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Demonic Oppression, Demonic Possession, and Demonic Hauntings

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posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by freedom7

Wow. After reading your story, I not only feel absolutely terrible for you, but am also slightly relieved that someone else has had similar experiences as me.

I do not think that you are crazy, as I too know that demons exist, and am very much aware of their power. It's funny how much you lose faith in god after begging and pleading for him to come save you. I've been mocked by demons when I've reached out to him... I've been laughed at, I've been attacked, and it only made things worse for me. My last demon attacked any time of the day. I have since started taking medication so that I can sleep at night.

I've come into contact with many different demons myself, and up to about two years ago, I too thought that I was absolutely nuts!! It took one hell of a terrifying experience (aren't they all??) with a few witnesses to confirm that indeed, I was not crazy. Whew, progress.

I've tried everything... Prayer, Sage, Amulets, Crystals, Rituals, Holy Water, Cleansing,, Candles, Oils, even salt, lol, but seriously, I HAVE TRIED EVERYTHING. I've come to a point of acceptance, and have tried to embrace this rather than fight it... things have since calmed down. It's almost as if when I had began to lose my fear, it weakened their power over me. But I'm not even sure I lost my fear. I almost feel as though they had me so absolutely drained from the anxiety and always being on edge, that I didn't have strength left to fear. They do say fear is the best energy for them. They feed off of it.

Your health problems are so very strange, and it is something I have not yet experienced (no offense, but knock on wood). They did have intense mental/emotional affects on me, and I too had trouble distinguishing reality, from, well, idk delusion? Was it a delusion??? Not sure.

Did you ever see your demons?? I have ALWAYS seen mine, and am able to describe each in such great detail. Each of mine were so very different from each other, with completely different characteristics and personalities. Ignorance is bliss!! I truly agree, however, I am actually very thankful for my experiences, and am rather intrigued by each and every one of them.

What do you think all of this started over? When did it begin happening? Do you think the same demons follow you around, or do you encounter new ones as you go (like when you move, or go to a new place). My first experience was when I was very, very young... and I'm not sure I can pinpoint the cause.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by spartacus699

Good for you!!
I have found that the majority of Christians do not fear evil, and this seems to help many. Ever take pictures of your scratches? I document everything that happens to me, however, I have only been scratched once when I was young. I have witnessed friends and family being attacked right in front of me. It's terrifying watching scratches appear out of nowhere on people, and the energy these demons bring is so intense, that you are fighting a straight out panic attack while trying to make sense of all the madness.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by czechosicilian
reply to post by Darkblade71

Hi, thanks for your story!!

I was reading your reply, and yes, it is difficult to understand what you are describing, as I'm sure it's even more difficult for you to explain it!! Was it almost like a seizure? Or just a blackout? Would you say that in your dream you were a werewolf? Or something different? Is this your only experience, or have you had others?

I have been "psychic" my entire life. For lack of a better term although sensitive would work as well. I have had run ins before with things along these lines. 3 times in 42 years. twice last year. One was when I was a teenager and it was followed by an angelic experience, that thread is here:
Being of Light/Angelic Warning
The experience that led to this (the angelic experience) was that I was dreaming that I was praying to God for forgiveness because of the practicing of Satanic Magic (I was only a kid and didn't realize what I was doing) and suddenly I felt myself floating above my body and a very dark demonic voice said "I don't think so, YOU are MINE" and a hand popped out of the couch and stuck me in the side and I slammed back down into my body and woke up. That was the first one.

The second one happened during a painting I was doing which turned out to be contact with several spirits. Kind of a long story there, and a few threads on it, but the condensed version is here in this post:
Post about painting and demon encounter
Also read a bit farther down, as it tells what happened after.

And then the experience I posted in this thread.

I have come to the conclusion that there is a portal somewhere within the apartment building I am living in, and these beings are coming from there. There are many spirits where I live, both good and bad, and there have been two deaths since I moved in here on my hallway, one elderly man(He died at the hospital but was almost dead when they took him out and he and I made eye contact while they were wheeling him out), and one baby. (ruled SIDS ) And I believe I was to be taken out next but it failed (after the old man and before the baby) as I am experienced somewhat in these matters, and just because I am open, it thought I was an easy target. But I have back-up

I have never been attacked like this before though,and I have been a "sensitive" for many years. Once I set foot in this building, there has been a lot of activity. And while walking my 2nd floor, past the door with the baby's death, I sensed what I described to my boss at the time as someone using an ouija board (before the baby died), I now think I was sensing a demonic presence, which is still here somewhere.

The best way to describe what I was seeing is a very scorched land and running with a pack of what I can best describe as like Wargs from the lord of the rings, they were much like those, but demons or some sort of dark entities. I am not sure how else to describe them, intelligent,dark beings with four legs, running on all fours.

