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Georgia State student forms White Student Union

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

If I had a son, he'd look like Patrick Sharp.

The reason it is unacceptable to show White Pride is because it's only noble and respectable to be proud of belonging to a minority that nobody would CHOOSE to be part of because of the disadvantages they allegedly suffer. Everyone knows Whitey is and has been on top for thousands of years, so eventhough he may technically be edging into the minority, he doesn't endure sufficient indignities socially to allow him to express racial pride. Which is BS.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:20 PM
There's a part of this that many are choosing to overlook.

These minority groups and organizations are set up to allow discussion amongst those groups, provide support to each other, and increase awareness of minority issues, in a society that on the whole marginalizes them. The white American DOESN'T HAVE the same history as the Black American, and they do not face the same issues of racism in society, that's a fact.

Comparing a black group to a white group is a little ridiculous, because society itself is the white group. This is like a religious group setting up a "Catholic Foundation" in Vatican City.

I agree with the principle of having the group, and it's going to be interesting to see how the debate about it unfolds. But there is a real risk of this becoming a dangerous issue, because no matter how the average white American might feel it's unfair that there are so many other groups, it wasn't your people being attacked for decades, it wasn't your people in slavery, it wasn't your people being ostracized from the community and it isn't generally your people STILL experiencing racism across the country.

Like it or not, minority groups have a right to complain, and while we would all love to see an all-inclusive group of Americans without race being an issue, you are not there yet. It is still an issue, and people are still discriminated against based on race, gender, sexuality, political opinion, class etc...

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:30 PM
"White" people have a very different historical context than Black, Hispanic or Native Americans.
I believe most of you are forgetting this point and would love to just skim over this historical context (as if it never happened) but you simply can't.
So you can sit on your fundamental rights all you want, the kid (and I hope you guys too) knows damn well it's not the same.
Plus, how ironic is it that "immigration" is a topic that "concerns white people", yet the US was built on immigration, primarily by white Europeans inviting themselves...

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Rocker2013
There's a part of this that many are choosing to overlook.

These minority groups and organizations are set up to allow discussion amongst those groups, provide support to each other, and increase awareness of minority issues, in a society that on the whole marginalizes them. The white American DOESN'T HAVE the same history as the Black American, and they do not face the same issues of racism in society, that's a fact.

Comparing a black group to a white group is a little ridiculous, because society itself is the white group. This is like a religious group setting up a "Catholic Foundation" in Vatican City.

I agree with the principle of having the group, and it's going to be interesting to see how the debate about it unfolds. But there is a real risk of this becoming a dangerous issue, because no matter how the average white American might feel it's unfair that there are so many other groups, it wasn't your people being attacked for decades, it wasn't your people in slavery, it wasn't your people being ostracized from the community and it isn't generally your people STILL experiencing racism across the country.

Like it or not, minority groups have a right to complain, and while we would all love to see an all-inclusive group of Americans without race being an issue, you are not there yet. It is still an issue, and people are still discriminated against based on race, gender, sexuality, political opinion, class etc...

The problem is they are not just comparing white to black, it is white to every other race out there. If we are taking into account the amount of "wrongs" done to each race in the past in order to allow a certain amount of freedoms that others are not allowed then why are there ANY other groups in the US other than black and native american? I mean we were founded on Christian principles and every school has multiple organizations for religions including Christian.....why is that ok and having a white group not?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:48 PM
I wish they all the luck they can get.
they will need it.

people in England dont speak English any more!
can I say English? dont wont to be a raciest.
go to America Obama loves you!!!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 02:55 PM
This is bull#, just like black history month or any other day/month dedicated to a specific race.

Fight division with division and create more division. Brilliant Logic, great work.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by n00bUK
This is bull#, just like black history month or any other day/month dedicated to a specific race.

Fight division with division and create more division. Brilliant Logic, great work.

While it may not be the best way to go about getting anything done it sure will get noticed more this way if there is a reason behind it to get some attention which I am leaning towards.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by bigwig22

Are you suggesting that whites have suffered the same mistreatment at the hands of blacks and asians, as blacks and asians have at the hands of whites, and are therefore entitled to equal consideration?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe

Originally posted by n00bUK
This is bull#, just like black history month or any other day/month dedicated to a specific race.

Fight division with division and create more division. Brilliant Logic, great work.

While it may not be the best way to go about getting anything done it sure will get noticed more this way if there is a reason behind it to get some attention which I am leaning towards.

But it still causes more division, specific races opposing it breeding more unnecessary hate. Its causing attention for all the wrong reasons.

Why doesn't somebody start a multinational/race day? About unity, history and similarities between cultures? Oh wait, thats too positive, forget that - lets just target our own races an make sure our race prosper over the other ones. Woohoo.

Worlds gone fkin mad
edit on 1-8-2013 by n00bUK because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:50 PM
Well, ever since I was a kid and I learned about BET (Black Entertainment Television) I've wanted to start my own...


White Entertainment Television! I'm not really sure what the programming would be. I think reruns of Paula Dean's shows are out. Maybe a show about coffee, maybe some about yoga and microbrewing...

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:02 PM
Come to California... white power has been buried... Viva La Revolution.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by IvanAstikov
reply to post by bigwig22

Are you suggesting that whites have suffered the same mistreatment at the hands of blacks and asians, as blacks and asians have at the hands of whites, and are therefore entitled to equal consideration?

