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Where Did We Go Wrong?

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posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by cass1dy09

I'm not claiming it ever has. I'm merely questioning why we aren't better than we are.

Maybe it never has been good. But I believe we've always possessed the ability to make it good. Even if, long ago, we were ready to take our first step as a species, and we were standing before two paths, one leading to where we are now and the other leading to a world resembling the one I proposed in my original post, we still possessed the ability to take that other path. Even if we've never been good; even if we've never been on the right path, we always had that ability in the very beginning, and we've always had the ability to change paths.

Hence my question: Why did we not take that path? More importantly, why don't we now?

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by filledcup

I mean no disrespect towards religion or to people of religious faith, but if we were to all praise God, and if we were to all unite under God, homosexuality would still be considered a sin, which would be in complete contradiction to the world I proposed in my original post. So, with all due respect, your theory that the world in my original post is not the world we live in because we did not follow God does not seem to hold much weight.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by DivisiveConformity

Well said.

When we look at what we have become, it's heartbreaking to think of what we could have been.

As long as your heart beats in this world I know that there is another one out there that thinks the same way I do. There are others.

Too bad the people that need to read what you have written aren't paying attention. Like you said, they are too busy sorting colored paper and piling up dirt.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by DivisiveConformity
reply to post by filledcup

I mean no disrespect towards religion or to people of religious faith, but if we were to all praise God, and if we were to all unite under God, homosexuality would still be considered a sin, which would be in complete contradiction to the world I proposed in my original post. So, with all due respect, your theory that the world in my original post is not the world we live in because we did not follow God does not seem to hold much weight.

that is too bad. because it is a sin. but we all have sin. some sin in other ways than others. dont hate God for ur own guilt. he still created the life force u get to enjoy now. he advised us not to partake of sin, and he told us what sins are.

the reason homosexuality is a sin, is because it is a rebellion towards the laws of creation and procreation. and procreation, sexual interaction between male and female energies is what forms existence.

u cannot change this. this is how the world and universe was created. i suggest homosexuals observe the tools they possess between their legs, and apply it into the system it was intended. there is always a reason why a super intelligent creator of such magnificent creations such as human beings and all living things would advise us to make certain choices. but we all have to make our choices and face our consequences. also take note of soaring disease levels among homosexuals latest 2013 stats. God has used these things as punishment in the bible. diseases and plagues for ppl, natural disasters for nations.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by filledcup

So if we follow a God who doesn't respect individuality and freedom, and punishes people who attempt to live as free individuals with disasters and disease, then we'll be able to accomplish the world of respect for individuality and freedom that I proposed in my original post...?

Whatever you say.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by DivisiveConformity

S&F and much respect for tackling our species basic problems.

Where Did We Go Wrong?

Perhaps when our ego replaced our sense of belonging to a planet wide community.

I can approach the problem from only a personal perspective and treat my fellow inhabitants with respect, recognition that we are in this together, a smile and a cheerful "Orale Bro"

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by olaru12
I can approach the problem from only a personal perspective and treat my fellow inhabitants with respect, recognition that we are in this together, a smile and a cheerful "Orale Bro"

That's doing plenty, my friend! That's all it takes. If all of us could make that very simple adjustment, we would be well on our way to a peaceful planet.

I half expected the cynics to show up and accuse me of being a hippie, or a communist, or a proponent of world government, or something like that because of my original post, but they never came. Strange. But to them I'd say that in a world like that, all of that would be obsolete and non-existent. So no, I'm not any of that.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by DivisiveConformity
reply to post by filledcup

So if we follow a God who doesn't respect individuality and freedom, and punishes people who attempt to live as free individuals with disasters and disease, then we'll be able to accomplish the world of respect for individuality and freedom that I proposed in my original post...?

Whatever you say.

hear what im telling you.

you can practice what you want in the privacy of your bedroom. whatever sins you commit, is just like other ppl sinning. lying, cheating on their wife, robbing, killing etc.

all God ask is we help eachother and Give him praise.

