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Dancing with Aliens

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posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 12:32 PM
Ever wanted to ask those Grey Aliens what the heck they think they're doing sneaking around your bedroom in the middle of the night, or how they are able to appear as if from nowhere and return there pretty sharpish, well perhaps you will soon be able to thanks to new inter-dimensional linguistic translation and delivery systems being developed.

What's the background to this, well you remember those 19th century syncretic Theosophists, and their weird and wonderful off-shoots such as the Golden Dawn and the Thulean adepts of Vril, the popular pursuits of summoning Daemons, channeling of spirits, inter-planetary mediums, well they're back, not that they ever went away, but this time they've upgraded to 21st century high-tech, this time aliens are on the agenda.

In some ways this is a re-packaging, summation and evaluation of my language of Vampyr thread, all things considered i think this the relevent forum to do this in for reasons i shall explain.

In brief, the findings of the previous thread were that this group operate as a secret society, or family that operates behind closed doors, as they prefer, that they research into ancient languages and cultures, symbology, ritual, esoterica, in order to source language and patterns of communication at the most fundamental level, even to the extent of the quantum.

Each member has different interests, including religions, exobiology, cryptography, Medieval literature, ancient civilizations, palaeovirology and ancient diseases, witchcraft and sorcery, secret societies, and the like

There is interest in phenomena which would be seen as related to such quantum entanglements,intuition and remote viewing, but there is also expectation of making contact with intelligencies that would be extra-terrestial in a sense, in that they would be Universal, an attempt to communicate with phenomena that transcend time and space, and thus potentially capable of providing information from virtually anywhere and anything.

That's the plan as i understand it.

Which is not easily done as the majority of their website is written in obscure dialects from around the globe, interwoven and encoded requiring specific translation software to read, understanding pieced together from snippets in English, the bibliography provided with some articles, and information kindly provided by a member of the group, Direne, who gave explanation of sorts on the extensive thread.

I quote Direne;

Cassini Diskus is not a language. It is a device to encode information using sound and images and transforming that encoded information into a signal, that is then transmitted at a frequency 27 Hz and/or 12.704 GHz.

The videos are tests within the field of information hiding and subliminal communications.

The attempt at communication with intelligencies at the quantum level inevitably raises the question of Daemons, in Sumeria these aspects of primordial chaos were understood as vampirical, hence the overview of my previous thread, which Direne confirmed as a correct premise.

This also is one of their videos,

It is a consideration of many that alien abduction accounts, telepathic communication with aliens, sexual probings etc, find comparision in traditional Daemonic encounters, and that thus they seemingly have been inter-acting and attempting communication of sorts with ourselves throughout history, and that perhaps it's time we responded.

There is a problem with many of their videos, in that they are capable of inducing feelings of fear, feelings of social isolation, anxiety and depression, hypnotic state open to suggestion, in short they set you up to actively encounter Daemons at the sub-concious level, as do many aspects of popular media it has to be said...i've posted a few less scary more futuristic examples here.

The question i would raise here then, is that should we get over the Daemon identification and attempt communication at this quantum level with underlying aspects of Universal intelligence...?

edit on 29-7-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 12:42 PM
interesting thread, i have some thoughts but don't have time right now, will be back..

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Firstly, I wonder, is just how psychologically healthy is this? Secondly, why or how is this approach any more inclusive of deeper contact than one from a "gifted" medium or Enochian magical summonings?

Which has just as much chance as being a hack into our subconscious as it does communication with other-worldly beings imo.

I know some folk that think they are in "contact" and maybe they are, but overall I can't see how it has benefitted them in any way and often seems rather harmful.

If someone, during such communication, brought something forth that changed the world in some magnificently humane way, I would be ashamed for having questioned these "Daemonauts."

Otherwise, it reeks of indecipherable static and personal psychological harm.

Don't get me wrong, it's FASCINATING...but hacking the subconscious--or the quantam entities if you prefer--has always been fraught with personal danger and the question becomes: What have we gained from it?

edit on 29-7-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Well i'm naturally inclined to agree with your sentiments, but it should be pointed out that at the quantum level it cannot be about individuation and the sub-concious, that what they are concerned with is phenomena that certain individuals percieve and experience but that in themselves are all pervasive.