I never suggested that. I've just mentionned that any race should have the same right to form any group they want as long as they don't arm anyone. I don't care if black or asian people wants to form groups. I've just said that anyone should have the same right, whatever the color of their skin or the history of their people. Did the young people that are part of these black, asians or any race group have suffered from slavery? I guess not. Their ancestors may have but you can't blame current generations for that. I am for equality for any race, both ways.

Peace out.
edit on 1-8-2013 by bigwig22 because: typo

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

I thought there was already a white group.. except they are a little extreme.

I think a novel idea would be to destroy groups but i guess continued division is the way to go.

yes we should praise this just like i praise hispanic groups.... which i don't cuz it is stupid and retarded to do so.

I am anti black groups, brown groups, yellow groups, gay groups, lesbian groups, white groups, political partys, and any other group..

the only group i reluctantly accept is the american group.. which all of us are in the country and you all need to get eff over it.

praising this?? really this is extremely messed up.. This kid is setup to perpetuate the same garbage everyone else is peddling.. way to follow the status quo.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe
The problem is they are not just comparing white to black, it is white to every other race out there. If we are taking into account the amount of "wrongs" done to each race in the past in order to allow a certain amount of freedoms that others are not allowed then why are there ANY other groups in the US other than black and native american? I mean we were founded on Christian principles and every school has multiple organizations for religions including Christian.....why is that ok and having a white group not?

What freedoms are being disallowed? There's nothing to say that a group of white people can't have a social or academic collective, it happens all over the country already and it's not called anything because there's no need for them to recognize it as such. There is no struggle for them, so why make the "all white poker night" at the local bar a publicized "whites only" group?

There's also a myth about these other racial groups and clubs suggesting that they are exclusive, they're not. I think you'll find that 99% of all those minority groups are open, public, accept discussions and debates with all and encourage an interracial dialogue and involvement.

The way it's being presented here is as though they have guards at all entrances and meetings are for "blacks only". It's BS, and it's a warped way of presenting it.

I can't see a problem with them having this group, that's my view. But I am interested in the way it's being deliberately provocative, mentioning race as motivating factor, immigration and minorities etc. Most other minority groups are not set up to "counter" white dominance and discuss how hard done by they are and how to "fight back". It seems the motivation for this group is already sliding towards white supremacist ideals.

It seems that this is not about celebrating culture and racial identity (as many of the other minority groups are), it looks to me as though it's more about racism and a deliberately provocative act for nothing more than arguments sake.

And, whether we agree or not, this WILL attract blatantly racist members. I hope the creator of it is prepared to have remnants of the KKK praising him publicly and tying him and his group to a white supremacist movement. It's going to happen, whether he originally wanted that or not.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Mamatus

I flat our refuse to say the phrase "The N Word" instead of N#$%&R. Why? Because the "C Word" is still being used. You know the C word, Cracker!

I am not disagreeing with you however for some reason as I read through your post the first time I wondered why won't he say NASCAR. Corvette...... err.... oh O.K.

My mind jus wasn't tracking at first.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:04 PM
You all do realize that white people can join black student unions, etc.

The white people that made this group are the same type that complain there isn't a white history month, when in reality, nearly all history is white history in this country... or complain about BET. Just dumb.
edit on 1-8-2013 by WaterBottle because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by IvanAstikov

I get sooo tired of this.

Look up the Moors and see what they did to Spain and France. Next, a large portion of the slave trade was initiated by guess who.... other black tribes in Africa selling to the Danish. So if you have a bone to pick pick it with the ones who sold their neighbors for trinkets.

Last I checked no one I know owns slaves.
edit on 8/1/2013 by Azdraik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:17 PM
Help me understand something here:

Didn't blacks create their own groups (students, tv, pageants, congress, etc...) because they weren't "allowed" to join other groups, meaning they were typically and systematically denied entry into most mainstream groups.

So now, we're upset because they have these groups?? and think that these groups are 'racist' in nature?? So do we think there's a point at which all of these 'special' groups should have realized how much more equal everything in our country have become, and taken it upon themselves to disband?? I'm not sure I get why we're upset that these groups exist when we wanted them to be in these groups in the first place. Am I missing something??

I think it's great this kid is starting a group, but to say that "black groups are racist, so let's start our own racist group," I don't think helps create a more united country, does it?

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:23 PM

Originally posted by Lucikay
Help me understand something here:

Didn't blacks create their own groups (students, tv, pageants, congress, etc...) because they weren't "allowed" to join other groups, meaning they were typically and systematically denied entry into most mainstream groups.

So now, we're upset because they have these groups?? and think that these groups are 'racist' in nature?? So do we think there's a point at which all of these 'special' groups should have realized how much more equal everything in our country have become, and taken it upon themselves to disband?? I'm not sure I get why we're upset that these groups exist when we wanted them to be in these groups in the first place. Am I missing something??

I think it's great this kid is starting a group, but to say that "black groups are racist, so let's start our own racist group," I don't think helps create a more united country, does it?

You are correct and there was a time that was needed. I personally do not believe those types of groups are needed anymore. They do the same thing that all the "diversity" crap that major corporations inject in the workplace does; highlight the differences which just keep the division going.

Why can't people just be people.
edit on 8/1/2013 by Azdraik because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

Sorta don't see a point.

There is no one white group. There are Anglos, Russians, Irish, Itallians, etc etc.

It's the same reason why there aren't exactly Asian student unions. There are, rather, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc groups.

Latinos and African Americans are more homogenous groups than "white" in America.
edit on 1-8-2013 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

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