posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 01:54 AM
How many times do I have to tell people, many laws are brought in, at first, on the side of public opinion. However, its a prelude to what they truly
want to do. There will be no big announcement, just ammended laws.
The Hate Crime law is a fantastic example of this, introduced in to the Criminal Act 1998, people were all for it because it bascially was pitched as
racist trash will no longer be treated as criminals but as criminal racist trash. What it didn't say was that it would target white on non-white,
which actually was a cover by Labour to have an open door immigration policy without any conflict within the general population, which lead to
decreasing wages, devaluing purchase power and a shortage of everything from school places to housing that we have today.
The Hate Crime law was actually the origin of this concept which is being pitched today, its taking the clamp down on freedom of speech to a new
Draconian level. Again, its being pitched as, we will make sure your kids can't access porn, people cheers...What is really going on is that they
want to smash to pieces any anti establishment movements and websites, but they cannot do that and that alone, so they focus on what the majority will
favour, play on the emotions. It's a political move towards an ideological agenda of totalitarianism.
This can be all monitored, the Met alone is able to monitor what anyone (or any IP address) does as soon as it connects to the net, let alone MI5 and
MI6. To me, who has working knowledge of this, its already in motion, its just not common knowledge. However, what they are talking about is total
banning. This is simply about controlling what you view, what you read and what you think.
I said years ago that it would come to this, the end result of all these laws and changes to how we are governed either at work or at home will just
end in how it was over 100 years ago. We will have no rights, we will be drones to glorified factory owners and we will be totally under
control...Actually we are probably already there.