Which is to say going beyond the traditional 'gifted' medium or 'learned' summoner of Daemon and communicating through systemic means, in a language they cannot fail to understand.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
Well i'm naturally inclined to agree with your sentiments, but it should be pointed out that at the quantum level it cannot be about individuation and the sub-concious, that what they are concerned with is phenomena that certain individuals percieve and experience but that in themselves are all pervasive.

I can dig that. But the subconscious, then, must be a gatekeeper that would seem to function as a filter for sensory overload at the very least.

That either means--as far as my limited intellect in these matters can see at this point--that we are, as some assert, God experiencing himself and needed the gate of the subconscious to achieve that, or that there is a Creator who designed that "gate" for good purpose.

The most gifted of our occultists--or ufonauts--throughout history seem to degenerate rather than regenerate. In earthly terms anyways. From John Dee to just doesn't seem to pay off. Nor has any benefit to humanity--as far as I can see--come from contact.

Like I said: I would hate to impede progress by being leery, then again "leery" isn't always a bad thing.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Hi Kantveldt,

I respect your mind and your creativity, but I don't agree with you concerning what you seem to have taken away from your encounter with FL.

It's awful enough when language breaks down. No demons required. It's not demons or some demonic realm that is creating those feelings, it's just you (us, we all do it) feeling what it feels like when language completely fails. The proof is in the fact that, paradoxically, one will seek out more language to try and solve the problem, and that just drives it further in to the dirt. Kind of like a Zen koan, right?

I always believed that the most productive line of inquiry on that thread would have been trying to understand the 'defense' applications of the sort of software and database analysis techniques that FL is employing.

You have to keep in mind that, after those 'contests' (NLP competitions) that I mentioned are wrapped up, the 'contestants' are still standing there holding the technology. They may as well do something with it, right?

Another thing to understand is that people that develop software like that, for the reasons that I am inferring, are arms dealers participating in an arms race. Just cuz the contest is run and they have won, or lost, or whatever, does not make them any less culpable.

But that's an upcoming thread for the new Posse Comitatus forum.

Have a good day, K.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by The GUT

That either means--as far as my limited intellect in these matters can see at this point--that we are, as some assert, God experiencing himself and needed the gate of the subconscious to achieve that, or that there is a Creator who designed that "gate" for good purpose.

The most gifted of our occultists--or ufonauts--throughout history seem to degenerate rather than regenerate. In earthly terms anyways. From John Dee to just doesn't seem to pay off. Nor has any benefit to humanity--as far as I can see--come from contact.


It's funny, there is a barrier there, isn't there? Plotinus found it too, he described it as a mirror. Crowley seems to have described the immediate influence of this dynamic on the 'magician' as the Ape of Thoth or the cynocephalus, that will pop out and unfailingly make the words of said magician 'foolish' if he attempts to speak of "The Mysteries". Sounds like Zen koans, again.

Nope, language is not going to cut it with the mirror, although FL seems to have come up with a way to quickly and dependably introduce folks to the mirror, leaving them like the fish that I posted on Ks last thread.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by Bybyots
Fascinating as this subject definitely is, it reminds me of ordering and reading Dianetics in the 80's.

Initially confusing as it was to me, it turned out to be an epiphany of sorts. Dianetics is brilliantly written…just not for the reasons that Scientology claims it to be.

As I was reading it, I could relate to many of the self-help and minor-psychology aspects addressed in it. I also noticed that once these points had been made, that at some point, I had hit a ceiling and couldn't quite make sense of the deeper thoughts and thrust of the writing. It was just out of my intellectual reach. Maybe L. Ron could help me understand and progress?

Being intrigued, but leery, I read it again and I came to the realization that I was the almost-victim of a brilliant ploy: A little bit of sound psycho-social psychology and then some brilliant doublespeak that lead nowhere but encouraged me to doubt my own intellect and thusly seek to "raise it" to L. Ron's level.

So what I'm saying is: maybe this subject is above my head and maybe it's not, but like Dianetics, it only makes sense to me up to a certain point.

