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Google Pressure Cookers and Backpacks, Get a Visit from the Cops

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by MessOnTheFED!
reply to post by abeverage

Agreed. I've been in your shoes as well. Outrage will get you nowhere faster than taking to the streets and screaming. We need to find a way to outrage 65% of the United States at once to see any real change. That being said, if it hasn't happened yet it, more than likely, won't.


Ron Paul's Institute for Peace and Prosperity has the means to establish such a following. Dr. Paul is outraged by these very issues. His institute could orchestrate and deliver a message of the majority in the name of liberty. I would love to see that take place. And Dr.Paul could go to his grave in peace knowing that the States would prosper.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Damian65

Logging IP addresses. Once you created an account, they matched your "registered name" with an IP history in the stored databanks.

There is more to it than just that. No question. HAS to be. I'm not on anything like a stable IP. Like many, I'm cable internet with a dynamic IP that changes on a regular basis and may not even repeat, for all I know. I can say that all 4 quads of the IP DO change, so I'm not even in the same block with every change. It's tracking some other way or at least, IP is only one of multiple methods being used.

I can't even say I've been on the same machine. Not technically. The same physical BOX? Yes. The same operating system or "computer"? Not remotely close. Sometimes it's Linux, sometimes Vista and sometimes Win 7 over the period of time here.

There is ONE way...but this wasn't supposed to still be active and working I'd thought? Hell, it's not something I know how to query as a webmaster myself...but then, Google is no mere home webmaster learning as needed. Anyone recall the BIG controversy many years ago about Intel serial numbering their CPU chips as the ultimate online ID of the physical equipment and not just login? Kinda like a MAC number, but obviously, more permanent than that is. .....there couldn't be some variant of that still working? Oh that's a sobering thought. It would utterly obliterate ANY concept of anonymity and no one would even be aware of it.

edit on 1-8-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by DivisiveConformity
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

It doesn't matter what really happened, or if it even really happened, sadly. The conditioning was accomplished. If they can make even one more person afraid with each of these news articles - whether fabricated, misreported, or the absolute truth - then they've accomplished what they set out to accomplish.


It's another kind of terrorism...but apparently it's acceptable because it's the good guys raining down fear and intimidation on the peasants and slaves...who cares about our rights anyway?

It's over and done...but we have just forgotten to fall over and die. We ARE a police state now. There is nothing they cannot see or track....from street cams and facial recognition software to your cellphone and it's internal gps...they know who you are, where you are and what you are talking about.

They would be proud...

Decades later, they finally did it...they defeated USA freedoms....I would say who could have guessed it, but apparently they knew it would come all those years ago. Think about it, the USSR said it would happen....I remember once that China said it could destroy the USA and never fire a shot...and just look around you...
edit on 8/1/2013 by Damian65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

If you don't have a static IP, the only other thing I can thing of is your actual modem has what is called a MAC address...but I am not an expert and I am not sure what that does...I'm sure a clever ATS'er out there knows what is up though.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!

Look at what has become of Americans, they are fearful of their government!! This here is proof that it is time for Americans to unite and make a stand.

AND.... I will not be careful, I will look up anything I like. If I have an interest about how a particular bomb works, then so be it. Knowledge is not a crime, and the thought police can go to heck....

I really do think the ACLU needs to take this particular case further. Whatever happens, we can't let this case fall into a distant memory. We need to keep it alive, as proof that our country is turning very ugly and we need to act.

If they show up at my door, or your door, tell them... Reading is not a crime, and go away. I will not speak to you and I will not allow you into my home. Show me a warrant for breaking the law, and I will provide you whatever you ask of me. But until then, nada...

And I will assure that my neighbors will come forth from their homes to witness the Nazis at work. And I will contact every news agency faster than your jaw can drop.
edit on 1-8-2013 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:47 PM
Having read through the article in question the following can be stated:

Having been around a long time on this earth, seeing some of the modern miracles of science and the depths of horror that can be comitted in the name of anything, there comes a point when we have to say enough is enough. Not since the time before the end of McCarthy, has there been such a fear and loathing, where it was equated that dissent equaled disloyalty in the minds of the populace. And now we have fear in the minds of those who are charged with protecting the general public to go to lengths to spy on the very people it is trying to protect.

