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800 Scientists Demand Global GMO “Experiment” End

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posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by bigman88

Bit of schizo behavior there, buddy.
Thank you Dr. Buddy.

That makes no sense, your saying this multi-billion dollar corporation cant have whatever company that is using their GMO crop make sure to keep it categorized as GMO?
No. That isn't what I said.

edit on 8/6/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Phage

Phage, I see where you are coming from in regards to GMO I am still uncomfortable that changing one thing can lead to changes in the rest of the environment that is yet to be seen. What are your thoughts on this? I hope my question is clear, but is there not that rule that says about equal and opposite reactions? Is there any research into the effects of the insect population that are vital to an ecosystem now no longer having the ability to eat this source of nutrients that they have been eating for so long? corn has been around in North America for such a long time.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

Phage, I see where you are coming from in regards to GMO I am still uncomfortable that changing one thing can lead to changes in the rest of the environment that is yet to be seen. What are your thoughts on this?
I haven't been given any reason that makes sense to me on why this would be the case for GMOs more than any other crop. There are natural, wild, invasive plants which pose a far greater risk to the environment than GMOs.

Is there any research into the effects of the insect population that are vital to an ecosystem now no longer having the ability to eat this source of nutrients that they have been eating for so long?
Yes, there is. Bt toxins are a favorite of organic farmers because they have a very low impact on the environment. They are a natural insecticide. Because a plant produces the toxin does not change the effects of the toxin. But it does mean that the toxin does not have to be sprayed into the environment.

edit on 8/6/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Phage

I would suppose this also means you cannot wash this toxin off then, and you are more or less saying that, whether you did or did not wash the toxin off does not matter because it does you no harm then? Or am I missing something? I am not attacking your standpoint either I am just trying to understanding whats the deal with all this.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Phage

Your welcome, dear patient. Now don't forget to take you medication on time.

Also, can you clarify how it will be difficult to label GMO products. Also, once again:

"look at the rate of people with ailments in this country and others with a primarily GMO diet. Now look at the health statistics of other country's that don't bother with GMO's. You see any diabetes, obesity, cancer, hypertension in 3 out of 5 people? Nope. Two things, either these GMO country's are very junk food centered, which results in higher cancer, obesity, diabetes, whatever disease rates, or there is something in the general foods we eat that is bringing on these sicknesses at alarming rates. In this country, even people who eat relatively to somewhat healthy are still getting cancer, or some other crappy health ailment. Then you have these studies saying that the properties in GMO's are linked to these various ailments. Buy yet, they are ALWAYS concluded as unreliable, by the companies producing the GMO's."

These are facts. Country's who are GMO free are CONSISTENTLY HEALTHIER. Whats up with that now?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Brotherman

I would suppose this also means you cannot wash this toxin off then, and you are more or less saying that, whether you did or did not wash the toxin off does not matter because it does you no harm then?
Yeah. Pretty much so. There's no guarantee that washing produce removes all the pesticides (It does help, of course. I wash my veggies). But I don't know many people who eat raw corn or soy and heat breaks down most Cry toxins. Add that to the research that shows they aren't harmful anyway and there doesn't seem to be much to worry about.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:31 PM
My grapes have this slight stingy, sour after-feeling on my throat along with what tastes like a pound of sugar in each one. These prickly shelled, soft fleshed, seed centered fruits my mom buys has half of them in the bag with this weird, sour aftertaste that was never there before. The celery, apples and strawberries now rot in less than half the time it used to. GMO's doing good for us?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by bigman88

Also, can you clarify how it will be difficult to label GMO products.
No. Not at this point. I ran through it a couple of days ago in another thread.

You see any diabetes, obesity, cancer, hypertension in 3 out of 5 people?
Can you clarify that "statistic" please? Are you saying that 3 out of 5 people in regions where GMOs are raised for food have diabetes, obesity, cancer, and hypertension?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Phage

Thanks for the clarification, I don't follow the GMO controversy much I guess I am a sucker for reading things with fancy titles almost seems impossible to try and read a billion pages to understand something simple
Barney style usually gets through to me best anyways

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Don't argue with Phage - there is no point. Let him eat his GMO and everyone will be happy.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by bigman88
My grapes have this slight stingy, sour after-feeling on my throat along with what tastes like a pound of sugar in each one. These prickly shelled, soft fleshed, seed centered fruits my mom buys has half of them in the bag with this weird, sour aftertaste that was never there before. The celery, apples and strawberries now rot in less than half the time it used to. GMO's doing good for us?

I get this too bigman, especially with grapes; what the heck happened there?

