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Is it time for an apocalypse ?

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posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:26 PM
As some might already know, an apocalypse could be described a the following: A disclosure of something, hidden from the vast majority of mankind, in a era of falsehood and misconception (it could be in an era of lies and deceit too). No matter what, you get the idea.

Now, the reason why I am making this thread is because I think we might be approaching the time which the ones who ruled this planet for a long time will have their plans exposed. One part of the modern apocalypse could be seen as Edward J. Snowden's revelations over the NSA scandals, but it is only a little part of something I believe we could be well surprised when everything will be revealed.

"Behold! For when the time shall comes, the truth will prevail and pour some light upon darkness" This is how I truly feel about it

Another question which came to my mind was the following: If the evil doers from this world would (in their dream of course) control the world 100% as in 1984, the famous novel by George Orwell, then what would be left for them to do ? I believe profoundly ladies and gentlemen that there is some more stuff than simply earth involved in this grand scheme, the whole galaxy could be concerned in this story which is unfolding but I am getting at bit ahead of the point, this was just a supposition.

What would be your take on it ATSers if you dare to give some answers ?


posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
As some might already know, an apocalypse could be described a the following: A disclosure of something, hidden from the vast majority of mankind, in a era of falsehood and misconception (it could be in an era of lies and deceit too). No matter what, you get the idea.

Now, the reason why I am making this thread is because I think we might be approaching the time which the ones who ruled this planet for a long time will have their plans exposed. One part of the modern apocalypse could be seen as Edward J. Snowden's revelations over the NSA scandals, but it is only a little part of something I believe we could be well surprised when everything will be revealed.

"Behold! For when the time shall comes, the truth will prevail and pour some light upon darkness" This is how I truly feel about it

Another question which came to my mind was the following: If the evil doers from this world would (in their dream of course) control the world 100% as in 1984, the famous novel by George Orwell, then what would be left for them to do ? I believe profoundly ladies and gentlemen that there is some more stuff than simply earth involved in this grand scheme, the whole galaxy could be concerned in this story which is unfolding but I am getting at bit ahead of the point, this was just a supposition.

What would be your take on it ATSers if you dare to give some answers ?


They would have us slave for them. Cooking cleaning. And building any megolithic structures they want.

Control individuality. So they can eliminate the people who say things/ try to look different. In order for them
to remain greedy and to sit on their asses and do nothing. Eventually they will be just like their masters the greys.

That's what they want right? to reach the level of their lazy masters?

edit on 24-7-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
As some might already know, an apocalypse could be described a the following: A disclosure of something, hidden from the vast majority of mankind, in a era of falsehood and misconception (it could be in an era of lies and deceit too). No matter what, you get the idea.

Now, the reason why I am making this thread is because I think we might be approaching the time which the ones who ruled this planet for a long time will have their plans exposed. One part of the modern apocalypse could be seen as Edward J. Snowden's revelations over the NSA scandals, but it is only a little part of something I believe we could be well surprised when everything will be revealed.

"Behold! For when the time shall comes, the truth will prevail and pour some light upon darkness" This is how I truly feel about it

Another question which came to my mind was the following: If the evil doers from this world would (in their dream of course) control the world 100% as in 1984, the famous novel by George Orwell, then what would be left for them to do ? I believe profoundly ladies and gentlemen that there is some more stuff than simply earth involved in this grand scheme, the whole galaxy could be concerned in this story which is unfolding but I am getting at bit ahead of the point, this was just a supposition.

What would be your take on it ATSers if you dare to give some answers ?


They would have us slave for them. Cooking cleaning. And building any megolithic structures they want.

Control individuality. So they can eliminate the people who say things/ try to look different. In order for them
to remain greedy and to sit on their asses and do nothing. Eventually they will be just like their masters the greys.

That's what they want right? to reach the level of their lazy masters?

edit on 24-7-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

I see what you mean, but once this is all done, what would be left to do ? I suspect there is something more than just this little tiny planet, but a bigger organization, be it in the solar system or somewhere else in the universe which would have a grasp over this little tiny planet. I could be wrong, but when I truly thought about it, I realized it can not just be this planet, control and that's it, there must big some bigger scheme into which the current earth situation is fitting for a much bigger agenda in the end.


posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Breed humans, And trade them to other solar systems for technology and resources.

