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Is this the real truth about the 9/11 planes

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by SMOKINGGUN2012
3) The Pentagon was NOT a plane crash.

how do you explain all the passengers DNA that was found in the Pentagon that matched the passengers on flight 77?

How do you explain the 757 aircraft parts found inside and outside the Pentagon?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by IndieA
To destory the evidence of the $2.3 trillion that went missing.

Except no one said $2.3 trillion was missing.... so why claim it was?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Mitsuskitzo
reply to post by PhotonEffect

For the same reason they planned to do it to go to war with cuba. They planned to create a false flag event by remotely flying a plane that was supposed to have a bunch of students in it and blow it up over cuba and say that cuba shot it down. When in actuallity the students were never in the plane. Outrage the nation to back a war. Also its much easier to use your own planes than to steal a plane you get under the radar a bit longer.

Really? I'm completely unaware of this plot tbh. Was this during the cold war? Cuban missile crisis? From what I could tell we did not want to start a war with Cuba for fear of getting into a nuclear war with Russia right off of our coastline. But history is not my major so if you can provide some credible sources of your claim I'd appreciate it.

I cannot comment on this one as ive not read it. I have no clue as to where the actual planes and/or passengers went.

Yeah- it's amazing the new stuff that comes out every year....

Oh and the planes and passengers went right into the buildings unfortunately.

I would imagine their lives. Same as some military personnel and even citizens are threatened with their lives and lives of loved ones in connection of UFO's and other top secret information. I would imagine this is no different. Sworn to secrecy by threat of death of you and loved ones.

Easy and convenient. How nice. Well the lid has been shut for over 10 years now. And we're talking about 100's of people who would have to be in on this... No way to guarantee that any of those people would stay quiet. Hence BIG risk for the gov't to take....

But let's say you're right... I give these folks a lot of credit for being able to keep such a secret. Especially in this day and age with Wikileaks and all... Easy outlets

And these threats don't really work... there are gov't officials and military folks coming out all the time about their UFO experiences. Maybe you've heard of the recent documentary about TWA 800.. I'm sure the gov't is not happy about those guys...

I'm sure all the planes present in the attack were remotely controlled. They sacrificed that plane because it was part of the script. Gave the Americans some hope that some fellow americans stood up to the enemy and took them down and sacrificed themselves to save others in what would be another target. All part of the story to enrage the public. Basically to evoke emotional responses.

Please explain why you are so sure of this, and why this would be necessary to use remote planes?

Are you a screen writer? Who needs more drama or reason to goto war after flying our own planes into our own skyscrapers? This makes no sense what so ever..

Simply put for maximum damage. The pentagon is layered with structural reinforcements. It is of course the most secure building in the United States. A plane would have caused minimal damage to the exterior wall maybe slight penetration, But it would not have pierced 4 layers of the reinforced building. A bunker buster would though as that is what a bunker buster missile is designed to do. Perhaps there was something in there they were trying to get rid of.

That simple huh? Come on-- do you really believe the stuff you're writing?? Not one human being in the densely populated city of DC that day claimed to have seen a missile zipping through air. No one saw it being shot either. If it came from the ocean or air then it would've crossed over a huge airspace. Where are the witnesses to this? Did the gov't get to them too?

What we have are several people who saw an airplane. So now we're forced to choose between missiles that look like planes. And then we have to claim that it was painted to look like an AA plane. And so on... I mean where does it end??

Hope this helps

No, I'm sorry, it doesn't at all. I thought by all the stars you got that there was some real substance to your answers... Unfortunately no...

But I appreciate the effort. Really.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by Zaphod58

When you are done quoting me wrong, confusing planes and where they launched from, and what plane fired from where, go back and read what I posted rather than being so obvious as to doing so intentionally.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

Why ask questions to answers you clearly already have an unswaying opinion about? makes no sense. Sorry i couldnt help you change your opinion.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by IndieA
To destory the evidence of the $2.3 trillion that went missing.

Except no one said $2.3 trillion was missing.... so why claim it was?

Rumsfield said so.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:39 PM
Debunkers always say that with all the people that would have been involved in such a plot, there surely would have been whistleblowers by now. I say bull, look at what they are trying to do to snowden, manning, assange and that is peanuts compared to this.

Perspective whistleblowers wouldn't dare utter a peep, lest their lives and the lives of their families would be snuffed out. Look at the latest in Benghazi, its coming out that there was up to 35 cia agents on the ground during the attack. Those agents are being given monthly polygraphs to ensure no leaks to the

Can you imagine the money that has secretly been used to keep a lid on 9/11? Maybe that is where the 2.3 trillion went to.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by SupersonicSerpent
I think 9/11 was simply an insurance job those towers was aging and becoming very expensive to maintain,and to have them demolished by contractors would have cost tens of millions,the planes hit the secure computer floors on both towers,where not many people should have been,and the north tower should have been completely empty,there was a 25 minute gap for everyone to get out,the blood of the people who died in the north tower is on the emergency services and staff that told them to go back to work.but why the pentagon was hit i do not know.


the office hit.. what was being investigated?
the army sgt (female I think) who told what she saw right after the rocket..

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Mitsuskitzo

Honestly- if it all happened the way you and others would like to believe then I'll accept it if theres proof.

Problem is, nothing that any of you people say makes any sense. You all want this to be some huge staged thing like the landing on the moon.... Theres just no evidence for it any of it...

