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apocalypse man documentary....

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posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 03:45 AM
This looks really interesting. I'm gonna check it out....

Here's the first one. What do you think???

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 05:00 AM
Will watch this and revert. whats its origin?

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:21 PM
Am liking the look of this, even in the first part he covers some good basics, here's the rest:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

and a bonus one I haven't watch yet lol but is link in part 2:

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:22 PM
Thanks for posting, just what I need on a quiet Saturday evening with not much to do apart from play Battlefield 3 Online hehe

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Some of the things are kinda fake though I noticed. Like swinging arcorss that thing, or climbing down that elevator shaft, it's so unrealistic! All buildings have a fire escape, that' what you'd use there, and the slow moving stream or river you'd just use some logs tied together, or anything that will float, and try not to get too wet if the water is really that bad. Better yet do it at night they do that to get into the US across the river grand all the time. But my guess is the water wouldn't be that bad as any contaimination would have move down stream a long time ago. Like that stuff he's showing to do is for navy seals, not for average people.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:14 PM
Some of his ideas are so-so but realistically I think his ideas are not all that realistic. Like he's running around like a nomad, says go to the hospital so you can start the generator. That's all wrong. I wouldn't do that. I'd just find a small abandon house. Chances are there's food left either there or in some of the neighbors. Chances are someone in the neighborhood has some has a car that still works. Like the moment you start up the hospital generator you'd attract attention for mile and miles. Unless you're looking for friends, but then you'd get likely enemies showing up as well. I'd only go to the hospital to scroung for supplies. I don't know this is a weird show so far. Like it's obviously meant for TV entertainment. Oh man this is weird....I can't watch this anymore, just endless crap. Turn to channel 9 because it will be monitored by Fema and friends? They're you're friends? No I don't think so. Ya they'll come get you and put you in a fema camp. This is so dumb.
edit on 27-7-2013 by spartacus699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by spartacus699
Some of the things are kinda fake though I noticed. Like swinging arcorss that thing, or climbing down that elevator shaft, it's so unrealistic! All buildings have a fire escape, that' what you'd use there, and the slow moving stream or river you'd just use some logs tied together, or anything that will float, and try not to get too wet if the water is really that bad. Better yet do it at night they do that to get into the US across the river grand all the time. But my guess is the water wouldn't be that bad as any contaimination would have move down stream a long time ago. Like that stuff he's showing to do is for navy seals, not for average people.
Half of what he's showing us to do is dangerous for anybody in an end of the world situation.

This came from a History Channel special from a year ago (If I remember correctly) Some of the items the guy showed are usefully (like going and get city plans, provided that nobody else thought to do that, or walking along the railways), but other stuff he shows is just stupid (tying up com-lines with a repeat transmission over a public radio channel, or swinging like Tarzan from a bridge)

I thought the show was fun to watch, but I didn't take much from his show.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by Guyfriday

Originally posted by spartacus699
Some of the things are kinda fake though I noticed. Like swinging arcorss that thing, or climbing down that elevator shaft, it's so unrealistic! All buildings have a fire escape, that' what you'd use there, and the slow moving stream or river you'd just use some logs tied together, or anything that will float, and try not to get too wet if the water is really that bad. Better yet do it at night they do that to get into the US across the river grand all the time. But my guess is the water wouldn't be that bad as any contaimination would have move down stream a long time ago. Like that stuff he's showing to do is for navy seals, not for average people.
Half of what he's showing us to do is dangerous for anybody in an end of the world situation.

This came from a History Channel special from a year ago (If I remember correctly) Some of the items the guy showed are usefully (like going and get city plans, provided that nobody else thought to do that, or walking along the railways), but other stuff he shows is just stupid (tying up com-lines with a repeat transmission over a public radio channel, or swinging like Tarzan from a bridge)

I thought the show was fun to watch, but I didn't take much from his show.

