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War of terror a distraction

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posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:12 AM
Not a deliberate one so much,but mainly that it get sall the media attention, such as if you save one lady froma fire but somewhere else 100 die in a fire,you wont get much attention. There is a lot of itneresting landings and sightings being made in India and the middle east. Its apparent that the Indio-Moslim congregation is recieveing help in there fight against the illuminati and bushs Oil and water crusade. Syrius and Orion's (the greys aka pawn of illuminati) children have chosen earth as there battleground for a war by proxy. Do we go against popular thought, and support the Indio-Moslim congregation,who will liberate us from the Illuminatis grip,if we do so we risk intermint, death, persecution. what troubling times!

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:33 AM
I don't mean to sound too critical, but I think that this is a bit rash to go making such an assumption without at least providing us, the reader, with some insight as to WHY EXACTLY you believe this....stuff.

I, myself, find it just as puzzling to think that someone could extrapolate this idea from something like this. Granted, the US government has an alterior motive, as they always do, but that doesn't mean that aliens are getting ready to bang down our doors and take women and children hostage. I just think that you've made this WAAAY too big of a deal myself.

P.S. Now call me a skeptic and a non-believer, cause frankly, that's exactly what I am in this case. I see NO reason how ANY of this could even be possible, let alone true. I guess I may just need to be enlightened, or I may need to become a radical as well.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:37 AM
start reading here

the beings from syrius are against the interference on our lives,which is in direct opposistion to what the greys want,who have been meddling with us since our beginning.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:41 AM
Ummm, I don't quite see how that establishes any kind of evidence that alien beings from another world are about to start an old war on our planet. Give me some reputable sources claiming this, and not some tabloid, and you might peak my interest.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:43 AM
Yes, we all know how much Muslims and Hindus get along.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 12:57 AM
The very quiet and mysterios House of Hamzeh is behind the allegiance,they are uniting agaisnt common enemys,the was already taking place in iraq,afghanistan, and will soon by in syria and india. There is a force bush is trying to eliminate,and thats the Indio-Moslim congregation. Is it possible you are unknowingly agents of disonformation?programmed to dilute the truth? the best agents dont even realize theyre programmed as they are. what do they have on you my friends?nothing they can do to you is worth sacrificing mankind to the illuminatis will. The house of Hamzeh has even attempted to put members of there influence into North american government,the last attempt was pre 9/11,in a Oil capitol of Canada, after that failure,and 9/11,they realized a brown man would never see any high government posistion in North america. I believe it was in Calgary in a mayoral posistion.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:03 AM
Are you serious?
I assume that the arms race and tensions between Pakistan and India are all a mask for "what's really going on"?

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:07 AM
I hereby refer you to the P.S. in my first post. I knew you would call me a disinformer, when in fact, you have NO idea how cool I would love to know that something like that WAS in fact going on. I mean really, aliens here fighting an inter-galactic war!! That would be awesome!!

But, aside from that, I think everyone needs to take a step back, and reflect on what we know has taken place..... The US has declared war on terrorism since 9/11, and has since been hard pressed to route them out, wherever they may be. Now, if you link that with the newly commissioned F-22 Raptors, you begin to see that it's really just the US government's newest addition to the Black Ops... the F-35, and probably something even cooler.

It sure seems funny to me how when something happens like this, people always go overboard making assumptions that they cannot back up. try paying more attention to real-world news, and listen close... you might pick up on what's REALLY going on..

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:07 AM
It is as Authentic as the arms build up between Russia and the USA. You seem to lack the human train of knowing that two adversarys will unite to defeat a greater threat. Why do you lack this basic insight into human nature? Is it possible its been taken from you? or perhaps you are programmed to think diffrently? What draws you to this site only to try to discredit the hard work of others who take great risks to spread the truth. What do you have to gain? or more importantly what do you think you will lose otherwise?

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:09 AM
theborg, it was more directed to the other poster, Ive found in the past not all news is 100% reliable,certainly not as reliable as the word of old friends.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by Kings Knight mare
It is as Authentic as the arms build up between Russia and the USA. You seem to lack the human train of knowing that two adversarys will unite to defeat a greater threat. Why do you lack this basic insight into human nature? Is it possible its been taken from you? or perhaps you are programmed to think diffrently? What draws you to this site only to try to discredit the hard work of others who take great risks to spread the truth. What do you have to gain? or more importantly what do you think you will lose otherwise?