Yet there are many questions, as to why now, why is it that every time we turn around, a new word, term or phrase brings out the worst in the federal government? Lists of things that one person may have an interest in bringing out the fear that someone could or could not be doing something. It appears that we are all guilty, without the bennifit of having a trial infront of a judge and jury, of hearing the evidence presented and proved beyond the shadow of reasonable doubt that we are guilty. This is not the mindset of a government that is interested in being for the people, of the people and by the people as so many have put down on paper, lived, and died for. This is the mindset of tyranny and dictators, where what you think, read or say becomes suspect. Where it turns brother against brother, (And I do loath to say it, but it fits), where it will bring down the mark of Cain on this very nation, the bastion of freedom that all have looked to in the past.

Do we walk into the darkness, with fear in our hearts, terrified of what is out there, or boldly holding out a light to shine forth and scare away the shadows of deciept that is now running the government.

Be it for the best or the worst, no one really trusts the government, too often it is a posh country club, an asylumn run by the rich, trying to drive laws and policy to death the rest of us.

I think it is time to turn the tables on the federal government and those who fear the people, if they are looking at those who sign into google and look for things, then lets give them something to really look at. Lets create google accounts and work their machines to the breaking point, seeing if we can crash the system, by using key phrases and terms, searches to make them wonder what the public is up to. I for one am tired of this, where the government takes no time to do a proper investigation, to check on things, and to do the correct action. If we stick together, then we will have a better chance of making changes, but if we seperate, we hang seperately. The only real way out of this mess, is that we the people need to take action, though I would not advocate violent action, but action to let the government know, that they are being watched and monitored for everything that they do, and to support those who have been wronged by their policies and actions.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

There is ONE way...but this wasn't supposed to still be active and working I'd thought? Hell, it's not something I know how to query as a webmaster myself...but then, Google is no mere home webmaster learning as needed. [color=gold] Anyone recall the BIG controversy many years ago about Intel serial numbering their CPU chips as the ultimate online ID of the physical equipment and not just login? Kinda like a MAC number, but obviously, more permanent than that is. .....there couldn't be some variant of that still working? Oh that's a sobering thought. It would utterly obliterate ANY concept of anonymity and no one would even be aware of it.

You mean this?

How to Find a Computer ID

A computer ID is a unique number used to identify your specific computer. Both desktops and laptops have computer IDs. Computer IDs can mean one of two things: serial number or network ID. Both can be located easily. By running a report on your computer, you can find and keep a record of both IDs. Belarc Advisor is a free application that allows you to run reports on your computer to show information on your entire system.

Yes I remember the CPU digital serial number stink
from back in the day on

Intel to drop CPU ID number
- posted by CmdrTaco on Thursday April 27, 2000 @11:18AM

Why am I not surprised it was slipped back in
later, when no one was looking.


edit on 1-8-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by elouina

Brave New World and 1984 got together and had an illegitimate child. That's what we are seeing. The thing that gets me is the fact that so many people are simply complacent. I feel like Bruce Willis in 'The 6th sense'.

So how do we get everyone's attention? Without looking like complete fools.

It's not that I'm fearful, It is indeed scary, yes, but what the hell are a small percentage of people supposed to do?

edit on 1-8-2013 by MessOnTheFED! because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by MessOnTheFED!
Well crap i bought bullets & brass online for reloading.
6 months apart.
Now i need primers & powder.
Guess i'll have to wait another year before i can reload.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by bluesman1955

I wouldn't. You're going to have to wait 6 months for backorder.


posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:04 PM
edit on 1-8-2013 by MessOnTheFED! because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:12 PM
I think everyone concerned about government monitoring needs to search these terms, preferably several times per day. Pepper those words randomly and out-of-context in your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Email them to your friends and say them over the phone. Flood the surveillance system with false positives - just be mindful not to say or post anything that could be construed as an actual threat! If you have to clarify anything you say or write with, "Just kidding," you're doing it wrong.

Cyber disobedience. Do it while it's legal.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:34 PM
Based on my internet searches and various bits of random things and knowlege, it might look like one of the most potentially dangerous people out there. (But I'm just curious and researching for what things may be possible. Staying ahead, being prepared, keeping an eye out for stuff the news doesn't cover, putting pieces of puzzles together, that kind of thing.)

However they probably also know I'm the type to grab a bag of popcorn and sit back and watch the show. (For the most part, I have a live and let live personality.) So the curiousity on it's own isn't that big of a threat. Now if I ever had a strong and compelling enough reason to drop that bag of popcorn and actually go do something...

