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Do NOT allow your elderly loved ones or children to fly on airplanes!

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:22 AM
Unless it's at night. I'll even get on my knees and beg you. It's THAT serious...

They/you might get a full on X-ray body scan for the duration of the flight. This also includes your pets.

With a failing magnetosphere you are playing Russian Roulette with your lives at any one given time. Being so high up in the atmosphere you therefore have much less of its protections mostly in the form of water vapor against solar radiation.

Solar radiation that comes into contact/collision with metal produces secondary X-rays (Bremsstrahlung).

Can anybody recall back to the so-called heat wave of France that killed tens of thousands of people? Most were elderly and children who are more prone to radiation sickness.

Think that spell of jet lag is really jet lag? Might not be. Ever feel like you got the flu too after riding in your car after a long drive in the sun? Radiation sickness feels similar to the flu.

I personally wouldn't chance it if I were you. I fly only at night if at all possible.

That radiation from Japan is just a smoke-screen too. It might be legit, but there's more radiation than that that will affect--and quite possibly--kill you (read: sun).

And just a note because we are all tinfoil hat wearers on this site, that if you put that hat on, you're just going to fry your brain faster.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:29 AM
Im more scared of the HEAVILY recirculated air than of radiation - though having said that im not a child nor elderly. But it doesnt help im sure!

The effect must be weak, i mean the people that died in france were not in planes, a nice casing of aluminum to help dissipate the particles - surely that more than counters the thin air.

did you know the air was better when there was smoking allowed?

Due to the amount of fresh air mixed with recirculated air being far richer in fresh air - airlines saves MASSIVE amounts of money when they stopped smoking on planes.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:32 AM
This has been the case for a long time. Repeated exposure is very bad for anyone yet people fly all over all the time. An occasional flight once a year isn't bad but repeated exposure is very bad for anyone. Why the government doesn't warn people I do not know, I suppose it would be bad to lose jobs in a time when so many are out of work. It has gotten worse with the weakening of the magnetic field I guess, that is what the research I read stated anyway.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:33 AM
No worries...this is how me and my family roll....

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 10:40 AM
You do understand this is one of the OP's joke threads which he like to make up....

I will bite because Iam bored...Tell us oh wise one why only the young and old? and why arn't thousands of people dying from this radiation sickness?
Oh and got any proof at all? or as usual have you none.
edit on 31-7-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

I don't read it as a joke thread, at all.

The assertions are more than plausible given the givens re the sun recently.

= = =

BTW, you might find it beneficial to research ATTACHMENT DISORDER . . . something I and most American men and women seem plagued with in epidemic proportions in our era. Been working on mine for more than 51 years.

sometimes I find myself wondering if folks with such a pattern, tone, gritchy-ness of posting were [warning, hyperbole] beaten bloody every other evening and twice on weekends.

edit on 31/7/2013 by BO XIAN because: addition

edit on 31/7/2013 by BO XIAN because: addition

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Nevermind not worth it at all.

edit on 31-7-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

imho, the OP's warning and the related sun issues are SERIOUS BUSINESS far from jokes. I think the OP is doing us all a service by calling attention to the issues.

= = = =

Evidently you think your post was NOT insulting to the OP???

Actually, I was hoping to spare you some grief that your type of behavior usually correlates so well with in most individuals. My comment was a kindness. .


edit on 31/7/2013 by BO XIAN because: courtesy increase

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Tell us oh wise one why only the young and old?

The young make too much noise,

The old hold up the toilets.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Then why aren't a few thousand people dead every day from flying? Do you even begin to know how many planes are in the air at any given time? Or how many hundreds of millions of people fly every year? There is zero evidence that radiation exposure has killed any of them. And do you even know the types of radiation you're exposed to in flight? How hard it is to shield against it? Do you really think that radiation just suddenly stops when the sun goes down? Any clue at all? Where is there even a tiny shred of proof other than his word?
edit on 7/31/2013 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I like to see a little proof before I fall for peoples views BO, the OP since joining has came up with many theories but has never provided proof. I have asked a couple of questions and would love to hear the replies.

One you may enjoy.

Now instead of attacking me, understand why I think this is nonsense ok.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:22 AM
The air is not recycled but comes in and exhausted out approx every 4.5 minutes depending on the aircraft...If you have a Geiger counter and fly below approx 10,000 to 14,000 the Geiger is at the 8 to 10 o'clock position; somewhere around the mid 20s it is at the 11 o'clock position and above 30,000 it is more at the 1 to 2 o'clock position. You crack 40,000 ft and it continues indicating your increased exposure rate with peaks and valleys that would scare most people. I flew for over 50 years and many times at or above 45,000 ft...I am still alive and so are many of my friends who did the same.

I do not remember the calibration of the Geiger counter that Kerby had but he was big on requesting a lower altitude when the counter was reading high... A big solar flare could actually cause you an increase in exposure depending on your cruising altitude......It also depends on the time of year for the higher readings.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Zaphod58

1. I'm a layman in terms of the issues.

2. I've read enough here and there to believe that the OP may have a good point. There have been cautions even in the Marxist Stream Media about minimizing air travel because of the increasingly potent sun spots etc.

3. Radiation, imho, of a relatively low level type . . . can take a long time to exact its health destructiveness to obvious levels.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by boymonkey74

Understanding and dialogue about the merits of the OP's radiation factors and concerns is one thing.

If you have solid science or even convincing evidence or opinion about the lack of threat by the increased sun activity and the increased size of some of the unprecedented sun spots etc--great.

A habitual perverse "mind reading" attack on the personhood, character, motives, sanity, IQ of your opponents is "displeasurable" and detracts from even your points.