So do I trust that this group is beyond my current understanding and subject myself to their thoughts, mystique, and psychologically disturbing videos? No.

And I know you're not proposing that either, OP. I'm as curious as you as to who and what they are up to…but I ain't gonna tread the path with them.

edit on 29-7-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:07 PM
I thought Kevin Costner would be mentioned someplace in here!


Uh, Dances With Wolves joke/reference anyone?


I consider all of this stuff "lower work". At the levels that are on the distant edge of human awareness, everything is just ONE, including you.

So, none of this other stuff can really hurt you -- I mean, even if you were to die you don't really die. You just get recycled back to the ONE-ness.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by The GUT

A little bit of sound psycho-social psychology and then some brilliant doublespeak that lead nowhere but encouraged me to doubt my own intellect and thusly seek to "raise it" to L. Ron's level.


It's kinda crazy; it takes a multi-disciplinary team of specialists to ride herd on a project like that; yet folks are somehow encouraged to tackle it on their own, and the further they go, the more alienating the information gets and the more isolated the "seeker" becomes. Making them a prime candidate for being culled from the herd.

It's the 8th Sphere stuff again; draw people in to spiritual isolation, and then they are easy to neutralize or destroy.

You hit it on the head, TG, it can be very unhealthy.

edit on 29-7-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by MystikMushroom
...I consider all of this stuff "lower work". At the levels that are on the distant edge of human awareness, everything is just ONE, including you.

So, none of this other stuff can really hurt you -- I mean, even if you were to die you don't really die. You just get recycled back to the ONE-ness.

'Cause MysticMushroom said so! Excuse me while I....

Can you define your "higher work" as opposed to the 'forgotten language' group's "lower work?" In a way that makes sense I mean?

No offense, truly, but you leave drive-by comments reminiscent of the point I make about Dianetics....but with much less intellectual elaboration. Zero, actually.

edit on 29-7-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by The GUT

Yes it seems to go with the territory that if you dabble you break down, at the moral, intellectual, physical, emotional levels among others, a descent into primordial chaos of the body and mind, perhaps that's why developing programmes do do such delving might be seen as a good idea?

reply to post by Bybyots

I thought the essential nature of the group involved was concluded, that being they tick every box for a syncretic group along these lines;

Syncretic Reality

There is the tradition i mentioned of groups such as the Theosophists and their offshoots, involving themselves in study of the Demonic for reasons best known to themselves, and FL as they have stated has experts specifically studying certain Demons.

I don't see any relationship to arms dealing from the site, yes they develop and employ codes, but they have their own stated reasons for doing so.

Their research does have huge potential in terms of psychic warfare, i watched their videos and experienced dreams involving extreme violence and blood letting, situations of acute social anxiety and isolation, if you want to turn a society into on edge disturbed crazies, that's the way to go.

So there is my concern with the creation of things such as alien and vampiric sub-cults as generated through popular media, my prediction is for more aliens, lots of them, and increasingly nasty...

edit on 29-7-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-7-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 02:34 PM
The aliens which are actually demons understand english and every other language known to man. That's also how demons are able to worth threw psychics to know things and predict things. As the demons show the psychic in some way something that happened to the client, as they know most all events in history or can easy call upon other demons to instruct them on what to say.
edit on 29-7-2013 by spartacus699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

I thought the essential nature of the group involved was concluded, that being they tick every box for a syncretic group along these lines;

'Syncretic group' seems like it is referring to 'syncretism' which we know is an anthropological term used to describe how cultures accommodate each other's belief systems when they 'collide'.

Science that does this got a name of its own in the 1950s...


Cybernetics is a transdisciplinary approach for exploring regulatory systems, their structures, constraints, and possibilities.

I don't see any relationship to arms dealing from the site, yes they develop and employ codes, but they have their own stated reasons for doing so. Their research does have huge potential in terms of psychic warfare...

Writing code for software that has military applications is the very same thing as creating 'arms' for military applications. Stuxnet is an example of military software armament. That's what the contests are for.

i watched their videos and experienced dreams involving extreme violence and blood letting, situations of acute social anxiety and isolation, if you want to turn a society into on edge disturbed crazies, that's the way to go.

