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Bought expensive whiskey to celebrate US destruction

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posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 01:07 PM
Alcohol, Destroying families and screwing up lives for centuries. Drinking to someone's or something's destuction= coward & loser. You sir are both, not to mention that's some nasty arse shat you drinking. Will rot you from the inside out. Oh and by the way, that alcohol is one of the reason's America is in the crapper.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by AnyoneSeenJustice

Sorry I don't have time to read entire threads too busy making money
. But who is more evil, the leader or those willing to join in with it?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by AnyoneSeenJustice

so you bought a single malt whiskey to celebrate the fall of Scotland or Ireland...? I know you didn't think that was ok for the US especially since we have our own breed. You drink Makers Mark Bourbon and that's that. not even jack unless its gentleman's jack or better.

the hell is wrong with you? ain't dead until I and all of us are.....
edit on 7-8-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 10:43 PM
Having read the Op's posting, he claims that the destruction of the USA is at hand and it is a good thing.

But there are a few things that the Op has not taken into consideration. While it may seem to be a good thing, but what would happen if the USA does fail, if you look back at history, from say the 1900's to the current day, here is what would not be seen:

It seems as though when ever there is a natural diseaster anywhere in the world, it is the USA that gives more in money and assets, no matter where it is.

And it seems like some of the greatest inventions in the world, all came from, the USA. You know the modern conviences that we all enjoy, like electricity, and the microwave, and the modern computer, and the internet, I believe that the cellphone was created here.

And let us not forget many of the modern medical miracles came around.

And if the USA is such a bad place, then why is there alot of people who keep coming to the USA to either live or get an education? Seems like most of the IT people from India come here, get advanced degrees and then return to India.

And it is really strange, that the US currency is still traded on the open markets, that countries still buy and purchase and lend money to the USA.

While it is not perfect, but it seems that alot of people and countries are still wanting and seeking US approval, from around the world. Even countries like Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, for as much as they do not like the USA, often tend to try to get our attention if not wanting our money.

Well I for one am tired of the USA being blamed, and would urge a closing of the doors, retracting of the aid that is sent out and let the world deal with its own problems for a few years.

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