And, some of us are not as . . . uhhh . . . wedded . . . to the RELIGION OF SCIENTISM as the only REVEALER OF TRUTH.

Phenomenological methodologies have also produced a lot of discovery and benefit to society. Both together are hard to beat.

It is an illusion at best and a delusion too often to pretend that only that which can be dissected in the laboratory is true.

Besides, by the time that level of "proof" is available, usually a lot of irrecoverable damage has been done.

And, I honestly do grieve for anyone I meet who seems to have a huge ball of gritchy inside from which they too often too easily spew over everyone near--particularly those who dare to believe differently.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

OP is doing us all a service by calling attention to the issues.

This is calling attention to an issue to you is it?

I'll even get on my knees and beg you. It's THAT serious... They/you might get a full on X-ray body scan for the duration of the flight. This also includes your pets. With a failing magnetosphere you are playing Russian Roulette with your lives at any one given time. Being so high up in the atmosphere you therefore have much less of its protections mostly in the form of water vapor against solar radiation. Solar radiation that comes into contact/collision with metal produces secondary X-rays (Bremsstrahlung). Can anybody recall back to the so-called heat wave of France that killed tens of thousands of people? Most were elderly and children who are more prone to radiation sickness.

Since you seem to understand what the OP is on about,

I have asked OP to explain some things previously but they just dismiss questions to clarify some misunderstandings I had with insults and ridicule.

Can you recall back when 10 of thousands were killed in France due to a heat wave?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by CircleOfDust

Can anybody recall back to the so-called heat wave of France that killed tens of thousands of people? Most were elderly and children who are more prone to radiation sickness.

This is a joke. So don't fly and because a heatwave killed 14k people in France in 2003 this makes sense how? If these were even close to related, how did we avoid the heatwave in the last 10 years?

To prove my point and dismiss yours:

In France, there were 14,802 heat-related deaths (mostly among the elderly) during the heat wave, according to the French National Institute of Health.

The high number of deaths can be explained by the conjunction of seemingly unrelated events. Most nights in France are cool, even in summer. As a consequence, houses (usually of stone, concrete or brick construction) do not warm too much during the daytime and radiate minimal heat at night, and air conditioning is usually unnecessary. During the heat wave, temperatures remained at record highs even at night, preventing the usual cooling cycle. Elderly persons living by themselves had never faced such extreme heat before and did not know how to react or were too mentally or physically impaired by the heat to make the necessary adaptations themselves. Elderly persons with family support or those residing in nursing homes were more likely to have others who could make the adjustments for them. This led to statistically improbable survival rates with the weakest group having fewer deaths than more physically fit persons; most of the heat victims came from the group of elderly persons not requiring constant medical care or living alone without immediate family.


And just a note here...PLENTY of homes in the area were built without A/C as it is not needed for the most part. Simply put they died because it was hot for a few days.....gets hot here in GA, but I have A/C so I don't die. Haven't died from any radiation either....guess the A/C is protecting me from it right?

edit on 7/31/13 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

1. I appreciate a heads-up for me to ponder and consider. I don't take it as an evil thing for someone to give me a heads-up even when they turn out to be wrong.

2. I'm not super well read on the topic but have read a few articles that relate. That's enough for me to think . . . hmmm might need to investigate more if I plan a long plane trip.

3. I don't get my knickers in a twist on the basis of flawless or flawed details on such matters. Nothing's perfect nor perfectly proven nor perfectly causally correlated.

4. Life is complex. As my Dissertation chairman said: "Just about any cock-a-may-me explanation will do."

5. I don't connect well with the "lynch the OP" feelings and mentality as though he'd committed genocide or the unforgivable sin.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

5. I don't connect well with the "lynch the OP" feelings and mentality as though he'd committed genocide or the unforgivable sin.

Its not lynching the OP but simply asking for supporting evidence.

Look at some other threads of the OP, simple questions asking for clarification are met with insults.

If they were to be in the grey area or skunk works then they can let rip with what ever the choose and not really need any supporting evidence.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by Vasa Croe

Thanks Vasa for that post.

As soon as I saw 2003 I recall seeing and reading and talking to family in Croatia at the time about this,

I would love to know what connection OP has made to use the heatwave deaths in one country of the world as an example of Radiation poisoning from flying airplanes above all countries.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I'm not a novice to either air travel, or radiation, and the OP is utterly wrong. I flew enough just on short haul flights (average 20-45 minutes) to have accrued over 100,000 miles in their frequent flier program (and this was only after I was registered), at 1,000 miles per leg, in just over six months. That doesn't count longer flights to and from the mainland US, Asia, and the Pacific. This was long enough ago that if I was going to get sick from radiation poisoning, I would have been already. I'm not.

The earth is bombarded by radiation 24/7/365. It doesn't give a crap if the sun is up or not, so the whole "only let them fly at night" is utter crap. Radiation doesn't just come from the sun, it comes from GCRs, earth sources, a lot of places, including the sun. Just because the sun is down, radiation doesn't go off duty.

There is zero evidence to link any kind of major death rate, as the OP implies with the comment about people dying from the heat, with air travel. Delta Airlines alone carried over 110 million people last year. Even with radiation exposure taking time to make you really sick, there should have been a statistical blip with that many people on one airline alone. That's 1/3 the population of the United States, just on that airline alone.

In the US alone, there were 815.3 million passengers carried in 2012. That's 1.1 BILLION revenue passenger miles. And that's just for the US. Don't you think we'd be seeing something by now considering how long we've known about radiation at altitude, and how many passengers fly a day?
edit on 7/31/2013 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)

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