Yeah, like I said, they seem to have quite the device on their hands; I have been euphemistically referring to it as the "Alienation Ray".

But it is all going to come down to the operator. Their aesthetic, which all seems to revolve around how they are utilizing the NodeSpaces software, also seems to take a person right to that place where the brain shuts up because it hasn't the language to accommodate what it is experiencing. That could be interesting for possibly achieving what many refer to as a 'meditative state'. Just thought that I would throw that out there, as I hate to be all negative.

So there is my concern with the creation of things such as alien and vampiric sub-cults as generated through popular media, my prediction is for more aliens, lots of them, and increasingly nasty...

I am fairly certain that the kids at FL were referring to certain languages as 'Vampyric' because they indiscriminately assimilate other languages; not just a word here and there, but in big chunks of structure. Like The Borg.

Direne seemed to pluck out the alien and remote viewing references because they felt it worked for ATS. It was just a ready analogy to get her Coleridge point across to a new audience.

edit on 29-7-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

On a nonlinguistic quantum deliverance the shenanigans could be transversed in a stroboscopic hallucinogen.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by Bybyots

Yes that seems like a suitable name, "Alienation Ray", i have my own thoughts of course as to who would develop such diabolical appliances and why, and also what measures should be taken against them, but i look forward to any thread you might produce involving such.

It does seem to be part of an overall strategy to divide and conquer, alienate youth, create subcultures each given to their own bizarre imaginings, mistrustful and antagonistic toward everyone else, meanwhile cleaning up at the box office with the latest violent, subversive and escapist offerings

reply to post by Chazam

I don't know what that is but i bet you're right...

reply to post by spartacus699

There is that, the all seeing Demon of the quantum entanglement, that can repeat or impersonate whatsoever it wishes.
edit on 29-7-2013 by Kantzveldt because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by Kantzveldt

Don't worry, we're gonna make it. First thing is to be able to classify these beasties in the field so they are not startling.

P.S. This song is not only beautiful, but fairly well sums up my feelings about AI, which has everything to do with NLP, and The Singularity, which will never come.
edit on 29-7-2013 by Bybyots because: .

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Kantzveldt
Yes it seems to go with the territory that if you dabble you break down, at the moral, intellectual, physical, emotional levels among others, a descent into primordial chaos of the body and mind, perhaps that's why developing programmes do do such delving might be seen as a good idea?

Pretty sure I'm understanding you better now. I didn't participate on the initial thread--as awesome as it appears to have been--so I'm coming to the party late and somewhat half-cocked, but maybe sometimes that's a good thing from an overview POV.

Order out of chaos, eh? Probably true on the quantum level, but I wonder about it's efficacy, or nobility, when purposely directed at society? Plus, we know the kind of folk--and their ambitions--who attach to that philosophy.

On one end of 'Ordo Ab Chao' we have the understandably, but confused, alienated. At the other end, we have the sociopaths that want to introduce said chaos, stand back and watch, and then rule over whatever is left.

I've been a little absorbed in my own research obsessions lately, but some of the things you and Bybyots have said here have me intrigued and I guess I'm gonna have to dig into the research everyone has done as regards this topic.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 09:23 PM
Demons can rise, and Angels can fall.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 09:37 PM

Science that does this got a name of its own in the 1950s...


Cybernetics is a transdisciplinary approach for exploring regulatory systems, their structures, constraints, and possibilities.

The term goes back all the way to Plato in fact, (Kybernetes). From the same wikipedia entry;

The term cybernetics stems from κυβερνήτης (kybernētēs) "steersman, governor, pilot, or rudder" (the same root as government). As with the ancient Greek pilot, independence of thought is important in cybernetics...

The word cybernetics was first used in the context of "the study of self-governance" by Plato in The Alcibiades to signify the governance of people.[13] The word 'cybernétique' was also used in 1834 by the physicist André-Marie Ampère (1775–1836) to denote the sciences of government in his classification system of human knowledge.

Nonetheless, interesting thread and conversation.
I'll have a closer read later on.
edit on 29-7-2013 by Runciter33 because: (no reason given)

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