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Canada-U.S. Border: American Police Want Legal Exemptions, RCMP Says

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posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 02:39 AM
I did a search, nothing came up, figured this was the best place to post this.

As a Canadian (and I am sure as an American as well), this is deeply disturbing, and is undeniably part of a broader initiative.

From 2011;

A new perimeter security and trade agreement between Canada and the U.S. aims to make everything easier.But in exchange for changes Prime Minister Stephen Harper hopes will smooth trade to Canada's biggest and most important partner, officials have negotiated information-sharing to ease Americans’ security concerns.The government argues Canada loses no sovereignty in the agreement. Link to Article

From 2012;

According to an article in Embassy Magazine, the Harper government is moving forward on several initiatives that could give U.S. FBI and DEA agents the ability to pursue suspects across the land border and into Canada.
Link to Article

Clearly, Canada does loose sovereignty.

From 2013;

Traditionally, co-operative initiatives in cross-border law enforcement and border management have been based on the notion that the laws of the host country apply to illegal acts on its territory and that host-country courts would have jurisdiction, says the RCMP memo. The United States wants its police officers to be exempt from Canadian law if they agree to take part in a highly touted cross-border policing initiative, says an internal RCMP memo. Link to Article - Link to Article

This is absolutely unacceptable to me. For starters, police on Canadian and American soil are paid for by the tax dollars of their citizens. Presumably, this ensures some form of accountability or responsibility from officer to citizen (though we all know that debateable). I sure as hell do not want to be policed, arrested, or detained, let alone annoyed, buy a police force that I didn't pay for!

Again, from 2013;

the RCMP is considering how to move forward if the Americans insist on their officers operating on Canadian soil but under American law. One option is reportedly insisting on reciprocal treatment for Canadian police on American soil, which the RCMP notes may ease any concerns Canadians may have about our police being tried for any alleged wrongdoing in an American court.Link to Article

Sorry, but in this instance, and while I do respect police officers who do their job dutifully and correctly, my only concern is for the citizens. Whether you are in Canada or America, it does not change the fact you may be policed by an officer who is exempt from Canadian ( or American) law. Reciprocity will just result in both countries loosing sovereignty. Is it worth it?

I am still looking for information, so if anyone finds anything, please do post. Also, if anyone can find this internal RCMP report or anything relating to it, it would be helpful.
edit on 5-8-2013 by anon4m05 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:33 AM
reply to post by anon4m05

Just so you know, the RCMP have international jurisdiction, so they can and do pursue criminals into U.S. territory. All this treaty does is give the U.S. reciprocal rights.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:36 AM
Neither country has sovereignty

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Antonio1
reply to post by anon4m05

Just so you know, the RCMP have international jurisdiction, so they can and do pursue criminals into U.S. territory. All this treaty does is give the U.S. reciprocal rights.

RCMP is more specialized than simple police forces. The CIA can and does pursue criminals abroad, but not everyday American cops. The same goes with RCMP, but not everyday Canadian cops. This seems to be an attempting at expanding policing powers, not intelligence powers.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:58 PM
America has no allies, it has subordinates. Canada has the world's largest water supply. They will come for it when the time is ripe.
edit on 6-8-2013 by RageAgainstFascism because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 08:32 PM
I did not vote for that thing in office. This is absolutely outrageous, Canada is on the fast track to subservience to Amerika. The federal election that got that thing in office was ruled to have contained fraud, but it won't be overturned due to lack of definitive proof that it affected the ridings.

I knew it was only a matter of time before Canada would bow before the states, I sincerely hope this does not come to pass.
Either way, obama coming for Canada and harptard will follow suit like a good little sheep.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Antonio1
reply to post by anon4m05

Just so you know, the RCMP have international jurisdiction, so they can and do pursue criminals into U.S. territory. All this treaty does is give the U.S. reciprocal rights.

No I don't think they can just cross international borders and arrest people without the proper authorization/permissions. They only have jurisdiction in Canada and only national in Ontario and Quebec.

The RCMP is unique in the world since it is a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing body. We provide a total federal policing service to all Canadians and policing services under contract to the three territories, eight provinces (except Ontario and Quebec), more than 150 municipalities, more than 600 Aboriginal communities and three international airports.

What they want is for either side to be able to cross the border and arrest people without all the paperwork. Bad plan all around, I can get roughed up by Canadian police without the US cops coming over the border to do it too. lol


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