The whole movement is based on taking the evidence of how it actually happened and twisting the meaning of it to suit your own agenda... There's not one piece of original evidence for any of what you say. I defy you to present something legitimate...

Give me witnesses who saw 93 being shot down by one of our scrambled jets. or one that saw a missile hitting the pentagon... How about a radar screen shot of any of these missiles... Or pictures of the AA planes parked in Canada... Something that os totally original to your theory of how it happened...

edit on 1-8-2013 by PhotonEffect because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Zaphod58
reply to post by smurfy

Actually, all alert aircraft are on an Alert 15 status, unless an actual attack is underway. Alert 5 means engines running sitting on the end of the runway, waiting to go. Alert 10 is engines running, in the shelter, ready to taxi, Alert 15 (normal status) is engines shut down, nav system aligned, pilots in the shelter. Alert 15 is the normal status for all CONUS forces, be they E-4, E-6, or fighters. Alert 5 is mostly used on carriers, when they are in a high threat area, or for USAF forces that are on a CAS mission, with forces in contact, or soon to be in contact.

Actually it was, just it was an unexpected one. They were at Andrews as part of the exercises, and they scrambled when it was clear an attack was happening.
edit on 8/1/2013 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

Zaphod, that plane was already in the air, and you know it. Why the pretense? I already accept that it was a part of the exercise that was ongoing as has been given. Even Spanish TV know the plane was already in the air, so why bother? It did not scramble.
edit on 1-8-2013 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by doryinaz
reply to post by FlyersFan

it seems you have "drunk the koolaid" a former flight attendant for United, i can tell you.....those planes were NOT normal planes....and two of those flights were not scheduled out that fellow airline personnel know that what they told us was a lie.....nothing adds up....and the Ual plane was spotted, a year later....still in use...(tail numbers don't change) it makes you sleep better, keep believing the fable.....also...just curious....why do you even come to a site like ATS???????????

And of course, no one working there got any airline data what so ever as proof.....

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

Sometimes you just have to connect the dots when you don't have all the info. For example ask yourself why the fbi classified all the video footage from the businesses surrounding the Pentagon, what were they trying to hide?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by IndieA
Rumsfield said so.

care to show us exactly where Rumsfield said $2.3 trillion was missing? As it is not said in any video you posted!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
Sometimes you just have to connect the dots when you don't have all the info. For example ask yourself why the fbi classified all the video footage from the businesses surrounding the Pentagon,

This is what I love about conspiracy theorists, they just take a little bit of info and twist the crap out of it.

Care to show us exactly where the FBI "classified" all the video footage?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by jaws1975
reply to post by PhotonEffect

Sometimes you just have to connect the dots when you don't have all the info. For example ask yourself why the fbi classified all the video footage from the businesses surrounding the Pentagon, what were they trying to hide?

Sometimes connecting the dots is like seeing a rabbit in the clouds... You make of it what you want.

I don't know why they didn't release it. I didn't realize that they have an obligation to release anything. Does that make it a conspiracy?

Does your whole view of how 9/11 went down rest on the FBI's unwillingness to release video of the Pentagon being hit?

I agree, there are some holes in this thing.. A lot happened that day... However I for one don't give our gov't as much credit as you guys do for being able to pull something like this off... On the first try no less... without one real mistake of letting the cat out of the bag... No one got cold feet.... How many Americans turned on their country that day

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce
This is what I love about conspiracy theorists, they just take a little bit of info and twist the crap out of it.

You mean like this?

Shush- don't tell them that it's really just a balloon

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by PhotonEffect

All the evidence is there. Experts have spoken on it and ripped apart the official story. If it doesnt make sense to you then you are not wanting it to make sense. The laws of physics do not bend because someone wants it to.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by hellobruce

Originally posted by IndieA
Rumsfield said so.

care to show us exactly where Rumsfield said $2.3 trillion was missing? As it is not said in any video you posted!

At 0:50 of the video on this page Rumy says so estimates say that they can not track $2.3 Trillion. I consider that "missing". Listen the corruption in our gov is bad, wake up!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Mitsuskitzo

Experts have no relevance. How about witnesses and/or hard evidence for anything that you are alleging.

Or even a link to anything that you've found so convincing. Clearly something swayed you.

See for me, I was on Wall and Broadway that day and saw the 2nd plane strike in person. I breathed that acrid smoke and dust in. Felt the tremor, and the terror of that day- first hand. It drives me nuts that the gov't let this happen. Whether on purpose or by sheer negligence. But who's going to fire the gov't for that?

But what drives me even more nuts than the stupidity of our gov't is when people feel the need to invent some other story without any real concrete tangible evidence. I'm all for it if someone can make a good case for it... But here we are 12 years later and its the same ole nonsense...

Not that any of this should even matter to you.. Its my own thing... Either way I'll continue to wait until the whistleblowers blow this whole thing open. Theres bound to be at least one if it happened the way you think it did. Until that day comes though, it was as it happened. By hijackers from Al Qaeda

edit on 1-8-2013 by PhotonEffect because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by SMOKINGGUN2012

Grayson's evidence starts with proof that the two American Airlines planes, Flight 11 and Flight 175, that allegedly flew in to the south and north towers of the New York City World Trade Center were without passengers or pilots and were guided into the towers by NSA remote-control.

"Allegedly flew into the towers?" Allegedly, the chatter about how the towers fell has died down and needs a jumpstart to distract the Conspiracy seekers from the real conspiracy.

Fanning the flames one more time.

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