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Mutilated cattle show up again in Colorado

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posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by DaTroof

Hrmm... well if not for insurance, maybe just another way to get rid of diseased cattle without drawing heat from FDA and other agencies?

If trying to get rid of evidence of diseased cattle they would not leave the mutilated carcasses from which tissue samples could be taken but would get rid of the entire bodies- which could easily be done via burial.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by TheLieWeLive

Sounds like the gov't is trying to scare the masses into "alien invasion" - they don't have much left - see oboama's speech tonight.

It's another "threat" - oh, the alien's are calling eachother on cell phones. We have to catch them.

I call utter BS. And the gov't is doing it now - just like they were doing it then.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by AthlonSavage

The usual reports are from Colorado, Wyoming, Texas, Alabama, Puerto Rico, Canada, and as far away as South America. Speculation that it is the work of secret US government groups (paramilitary or spy) or Satanic cults therefore seem too far fetched.

Surely the US government would have their own stock of cows for an experiment of this nature.
Info was gather from the below web sight...Just something to consider if any of the cases are as told
Satanic cults would need to have enormous resources to carry out this type of operation throughout the world. Ranchers have witnessed strange, unmarked black helicopters fly over their herds where they will later find mutilated cattle. Some have even witnessed strange lights in the night sky previous to finding bodies. There are those who believe that the mutilations are occurring as a random radiation test by extraterrestrial visitors whose purpose is to safeguard humanity against nuclear annihilation. Again I do not know and anyone who says they do must have been there or they are full of beans.

Another interesting case that has received little publicity in the United States is the Brazilian Guarapiranga reservoir case. Brazilian ufologist Encarnacion Zapata Garcia and Dr. Rubens Goes uncovered a series of sensational photographs obtained from police files. The photos are of a dead man whose injuries are similar to the wounds of countless UFO-related animal mutilation cases. The body had been found near Guarapiranga reservoir on September 29, 1988. The name of the man has been withheld from the media and UFO investigators at the request of his relatives. After studying the photos, Encarnacion Garcia was impressed with how similar the wounds of the body were to those found on the carcasses of so many mutilated animals. The initial police report noted that the body, although extremely mutilated, showed no signs of struggle or the application of bondage of any kind.

The body appeared to be in good condition. Rigor mortis had not set in and it was estimated that the victim had been killed approximately 48 to 72 hours previously. There were no signs of animal predation or decay which might be expected. Strangely, there was no odor to the body. Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal. In fact, it was noted that there was a general lack of blood found in the body or on the ground around the body. Police photos show that the flesh and lips had been removed from around the mouth, as is common in cattle and other animal mutilations. An autopsy report stated that "the eyes and ears were also removed and the mouth cavity was emptied." Removal of these body parts, including the tongue as here, is common enough in animal mutilation cases.

This case is also weird:

In Westchester county New York, in 1988, several morgues were broken into late at night. Fresh human bodies had undergone mutilations involving partial removal of the face and total removal of the eyes, stomach, thyroid gland and genitals. An assistant medical examiner who had broken the silence concerning the case, stated that checks were immediately run on the employees who were on duty at the morgues. No links connecting morgue employees with the crimes were found. While there is no evidence that UFOs were responsible for the bizarre incidents, once again we see human bodies being mutilated in the same ways that cattle and other animals are being mutilated.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by playernumber13
(no offense poster) - No I didn't 'dig' and you're prob. right it could be legit. I was just saying....

On topic -
One theory I find hard to swallow is that it's the government. I wonder what the motive would be in the mutilation of livestock. If the govt. had a desire to do strange experimentation I would think they would do so on a military base.

It's a strange case. I think it's maybe a cult ritual - satanic? Or who knows? Are there never footprints or any other evidence at the site?

No offense taken, I enjoy a lot of your posts.

Of course the jury is still out, but there's a growing body of evidence that it just might be government connected to the effects and spread of radiation testing (most nuclear bomb tests were in the western portion of US) and biological disease. Such tests require somewhat free-ranging herds from specific areas and need at least 2nd and 3rd generation cows to measure mutation.

I've been trying to find it, so maybe someone can help, but there was a thread here 2 or 3 years ago that listed a government site that had a ton of white papers on a variety of subjects. Within a few short days, members here had found a WIDE variety of interesting papers on subjects of interest to the ATS community. Anyone remember that?

Some of those papers were all about this kind of cattle testing. Of course no mention was made of cow mutilations---and it may not be connected, but they were interesting and somewhat evidentiary evidence in regards this topic.