To be honest, after I passed out I don't know what happened for the next two minutes, all I know is I came to on the floor after sitting on the couch, on my hands and knees constantly repeating calm down because my heart was going super fast, and my head was banging inside very hard and the ringing was like someone swinging a hammer in my mind from one side of my skull to the other, it didn't hurt as much as it was just very loud and clanging like metal and jet engines revving up. When I realized what had just happened and opened my eyes, it was like I was not there, I was somewhere else although I could feel my body just fine, I couldn't see at all and I almost felt like I was rising back into my body and fighting to regain control of reality. I had to literally push something out of me to get back in.

edit on 28-7-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by czechosicilian

I will as soon as I have enough time to sit here and type it all out.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 07:31 PM
I do believe in possession, and have had paranormal experiences at my place of residence. I am only one of many that has has paranormal experiences here. Now, here's the clinker; I have had seizures since I was 12 years old, so any experiences are usually written off as an "almost" seizure. Then, some may say that this itself is what a seizure is--demonic possession. Just a few days ago, hence the reason I came to this site, I had another experience. I am not sure if it was heart attack, stroke, sugar levels or what (I have not had issues with any of this). The room was spinning, I could no longer stand up without feeling like I was going to vomit. I was running into walls. I felt like I desperately needed some fresh air to get over this dreaded feeling, so I walked out onto my front porch. I was having trouble catching my breath, my hands and feet were going numb, and I felt like I was weighted down. My heart was racing, I felt cold, but was sweating profusely. I literally prayed and prayed and prayed to make it go away, and I started to have relief. This is not the first time I have had this experience it was the third (and there was no seizure) the first time I had this experience I was feeling the same way, but laying on my bed and felt like something was laying on top of me. I managed to lift my head and saw black orb-like things flying around my bed, and then heard this very loud thundering voice. It said something like Infidel, and some other things ( I tried not to listen) I was hoping it was the TV in the other room but it was not. I was so FREAKED out I began to cry and pray. I was always told by my Christian friends to pray in the name of Jesus. I'm not sure if that REALLY makes a difference or not but at this point in time desperation takes over!! I couldn't get it to pass my lips though. It felt like my tongue was paralyzed. After about three attempts, and telling it to go away to whence it had came and back to the pits of hell, I started to come back around, along with a plastic bag to vomit in (nice I know) I couldn't get to the toilet though! I don't believe that anything has ever completely taken over my body, but I feel it has tried. I'm a good person, very spiritual (not necessarily full fledged Christian) I don't exactly fit in well at churches. Most church organizations are only interested in stealing your money anyway! I go by my own good, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Anyway, I am also troubled with horrifying dreams of murders, some of which have even happened. I know because I'll see it on the TV the next day. They are always so darn real it freaks me out!! Some may call it a gift to have premonitions in dreams, to me it is a curse if it is too late for me to be able to do anything about it!
Anyway, I'm glad I came here because I'd like to know if anybody else has had the same experiences. Thanks for reading, and for commenting, it is greatly appreciated.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

This sounds like when I wake from a seizure!

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by Gwenn

Could of been I suppose.
Never has happened before or since.

The whole pentagrams spilling out on the floor part is what makes me wonder. There were a lot of symbols, tunnels, pentagrams, my brain definitely scrambled. No doubt about that.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

It's hard to tell, I never know when I have one until I start coming to, and feel like I was hit by a train and my head hurts so bad, I still don't know, I just figure it out. In the Bible and in other mid-evil literature they spoke of seizures as being demonic possession. How do you think that makes me feel!! UGH! I don't know what to believe to be honest with you. I just want answers too. Good luck!

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Gwenn

I am the same as you, spiritual, follow my own path, lead a good life or as best I can, strive to do the right thing, feel out of place in church.I feel judged.

I can relate to this.

I have however taken it upon myself to wear a cross, and just today inserted tourmaline pieces into it.
Once I started to wear the cross, my nightmares went away.

I go with what works for me.

And welcome to ATS!

edit on 28-7-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Your exactly right. I always feel that my being a good person was one of the biggest reasons something WOULD try to take me over. Any thoughts??

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by Gwenn

Well I suppose that would be part of the reason wouldn't it?
To get rid of the good things/people.
A good point!

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Gwenn

They definitely go after those that pose a threat. Why would they go after someone who was already living in a way that was in accord with their agenda? They go after those who try to break out of that. That's why we must always be on guard when we are trying to live good lives and improve.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by czechosicilian

E=MC2 It is all the or positive. There is no beginning and there is no end...

