posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:20 PM
This page has a summary of the crash.
Mishap crews buried at Arlington cemetary
Some of the times are off, but the basic summary is correct. The crew was flying low (100ft to 200ft AGL) and using terrain to hide from radar
(presumably Rolands based on the map). Flying low is not unusual in this kind of training, and also necessary since in CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue)
you not only need to find the person(s) on the ground, but make it out without behind shot down in the process. The crews were flying using night
vision googles.
The helicopters were due back at 11:30PM local. At 11:57PM local they were declared overdue. The times differ from the webpage. The first search
chopper was airborne at 1:21AM local and at 2:03 AM local the crash was located.
The guns had live rounds, which went off during the fire. [5200 rounds between the two aircraft.] I haven't read the entire report, but it has
happened in other crashes that the bodies at the crash scene take a round.
There was no clear cause given for the mishap, but some contributory factors such as some members of the crew being overworked.
They recovered the KY-58 crypto. Missing and assume consumed in the fire is the APR-39 processor, presumably part of the APR-39 radar waring receiver.