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Palin, I Was Forbidden From Telling The Truth

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:33 AM
Seriously? Sarah Palin? The woman who had to be taught Modern History 101 when she was the VP candidate, because she didn't know why there were two Koreas? Who couldn't name the newspapers she supposedly read? The VP candidate who went totally off the rails towards the end of the election as she veered off-message? That Sarah Palin? As others have pointed out she couldn't even get through a 4-year term as a Governor!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by beezzer

But she's an idiot.. how is that a breath of fresh air. I hope you guys realize how it looks when you are being played for the fool by a complete fool.

I've never met her.

But I know people who have met her and have to deal with her while she was Governor of Alaska.

THEY say she is smart, competent and capable.

Now I don't get my opinion from tv, cable, news shows.

I just get my information straight from the people that worked with her.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:36 AM

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by beezzer

But she's an idiot.. how is that a breath of fresh air. I hope you guys realize how it looks when you are being played for the fool by a complete fool.

I've never met her.

But I know people who have met her and have to deal with her while she was Governor of Alaska.

THEY say she is smart, competent and capable.

Now I don't get my opinion from tv, cable, news shows.

I just get my information straight from the people that worked with her.

Those that she hadn't alienated you mean.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by AngryCymraeg

Originally posted by beezzer

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by beezzer

But she's an idiot.. how is that a breath of fresh air. I hope you guys realize how it looks when you are being played for the fool by a complete fool.

I've never met her.

But I know people who have met her and have to deal with her while she was Governor of Alaska.

THEY say she is smart, competent and capable.

Now I don't get my opinion from tv, cable, news shows.

I just get my information straight from the people that worked with her.

Those that she hadn't alienated you mean.

If you're asking me to qualify from EVERYONE who has EVER known her, then that would be unrealistic and impossible.

I'm just basing my opinion on people I know who know her.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:44 AM
lol, Palin doesn't understand the concept of PR. The GOP's PR team told her not to speak about certain topics due to the possibility of negative feedback. Does she really think the Democrats don't do the same thing? EVERY corporation, public figure, etc does.

She could have talked about whatever she wanted to, she was advised not to and listened because she wanted her job.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Thanks for bringing this, Storm. This explains quite a bit that's bugged be deeply about that campaign and Palin herself from the start of it.

I'd seen her a couple times on Glenn Beck's show as a guest and 'just another Governor' in an energy state back then. She'd come off as intelligent, well spoken and well grounded with the issues. As VP Candidate? She came off as a bubble headed buffoon who could barely grasp the facts she did use in speeches. The difference was like two entirely different people .

This explains why and even suspecting this might have been it? I never thought I'd hear her confirm it or even talk about it. McCain's a weasel and a political toad. His pulling EVERY punch with Obama and acting like they were running mates more than opponents at times, never surprised me. That's McCain. Palin though? Well.... Like I said, this explains a good deal of what we saw. Thanks again on it.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:54 AM
Sarah Palin does not need TV to portray her poorly. TV did not open her mouth for her; Media did not force her to read a script full of stupidity. She is stupid. the last thing I wanted was to vote an idiot with no idea of how many Koreas they were to a position of WORLD leadership.

She was not Black so I am certain there are many people that would have voted for her over Obama....... More proof Racists are stupid also....

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777


That was OBVIOUIS at the time.

The extensively trained and conditioned--truly Manchurianed--even in the POW camps, likely--globalist stooge was obviously selling the Narcissist O to the Republic the whole campaign.

Palin was a milk-sop to conservatives to make it appear that there was a real choice when there was no choice. The SElection had been made wayyyy before that year, even.

It was clear when Hillary and O made their secret kow-towing appearances to the Bilderberger meeting just before the convention? . . . that Hillary had been told it was going to be the Destroyer in Chief O in the Republic destroying slot.

I just know that my friends who live in Wasilla Alaska--the hubby/father of which has gone hunting with Palin's hubby--that they were the REAL DEAL, genuine, down to earth people.

The Republic has been . . . _*^&%(&%(%$ shredded for a long time. And the pace of shredding is picking up.

The good-cop/bad-cop charade is about to be traded in for a totally bad-cop, black boot gestapo utter tyranny game . . . that will be anything but a game.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:02 AM
The only way President Obama could have CONCEIVABLY won two elections is because the GOP threw the elections. The lengths some people go to eliminate internal stress never ceases to amaze me.

Ever consider it was because McCain was possibly going to croak any second, and no one in their right mind wanted the lady who could see Russia from her backyard as the President of the most powerful nation on the planet?

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by beezzer

That's what my loved ones in Wasilla say as well.

She's top flight in their book.

Assessing her from her public persona, I felt they were quite right about her. She comes across to me as bright, well grounded, perceptive, high in integrity, diligent and seeking the good of her state and the Republic.

Globalists have no use for such a quality person except as a distraction and farce to pretend that there was a real choice in that SElection.

People claiming she was dumb etc. are as clueless about W Bush. His grade point average was above Kerry's and evidently way above O's.

He also had tons more integrity as demonstrated by how differently he treated the White House staff vs the Clintons and the O's.

