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I could tell you but would you beleive?

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posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 03:06 PM
I didn't really read this whole thread but can you sum it up in a few sentences

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:00 PM
That the Billy Meier case was a hoax made by an attention seeker (who may or may not have had an experience to start with and then exaggerated it) can be read between the lines. What he wrote have several common denominators with Alex Collier and other so called contactees proven to be fake. Always keep an eye out for these things when reading books by self proclaimed contactees:

1) The alien/aliens in some way admire the contactee for his (or her) intelligence. This offcourse to further strengthen the contactees credentials and give weight to everything he says. When that is done lets bring some politics into it.

2) The alien talks about their solutions. Like in the Meier case Semjase (I think she was called) talks about how they deport all criminals to some remote island. "Hey that sound like a good idea, maybe we should do that on earth too since you're an alien and must know whats best for all of us on this planet".

And so on and so on...all warning bells ring.

Like said before. These people don't need anyone to discredit them. They do it perfectly fine on their own.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by bluemooone2
I could tell you what I have experienced .....but you........... (understandably).... would have no reason to believe me. I could tell you that I have stood on the rim of the ship that is in the video at 8 min.
But you have no reason to believe Me. I could tell you that the universe has a plethora of human like beings........

Depending on whether I think you're lying to me, I can choose to believe that you believe what you say, and what you thought you saw. But you're absolutely right. Without objective evidence leading to proof, you understand that believing you would be a complete leap of faith. And since I am not compelled in any way to make that leap, I have to leave it at that.

Good for you and what you believe you know and experienced. You get a cookie. That's all I have.

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 06:33 PM
There's only one reason I'm replying and it has more to do with whether or not personal stories can be believed by another than it has to do with if I believe you personally, or the video (which I haven't watched but think Dan Aykroyd is funny and talented)

In the absence of proof, there can be tell tale signs that lead one to believe another's story.

I hardly believe half of what people say to me because I can often feel their intentions that might be ever so slightly displaced from what they are saying, because I know them or know details of their life... and it may not be about anything important, or even what I call a straight up lie. They may have themselves deceived or may simply be exaggerating or something... most people do these types of things... or maybe just putting on airs, it's typical... but when it comes to a personal story recounted, details of all kinds become critical to form a foundation of reality that is probable as opposed to improbable, even if it sounds believable on the surface.

Some people will believe anything so long as the person has a sincere look in their eyes.
Some people have active minds that constantly assess theoretical scenarios like thousands of branches stemming from one tree... just based on one thing that was told to them. It can get very complicated but these things are not impossible to narrow down into a believable eureka moment. I'm not saying that only smart people can detect lies or anything like that because it's not so simple. A thinker like that can often find themselves in a tangled mess when confused or overlooking something right in front of their face... perhaps looking completely crazy at times and unable to do a simple task when deep in thought but it serves it's purpose and it takes all kinds in this world.... whereas some people can just tell when a person is lying on vibes. The problem with that is everyone wants that skill so that makes for a lot of jumping to conclusions in life.

Speaking for myself, like I said... most stories I do not believe. Some stories I don't believe may even be true but have been unfortunately compromised like tainted evidence.
If I had the opportunity to hear a detailed yet opinionated story that was true... and without lying of course but also with the compromise of little side lies, little biased cover up lies (like the old cover up over a mostly true story that would cause many people dismiss the whole thing as soon as one small lie is detected)..... then I see no reason to think that someone couldn't convince me with enough time and enough genuine sincere detail.... but it's all case by case, isn't it?

So in answering... most stories I don't believe, but then again, my own is admittedly unusual.

That in no way means I could not be convinced. Sure I can be convinced.

Got a true story? Gimme your best shot!

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by bluemooone2

Originally posted by bluemooone2

I could tell you what I have experienced .....but you........... (understandably)....have no reason to believe me.

I could tell you that I have stood on the rim of the ship that is in the video at 8 min.
But you have no reason to believe Me.

I have never seen anything in the sky that I couldn't identify. I have never experienced anything out of the ordinary. You say "(understandably) have no reason to believe me." This is very true.

Nevertheless, it seems like you have something to say. Why not recount your experience? You recognize that your audience is skeptical. You are inviting even more skepticism by making blanket claims without even providing your personal experience.