I agree, I don't know where he gets this stuff from. It's insane. You set up that repeater and chances are you might end up in a fema camp. You make your own deseal and you might blow yourself up. (althought that was kinda interesting it would be probably good to know). I'm not sure who his info was designed for. It makes zero sense. If I was in that scenario the choice is so easy. Find the nicest beach house you can and move in. the supply yourself with food from the ocean, fishing, trapping, and hunting and a garden on top of what you can scrounge from the neighborhood. And if that runs out take the occasional trip into a more dense neighborhood and go house to house looking for stuff, and friends. Like all this machoman magiver stuff is crap. If you want to know how to do stuff just raid the book stores and the library for books on how to go about doing all that mcgivaer stuff. I guess the idea about the show was like "if there was no one left anywhere" and you were the only one, so I could see some of the stuff. but still, just seems so out in left field. I wouldn't be traveling by day anywhere for one. I'd just wear all black and travel by night. I wouldn't go doing so much either. The only thing I'd do is find a nice house, with a decent food supply, jury rig the eaves to collect water in a rain bucket and chill out for a while. Try and get all the booz, weed, you can find, then for entertainment if there's no power just find stacks of magazines and books, games, drawing, writing, small projects, etc etc. But I give the guy credit for at least doing a show that's out of the box, and a few of the ideas were useful. A few are too risky though for the average person. Like, no don't go into sewers, don't play tarzan, don't play with hazardous chemicals, etc etc. A lot of that might get you injured and with no one around one injury and you could end up dead.
edit on 27-7-2013 by spartacus699 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 02:51 PM
Isn't this the guy that walks into a warehouse talking about possible danger in there and stands in the doorway of the dark warehouse with the outside behind him making a perfect target of himself?

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 03:54 PM
Having watched all the segments, I must admit that his approach is a little 'Hazardous'
Perhaps this is the the government wants lol

Interesting but certainly not a definitive guide to survival as stated above for the reasons stated above.

Enjoyed it none the less though

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 06:28 PM
Is this an episode of that dumb American show called Jackass? This guy wouldn't last half-a-day!

If this is something you really think about, believe could happen, then you need to get certain items now, so you don't get caught out. Here's what I would suggest if you are single and living in Britain. Those with a family will struggle and may have to expose themselves to dangers whilst trying to survive. Some of the advice will be practical, some of it won't be. The point is simply to get you thinking on how to survive.

First Aid Kit (with Potassium Iodide Tabs as optional)
A 10" Fish Knife with a looped strap on the handle and holster.
A small all-purpose Swiss Knife with belt loop attachment
Small Hatchet with a looped strap and holster
Archery Bow String (optional)
Small folding Spade
Multi-Pack Disposable Lighters
Multi-Pack Firelighters
Torches, with batteries and replacement bulbs to last at least 6 month. Include red filters
Box of candles
Camping Stove and butane gas cans to last 6 months
Compartmentalised pan
Bowl and cup
Spoon, knife and fork
2 berth Dark-coloured Tent with built in ground sheet. Or learn how to build lean-to's.
Foam mats to sleep on
Binoculars (with night vision if possible and a good supply of batteries)
A good map of the country and compass.
A radio that doesn't require batteries, and small headphones.
Large rucksack to fit your body frame

This kit (most of which you can buy from Go Outdoor outlets) is something that can be put together now and stored in the rucksack, make sure you audit it every 2 months and replace perishable items or items that have short life. You should already have appropriate clothing and boots, but plastic sheets to wear in bad weather would help to keep dry.

Obviously, it all depends on the type of disaster that befalls the country or the world. A slow disaster is easier to survive than one that delivers a 'kill shot' at speed. Both the severity and range of the disaster will determine if aid might eventually find its way to you, or if you can find a way to reach it. If nuclear war, no aid will be coming, to you. Period.

Your main concerns are supplies of drinking water and food, staying dry and warm, and the necessary avoidance of other people and possible detection by them. Firstly, however, you need to understand what type of disaster has occurred and how wide-ranging it is. A nuclear war or a viral outbreak necessitates staying in one sheltered location for at least a month. You simply cannot go outside. Eat and sleep in one room, toilet in another. Don't bother washing use antiseptic clean wipes, and double-bag all waste and place in a far off room.

