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Elohim message to the Pope and Vatican regarding the Feminine Divine

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posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by swanne

If "evil" is for evolution then evil will exist forever as long as there are being still existing.

Are you saying that one day we will evolve to a point where this force can be manipulated like gravity in order to help humanity somehow? (the rocket analogy)

How do you think this force can be manipulated for the greater good instead of just being random hurting people (like gravity and things that fall and hurt people)?

I hope this question is clear. I am sort of typing in a rush.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by BornOfSin

You talk about the Church having to be handed over, and that would be because its owned by the wolves, so under its rules and they are done with the age of pisces and working on the age of aquarius, but absolutely none of this benefits the people who are excepted to be passed along as fundamental slaves in each era patted on the head, lied to, conquered, and put to work in wars and all manners of money making schemes by the weakest most pathetic slavers at the top.

Well the odd part is, the real Church Temple is not owned by the dark side, and its not given to them or handed over, for that Temple is us, we are the tabernacle. The Holy of Holies is the eye of horus region in our brains, the veil is a web like structure between the Pineal and Pituatary, the Revelations is a positive current instruction, its not about Future, its about Now and always being in the present, and basically about the 7 chakras and using your gifts properly and achieving Higher Mind.

And will never ever ever go under any other religion, just do the spiritual and continue as a Christian/Gnostic Christian.

They get nothing from us. People just need to wake up and practice the true spirituality and then refuse to particpate with the asshats at the top no matter what they try to pull.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:49 AM
I will say this. Anyone who gives tithes or a percent of their income to support an outer idol, when the temple/church is the body, and that money should be equalizing the world and ensuring the temples of the divine are not starving to death in the streets, homeless, force into prison for unjust police state laws, being abused in inner cities....get it.

The outer symbolism of the religion is idolatry. So is royalty, Hollywood, media and political soap operas. We are to be the people, our councils and our media grass roots!
edit on 8-8-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
Are you saying that one day we will evolve to a point where this force can be manipulated like gravity in order to help humanity somehow? (the rocket analogy)

That, mate, is the ultimate question.

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by BornOfSin

Take a look at how many plane and train crashes there has been recently. Take a look at how many wildfires there has been world-wide for the last few months, take a look at how many floods have hit this Earth in the last few months.

And now take a look further back and see nothing out of the ordinary if you were to compare.

I have taken countless friends to 'SEE THEM' in person as well.

Yet do they see them?

Why isn't anyone here backing your claims if you have taken many and why hide behind a screen with what you claim?

If you do not and continue to accuse me of 'Making it up', then it shows nothing but your own want; to not know what is true. Your Bible is NOTHING LIKE they tell you it is my friend. This may be a hard truth for you to accept. But pain of truth, does not stop it from being truth.

This is insane.

Your truth is nothing like your hallucinations tell you.

If you keep repeating yourself with claims its only you who knows then it shows nothing but your want, to know what is true. This may be a hard truth for you to accept... you get the rest as they are your words.

Once again; you failed to go verify what I have showed you. To know it is true.

Reader need not any verification other than your own words to know whats true and not.

You have showed readers you lie and deceive mixed with a number of philosophical concepts of truth,

Why do want readers to verify this?

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Ok had a good laugh at your pathetic threat to my life.

Go through some of his other threads.

Threats left right and center.

Calling any disbelievers of his message blind and ignorant.

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