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Gwenn

No, but there is an end to the life we lead now, we go on after, but you can't do much from the other side, that is why life is so important.
If we want to make good changes in the world, we have to do it now, while we are alive and physical beings.
I guess that is a good reason for demonic and negative entities to try to attack people and get rid of them or take them over to do damage to an already fragile world.

Never really thought about it.
I've always tried to focus on the good things.
Never thought I would have to worry about the bad things.
edit on 28-7-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Yeah, it doesn't really have the stroke tell tales... and "seizure" is a catch-all phrase... it's just I would rather think prosaic medical issues rather than evil beings playing us like puppets.

I know "spirits" exist... just not exactly what they are as I'm not as sensitive as some and only have study, certain events and gut feelings to go on. The real thing that keeps bothering me is the evil, intelligent intricacy and subtlety of the events lately. It is scarey but I have a "gut" feeling that dwelling on it and taking it "seriously" doesn't help.

It does follow, though, that if nasty thingies without physical bodies exist (as nasty people exist) then nice, kind bodiless thingies exist, too. I hope they have a spiritual commando squad.

The thing with my situation is, the guy on the phone I thought was crazy and a zealot, said he'd been spiritually attacked for trying to help me... and was dead a few days later. It plays with my mind and makes me feel guilty despite my rational side vehemently denying it.

It's a stranger world then I ever thought... but again, thinking that seems to bring on the strangeness... if you get me. I can't help being drawn to the odd my whole life. I don't know if it's the chicken or the egg, though. I trust my perceptions, I just don't like the direction they're taking me.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

It does follow, though, that if nasty thingies without physical bodies exist (as nasty people exist) then nice, kind bodiless thingies exist, too. I hope they have a spiritual commando squad.

It is my understanding that there are spirit squads like this. When I was a mod for a medium on his website we had a lot of special chats with psychic authors and spiritualists, and most say that there are groups of good entities that do try to help out when called upon, much like guardian angels or angels themselves.

It is not your fault this guy died. You should hold no guilt for it. If it was a demonic attack of some kind, then he left himself open to it, you have nothing to do with that at all.

We are drawn to these "odd" things for reasons, whatever they are I dunno, but I have always been drawn this way. It is a part of my learning and spiritual growth. You go twards what you are drwn to because that is where you will learn the most. Kind of like my love of dark art and dark music, it is to feed that part of me that requires it, and I know it is there, it is a part of me, and I accept it, and turn it into something physical, such as artwork.

I like Black

edit on 28-7-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

Yup to all... and I love Black Sabbath, too... though they're a tad light rock, for me.

Thanks for the alleviation of guilt... I know... but if it IS something dark, I sometimes feel ...contagious, even though I know I'm not cruel or evil... just wary of exposing loved ones to potential danger... which is isolating... which seems to be exactly what it wants... and no wonder this stuff seems insane to an "outsider" heh.

That's why I regretted bringing this up, though I'd rather talk it over here than in my "real" life where folks know who's spouting the "crazy!"
edit on 7/28/2013 by Baddogma because: grammar

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Baddogma

Your family is safe, as it seems from what you are suggesting it wants you. It is the love of family that helps to keeps these things away or at least manageable. I isolated for many years, I don't recommend it to anyone. The more time you spend alone with yourself, the more time you have to think about negative ideas and thoughts. The more you think about these things, the weaker you become in a spiritual sense, and the weaker you become, the easier it is for these types of things to mess with you. We are not perfect, and that is what makes us perfect, but to give in, and allow this to over take you, is not good either, which isolating will do.

Kind of like meditation, something I have to be careful with, because weird things happen when I meditate. You just have to know/learn what does and does not create an ideal situation for something of this manner to manifest itself.

When I open a connection, it is by my choice, and I understand when I do this, I am also opening doors to things I might not be able to handle, but part of me still does it because I feel I am meant to. I have been pretty lucky there, and not experienced much of a negative nature, however, now, there is something else here, and I didn't bring it, it was already here, so I am at a loss as to what to do about it other than protect myself as best I can with whatever tools are available to me.

if you feel something is messing with you, arm yourself with knowledge and whatever tools you have available, and find what works.

It is a learning process and you gotta start somewhere.No better place than with yourself and with what has been put in front of you to learn how to deal with.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by czechosicilian
reply to post by sled735

Hey sled, how's it going?? I'm curious, what this shaped like a human?

Sort of. It had shoulders and a head, but the shoulders appeared to be more round-shaped, and the head was just there; no facial features that I could see. I also saw part of it's torso, but the rest of it's body was hidden behind the corner of the hall wall as it peeped around at me.

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by sled735

Hi Sled!

A faceless thing! Ewwww!

That's kind of creepy!

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