I still think he was forced, or not, a globalist stooge like all the rest. Reportedly, he was a reluctant one.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:05 AM
Seems like another misdirection to me. The frenzy of a third party being created behind her will keep the masses distracted for another election cycle rather than focused on how the gov. has failed us.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:06 AM
I know McCain threw that election. He was acting as if he was a moron but I know he is very intelligent from his past. I think the Republicans new everything was going to hit the fan and they figured it was better to make it happen when the Democrats were in charge. Bush's statement during a speach that said "Why did it have to happen on my shift" seems to have disappeared from sight. Blaming this mess on Democrats is a scam. On top of that the Democrats job of trying to fix the economy just tried to patch the tire that had so many patches it needed to be replaced. The tire had nothing worth patching. Our Economy needs a complete overhaul, it needs new tires. Real tires, not recaps

I don't think much of Palin myself, she acts like a typical politician. Maybe she isn't bad as a person but her acting is really bad.
edit on 27-7-2013 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I know some folks in the Army in Alaska that had to deal with her on a day-to-day basis (National Guard, Reserves etc)
They said she was a competent leader who knew what she was doing.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:17 AM
What was done to her by the media is an American travesty. What was done to her by her running mate and his toadies is a damn shame.

That the American people buy into the medias extreme bias is telling.

Her comment that the campaign would not let her carry out the traditional running mate role of countering the record of the opposing candidates is astoundingly foolish and its no wonder she came off as she did in the media as she was walking a mine field.

On record of experience she had far more at governance than candidate Obama ever had yet I keep hearing otherwise. Picking on foreign policy experience? go read history of Truman's experience prior to Roosevelt's death or Johnson/Kennedy or Nixon/Ford.

The absolute war declared on her by the media while ignoring candidate Obamas questionable past is a lesson in the takeover of an educational system and its resulting corruption of the 3rd rail of politics meant to gather truth. A third rail now solidly welded to the democratic parties sharp turn towards progressive policies.

It was especially disappointing to see the so called "women's rights movement" abandon her in a fit of back stabbing that's forever tainted their cause as they placated the Obama campaign.

As a comparison Joe Biden is demonstrably idiotic with the only exception being his talent for Orwellian double speak with foot solidly in mouth - they keep him away from cameras for a reason.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Well I don't trust those people. But people who worked with her worked on the film I was discussing. I know she's not smart.. she made that clear.

Wht I trust and use to judge her are her own words and actions. I know that I could answer every question posed to her. There were just too many moments where she showed ignorance of the world. I have complete faith I am smarter than Palin. What has she ever done that shows her to be intelligent or competant?
edit on 27-7-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:18 AM
I never cared for her politically. I am sure she is a very nice lady and prob a great mom. That does not make one wise or intelligent enough to be a VP, senator or congressman. Maybe she was a good governor....that also does not prepare one to run a country like this.

My fear was that if McCain got elected, he would croak and she would be the Pres...terrifying prospect.

Her clever little lines and catch phrases were cute...but underscored the true cluelessness...she came across "to me" as being about as smart as a bag of hammers.

"I can see Russia from my house"...nuff said.
edit on 7/27/2013 by Damian65 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:25 AM
If the media had asked Joe Biden some of the questions they asked Sarah Palin.....

if the media had blind-sided Joe Biden with some of the same type of questions they threw at Sarah....

if the media had intentionally made an effort to make Joe Biden look uninformed like they did Sarah,

Joe Biden would look like a much bigger stupid cartoon character than Sarah ever was.

Sarah Palin is not stupid and she is one of the few people that is telling the truth about TPTB controlling the lying media and the manipulation of power within our government right now. She KNOWS something is sinister and very amiss as do most of us, but how to get to the place where the curtain can be thrown back and the corruption exposed is dangerous (look how her character was smeared).

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by Damian65

She was just a wreck. That accent she played up and has sense eased back down to reasoable levels. Few things have annoyed me as much as her not knowing the answer to a question and acting as if it were a trick to make her look dumb. I know I've brought it up twice already, but the "gotcha question" was it for me. How dare they ask her a question she didn't have time to prepare for and memorize the answer. It wasn't a trick question.. it was literally just a question she couldn't answer and she called it a gotcha question.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:27 AM
Sarah Palin?

The Sarah Palin that doesn't understand why there's a South and North Korea? The one that had to be tutored on basic Geography while she was on the campaign trail?

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by queenofswords
If the media had asked Joe Biden some of the questions they asked Sarah Palin.....

if the media had blind-sided Joe Biden with some of the same type of questions they threw at Sarah....

if the media had intentionally made an effort to make Joe Biden look uninformed like they did Sarah,

Joe Biden would look like a much bigger stupid cartoon character than Sarah ever was.

Sarah Palin is not stupid and she is one of the few people that is telling the truth about TPTB controlling the lying media and the manipulation of power within our government right now. She KNOWS something is sinister and very amiss as do most of us, but how to get to the place where the curtain can be thrown back and the corruption exposed is dangerous (look how her character was smeared).

Lololol exactly what I was talking about. The media didn't ask one unreasonable question and Joe would have knocked them out of the part compared to her and I think he's a moron. Of all the decent people out there getting the truth out you latch on to Palin? She doesn't have ay insight she is just making vague statements. If anyone was allowed to ask her a question about them or to elaborate it would be spun and a "gotcha." Get behind Ron or Gary. Palin is a fool and doesn't know anything.

edit on 27-7-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

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