The church and other religions have taken the works and words of mystics past which convey how existence was built to prove logically the existence of a God. but the thing is.. God isnt what the church says he is. look in india God is a blue man with long hair and 3rd eye. in egypt he have a snake coming out his head, in china he was a big belly man, in sumeria he was an alien etc etc

each sin has it's price and it's method of repenting it. sins are simply those things which do not agree with natural law. because of this and the symbolic message encoded within the church, they cannot allow gays to marry. gays can get married.. just not by the church. understand the church's faith is based on symbolic representation of God's divine constructs as they have been observed by mystics. it is the truth, and we cant change that.

but either way, gays have no beef with God that God doesnt have with all other sinners. thus, the church can tolerate all guests and visitors, from atheist to gay and satanist. God is certainly not a religion. God is pre-religion and so is the spiritual path.. abraham and all the prophets werent hindus/muslims etc. but their stories and their works contributed to the creation of religion from the books. essentially, the books only tell a story of something that is true which does not require the stories to occur.

so know who ur beef is with. it's not with God. but when we dont follow the very advanced advice found in the scriptures of all faiths (minus their corrupted portions) we get this. what u see now. the pinnacle of morality comes from a man with divine aspirations. if he has no divine aspiration then he is not seeking to better his understanding of morality.

homosexuality in the bible can be observed as a symbolic representation of selfishness. it fails to procreate and God is all about creating and procreating, so it is like a deadend street with no real purpose.

again, we all have our sins to battle and contend with to repent and be rid of being controlled by those urges. but the church simply cannot allow itself to marry two ppl of the same sex. it goes against everything that they wish to represent about the creator for those seeking the kingdom.

i dont know what punishment if any you would get from God for being a homosexual on earth. but i do know it is not an application he created any path of intention for. thus nothing comes out of homosexuality. and children can only be born out of heterosexual interaction.

there is no way to force God to make it so that gays can have sex and create a child. unless ur going to do something ridiculous like implant a womb in a man. my God. what an abomination. but to each their own. and their own consequences of their actions too. none of us here are judge.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by filledcup
homosexuality in the bible can be observed as a symbolic representation of selfishness. it fails to procreate and God is all about creating and procreating, so it is like a deadend street with no real purpose.

This argument is devoid of logic. It's like saying women who are infertile or were born with some birth defect that prevents them from ever having children are sinful if they engage in sexual intercourse. Is that true? Because I see no preaching by the church about sex with infertile women.

As for the selfishness bit, don't you think there are other more disastrous forms of selfishness on this planet that God should be worried about? What about the multi-billion dollar companies who strip the natural resources of African nations and leave the children there dying of starvation? What about the people in the United States who win the lottery but still somehow receive welfare when we have millions of homeless veterans on the streets? What about the wealthy people who seem to have all of these privileges handed to them while contributing next to nothing to society while the average person works their butt off for very little? You're telling me that two guys having sex is worse than all of that?

I have nothing against religion or religious people UNLESS they try to force their beliefs and lifestyle on others. I respect your right to believe and practice as you wish, but you need to grant others that same respect. If you believe they are going to Hell, then you won't be running into them in Heaven, so why even stress about it?
edit on 8/5/2013 by DivisiveConformity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by DivisiveConformity

I'm going to piggyback on this post. If we all still followed God, we'd still be living in the dark ages unable to question our existence and advance technology in any meaningful way.

I'd say that religion is one of (not the only one) the answers to your OP's question. When man created religion, he created a tool to control others and subjugate them to a certain way of thinking. Not to say that God (or some sort of creator) doesn't exist (He may for all I know), but God didn't invent religion, man did. Religion is a tool of evil, and its evidence for this is littered throughout time all the way from Mayan's sacrificing virgins to Muslims perverting the Quran to call out jihads on western governments all the way to present day Christians denouncing homosexuality.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by filledcup

Originally posted by DivisiveConformity
reply to post by filledcup

So if we follow a God who doesn't respect individuality and freedom, and punishes people who attempt to live as free individuals with disasters and disease, then we'll be able to accomplish the world of respect for individuality and freedom that I proposed in my original post...?

Whatever you say.

hear what im telling you.

I think you have demonstrated exactly what DC was alluding to. A strident, preachy, uncompromising, myopic, attitude to those around you.

Ask yourself this....

Am I part of the problem or part of the solution?