A lot of the cattle mutilations were happening at the same time--and in the same place--the Paul Bennewitz disinfo operation was being run by AFOSI, and it's been suggested the "Aliens are doing it" might have been yet another ploy to keep folk from top secret aircraft testing.

Could be aliens. Could be the government. But as Wrabbit pointed out, it's certainly not a hoax. Nor coyotes for that matter.

edit on 25-7-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by The GUT
where i live some of the small holdings [ crofts ] are still not allowed to sell sheep or keep the deer and that is from chernobyl in the early 80s a man from the goverment turns up and takes them away and pays top prices .

sure it would be a lot easier than black helicopters and all in the middle of the night i think this is getting done to frighten the human herd

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by The GUT

I never heard the radiation testing theory. It sounds interesting and makes sense. My only question with that theory is why would they leave or return the carcass? Granted it would be suspicious if livestock began to disappear from a ranch but it would be less gruesome than what is occuring. Why wouldn't the government take the animal and dispose of the entire body?

I read earlier on this thread it sounds as if some of the animals are being dropped from a helicopter or something. Which makes me think the government or a corporation is involved. It doesn't make sense because wouldn't it attract more attention to return a mutilated cow than to just steal a cow?

I know I'm asking questions and not providing any answers but I am really stumped. I've seen a couple tv programs on this topic and I know some believe it's the result of birds and insects eating the remains.
edit on 25-7-2013 by playernumber13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by 727Sky
Ranchers have witnessed strange, unmarked black helicopters fly over their herds where they will later find mutilated cattle. Some have even witnessed strange lights in the night sky previous to finding bodies.

The only close up UFOs I ever sighted resulted in a military helicopter appearing 10 minutes later and turning on a searchlight to study the ground below.

Makes me believe the government has technology that detects UFOs, and then they come to have a look to see what they were up to.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:32 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
reply to post by 727Sky

I was aware of the rustler problem, I didn't know livestock farmers hadn't worked an insurance plan out to cope with the situation.

Hrmm... well if not for insurance, maybe just another way to get rid of diseased cattle without drawing heat from FDA and other agencies?

Certainly weird, but I think there's an earthly explanation. We'll find it some day.

They haven't ever found an earthly explanation in 50 years, and if there even was one, it would have been found long ago, which means no one has the brains to find the answer, I mean, it is above EVERYONES pay grade..

Thinking we will find an earthly explanation "someday" is idealism personified.

edit on 25-7-2013 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Makes as much sense as any other theory.

It's crazy that nobody ever sees it happen. Somebody knows.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

It's been years since we heard of this happening.
Guess it never stopped.

Odd that there is never any trace of blood and certain parts are taken.
Thanks for posting this.....


posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 05:45 AM
Cattle mutilations are very well documented, by farmers, law enforcement and veterinarians.

I have read tons of material regarding this phenomenon, and I think the evidence only leaves one of two conclusions left:

1. Some secret Air Force / Army program connected to bio warfare or even psychological operations.

2. Something not from this planet.

There are numerous occasions where the whole body fluid was drained, eyes and brains removed without damage to surrounding tissue, combined with multiple reports of weird lights and unmarked helicopters spraying substances a day after the mutilations occurred.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by 727Sky

I read about cattle mutilations in the early 60s in Texas as a little boy. The news papers back then still reported UFOs and such and then came the UFO flap on the East coast in 1967-68. This flap spawned Mothman and many strange occurrences such as houses being haunted and haunted houses have more activity than usual. The news would say the police/authorities would explain (even to this day) that it was cult worship or vandals. NOW if this was the case why in over 50 years and almost every state in the country no one has been caught.
Just before I moved to Colorado Linda Moultin Howe won an award for her documentary on cattle mutilations. By then the way the authorities, news reporting and investigators handled these mutilatons is to just not report it.
Jacques Valles wrote a book with a lot of investigation into past cattle mutilations and found the military (I can't remember what state) reported a cow was mutilated and dropped off at the front fence of the Air Force base. The utters had been carefully scrapped out completely and filled with sand. This sounds like a message: there isn't a damned thing you can do about it.
Valles theorized that the military could buy their own cattle instead of sneeking around. Private citizens would spend a fortune renting a helicopter, fuel, etc. only to drop the cow off and take the most useless parts off of it.
Other books have suggested that chemtrails are part of it and that the cows are the best representation of a human digestive & nervous system. Exposed to chems then samples picked up (cow) sensitive parts like eyes, tongue, genitals, blood were taken to see the effects of the chemtrails dropped days earlier.
If you really are interested in this Mystreous Valley is a good book, the San Luis valley south of Colorado Springs and north of Trinidad, is the capital of UFOs & cattle mutilations for the USA. Well documented it tells of a 900 lbs bull found splayed on it's back opened up surgically on a concrete picnic table INSIDE of a brick housing structure that couldn't possibly fit the bull through the doors. UFO & dancing light shows constantly happen in that area even until today. San Luis is a strange place without all of this, it is a valley with mountains all around a desert (natural) swamp, grass lands even alligators. The people of the area have built a UFO tower for anyone to climb for sightings, that's how often sightings happen there.
A few witnesses have seen what it is (in their case anyway) and describe sitting all night waiting when what looks and acts like a helicopter fly down and stops above the cattle but there is NO noise whatsoever. After it picks up a cow with what was described as tentacles or cables lowering to attach to the cow then pull it up. Flying away it doesn't sound like anything and flies nothing like a helicopter and actually changes shape flying away making the witness think they only imagined the helicopter shape they originally perceived.
With the info I've read I'd have conclude it is extraterrestrial with the reluctant cooperation of the government.
How else is there NO arrests in 60+ years without cover ups. Witnesses discouraged into silence. Police don't care or give up.
Of course new information will change my position at anytime.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by travisirius

