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UK National service --Parliamentary Bill. -- National service coming to Britain?

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posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Elliot

Plenty of jobs but many of the youth think the jobs are below them, I have seen many school leavers come and go at my place of work because they think it is below them to wipe someone elses bum, not all mind you but the last 5 school leavers didn't last a week.
What I do not agree with is these kids having a lower minimum wage by about 2 quid I think.
edit on 26-7-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by Elliot

Plenty of jobs but many of the youth think the jobs are below them, I have seen many school leavers come and go at my place of work because they think it is below them to wipe someone elses bum, not all mind you but the last 5 school leavers didn't last a week.
What I do not agree with is these kids having a lower minimum wage by about 2 quid I think.
edit on 26-7-2013 by boymonkey74 because: (no reason given)

The unemployment issue is an important one. And young people have a right to be angry about it. But, at the same time, what use is it to sit back complaining about it instead of actually doing some work and showing that they are capable and willing?

I have one young man in my family who has probably worked about a month in total over the last five years, doing agency work. He's one of those who will discover that he really wants something bad enough, so goes to an agency to get a job, gets his first pay and blows it. He seems to think a £500 paycheck will last him a lifetime.

So, obviously, when he goes back to the agencies a couple of months later they won't put him anywhere because he's so unreliable.

I used to work in a management position, and we had to have a list on hand of adults who could be called in at the last moment to cover the younger people who would inevitably call in on a weekend with some excuse. You could be guaranteed that straight after pay day several of them would be completely off the radar for a week.

No, it's not fair on those who really do want to work, and it's not right to judge all young people in the same way. But if you are running a small business, and you know that several people in their teens and twenties are more likely to let you down, risking the quality of the service you provide and forcing you to pay more to others to cover them, would you rather employ adults with responsibilities or young people who are statistically more likely to let you down?

A small business doesn't care about whether people think it's fair or not, they have a responsibility to their business and the people they employ. It's sad, but it's true.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:11 AM
Right now schools are churning out idiots at an alarming rate.

I think that unless you go to uni National Service sounds good, not for ANYTHING to do with war (stay with me) its for impacting some life skills and self preservation also being: punctual, organised, conscientious, responsible and flexible in their jobs and lives.

Something parents are getting worse and worse at teaching due to a negative respect barrier with their children.

If you lived here and knew what little respect the average under 20 has for the general public and work and how bad they are at taking care of themselves you'd realize how this sort of thing would be well received here.

I wish i had done a few years when i was young, id have skipped a lot of utter crap in my life to get to where i think i am now (others may still disagree

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 09:31 AM
I totally agree with National Service in the UK as long as we don't send our young people to the front line then it can only be a good thing. To many louts in the UK nowadays and perhaps they will learn to pull their bloody trousers up when they get dressed and to be taught that its totally antisocial and illegal to have your hands down your pants all day.

Personally, I would send any young person not in full time education or apprenticeship into National Service to teach them discipline and to give them skills. By doing this kids at school would try harder with their studies so they don't have to go into National Service.

Personally, I don't think this will get through as we have to many lefties in the UK. I do have one other solution but far to "Right Wing" to put on here.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:00 AM
I say that if theres going to be national service...then there should be NO EXCEPTIONS.
However, its the average bloke who ends up at the working end of the shovel or gun,.......and the elites kids end up the officers etc.
The idea of a draft is a particularly nasty one, providing yet another tool to the PTB for" indoctrination and control". while separating the subjects handily into arbitrary classifications and occupations......
The whole concept can be used for intense psychological programming of those who are subject to it.
Though I am not a Brit, I would oppose a draft of any youth into a National ANYTHING>

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by stumason
That said, I have always thought that some form of National Service, even like the one they had in Germany which gave you a choice of the Military or Community service, would be good for the Youth.

The youth I know are not work shy losers in need of boot camp, far from it. They desperately want a decent job instead of being used as cheap labour by companies exploiting the law to pay minimum wages with minimum rights. My son works crazy hours, minimal breaks, sometimes NONE (just within the law !!!) for minimum pay. The managers are typical of bad british managers i.e they could not manage their way out of an empty car park, I was present (shipping) whilst his manager was having a staff meeting INSIDE THE FREAKING SHOP !!! utterly useless, very aggressive , very threatening. Who gets the bonuses? The staff workjing their b....s off or the useless managers cracking a whip....hmmmm. My partners son works in a Pub.......I could go on....