They'd probably be more worried if I was offline for too long.

I wonder if that's also holds true for a lot of fellow ATS'ers?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:38 PM
Erm... well...

As outraged as I am, am I the only one tempted to do this?

And document the whole thing on my camera phone, of course.

Really considering this...

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:43 PM
Were in the prime time for people to be canning.
A lot of folks will be buying new pressure pots.
And school will be starting soon.
Moms all over the US will be looking at back packs.

Stuff like this makes me wonder if the rich and elite are that afraid
of losing control of the people.You know the 10% that has all the wealth.
When and if the people wake up in the US that 10% will be very unhappy.
edit on 1-8-2013 by grayghost because: Add to poste.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by ErgoTheEgo

Seeing as your account indicates you're a bit new here, perhaps you weren't aware of one of the more ...infamous... aspects for ATS trivia and lore. A couple of the better known killers across US headlines in recent times were members of the same site you're on.

If law enforcement and Government is NOT watching ATS in that same casual way any other use does? They are outright derelict in their duties and need cleared out of service for anything related to security or law.

It's not that members here are unstable, by any means. The site topics and nature do attract "that sort" like a magnet across the floor of a metal shop. They don't seem to last long..and the couple I know of were by no means super stars or major movers in the community here ...but it makes the idea of ATS being 'too harmless to watch' a very dangerous assumption for anyone to make like that, IMO.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by Damian65

Logging IP addresses. Once you created an account, they matched your "registered name" with an IP history in the stored databanks.

There is more to it than just that. No question. HAS to be. I'm not on anything like a stable IP. Like many, I'm cable internet with a dynamic IP that changes on a regular basis and may not even repeat, for all I know. I can say that all 4 quads of the IP DO change, so I'm not even in the same block with every change. It's tracking some other way or at least, IP is only one of multiple methods being used.

I can't even say I've been on the same machine. Not technically. The same physical BOX? Yes. The same operating system or "computer"? Not remotely close. Sometimes it's Linux, sometimes Vista and sometimes Win 7 over the period of time here.

There is ONE way...but this wasn't supposed to still be active and working I'd thought? Hell, it's not something I know how to query as a webmaster myself...but then, Google is no mere home webmaster learning as needed. Anyone recall the BIG controversy many years ago about Intel serial numbering their CPU chips as the ultimate online ID of the physical equipment and not just login? Kinda like a MAC number, but obviously, more permanent than that is. .....there couldn't be some variant of that still working? Oh that's a sobering thought. It would utterly obliterate ANY concept of anonymity and no one would even be aware of it.

edit on 1-8-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

They're likely using a combination of MAC addresses, tables from the ISP saying who is on what registered IP's at what time, online activity (over time you can build a behavior profile of what sites each person visits for identification), and yes very possibly hardware serial numbers that we don't know about.

If I were going to do anything illegal with a computer (or something I just wanted privacy with) I would use either a laptop bought from a Radioshack or Walmart with cash or a Raspberry Pi bought with a prepaid credit card that is shipped to someone elses home. There's ways around that tracking if you're dedicated.
edit on 1-8-2013 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Aazadan

Perhaps that is what The Guardian reporter meant by the insurance Snowden has in mind if he's squeezed too hard. They described it as being institutional and core to the NSA structure...whatever would destroy them and the Government which authorized it.

Maybe it's this simple, in what you say there. It just hit me though... If you could build a system that could take all the complete separate records and, over the long term, use each record to fill the blanks each other leaves open and form a full picture by the end?

Well... Hell... Everything we've been discussing for years about basically seeing them to be omniscient isn't theory. It's already been their reality for quite some time. I haven't given them the credit for either developed technology to raw power to DO that on a scale like they operate. Google or the NSA (Is there THAT large a line between them...after all the stories of cooperation before the scandals broke?)

I think you gave me something to think about while ruining my day. lol....

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

Hitler was a catholic, so I guess catholics need to be watched closely also.
Every person at ATS has their own reason for being here. Originally, mine was a quest for knowledge. But as I got more cozy, this exanded into enlightening others while I too learned.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by TheToastmanCometh
So I can't look for pressure cookers and backpacks at the same time in fear of being outed as a terrorist?

Welp, there goes my cooking school preparedness.

edit on 1-8-2013 by TheToastmanCometh because: (no reason given)

I have actually been searching for Pressure Cooking Backpacks all day...why not then we can pack anything we have canned!

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