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Snake kills 2 N.B. boys after escaping store, RCMP say

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posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:54 AM

Snake kills 2 N.B. boys after escaping store, RCMP say

New Brunswick RCMP have launched a criminal investigation into the deaths of two young boys killed by a python that reportedly slithered through ventilation shafts after it escaped from a reptile store, though police say it's too early to determine whether charges will be laid.

Police confirmed that the store owner also resides in the upstairs apartment in Campbellton, N.B. where the two boys, aged five and seven, were found dead Monday morning.

Reptile Ocean owner Jean-Claude Savoie was hosting the two boys, aged five and seven, for a sleepover with his own son.

Savoie reportedly fo
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:54 AM
It's a horrible thing to happen but I really have a hard time believing this is what happened. I think the police will really investigate this closely. Why does a snake kill 2 humans and not eat them. They generally don't just kill for fun. It got out of it's cage, climbed UP through the vent, broke through the ceiling and strangled 2 children and nobody heard anything. Really? I could be wrong. Does anyone know a bit more about these type of snakes than me?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:06 AM
In a related story I guess people are getting quite upset with this stores Facebook page.

N.B. Urban Zoo To Facebook Commenters: 'You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourselves'

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by pigwithoutawig

hmm i was thinking the same thing..if a snake like that expends the energy to kill something its to eat it. i dont know its strange..terrible thing for all involved

edit on 6-8-2013 by vonclod because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by vonclod

Even if the kids were sleeping, how does it wrap around them without waking them and could it do one at a time. There has to be more to this.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:15 AM
African rocks are pretty aggressive, similar to the burmese pythons and have a bit more attitude. I have owned snakes as large as this one and find the whole thing a little strange. First off its under fed if it attacks like this, and if under fed it surely would have tried to eaten at least one of those kids. With that said that is a extremely large meal for a snake that size. I have seen snakes kill but not eat, but I don't know it's just not typical.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Letitbegin
African rocks are pretty aggressive, similar to the burmese pythons and have a bit more attitude. I have owned snakes as large as this one and find the whole thing a little strange. First off its under fed if it attacks like this, and if under fed it surely would have tried to eaten at least one of those kids. With that said that is a extremely large meal for a snake that size. I have seen snakes kill but not eat, but I don't know it's just not typical.

Also don't be shocked but snakes of that size can generate as much if not more than 10,000 lbs/sq inch for long sustained periods of time, furthermore they will generally "size" you up it would have know that meal to be to big.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by pigwithoutawig

If they would have woke up their movement would have triggered the snake to constrict, but not both at the same time, also more than likely would have crushed many bones in their little bodies, sad

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:23 AM
They also say it went through the ventilation ducts to get to the upstairs apartment. That's a big snake to do that ,I would think.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:24 AM
it is very strange..perhaps there are bite marks or maybee evidence that the snake tried to swallow one or both of the children, i have a hard time imagining it killing both at the same time

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by pigwithoutawig
They also say it went through the ventilation ducts to get to the upstairs apartment. That's a big snake to do that ,I would think.

Snakes are amazing, people don't realize they can climb walls get in ceilings and so on, by estimation that snakes diameter was around 7" to 8" definitely could be a tight squeeze depending on the type of ducts

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:28 AM

Originally posted by vonclod
it is very strange..perhaps there are bite marks or maybee evidence that the snake tried to swallow one or both of the children, i have a hard time imagining it killing both at the same time

Should definitely be bite marks they never wrap up without striking, never.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by vonclod

If it bit them wouldn't they yell out. Do you think it could have layed on top of them and it's weight suffocated them. I just don't see how this could happen.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:32 AM
ya i was thinking a strike would be part of the process..i have owned ball pythons but nothing large or agressive
i guess we will have to wait for more info

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by Letitbegin

So they bite first? I thought because it suffocates it's prey it wouldn't bite.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by pigwithoutawig
reply to post by vonclod

If it bit them wouldn't they yell out. Do you think it could have layed on top of them and it's weight suffocated them. I just don't see how this could happen.

If it bit and was in position to constrict the first could be silence in seconds from the shear strength, I could see it laying on them that's kinda how they size up a meal to see if they can handle it, and that's quite a bit of weight so in a strange world I guess if it was trying to lay some place warm on top of them it maybe enough weight to sufficate, but that would be pretty remarkable considering both died.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by pigwithoutawig

the strike would be quick and in conjunction with constriction, it would be very fast..i just find it strange that both were dead, you would think one might have time to at least scream or escape..i dunno i think the snake was 90kg so questionable if able to simple smother by weight..i dont know there isnt enough info but on the surface it doesnt pass the smell test

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:39 AM
reply to post by pigwithoutawig

Always strike first than wrap and constrict, even if you feed frozen food they will always strike.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by Letitbegin

Yeah, I know I'm reaching but I can't understand how this could happen. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by Letitbegin

I've been bit by many a snake and it is quick, bite, wrap, constrict, literally will take place in under 2 seconds.

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