However, these foods you list are not GMO foods. The conventional method of extending shelf life is interbreeding with peripheral phenotypes of those products which exhibit long shelf life characteristics, and conduct iterative testing to arrive at a hybrid with reasonably good taste AND long shelf life (true statistic is monitored by the UN as a set of national statistics called 'Post Harvest Perishment'). This does change things somewhat. A tomato or fox grape jam back home at my grandmother's is 7 to 8 times (scientific huh?) better tasting than anything I can get at grocery stores here.

This is what we did with wheat from 1948 onward (accelerated an ancient history of wheat cultivation and hybridization) so much so, that our wheat is nowhere near the same food as the enormous number of varietals of ancient triticale now used in the Indian and Pacific rim nations. And those ancient varietals are much better tasting.

Do not let anyone tell you we have conducted conclusive science on Wheat and GMO Corn. This is false. We have not conducted the science on the impacts of 1995 Hybrid Wheat and 1999 Bt Corn on humans. That science is underway now. It just has a lot of mothers and fathers who are skeptical, now watching the hen house, and not the fox.

I trust mothers. And their feedback is being ignored right now. Not wise.

In the meantime, I refuse to eat US wheat, soy or corn derived products of any kind - and my doctor agrees with me privately; but he is not allowed to publicly. And my health dramatic improvement, marked back to the day I initiated this, reflects this wise decision.

edit on 6-8-2013 by TheEthicalSkeptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Phage

I repeated your exact explanation that you said in the other post, i had asked you the question. I misinterpreted your reason, according to you, so please make it clear. What did you mean?

And no, not all GMO centered county's, just America with the 3 out of 5 statistic, really. Truthfully, i don't know how other countires with a GMO primary diet are doing compared to america, but compared to some country's in south America or the pacific islands, or secluded tribes and villages, i would say pretty horrible in terms of health.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by LarryLove

I've stated it many times.
I have seen no convincing evidence that they are harmful and I have no reason to think they are inherently dangerous.

edit on 8/5/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

After reading your posts, such as this one, I wonder whether there is some sort of experiment or study out there (in any realm) which cannot be dispelled by some crafty semantics. Do you possess a gut instinct? Or are all of your opinions derived from Petri dishes? Is there some sort of latent faith in there? I'm just wondering why you seem to refute any slight notion or suggestion that GMO food is harmful. Do you think it tastes good? Or do experimental conclusions determine what you taste as well?

In the old school of raw instinct which I come from (as well as many others), unnatural food = harmful. Sorry, I have no microscope readings to back that claim.
edit on 6-8-2013 by HeyAHuman because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-8-2013 by HeyAHuman because: typo

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by HeyAHuman

In the old school of raw instinct which I come from (as well as many others), unnatural food = harmful.

How do you feel about horseless carriages and flying machines?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Phage

I feel as though they make more logical sense than your well-protected GMO foods.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by TheEthicalSkeptic

So they are phenotypicaly modified? Still messing around with the natural form of crops we eat? Which still results in weird, unnatural taste, regardless of the intent for such modification?

That relieves my suspicions...

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Phage

look i apologise for getting angry yesterday,

but i would like you to think about the IMPLICATIONS of this study,

and before you attempt to attack the scientist or the study just contemplate what it means for our bio sphere if this out come is later confirmed.

i know i know, you don't have to think about the consequences if you can fault the study,

but im asking you to hold the premise in your mind and look at the down stream consequences, ok

Some of us have long considered horizontal gene transfer to be the most serious hidden and underestimated hazard of genetic engineering, and have alerted regulators accordingly, time and again, since GMOs were first released (see for example [3, 4] (Gene Technology and Gene Ecology of Infectious Diseases, ISIS scientific publication; Genetic Engineering Dream or Nightmare, ISIS publication). The recent “emergency” warning sent by a senior US Department of Agriculture scientist to US Secretary of Agriculture on a suspected pathogen “new to science” associated with GM crops may prove to be a case in point [5] (Emergency! Pathogen New to Science Found in Roundup Ready GM Crops? SiS 50).


now if the HARM is an infected bio sphere,
something IMPOSSIBLE to remove once introduced,

and the gain is simply economic control of food resources,
(i dont beleive the claims of less pesticides)

(i dont beleive the claims of safety)
the safety of BT toxins relies on the ability of the stomach lining to prevent ingress into the blood stream of BT TOXIN,
at no point does anyone say what happens if you have a weakened stomach lining,
there are no blood/brain barrier tests that have proven that BT cant reach the brain
the pesticides used are showing up in the blood stream of consumers

you act like we all have the same physiology, which is not true, and if any gut problems or blood brain problems are present there could be very different uptakes of cry or BT toxins.