I think the two words here that merit any kind of acknowledgement are "human nature". It's not 'human nature' that we're discussing here; it's aliens fighting each other here on Earth, and the validity of an otherwise baseless accussation. We have NO PROOF of alien existence, let alone where they came from, or what they're doing. So to sit here making these stories up is kind of pointless.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:18 AM
In a tactical sense, looking at the larger picture, it would make sense for the US to win the support of India in the 'war' on terrorism. They would be a formidable ally in the region. When we cajoled Pakistan for support, I frowned. India has the manpower and tenacity to make it an effective ally, especially in a region where the U.S. doesn't have the influence like it used to.

Why has the US/Bush reached out? You do not allignw ith your enemys.

Syrius visitors are helping but are, by all accounts of those there, not interfering or influencing any human decesion.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:20 AM
The Mahabharata, an ancient Indian saga at least five thousand years old speaks of flying machines called Vimanas that were used to launch a powerful weapon of destruction; " a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe!"

Here is a reference concerning the destruction unleashed by two warring sets of adversaries: "The Earth shook, scorched by the terrible heat of this weapon. Elephants burst into flames and ran to and fro in a frenzy, seeking a protection from terror. Over a vast area other animals crumpled to the ground and died. The waters boiled, and the creatures residing therein also died. From all points of the compass the arrows of the flame rained continuously!

Later we find: "An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, .....a gigantic messenger of death!" The effect of this weapon was that, "The corpses were so burnt that they were no longer recognisable. Hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without cause. Birds, disturbed, circled in the air and were turned white. Foodstuffs were poisoned!"

ancient indian legends refer to the war between syrius and there war with the orion reptilians.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by TheBorg

Originally posted by Kings Knight mare
It is as Authentic as the arms build up between Russia and the USA. You seem to lack the human train of knowing that two adversarys will unite to defeat a greater threat. Why do you lack this basic insight into human nature? Is it possible its been taken from you? or perhaps you are programmed to think diffrently? What draws you to this site only to try to discredit the hard work of others who take great risks to spread the truth. What do you have to gain? or more importantly what do you think you will lose otherwise?

I think the two words here that merit any kind of acknowledgement are "human nature". It's not 'human nature' that we're discussing here; it's aliens fighting each other here on Earth, and the validity of an otherwise baseless accussation. We have NO PROOF of alien existence, let alone where they came from, or what they're doing. So to sit here making these stories up is kind of pointless.

Thank you! I couldn't have put it any better myself.

Kings Knight mare, you have put no hard work or risk into spreading your "truth". I could say, "Canada is secretly allied with the state of New Jersey in an attempt to enslave Africans again." That claim has as much proof as yours and is even more believable.

Please give me one single piece of evidence to prove your theory. If you don't believe the media, at least I could find pictures of Hindu's tearing up Muslim shops in Kashmir. if you haven't noticed Pakistan and India have gone to war a few times since 1950. Was that all staged?

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:28 AM
War is the quickest and easiest way for a mass wipnig out of those who oppose you.

Its obvious your a disinformation agent.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:29 AM
As for The Mahabharata, it has been theorized that this could have been an asteroid. Plus, you need to take into consideration just how people write things when they hear them over the course of millenia. How are we to know that that's the original version of that story? For all we know, it could have been written by a monk in 1567, and just touted as some ancient text, although I don't believe that.

I have no idea what The Mahabharata means, but as much as I want to believe, I just can't see the reasoning to. Sorry...

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:32 AM
The choice to beliee or not,is ultimatly yours and is truly the ultimate freedom.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by Kings Knight mare
The choice to beliee or not,is ultimatly yours and is truly the ultimate freedom.

Yet anyone that opposes you is a "disinformation agent"? I fail to see the logic here. Please enlighten me.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 01:46 AM
Ive been researching certain members posting habits,I will continue to moniter and then share my posts in the future. Clearly your intelligent enough to know sites like these always have disinformation agents.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Kings Knight mare
Ive been researching certain members posting habits,I will continue to moniter and then share my posts in the future. Clearly your intelligent enough to know sites like these always have disinformation agents.

Which begs the question, are YOU one of those 'disinformation agents' you so despise? You toute information as fact when there is no basis for them to even be considered, and anyone that has any doubts about your opinions is labeled a 'disinformation agent', so as to divert attention from the reality of the situation. Sounds like something a government agent would do, now doesn't it?

P.S. : "Me thinkest thou protests too much."

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