I have spent a lot of time in Southern Colorado and am always astonished at the high strangeness I encounter there.

There even seems to be a weird religious/mystical component attached.

edit on 25-7-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:00 AM
Documentary video of interest for those who are skeptic on this subject:

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:12 AM
I read something a while ago that stated that the grays live off of human and bovine bodily secretions, genitals and organs. And that the us gov. made an agreement with the grays where they are allowed to take a certain amount of secreations In exchange for ET technology.

By the way, I want pictures. Does that make me sick?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by olaru12

Yeah, strange indeed, I don't know if alligators are indigenous to that area but with the Great Dunes, mountains, Monarch ski area, marshes, snow storms, army/Airforce presence, hard to explain lights & mutilations.
Hard to go camping in Colorado now days with all the fires, they won't let you cook on a fire, so what's the point. I haven't been down there more than 3 times but its almost as weird as Four Corners.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Euphony
I read something a while ago that stated that the grays live off of human and bovine bodily secretions, genitals and organs. And that the us gov. made an agreement with the grays where they are allowed to take a certain amount of secreations In exchange for ET technology.

By the way, I want pictures. Does that make me sick?

This doesn't sound right. Any species with the technological capability UFO's have shown, would have the ability to supply their own food. Or better yet, abduct animals and care for them, you get more non meat out of them that way. This theory is flawed.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by olaru12
reply to post by travisirius

I have spent a lot of time in Southern Colorado and am always astonished at the high strangeness I encounter there.

There even seems to be a weird religious/mystical component attached.

edit on 25-7-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

Over 150,000 citizens here in Colorado are registered as "pagan/wiccan/druid". That is the highest population per capita in the USA by FAR.

What ever is going on here, it attracks those who follow the mystic arts, speaking for a purely domographic perspective.

I wish someone would post the clips from the pilot South Park episode "Cartman gets an anal probe". They spend a whole 30 minutes covering cattle mutilations in Colorado.

God Bless,

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by The GUT

Originally posted by superman2012
Didn't Mythbusters do a show on this once? Expanding gases were to blame as I remember?

I love those guys, but their scientific methods leave much to be desired. Did they manage the reported "laser precision" or complete skinning?

Btw: torsion's recent thread Dulce Base - upcoming book by Greg Valdez promises some interesting information on cattle mutilations from Greg Valdez son of Gabe.

edit on 24-7-2013 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

Most surgeons in the medical profession use cauterization scalpels. They actually have an electric current or a high RF signal charged through them. This has the effect of cauterization all the blood vessels during an incision so there is no blood loss. There are also harmonic scalpels which oscillate at 55 Kilohertz, and coagulate blood as they cut. These are the cleanest systems to use.

So it looks like it would very convenient to dissect a dead cow, remove the bloated internal organs and then say "them darn aliens took ma cattle again!" rather than say, "darn it, I fed them some soggy corn and they exploded again!".

edit on 25-7-2013 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Euphony

By the way, I want pictures. Does that make me sick?

Perhaps a little....



This doesn't sound right. Any species with the technological capability UFO's have shown, would have the ability to supply their own food. Or better yet, abduct animals and care for them, you get more non meat out of them that way. This theory is flawed.

Maybe it's not the meat they are after. Perhaps its the pain the animal feels as it's being mutilated that they feed on. It's called "loosh"

Trying to use logic in a chaotic cosmos simply won't work....
edit on 25-7-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

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