posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:27 AM
I have noticed that since the reactionary social changes that began in the late 50s into the 60s, things have been progressing and escalating. I grew
up in the 70s and remember when the movie "Bad News Bears" came out, I even when to the movie theater to see it. I was around the same age as the
kids in the movie at that time. The standards were loosening up in music and movies and it soon became common place in the culture. I remember how the
adults thought it was so "cute" to see these kids swearing. Well, it wasn't long after that movie came out when the elementary school playground
was full of swearing. Of course, we also played "'n-word' pile" and "smear the queer" games back then, which you'd never even hear referenced
theses days.
Then, shortly after I got out of high school in the 80s, hip hop and rap started to become popular, and the "gangsta" subculture began appearing in
movies and T.V. programs. This was a trend I wasn't a part of, but I could see how it would increasing spread through the younger white kids in my
community with every movie and album that came out. The the cause and effect was very evident.
Every time the media jumped on the latest popular trends (for profits of course) the social morals headed in that direction. It is now to the point
that nothing is shocking or out of the question anymore. Shock jocks have been out done by things like "Two Girls, One Cup". I don't know if there
are too many social taboos left to exploit anymore, even my sick imagination is undoubtedly far behind the current trends.
So, based on my experiences during my lifetime, I'd say that, yes, we are being systematically desensitized to all of the previously amoral
behaviors. Media is mostly to blame in my opinion, but probably not due to some communist plot, but rather an effort to exploit the continued reaction
against what was the excepted "norm" for so many years before the late 1950s, which was about the time we went for the modern period of history into
the post modern era.