posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 11:14 PM
I think the reason was justifiable and I'm not very Christian and I support gay marriage. Here's why:
- There were likely religious rules set into place, and these requirements must be met to obtain and keep employment. It is entirely legal of them to
refuse based on sexual orientation if it conflicts with their religious practices. I think this is a good thing and pointless to enforce employers to
do otherwise. (causes conflict in the future and waste of time and money for everyone)
- In Catholicism (I got married under this), you can't have sex until after you are married and your marriage is not accepted until you conceive. In
other words, seal the deal. This means that anyone teaching at a Catholic school should follow the religion pretty well, otherwise they wouldn't be a
good teacher for that school. I know, this is 'merka so it sounds strange to wait until after marriage but besides the white kids of today's youth,
it's still well practiced around the world, even when religion isn't involved.
So that means that he was allowed to work there so long as he wasn't having sex, and since he got married that means he will be having sex now
(religiously speaking). Perhaps they didn't know he was gay and he just invited a friend, after all, it's hard to tell gay people from straight
people if you have the mentality of "no one should be gay". There's the possibility that he got fired because they wanted him out because his pay
was pretty high but I doubt that is the case. I think that the school thought that he was just a bad influence and could corrupt his students now that
he's married to a gay guy, in other words telling kids gay people can get married too which is contradicting to what the church says.
So I think that he got fired for a perfectly legitimate reason. But I'm the same kind of person that thinks it should be okay to hire only whites, or
only gays, or only people with a certain religious background or people that will wear skirts the whole time. People have the responsibility of
declining a job offer with specific terms, I don't think the government should get involved unless those terms were changed on the spot without