And as you are so quick to point out the sin of others....

there is no way to force God to make it so that gays can have sex and create a child. unless ur going to do something ridiculous like implant a womb in a man. my God. what an abomination. but to each their own. and their own consequences of their actions too. none of us here are judge.

Romans 2:1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.

edit on 5-8-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 02:25 PM
We have bore witness to war, genocide, famine, poverty, disease, crime, political corruption, and financial meltdown

Unfortunately, this hasn't really changed throughout human history.

Biggest problem for the planet right now is the absolute free reign that corporations seem to have over the planet and its resources.

Until this changes, nothing will change.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by DivisiveConformity

When is enough enough? Why can't we all live on this planet? Why can't we all eat every day?

Because of Greed.

Why can't we all drink clean water? Why can't we all be educated? Why can't we all have basic human rights?

Because of classes and a lack of equality.

Why can't we all have freedom? Why can't we all be kind to the other forms of life that we share this planet with?

Because of tyranny.

Why can't we all be individuals? Why can't we all act how we want to act, dress how we want to dress, talk how we want to talk, believe what we want to believe, and be who we want to be?

Because of truth.

Why can't we all treat each other with respect and decency? Why can't we all love each other?

Because of hate.

Where Did We Go Wrong?

In the Garden

When I look into the cosmos I know, there's someone far better than man.
edit on 5-8-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:10 PM
Very simple...

Capitalist variation of a society and political people who stand to gain from the system.

Our society is set up for one person to step on another for gains and the cycle will continue until resources are shared for the greater good instead of controlled for profit.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:35 PM
Haha - okay so where did we go wrong. I was thinking, well, probably when humans were created / evolved, so things went wrong from the very start and will continue to. Then I saw "Debunking Original Sin," another thread, right below this one. Coincidence? I think not.

Metaphorical original sin. That's where we went wrong.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by DivisiveConformity

Why can't we do all of the things you outlined?

We are lead by the least among us, the least visionary, the least compassionate -- and we continue to let them run the show.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by randyvs

Those are all reasons why we don't. I was asking why we can't. It's a rhetorical question, really, because we can. We simply choose not to for the reasons you listed. But that doesn't mean we don't possess the ability.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 06:07 PM
Where did we go wrong? Every time we doubt/when we have no faith.
When is enough enough? When we gain enough faith.

That is the correct answer. You all can expound upon it yourselves.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by DivisiveConformity

Originally posted by filledcup
homosexuality in the bible can be observed as a symbolic representation of selfishness. it fails to procreate and God is all about creating and procreating, so it is like a deadend street with no real purpose.

This argument is devoid of logic. It's like saying women who are infertile or were born with some birth defect that prevents them from ever having children are sinful if they engage in sexual intercourse. Is that true? Because I see no preaching by the church about sex with infertile women.

As for the selfishness bit, don't you think there are other more disastrous forms of selfishness on this planet that God should be worried about? What about the multi-billion dollar companies who strip the natural resources of African nations and leave the children there dying of starvation? What about the people in the United States who win the lottery but still somehow receive welfare when we have millions of homeless veterans on the streets? What about the wealthy people who seem to have all of these privileges handed to them while contributing next to nothing to society while the average person works their butt off for very little? You're telling me that two guys having sex is worse than all of that?

I have nothing against religion or religious people UNLESS they try to force their beliefs and lifestyle on others. I respect your right to believe and practice as you wish, but you need to grant others that same respect. If you believe they are going to Hell, then you won't be running into them in Heaven, so why even stress about it?
edit on 8/5/2013 by DivisiveConformity because: (no reason given)

your logic is actually a bit twisted to me. but nevermind that. i too respect every man's free will and how they choose to use it, as long as it doesnt interfere wtith me. you do ur thing. i do mine. all im saying is that being gay does not mean you cannot pray to God for wisdom etc. if there is a God, and he does get pissed off about homosexuals. do u think ur rants can change his mind?

and i would say that the reason we are experiencing all this negativity in the world today is because man has been losing touch with God.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 06:13 PM
Double post.
edit on 5-8-2013 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

I thought i edited. The other phone is not responding to my finger very
edit on 5-8-2013 by liejunkie01 because: (no reason given)

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