posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 06:28 PM
I've seen a lot of videos, read a lot of information from various sources, spoke to my friends on the topic and argued with them regarding the NWO
and what it really represents.
From what i know the NWO is a massive evil threat to the world but underlying in my mind is a niggle that although the people in charge maybe
crazy/evil (maybe not), the premise seems to be unavoidable. By that i mean the globalization of the world, population reduction, removal of borders.
Not the Dictatorship, spied on all the time, RF tagged slaves version.
If the population of the world is going to rapidly increase over the next few years then surely we're in for a titanic problem to deal with. Where is
all the food going to come from to feed all these people?. Where will the fresh water they drink come from? Where will their energy needs come from?
Where will they live? How will this extra 2-3 billion effect our environment? Where will the money come from to pay them, offer a reasonable standard
of living to them even or allow them to securely retire at a decent age?
Maybe, this won't be a problem. Maybe we'll use our technical knowledge to leave the earth, create food sources off world, remove some of the
populace to colonize new worlds.........
So, in reality what are we going to do?
These aren't problems that are off in the distance these are real issues now. If you look at the Denver airport murals i think that's what it's
blatantly telling people. These measures we undertake, as underhanded, sickening and destructive as they seem have to be taken if we are to survive as
a species. You may have the IDGAF attitude just now but when food starts to become scarce and other resources become scarce what'll we do then?
Go to war as per usual? Fight for the limited supplies and non-radioactive lands that are left over? Try and recover, re-build/re-grow our shattered
world and basically start again? Or, Save it now while we have a chance?
I don't like to think about these problems i don't think anybody does but without an entity like the NWO how would any of the measures needed to
save the world be accomplished in this small time period by anyone else?.
I am not a sympathizer with this group. Revelations of Occult practices make you very wary (understatement) about them. The fact they are the rich
elite makes you wary of them. The way they have engineered current events to suit their own needs makes you wary. There are more examples fill in your
own but the fact remains, we as a species will not work with each other. We are racist, aggressive, destructive, greedy and selfish. Although we are
capable of great love and great achievement we choose the opposite path more often.
Now maybe after you read this you may think i'm totally wrong but as a vehicle of needed change maybe the NWO is a good thing?