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Uh Ho: Obama Says Vietnamese Dictator Inspired by Founding Fathers

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posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie
There is no way you can compare Australia, South Africa, the United States, Canada and a slew of others that are permanently dominated by white English people, like Guam, rich white people on numerous islands all around the globe... It would take me way too long to go down the list. I'm not even including the British administration of Hong Kong because this falls under that so called security (even thought it was an obvious lie and more about competitive trade) and many other countries we have occupied TEMPORARILY. I'm talking full scale take over.... entire continents, man. PERMANENT.

No way you can compare these things. Most will agree because it's got a lot of people in the world seriously aggravated and wanting to kill us.... living their entire lives trying to figure out how to beat us. There's no way it will ever compare what White Europe has done with Russia to... say...what? East Germany?? Come on!

Argument by incredulity? History is generally the story of such expansions. As to recovering lands lost in previous generations, how far back would you like to go? Scythia, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, Carthage, Ottoman Empire, Nazi Germany, Japan, etc.
All had their day. Russia/Soviet Union was the largest of the most recent land grabs. Had the Soviet lasted, you could have called their colonization 'permanent.' The purported reason for the grab was defense in depth with buffer states protecting Mother Russia from land invaders.
As to "permanently dominated by white English people," you should again check your concept of 'permanent.' Look at the demographics of the US and tell me what group is growing the fastest and how much longer 'white English people' might dominate.

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by xuenchen
reply to post by FyreByrd

Well your deeper thinking is deeper than mine will ever be.

The points about cappie systems and ancient systems killing people are so noted.

But just the same, we are talking about the perception of Ho Chi Minh in the 20th Century and today.

He was a mass murderer and carried a high flying flag of the commies.

Like they say ---- business is business.

And we carrying the Red, White and Blue - killed a whole lot more of them (20 to one) then they killed of us.

It's still not a valid argument for or against any ideology.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by xuenchen
One thing that strikes me strange about Ho is WHY he even asked for help from the U.S. against France in the first place.

Obviously, The U.S. and France were allies and WW2 had just ended.

I think Ho knew that no U.S. 'help' would ever materialize. He HAD to know.

I believe that Ho was duped by the U.S. rhetoric of being anti-imperialist. Many people were under the illsuion that the United States would not act as imperialistic as their European Allies, because of the lofty rhetoric and such. There was a reasonable expectation that the U.S. would be on the side of the colonized and agitate for a truly free world devoid of colonialism and imperialism. Had FDR survived any longer, it would even have been a realistic option (although I personally believe that it wouldn't have made a difference). But the elites already had the next racket planned: It was called the cold war. It made all traditional expectations of the postwar world obsolete and guaranteed that the United States would intervene only on the side of the reactionaries, and not on the side of independence movements (except in the cases where that made sense according to the logic of the cold war).

So, short answer to the riddle: It was not wholly naive to believe that the U.S. would support all anti-colonial native movements after the war. Only after the entrechment of cold war logic in Washington under Truman did the U.S. show its true colors - those of an ally, supporter and sugar daddy to the colonialists and imperialists.
edit on 7-8-2013 by NichirasuKenshin because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2017 @ 05:50 PM

originally posted by: grey580
reply to post by xuenchen

Oh please President's do this crap all the time. It's called Diplomacy.

Here's Ronnie meeting with the Mujahideen

“These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America’s founding fathers.” — Ronald Regan while introducing the Mujahideen leaders to media on the White house lawns (1985).

The people appearing in the photo with Reagan were not the Taliban. They were the leadership of the Northern Alliance, the enemy of Taliban (later annihilated by the Taliban). The quote “These Gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America’s Founding Fathers” is indeed a paraphrased version of something said by President Reagan, but he was not speaking about either the Taliban or Afghan opposition groups at the time. He made the comment about contra rebels in Nicaragua during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 1985
edit on 27-4-2017 by RKWWWW because: cuz

posted on Apr, 27 2017 @ 05:52 PM

originally posted by: ThreeBears

Originally posted by grey580
reply to post by xuenchen

Oh please President's do this crap all the time. It's called Diplomacy.

Here's Ronnie meeting with the Mujahideen

“These gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America’s founding fathers.” — Ronald Regan while introducing the Mujahideen leaders to media on the White house lawns (1985).

I can sum up all the photos and slogans in one sentence,

Typical Patriarchal Circle Jerking to the Same ole Same ole Phallic Necrophilia Worship.


Now What does any of that circle jerking have in common with the Founding Fathers? Well other than the Rule of PATRI, Fathers that is?

Politics, dickPlomacy is such BULLKAKI isn't it? Too bad it leaves a trail of destruction because IF if didn't,

Why it sure would make for some hilarious comedy.

the people appearing in the photo with Reagan were not the Taliban. They were the leadership of the Northern Alliance, the enemy of Taliban (later annihilated by the Taliban). The quote “These Gentlemen are the moral equivalents of America’s Founding Fathers” is indeed a paraphrased version of something said by President Reagan, but he was not speaking about either the Taliban or Afghan opposition groups at the time. He made the comment about contra rebels in Nicaragua during a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 1985

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