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We'll soon get showered by a tsunami of space rocks from the Oort cloud as we approach the galactic

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posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by CircleOfDust

You have no idea what I know, or don't know, and what I see out there. I see a lot things most people don't get lucky enough to because they live in cities. But you go on with your little ego fest, and keep believing you're the smartest person on the planet. It must be nice living in that world.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by wildespace

No, considering that there were depicting possible re-emerging cycles, that is quite interesting. Wonder if they are referring to a lineup with what could consider "the shadow" then. The abyss. Lower astrals, etc.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Concerning Team Stardust! They would finally get some answers, well if they had an open mind to other theories they would.

Like all charged bodies in plasma, a comet will be enveloped in a plasma sheath (the coma) that limits the reach of the comet’s electric field. A forbidden oxygen line was discovered in Comet Austin’s coma. “Forbidden lines” are spectral signatures that are not expected in space because here on Earth they are found only within strong electric fields. To astronomers’ surprise, forbidden lines are common in space, not only in comets, but in nebulae and galaxies. A cometary display is produced when the nucleus discharges at a rate sufficient to generate a visible tail. The dust and gases that form the comet”s tail are not evaporated by the heat of the sun, but instead are electrically ‘machined’ from the nucleus by cathode arcs. Laboratory examination of cathode arcs shows that they jump around on the cathode surface, removing surface material in jets to form small circular craters. The industrial process of Electric Discharge Machining (EDM) uses this feature to erode a surface to accurate depth...

‘None of the comets imaged so far look anything like a dirty snowball. They look like the blackest of asteroids ‘ a lump of cratered rock that originated from a larger, differentiated body. Indeed, they have been described as ‘complex worlds’ in their own right. There is no reason to assume that they are primordial samples left over from the formation of the solar system.

‘The cratering of comets and asteroids remains an enigma for astronomers. Craters are supposedly formed by impacts, but many tiny comets and asteroids have craters so large that their nucleus should have been shattered if an impact had formed them.

--little or no water

--little dust


‘The trajectory, velocity and filamentary nature of the comet”s ion tail conform to that known experimentally as a ‘plasma gun.’

‘X-rays are generated naturally by high-voltage discharges.

‘Electric discharge machining of the comet nucleus will produce the extremely fine dust observed in the Comet Halley fly-by.

‘Electric discharge machining of the comet nucleus will produce annealed silicate grains.

‘Comet jets, being an electric discharge phenomenon, do not require solar heating. That explains cometary flare-ups beyond the orbit of Saturn, where a comet is in ‘deep freeze.’p

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:01 PM
Due to comets not being cold ice blocks kept in the rigid oort cloud this throws the oort cloud's existence into question. EU theorists consider it to be possibly a fictional construct, made up to explain comets. comets come from stars and planets or planetary bodies, possibly rocky ones. They're very asteroid like except they're carrying a inbalance in charge. Ions.

Plasma cosmology shows that stars are born in a galactic electrical discharge event involving the powerful electromagnetic “Z-pinch” effect. Gravity can be ignored. Companion stars and gas giant planets are born later as the Z-pinch subsides and the new stars adjust to their changing electrical environment by expelling matter from their cores. That explains the apparent anomaly of “hot Jupiters” found closely orbiting nearby stars. Sometime later again, in achieving orbital stability through electrical encounters with other planetary bodies, gas giants may expel matter from within to form companion moons and rings. Some of that matter escapes the parent to form planetary, asteroidal, cometary and meteoroidal bodies.

In the Electric Universe model it is futile to look for remnants of the primordial gas and dust from which the solar system is supposed to have collapsed. Comets are not primordial composites. The matter in comets (and asteroids and meteoroids) has been through several processes, first in a star, then within a gas giant and possibly a rocky planet before being discharged into space. The same discharge that gives birth to these small bodies may burn them black and leave distinctive birthmarks in the form of large arc craters. That is how asteroids, like Mathilde, can be covered in gigantic craters without suffering any disruption.....

So the whole Oort Cloud is up in the air.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by CircleOfDust
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

Not true. When I go back home nothing ever changes, no lights out in the country, and can't see the stars like I used to. Give it up now.

If you are trying to imply that we can't see as many stars now because the solar system has moved, I suggest you take a look at just how far we have moved in (say, for example) the past 50 years. Sure -- it may be a measurable amount, but only if you use some precise tools to measure it.

The solar system may be moving through the galaxy, but it happens so slowly (relative to the positions of the other visible stars near us) that there is no way that you would be able to notice a difference just by looking at the sky.

If you are trying to tell me that the solar system has moved far enough in your lifetime that the stars don't shine as brightly, you are going to need to give me more than just saying "I remember the stars being brighter when I was younger". That's not good enough, because I can simply counter that by saying "the stars look just as bright to me".

edit on 8/3/2013 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

"Sure -- it may be a measurable amount, but only if you use some precise tools to measure it. "

a sundial comes to mind.neither that hard too make.,nor understand.

Although i prefer too watch my SunFlowers Track the Sun. Pretty cool.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 10:08 PM
Lets hope so.

Hopefully its final as well.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by BobAthome
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

"Sure -- it may be a measurable amount, but only if you use some precise tools to measure it. "

a sundial comes to mind.neither that hard too make.,nor understand.

Although i prefer too watch my SunFlowers Track the Sun. Pretty cool.

I'm talking about the entire solar system over time relative to the stars we see in the sky...

...NOT the movement of Earth relative to the Sun over the course of a year, nor the apparent motion of the Sun in the sky caused by the Earth's rotation.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 02:33 AM
Not too worried about showers of rocks... but ison may cause increased activity in our sun. Im a believer in electric universe theory. And in the electric universe comets are electrically charged and the sun derives the main sources of its power electrically from its surroundings, rather than from within by nuclear fusion. So if Ison plunges toward the sun or gets close, it probably wouldnt be good. What if it causes massive bursts of energy to erupt from our sun..Would it hurt us or knock out our electronics?..It could happen..hopefully not though

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post/ by CircleOfDust

doom doom and more doom, so what if earth gets showered, what can you or anyone do about it. your post is telling people and after they read it, what do they do about this forecasted problem by you? nothing, they don't even write or contact any government office of council. because basically no one gives a damn. and we cant prevent it, so we are going to have to endure it, whether it obliterates us or not.... nature might consider this a good outcome, clensing the galaxy of space bacteria, (bacteria = man) the clock ticks...

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