, has kids, cant provide for them, so needs the government to raise their kids. Someone in a one bed flat should not be having 2 kids, 3 kids, 5 kids.....especially when they have no means of providing for them. Anyone with half a brain would know that having more than 2 people in a one bed flat is too much, and probably against their tenancy.

It doesnt matter if you have 1 child or 10 children you cannot provide for.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by andy06shake
Well its plain to see that you're an advocate of planned parenthood! LoL

So in your opinion people who are on low incomes and also have a disability should not breed??? WTF

Next you will be advocating eugenics! LoL

No im an advocate of responsible parenting......
Planning is probably better though, especially in your circumstances.

Im not saying not to breed, you are just making things up to make me look bad....good luck with that lol. Breed all you want, just make sure you can provide for them, which cannot.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

"No im an advocate of responsible parenting...... Planning is probably better though, especially in your circumstances."

Do you have any kids yourself just wondering?

"Im not saying not to breed, you are just making things up to make me look bad....good luck with that lol. Breed all you want, just make sure you can provide for them, which cannot."

What im a making up?

Considering the draconian judgemental attitude you seem to have adopted regarding my circumstances I think on this occasion you are quite capable of making yourself look bad without my help!

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:43 AM
It isn't only the policies that are wrong, it rubs for me when its a silver spoon dolling out those policies.

In every area there is accommodation to rent and empty houses, its not the building of more it should be the uilisation of what we already have that the current policies dont' deal with.

I know Cameron loves a building policy he thinks it will kickstart our economy. But when money is easy and you don't worry about it you have no experience of how life really works. Also with today's policies and bank policies there are huge opportunities for the rich to buy cheap and I dare say vested interest plays a huge part in what policy is put forward of which part is promoted. For anyone paying a mortgage and the way the benefit system has been adapted and job insecurity is the norm, Cameron and his cronies is even more out of the everyday-real-life-loop than ever.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:50 AM

"No im an advocate of responsible parenting...... Planning is probably better though, especially in your circumstances."

Do you have any kids yourself just wondering?

No i dont have any kids, because, i cannot provide everything for i dont really want children as i do not like them.

"Im not saying not to breed, you are just making things up to make me look bad....good luck with that lol. Breed all you want, just make sure you can provide for them, which cannot."

What im a making up?

The part about me saying disabled or poor people should not have children........

Considering the draconian judgemental attitude you seem to have adopted regarding my circumstances I think on this occasion you are quite capable of making yourself look bad without my help!

Says the guy who cannot provide for his kids.....i can only see one person that looks bad here o.0

My point to this is as follows, you are not entitled to a larger house funded by the taxpayer/government just because you pump out more kids. Before having a child you should have certain things in place, a suitable home being a major one! People are growing up believing children are the way to get a bigger house, its wrong and has been going on for at least 20 years, thats why you cant get a bigger place!!! lol

edit on 7-8-2013 by AmberLeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:50 AM
It's not a 'bedroom tax'. Tax is paid to someone by someone else.

They're not making you pay it to them. They're just not giving you as much free money.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:51 AM
You need to look into your councils under occupancy policy and discuss this with them and ask what you are allowed to bid on in your current circumstances and how far you fall on the priority list.

I would imagine that yes, you could bid on a 3 bedroom home, but if you are in receipt of housing benefits, because of your childrens ages you may have to make up the extra for the extra bedroom. If you can do that that's fine, if you can't then it's likely a no go. In terms of priority, you may be waiting for some time.

Can i ask, is your current property a council or housing association home, or are you privately renting?

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 05:59 AM
Amberleaf, when you are in a hole, stop digging...

Now onto the OP's questions..

Have a look here...
Any questions you have someone will help you, Have a look in the files section maybe there is something about bedroom/boxroom size. good luck.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:01 AM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

"Says the guy who cannot provide for his kids.....i can only see one person that looks bad here o.0"

I provide for my children just fine thank you very much. Maybe at the moment a cannot spring for an extra bedroom but I imagine rather a lot of folks are in the same boat.

Have fun on that high horse mate, just hope that you never fall down to everyone else's level.

When and if you do ever have some little ones I imagine your perspective could quite possible change as to what your entitlements should or should not be.

edit on 7-8-2013 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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