you keep hearping on that BT toxin is safe,
but its only safe if you are not immune- compromised

control of the gene pool is dangerous,
if ever human was genetically identical and an epidemic occurred the whole population is wiped out,
natural selection allows for many different traits to be present in a population,
this lowers the chance of a population collapse

trust, we must trust people who are only interested in world wide control of food resources,
trust, we must trust people who are only interested in profits for share holders,
trust, we must trust that in the future, that biotech science dosnt progress in the next ten years
trust, we must trust that multi national bio tech companies dont make a single mistake with a single seasons seeds
trust, we must place our trust in people who time and time again have hurt people and the environment

fool me once,

what happens if your terminator seeds start to produce viable seed?
should any contamination of the bio sphere be charged to multi national companies?

environmental damages,
gene dift in humans is scary enough, but what about fast breading pests?
what happens if a pest integrates the gene so its preditor cannot eat it?
what happens when you soak the ground with pesticides that enter the streams and rivers?

do you even care about the bio sphere or are you simply going to ignore the larger implications?

ok now you can attack the science,
i know you want to.\


posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by purplemer

You realize that those very dated studies do not stand up to the research which has been done since, right?

The letter is obsolete. Maybe you should start a new one.

Im sick and tired of this guy
Go eat your GMO and shut up Phage
The rest of the world want it to end, deal with it.

Im so glad this is even getting attention; we all know how powerful Monsanto is, and its connection and billions of dollars.. They own everything in the field of agriculture. Trying to force feed the public nasty, fake food that isnt even native to the earth anymore after its genetics are altered - which ultimately isn't healthy for the ingester.

Anyone who opposes the STOP to GMO experimentation, is a compelte heartless-zombie in my eyes. Call me judgmental or whatever, but that practise is DISGUSTING, and the guinie pigs, are humans. The power Monsanto has gained over the past decade is unbelivable..

I believe a bigger threat to monsanto is; if every person were to grow a small-organic garden in their backyards. Or communities share growing larger organic gardens for all within it. No one would need there seeds, no one would be at health-risk of Monsanto who sues every farmer they possibly can..

Another thing; I watched a documentary on farmers in north america being sued by monsanto for 'growing their crops'.. Which the farmers didnt grow, apparently some seeds of Monsanto's got mingled in with the farmers via 'wind' and thus the entire crop field now belongs to Monsanto, under judges order (obviously Monsanto bribery at work)..

Earlier today I was talking to my partner about this actualy, and an idea came to mind about how to avoid the above situation and thus prevent being financially 'attacked' by monsanto's 'wind>seed>get sued>lose your crops' game.. Whoever chooses to grow a small-to-medium ORGANIC garden; should invest in some sort of green house or glass dome over it. I've heard Monsanto is seeking to shut down Organic farmers.. This is the safest thing.

Or just grow it in your home with special lights to imitate sunlight. Food is the most IMPORTANT thing to living on this planet after water. Water is already became something other then water; we should find a new name for what we drink in bottles or from the tap.. Its un-balanced, mineral jacked water, lets just call it that

This Monsanto is becoming a full-fledge food-war over humanity. Its one of those things where it doesnt effect one nation or population; they want to spread their nasty-GMO world wide.. We as natural humans of Earth need to oppose this giant and show em who owns the beanstalk (that just came as I went on, pretty cool

Here is a good video on Monsanto that was shared on ATS a couple weeks ago, everyone should watch.

Monsanto video REVOLT! Must See animation

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by HeyAHuman

In the old school of raw instinct which I come from (as well as many others), unnatural food = harmful.

How do you feel about horseless carriages and flying machines?

You can't compare that stuff to THE FOOD WE EAT that DICTATES OUR HEALTH, though.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

The recent “emergency” warning sent by a senior US Department of Agriculture scientist to US Secretary of Agriculture on a suspected pathogen “new to science” associated with GM crops may prove to be a case in point
There was is no 'suspected pathogen "new to science"'. Please investigate the claim. Don't just accept what the anti-GMO crowd says.

the safety of BT toxins relies on the ability of the stomach lining to prevent ingress into the blood stream of BT TOXIN,

do you even care about the bio sphere or are you simply going to ignore the larger implications?
Yes. I do care. Are you going to take a critical look at the claims or are you just going to accept them?

ok now you can attack the science,
When you post some I will examine it but all you have done is posted claims about the science.

edit on 8/6/2013 by Phage because: (no reason given)

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