On a side note, I have watched the video with Aykroyd. I personally enjoyed it and I think it's a shame that SYFY cut the series short before it even had a chance to air on TV. I guess somebody tried to parlay that into a movie. It contains several interviews that they shot for the original series "Out There".

I wish you the best.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by bluemooone2


It's not about belief. Forget belief. Reasonable people should not and do not just believe such strange things, even when they happen to themselves- at least at first.

Maybe there are two kinds of reasonable people who will not believe you- those with no experience and those with a lot. The first has no reason to believe you, and the second has a reason not to. People who have a lot of experience are more likely to know where you may be mistaken or may be lying.

You know, many humans who have an alien experience lie about it by exaggerating events and by fabricating additional events and details. Most misunderstand in a great way by no fault or blame, but then adhere to just that and do not grow beyond.

And you know, there are always some number of revolving disinformation agents residing in places like this, spying, trolling, steering social and political opinion, planting false witness and evidence, and discrediting individuals old and new.

Please be brave. There is no real harm in your recounting your experience here. I would also like to hear it in detail. I hope, did you write it down when it happened to preserve integrity? And I would like to know if this was your only alien-related experience that you recall. And whether you have had any other kinds of special or strange experiences, and what those were like.

edit on 8/4/2013 by EarthSister because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 11:37 PM
reply to post by EarthSister

I should say I was slightly (very) rather tipsy(drunk) when I posted this and I apologize for that .
But I stand behind it , and have been meaning to make a thread on this .

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 02:48 PM
What am I supposed to believe from this silly video?

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by torsion

I was lifted up by sound hun , they make the most incredible noise I have ever heard ! And the Billy parts a rather long story.
IN FACT.........the sound is what triggered the memory.
I will continue with pictures of location soon and full story.

edit on 21-1-2014 by bluemooone2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 05:49 AM
reply to post by EarthSister

Well , judge me after the tale and let me know.
Your very wise also so thank you, and yes grays and possibly childhood stuff I don't remember yet .
Grays can emote now also , some are rather kind even.

edit on 21-1-2014 by bluemooone2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2014 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by EarthSister

There is no real harm in your recounting your experience here. I would also like to hear it in detail. I hope, did you write it down when it happened to preserve integrity? And I would like to know if this was your only alien-related experience that you recall. And whether you have had any other kinds of special or strange experiences, and what those were like.

It was remembered spontaneously ,21 years later and forgetting is not an option and its not all good im afraid

edit on 21-1-2014 by bluemooone2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 04:56 AM
It seems that the original video that I posted here has been removed. With all the many videos on YouTube I cannot be totally sure what video my OP had but it may have been this one here:

That being done I keep saying that I will tell this whole story and I keep not doing it. I still may if I can do it right and feel that I should. I know that may sound like I am baiting but I promise you that that is not the case here. Its just a very wild story, and hard to put into words correctly. And it may be even harder to believe for most people than most things here because of the connection with Billy. By now after all these years it may even be irrelevant in some ways anyways. I can say that I will give it some more thought. Anyways , if I decide to do this it may take some time and it will definitely go in the grey area because I have no proof whatsoever . None. nada, zero. And It will be done sober also unlike most of this thread because I type better and of course can think much better. Im grinning here but it is true.
edit on 27-4-2015 by bluemooone2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 06:31 AM
Bring it on. Just saying... 12 years ago when I read the Lacerta texts they sounded stupid, but after rereading them recently and with additional education, knowledge etc. they don't sound that stupid anymore. So I'm open for crazy stories

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: bluemooone2

I could tell you that the universe has a plethora of human like beings........

posted on Apr, 27 2015 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: draknoir2

That made my day sir if I ever ever stop laughing that is.

posted on May, 4 2015 @ 03:28 AM
I saw a UFO up close once and only once that I remember. It was about one hundred feet away, maybe fifty feet off the ground, and went by so fast I hardly had time to think or register it. Less than thirty seconds.

It looked like an upside-down ice cream cone. It was glowing like it was red hot, and wobbling as it moved like a top on a table that is starting to lose momentum.

It made a sound like someone had put a jacket with metal buttons into a tumble dryer, except really, really loud.

It made the air smell like bacon? Or pork fat? Hard to describe, but it lingered for a few minutes afterwards.

Later I got a wicked sunburn on my face, and I spent the night throwing up in the bathroom.

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