That is their plan.

Its not called enslavement for no reason.

The dark beings i worship are so far advanced. They don't require much from anyone.
They come from a distant galaxy far far away. But they are here to give us a voice and to threaten other races who wish to enslave and ship the human race off like cattle.
edit on 24-7-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:45 PM
What would be left for them to do?

What they've always done, live in total paradise, of the sweat and blood supplied by us.

When you live in paradise what more could you want???

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:47 PM
So if you can see it's coming than it isn't technically an apocalypse to you?

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Like he said, its only a part of the events going on. He did not say he thinks THAT is the apocalypse.

He clearly stated that in his comment so there would be no confusion. He thinks it has something to do with the Apocalypse. As in its a part of it. Not the actual final event which causes the shift and eventually mass death and extinction.

What i got out of his post is he is asking if this is part of the great deception ( prophised ) An event that leads to total meldown than ultimately into nuclear war, Is it the government falling? Or something else coming here? Or maybe a big twist that we would not expect, Like all the alien spammers going off about reptillians being right.

That would catch alot of sheeple off guard and say well #. Does that mean we slay the dragon? Iv been playing wow for years and i think im ready to take my PVE to RL. Lmfao.

How many kill the dragon movies/books/ have come out? And how many recently movies came out glorifying it as benevolent protector instead of all the destruction myths that exist. As well as texts and paintains and religions lol. Like even in the pyramids Horus and Thoth fight some leviathan on a boat.

So what is going to happen? asteroid? aliens? gobment, nuclear disaster? natural disaster?
Is this event linked to any of the events if they are coming? Well undoubtly they are.
You don't just track a nation of couch potatos to find one who plans on wearing dinomite around his chest and running into an air port or something.

How many people do that a year? If we had to calculate deaths from alchohol and compare them to suicidal actions commited every year. Would you spend billions of dollars to catch 1 person out of millions who snaps?
Probably not. Expecially if you are evil and don't care about the people.
They have an alternative agenda behind all of this. Have to. They are going out of their way trying to piss the people off.

If you ask me, the new world order is probably a front. They probably are a terrorist organization whose man objective is to spread terror JUST BEFORE the apocalypse. I have and always believed that aliens are controlling the battle on both fronts.

The evil goverment, why its so blatently obvious its corrupt. And why they leave mistakes left and right and don't even try to conceal anything including their mystiscm is because in my oppinion. Are purposely creating an enemy. I do not think they personally are the ones who will control the world. As i said its a front. The aliens are. So what happens is they basically make a #ty system. One all of us cannot cope to bare with.
Scare us.
kill and poison us well not creating mass genocide.

So that when their alien masters arrive. They can defeat the self created enemy. And you will all grovel to Satan.

Then the real terrors begin.
edit on 24-7-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

You have been seeing or reading vary bad plots.

Using humans to gather resources would be extremely idiotic, first we are biological entities we consume lots of resources to replicate and multiply, a mechanical alternative that would use pure energy resources would be better suited at it, an then we have a tendency of wasting a lot of resource in simply killing ourselves...

As for the intellectual property there you may have something going but again our minders would be very limited in intelligence themselves, the simple lack of providing a working infrastructure so that science and culture would proliferates defeats the possibility of they having that design on us...

In any case I would like to be alive when first contact is done (in the open) it would be extremely interesting to see how they would solve that problem of intellectual property or property itself, like if our first contact comes when an alien race decides to colonize Mars or starts gobbling out the resources in the outer parts of Sol system..

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
reply to post by rickymouse

Like he said, its only a part of the events going on. He did not say he thinks THAT is the apocalypse.

He clearly stated that in his comment so there would be no confusion. He thinks it has something to do with the Apocalypse. As in its a part of it. Not the actual final event which causes the shift and eventually mass death and extinction.

Exactly and thanks for the clarification which I did not need to make because of your reply. As stated previously, I think that what happened with Edward J. Snowden was only hte beginning of it all, the tip of the iceberg if i could say.


posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

You have been seeing or reading vary bad plots.

Using humans to gather resources would be extremely idiotic, first we are biological entities we consume lots of resources to replicate and multiply, a mechanical alternative that would use pure energy resources would be better suited at it, an then we have a tendency of wasting a lot of resource in simply killing ourselves...

