posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:50 PM
Originally posted by punk316
reply to post by greavsie1971
You make some good points...seeds are a must! How long can they be sorted??
Indefinitely if properly stored. Keep them dry and out of light, should last you long enough. Beware though; it's better to know how to germinate the
seeds, grow the crops, and harvest new seeds, before you need this skill in an actual SHTF situation. Learning to grow crops is not hard, nor is
collecting seeds, but the first time is always new, while the next time around you'll know where the seeds are, when to harvest,...
You don't want to use a batch of seeds only to end up without new seeds to use...
I don't prep, I don't want to risk my own safety by being one of the only prepared people in the area, instead, I prep mentally. Start doing what
you'll think you'd need in a SHTF situation; learn to start fires, find edible plants, hunt, fish, study human psychology and how people will react,
how society will change,... This is useful, hoarding material, imho, not so much. You can only last so long on canned food etc anyway.
My key items are a lighter (use sparingly to start a fire) and a swiss army knife. Anything beyond is pretty much abundant and replaceable. Maybe
fishing wire could come in handy, rope in general, bandages,... but those can all easily be scavenged, while starting a fire in wet situations is hard
without a lighter, and a swiss knife, well, is there anything you can't do with a swiss knife?