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War With No End

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:40 PM
One of the things about Fascism is that it combines the Socialist concept of an all-powerful central government along with private enterprise. it was this uniqueness that led so much of Germany's private industry to back Hitler. You see... he had a plan that would benefit him and them...

War without end.

Following what was conceived initially to be a short conflict against nations like Poland and Russia, there was expected to be years... nay, decades of need for military activity by way of resistance militias and such. Not at all unlike what we today call 'terrorist organizations'.

This scenario ensures that those who build the tanks and the planes and the bombs and the uniforms and the headstones, have years of uninterrupted business growth.

Ahem, please attend...

In a major national security speech this spring, President Obama said again and again that the U.S. is at war with "Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and their associated forces."

So who exactly are those associated forces? It's a secret.

At a hearing in May, Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., asked the Defense Department to provide him with a current list of Al Qaeda affiliates.

"Because elements that might be considered ‘associated forces' can build credibility by being listed as such by the United States, we have classified the list," said the spokesman, Lt. Col. Jim Gregory. "We cannot afford to inflate these organizations that rely on violent extremist ideology to strengthen their ranks."

-The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo News:

Enemies with no name - as we once again see a government that can hide behind itself in the name of YOUR safety.

Enemies with no name - and conceivably, no way to be defeated for... well, decades, if ever.

Under this kind of approach, the so-called war on terror can go on and on and on and no one will ever really know (or have a right to know) who we, or they are fighting.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by redoubt

"//// Not at all unlike what we today call 'terrorist organizations'...."

Ahem, please attend...

In a major national security speech this spring, President Obama said again and again that the U.S. is at war with "Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and their associated forces."

So who exactly are those associated forces? It's a secret. ?
-The Atlantic Wire via Yahoo News:

Enemies with no name - as we once again see a government that can hide behind itself in the name of YOUR safety.

Enemies with no name - and conceivably, no way to be defeated for... well, decades, if ever.

Under this kind of approach, the so-called war on terror can go on and on and on and no one will ever really know (or have a right to know) who we, or they are fighting.

NOW, let me say your premise that our world will continually be at war somewhere, for some reason (religious, government reformation, any number of reasons for war including our ever increasing deficit of drinkable water and food to sustain an ever growing 7 Billion world population) is probably correct. But for evolving reasons

It's a secret. ? Nice try I think not....Just lookie here >>> Al-Qaida affiliate calling itself the "Imprisoned Omar Afdul Rahman Brigades

In May 2012 an Al-Qaida affiliate calling itself the Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades claimed responsibility for an attack on the International Red Cross (ICRC) office in Benghazi. On August 6 the ICRC suspended operations in Benghazi. The head of the ICRC's delegation in Libya said the aid group was "appalled" by the attack and "extremely concerned" about escalating violence in Libya.[21] The Imprisoned Omar Abdul Rahman Brigades released a video of what it said was its detonation of an explosive device outside the gates of the U.S. consulate on June 5, which caused no casualties but damaged the consulate's perimeter wall,[22][23] described by one individual as "big enough for forty men to go through."[17] The Brigades claimed that the attack was in response to the killing of Abu Yahya al Libi, a Libyan al-Qaeda leader who had just died in an American drone attack, and was also timed to coincide with the imminent arrival of a U.S. diplomat.

So, I simply disagree with your assessment that these 'name-less' groups don't exist. To announce publicly the names of all of these terrorist groups would give them knowledge that we are on to them. We are infiltrating them right now. They go by dozens of names....BUT their name is not the PROBLEM. These insane, uneducated, religious frauds that have been brainwashed that their way and ONLY their way is correct, no compromise, and they are out to kill everyone in the name of their loving god who do not obey or submit to their way of thinking.

So, if one were to conjecture that the world population of a little over 7B has over 1.3B of followers of a certain religion and will not stop until you convert or are dead, these 1.3B murderers and their affiliates will be at war with the remaining 6B of us. It's a disease, an infection of hate, that can only be eradicated after decades if not centuries of education and the nations of these oppressed people learn that they have the right to think differently and not be afraid of being shot in the head, like that young Pakistani girl who so bravely fought for the right of women to learn and have equal rights.

In conclusion, if you are correct that war is never ending (NOT for your reasons, but for the considerations I've articulated) bullets, guns, soldiers, tanks, bombs and all of the other new technology to fight against terror organizations named or name-less against civil societies will continue for the unforeseen future. And no one I know is happy about that!!! Peace!!

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 11:58 PM
The main image that most people get from "1984" is the all-controlling Big Brother state. But what you need to realize is that Orwell wrote "1984" after observing what governments were doing during WW2. He correctly predicted that governments would eventually come to realize that the most efficient way to manage their "Animal Farms" was by waging a constant war against an enemy they don't really fight.

Being at "war" gives the government the excuse it needs to commandeer all the nation's resources it needs for the war effort. Resources including materials, people, information, and even morality. Anyone or anything that cannot be controlled is of no use to the State.

If you watch the movie, a reoccuring sub-theme is in the razor blades. No one seems to have any new ones, but whenever you hear the government propoganda they talk about an increase in razor blade production. Think about what Orwell was saying there, and what it means.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 09:22 AM
There are so many variations in war making its down to a science by now.
In Europe it was easy to set one nation against another by selling the
best equipment to make them feel superior over their neighbor. Then
sell the defense or next generation weapon to the bordering country after
money ran out for the first round of weapons.

Thats why there is always planing for the next war. This was in some movie
about the Red Baron WWI who wanted to fight on and was told to wait
and plan for the next war.

This must be true for the Illuminati war department.

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