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Mission BC Bigfoot Videos all Fake?

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:44 AM
The Mayor of Mission appears to say that the bigfoot sighting are all faked to promote the city and the app for Playmobility, LegendTracker.

Link to video
Not sure how to embed non-YT videos.

I did wonder why no one zoomed in on any of the videos as well as why the Sasquatch would get so close to people.

Hoaxers like this should be shunned. I want to believe but, how do you believe when there are soo many fakes and soo many idiots faking the vids to get some publicity. I for one, will not be supporting this company in the future.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 12:04 PM
Yes most are cell phone apps, such as with their current Bigfoot vid. Others are a man in a suit, which are more obviously fake. I don't think they should be shunned, but people should be aware that it is marketing to help tourism in the area. Is it a hoax? Sure, if you are presenting it as real. Posted twice about it for more info:

posted on Aug, 1 2013 @ 11:02 AM
The Mayor of Mission states the bleeding obvious!


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