We don't need national service for youth, we need people in positions of power to stop being clueless idiots.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by yorkshirelad

Originally posted by stumason
That said, I have always thought that some form of National Service, even like the one they had in Germany which gave you a choice of the Military or Community service, would be good for the Youth.

The youth I know are not work shy losers in need of boot camp, far from it. They desperately want a decent job instead of being used as cheap labour by companies exploiting the law to pay minimum wages with minimum rights. My son works crazy hours, minimal breaks, sometimes NONE (just within the law !!!) for minimum pay. The managers are typical of bad british managers i.e they could not manage their way out of an empty car park, I was present (shipping) whilst his manager was having a staff meeting INSIDE THE FREAKING SHOP !!! utterly useless, very aggressive , very threatening. Who gets the bonuses? The staff workjing their b....s off or the useless managers cracking a whip....hmmmm. My partners son works in a Pub.......I could go on....

We don't need national service for youth, we need people in positions of power to stop being clueless idiots.

It's very easy to pick out examples on both sides of this, I have, and you have, but when you look at a national picture, there are far too many people claiming benefits who are perfectly capable of working, and perfectly capable of doing numerous jobs, they choose not to because they are "better off" being unemployed. Basically, they do the math and work out that they would earn about £20 extra in a job than they do claiming benefits, so they decide that they would rather sit on their butt than gain some self respect and pride and earn just that little bit more.

I have had that argument with a relative of mine, who chose not to take a job because it would only pay him a little more than he gets on benefits!

Maybe the jobs are not ideal, but there is this notion that it's okay to just not work if it's not paying enough. To me that's BS. There is nothing to stop someone from looking for another job while they are earning a minimum.

My first paid job was in a warehouse, earning £2.50 an hour, packing boxes and labeling CD's and computer games. We worked 8 - 12 hour shifts, in a derelict building, often without heat in the winter, so much so that we used to put bags over our feet to try and keep warm. You should try stickering CD's while wearing wooly gloves in freezing temperatures.

I was there for about a year before I decided that it would be a good idea to look for another job (I was only young), but found another within a month and was out of there.

One of the biggest obstacles to getting a job is explaining what you've been doing, holes in employment records are a massive problem. Someone hiring a person who hasn't worked for six months or a year is going to be looking for a reason why. It's not really good enough to just say you were doing nothing, or claiming benefits. It's far better to be able to say you were volunteering, or doing agency work - that's what employers are looking for, someone who is willing to work no matter what.

I agree with you that our government has failed an entire generation, and that can probably be claimed by at least two generations of youth now too. But there are two sides to this, and government failure is just one aspect of it. I agree that the terms of employment our government is chasing is almost slave labour, and I agree that it's morally wrong. But that is the hand that has been dealt, either fight it or play the game. A young person can still fight it AND work, a young person can work and still look for something better. A young person is still better off doing SOMETHING.

Looking at the national picture, there are too many young people refusing to do anything, that's the reality of it. We can pick out examples that fly in the face of that, but we can't get away from the fact that we have a very large number of young people in this country who do not want to work, think it's beneath them, don't have the basic skills to do a job, and complain that it's everyone else's fault but their own.

That's why I think some form of National Service would be a good thing. There are too many with no self respect, no sense of pride and no basic skills. If they can gain them in something like service in their community or nationally, then that's far better than them wasting a decade or two of their lives perfecting how to shoot zombies!

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 06:42 PM
It amazes me that anyone thinks that they will actually turn up for national service. They will either claim to be concientious objectors, or sod off to another country. Also why would they limit it to the young when it would enable them to turn the whole of the country into slaves. People would be working not just for the military but also the civil service etc...

It is typical that politicians are so detached from the country that they think they would cooperate with their loss of freedom.

But mainly they want national service because they want another war after Afghanistan, or they want to stay in there. They want a way to make the masses more obedient: like it or not most people when they leave the army obey orders from any authority figure without question, in fact many do for the whole of their lives.

edit on 18-8-2013 by werewolf99 because: (no reason given)

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