As for the intellectual property there you may have something going but again our minders would be very limited in intelligence themselves, the simple lack of providing a working infrastructure so that science and culture would proliferates defeats the possibility of they having that design on us...

In any case I would like to be alive when first contact is done (in the open) it would be extremely interesting to see how they would solve that problem of intellectual property or property itself, like if our first contact comes when an alien race decides to colonize Mars or starts gobbling out the resources in the outer parts of Sol system..

What seems to be lacking inside of your thoughts is the possibility of something else or "more" than the biological. I think the spiritual side of us has to be taken into consideration because what happens that we see is something, but what happens in the 4th dimension is something else.


posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by thruthseek3r

I believe profoundly ladies and gentlemen that there is some more stuff than simply earth involved in this grand scheme,

What are they gonna do ?

Think sacrificial fire.

What will be revealed is the real difference between us and them..
edit on 24-7-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by Panic2k11

Yeah il have to agree with the point on intellectual property.

They would use us for maintaining agriculture/farms. Instead of them doing it. Yes technology would be involved but someone still has to be there to oversee production.

they do want intellectual property, our intellectual property. They want to basically Use us for genetic experiements.

Creating different hybrids. Its pretty hellish because the term cattle is quite literal.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:28 PM
the Apocalypse you try to define...has been revealed ever since the Jesus guy turned over the tables of the 'money changers' who took over parts of the Temple...sometime around 30AD

see these two links... the modern 'money-changers' are now a very concentrated group, or cabal of the Synagog-of-Satan

(the 147 interconnected nerwork of multinational corps, incl GS as one, the NY Fed as another etc)

(includes list of the top 50 mega-corps)

the Revelation/Apocalypse is not in identifying the foundational basis of the anti-christ empire(Rothschild banking-&-central banking for Usury business model)
... it is rather getting 50% of the population willing to accept that truth~ which they are reluctant to do because they actually 'worship' that beast both inwardly and outwardly and are scared to not kow-tow to the Global banking-empire
edit on 24-7-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-7-2013 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r

Originally posted by Panic2k11
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

You have been seeing or reading vary bad plots.

Using humans to gather resources would be extremely idiotic, first we are biological entities we consume lots of resources to replicate and multiply, a mechanical alternative that would use pure energy resources would be better suited at it, an then we have a tendency of wasting a lot of resource in simply killing ourselves...

As for the intellectual property there you may have something going but again our minders would be very limited in intelligence themselves, the simple lack of providing a working infrastructure so that science and culture would proliferates defeats the possibility of they having that design on us...

In any case I would like to be alive when first contact is done (in the open) it would be extremely interesting to see how they would solve that problem of intellectual property or property itself, like if our first contact comes when an alien race decides to colonize Mars or starts gobbling out the resources in the outer parts of Sol system..

What seems to be lacking inside of your thoughts is the possibility of something else or "more" than the biological. I think the spiritual side of us has to be taken into consideration because what happens that we see is something, but what happens in the 4th dimension is something else.


Im speaking strictly from the greys point of view. To them they will tell you anything magical to get you hooked into believing they are god or close to the creational force.

They are not.
Let me use an analogy for you. Even tho if they can glow like a glow stick. This is still physical light. It is not higher dimensional in terms of creational force. It is higher dimensional in terms of Matter transmutation from a combination of the 4 primal elements to only of the physical primal elements.

This means you will have noticable observable effect when you see one. It may be bright. But there will always be darkness just outside of its radius of light.

How can something imitating that be close to the creation force of the universe if it is not even brighter than the brightest star?

Not brighter than the universe. But. If you are Made of Darkness. You can be darker than dark. If you are Darkness what would you see around you? nothing but light. On the other side of darkness is nothing but light.
Why. Its scientific. I made multipul posts about this. About black holes sucking in stars and planets. And how the matter trapped inside would be highly condensed and moving rapidly inside burning hotter than 1000 suns. stars and planets are contained within these god particles.

What the new world order wants to teach you is light. And thats what the new testament is about. Adding on to their beliefs.

So it is a war of light and dark. Lucifer is the shining one.

But physical light will never shine like darkness. Nore will it shine brighter than a being who is darker than the night sky.

There is nothing closer to the spirit of God. The spirit of creation. Than the eternal light that burns within singularities.