The first thing you don't want to do is move about during the day. Night gives you cover for scavenging and helps to conceal you from other grouped survivors, whom you should avoid at all cost, unless of course, you are confident in your fighting skills. You cannot help others, it's harsh and it's selfish, but necessary for your own survival. Groups will use up your supplies and hamper the search for replenishment. You might be able to give aid to another lone survivor, but you have to be dominant, and you don't want to take them back to where you are holed up. They may eventually give your position away to others through some moral sense of acting like a Samaritan. When using a torch at night, place a red filter over the front.

You don't want to burn anything that can give off smoke and signal your presence, butane gas is cleaner for heat and cooking, try to hide the glow of the flame as best you can.

You won't be able to stay holed up forever in one place, circumstance and possibly worsening conditions may force you to where do you go? For people in the UK I would suggest an off-shore island, one that never had a tourist industry or a very sparse one. The Western Isles of Scotland would probably be good choices, not too far from the mainland, but still provide enough isolation. Don't think of driving there, because you will draw attention to yourself, you'll have to walk, and the route you take will have to conceal you from others.

If you have to move during daylight hours, use woods and forests when you can, 10 metres in from the tree line, avoid rivers and large streams and lakes. If you feel you must drink the water from a stream, get to high elevation, near to where the stream begins and drink from there. Avoid cities, towns, and large villages, there will be plenty of isolated houses you can search for supplies. Now might be a good time to learn how to set up traps for wildlife such as rabbits and hares, and how to skin and cook them for your consumption.

There are advantages and disadvantages in trying to survive on your own. If you get sick, you'll have a hard time. If you encounter a group, again you'll have a hard time if they are hostile. You'll have to judge situations and those you meet on their own merit.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by spartacus699

Looks interesting, thanks bro

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 05:34 PM
If you YouTube Rudy Reyes ( the guy in the program ) you will see more videos on his fitness training etc ...the guy has a good track record.

I like apocalypse man .

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 05:23 AM
Sure is getting hot in this thread from all the flaming.
I think the show is intended to open peoples minds up abit more, I mean he did refer a lot to Katerina and gave some solid examples what happened in those situations.
The one thing I took away was blending into your environment, staying under the radar, avoiding unexpected contact, which I know most people know in this forum, he didn't bang on about BOB's or GUNS just used scavenged what he needed when he needed, kept himself very mobile.

I'm sure if he'd had a gun, he'd be a force to be reckoned with.

I thought we embraced the public awareness of survival on this forum, why all the hate ?

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 09:16 AM
So far, some of this guy's ideas sound absolutely insane.

For starters, it seems to ignore the idea that no matter what the situation, the big threat after the SHTF is going to be armed gangs. Period. And this threat is going to be (at first) confined to highly urban areas. So, your best bet is to be in a rural area. The second reason this is important...rural areas have WELLS. Water is your first concern. Know what else is in rural areas? Instead of just trying to take these things, or if you don't find an abandoned one, JOIN up with others. Rural folks will be looking to group together for protection. They know their isolation will only last so long. Once the gangs rape the cities, they'll branch out. If they encounter a lone person, that person is toast. But, a well-armed group, they'll simply move on to a softer target (especially if they take losses).

Biodiesel is a cool idea, but probably easier to siphon diesel and other grades from gas stations' tanks (at least while you can). Diesel is easiest, because it isn't a mixed gas by the dispenser like the others. I'm all for hitting a hospital for medical supplies, but a LOT of others will have that idea too. I'd be looking more for an ambulance. It is already pre-loaded with a variety of needs, and in one compact place. More remote drug stores are a better choice too.

If talking to folks in the city, I'd emphasize drinkable water sources in the city....toilet tanks (not bowls), hot water heater tanks, bottled water company trucks (like those that deliver it to offices), water left in garden hoses, swimming pools, etc. For food, large restaurants, cafeterias, bulk stores, etc.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 10:19 AM
Never any mention of dead bodies, is there? if you have to stay in one place, and those in small countries will have to, those bodies are a hazard, rats and flies will multiply, so all those bodies will have to be burnt, easier that burial, and you will need a hazmat suit, more than one to be safe, and a gas/diesel forktruck and a good supply of wooden pallets/wood for burning.


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