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Democrats, Socialist , and Communist are ahead of their time!

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posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by interupt42

while the gov't is dependent on monetary influences from the very industries they are trying to regulate in our best interest?

Well, I'm glad I stayed after this.... It turns out we aren't too far off after all, then.

I quoted the above because it's where I think we stand for how Capitalism has ultimately failed as well. It, too, can be a great system and has been ..more or less..for decades. Then, sometime in the last 15 years, the balance (always a shaky one) between BIG Business and Government just vanished entirely and the two got married for a long and close loving relationship our apparent doom.

well said.

As long as they are married than frankly no other ideals will ever get a chance to flourish (capitalist,republican,libertarian,socialist,communist,democrats,etc). Lobbyist effect all the parties equally yet everyone overlooks it and blames the other guy.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
More than a little bit mixed up about what the end game is for Democrats, Socialists, and Communists.

Communists are all about helping out everyone? Try telling that to the average Russian circa 1975.

Tell me where was the direct democracy for the people where they should be allowed to control their life and have influence on their life? You can call anything any name but that does not make it true. The USSR was a power pyramid just like any other country where the politicians ruled everything instead of the rich ruled everything. The bottom line the little man got parasited on and was struggling like always.

The greedy destroy everything they touch be it in USSR or capitalism. Now days the house market is so screwed up so that you are gonna be enslaved for life to pay it back to the banks. Nobody should be allowed to create any more money since they are using it to steal the real value of what you save. There is a reason usury was mentioned as a bad thing in ancient times. It seems they where smarter than we where since we do not seem to have learned the lesson.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:42 PM
IMO the number issue that we need to focus on is the existing lobbying process.

What issue is not dictated nor legislated nor effected by lobbying?

So why doesn't all the parties bring this to the forefront?

Can we really fix anything while the lobbying industry is controlling our gov't?

Does your party ideal or your ideals really get implemented or does the lobbyist ideals get implemented?

edit on 25-7-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-7-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
I have no doubt the Democrats, Socialists and Communists on this website will just go bananas in joy and gratitude that you so casually corral them all together to share the same family of ideology. You apparently have no idea how many threads and how viciously I've personally debated and watched this debated by real socialists and real communists vs. Democrats for how those are 3 totally DIFFERENT things (which, in honesty, they ARE different, if somewhat related).

Ahead of their time though? Okay... That means their time is yet to come and if you'll make it about 20-25 years? Their time will come after nature has called me to other planes of existence. Whew.. Thank God for small favors!

See....the last time? It killed 60 million innocent civilians between Soviet Russia and Red China. I'll be HAPPY to see 'their time' be far beyond MY time for life in this world. Sorry for my son to have to suffer the worst sides of at least 2 of those 3 ideologies ..but better him than me.

Ideologies have a habit of killing people Wrab.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:18 AM
Those advocating the right can talk all they want...

Humanity will never really evolve, achieve greatness and space colonization with only ideas from the right.
I'm sorry, it just won't happen if we continue with individual mentalities and not thinking, planing and working for the wholeness of civilization.

Limited minds think we need money for incentive for people to do something because themselves, don't see the incentive of helping their human brothers. Still stuck in an animal mentality, still stuck with the prime idea of individual survival.

Well I don't care for money. As long as I have my little home and a little fun.
I would rather work towards everyone having the quality of life that I have than to work to enhance my quality of life...I'm already comfortable, why would I need more?

I'm not an animal in fear of not surviving. Fear doesn't get the best of me.

I'm sorry to say, but I really do believe that left ideologies are farther from animal values than right ideologies.
Thus, more evolved, ahead of their time.

This doesn't mean that right ideologies and their people are stupid because they are still needed in our society and a little dose of right ideas will always be needed to have a balanced society.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by interupt42

Let me ask you this, how do you propose to get everyone to contribute an equal amount of work to that system, because for that system to work everyone has to contribute an equal amount of labor. Who gets toDICTATE that a pill boy works as hard as a garbage man, you ? That's an instant recipe for failure.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000
Communism is, at it's heart, the most ideal and perfect system of Government ever devised by man, for man. On Paper.

It's perfect ...until man steps up to run that system. Then man's nature corrupts that system without exception to date. Every time, in every example and every attempt. Not all have crashed and some have morphed out the worst and most cancerous aspects of Communism while still being true communists, like China. Still.... Absolute Power absolutely corrupts. The west sees it by corruption of Capitalism and the East saw it by corruption of Communism.

And I think you've summed it up perfectly. Theoretically, communism is a great form of government, but as you say, the problem lies in the human element at its core.

To me, its why all of these big government ideologies are such a joke. Its all just so ironic and ridiculous once you realize that the same types of corrupt, greedy, narcissistic, power-hungry a**holes running the corporations that they hate so much are EXACTLY the same types of people who end up as politicians and who will be running their big overbearing government.

It is for this reason that none of these big government schemes will ever work and why they never have, no matter how they look on paper. The people running them are always corrupt, because when you get right down to it, most of the human race is corrupt at some level, especially once put in a position of authority.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by DonVoigt
reply to post by interupt42

Let me ask you this, how do you propose to get everyone to contribute an equal amount of work to that system, because for that system to work everyone has to contribute an equal amount of labor. Who gets toDICTATE that a pill boy works as hard as a garbage man, you ? That's an instant recipe for failure.

I'm not sure you read my post completely. With today’s society, I don't think that you could implement such a system.

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