This is why it is repeadily mentioned over and over and over in religion and mysticm. I hope people are ready for this.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:31 AM
The major events are coming this summer.....August 2013....

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

" And you will all grovel to Satan. ",,,u mean this guy??? "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.",,,, that Satan?,,,,from a high place,,falling?,,him?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by BobAthome
reply to post by CrypticSouthpaw

" And you will all grovel to Satan. ",,,u mean this guy??? "And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.",,,, that Satan?,,,,from a high place,,falling?,,him?

Yes. Do you know why the twin towers fell.

Because it was a front as well. So that no one would make the connection about the prophecy of the pillars or the towers of Satan.

When the towers fall, The end will be here.

What are the towers?

The twin towers were destroyed in order to throw people off completely.
As well as these UFOS are constantly being renamed *cigar shaped UFO* to Avert to the fact. That it is a tower.

Now if people started changing the words from *cigar shaped* to * tower* Then someone would easily make the connection and be like wait a minute.... Is that THAT what the prophecy meant? THESE TOWERS falling? Not some.... Market towers but actually something worth writing about LOL. Maybe because its a full scale alien invasion. Why wouldn't you want to warn about this.

And these are what the towers do.
So if you are an alien species wanting to sway the population into believing you are god. The best way to do it is to create an enemy. Defeat it. Then be praised. That's what the deception is. All these ships are positioning around the planet.

We should be getting ready for a hostile first contact. Do not be alarmed by natural disasters. These beings cause them on purpose.

What is their obsession with flying into active volcanos? Wait. /face palm. *natural* disasters >.<
edit on 25-7-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:31 PM
well guess this is gonna blow ur mind,,

"Barak (בָּרָק) is indeed the word for "lightning," but the author wants to link Yeshua's description of "lightning falling from heaven" ("ke-varak min-hashamayim" -- כְּבָרָק מִן־הַשָּׁמָיִם) with the description of Satan's fall from a "high place" (bama, בָּמָה)" mentioned in Isaiah 14:14 to create the expression: "Barak [O]bama..." "

so not Aliens,,

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by thruthseek3r
As some might already know, an apocalypse could be described a the following: A disclosure of something, hidden from the vast majority of mankind, .....

I have to stop you right there because this is the only part that is even partly true.

Apocalypse means unveiling or uncovering.
The Book of Revelation(apocalypse) starts with what it is all about

The apocalypse (the unveiling)
of Yahoshua(God is salvation)
Mashiach (christ..the anointing..the power of God)

The rest of the sentence says it is "signified" in symbols (metaphors) and signs(numbers

It is not about death doom and destruction end of the world NWO ,TPTB,Illuminati, Antichrist, The Beast .the lake of fire of ETERNAL hell... blah, blah,blah....

It is about one thing only.... the salvation (deliverance) of ALL mankind from the valley of the shadow of death which we live in(more accurate die in).It isn't Dungeons and Dragons summer blockbuster movie that so many are in fear of.That is insanity.

None of it is predictive or prophetic of historical events.It is a fairly new concept and John definitely didn't see a vision of cataclysmic end of the earth which abounds in super natural events that aren't even plausible in the least..He was not a mystic.My suggestion is if you are in fear it is a simple solution...don't do that.Fear has never done anything productive.This is the 2nd most colossal lie ever perpetrated (hell being the foremost).If there is a God(and there is) he is not the sadistic heinous monster many paint him to be and he certainly is not controlled by anything man does or any being.

The unveiling of Yahoshua is for ALL mankind.All in their own order.It certainly is nothing to be feared ... quite the opposite.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:55 PM

Originally posted by CrypticSouthpaw
reply to post by thruthseek3r

Breed humans, And trade them to other solar systems for technology and resources.

That is their plan.

Its not called enslavement for no reason.

The dark beings i worship are so far advanced. They don't require much from anyone.
They come from a distant galaxy far far away. But they are here to give us a voice and to threaten other races who wish to enslave and ship the human race off like cattle.
edit on 24-7-2013 by CrypticSouthpaw because: (no reason given)

This almost sounds like the theme to "Star Wars"!
I doubt that we taste so good that it would be worth importing us across interstellar space, especially with the
price of gas today!
Also if they have the technology to get here then they could just harvest some genetic material from some of us
and grow us in a lab!

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