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Can whites be victims of racism?

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posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:13 AM
'Can whites be victims of racism?'

Interesting question. Depends who it's addressing.

In the UK at any rate, unless you are physically attacked by a non-white person who is wearing a T-shirt saying, "I hate white people!" then you are going to be struggling to convince the PTB that you are, in fact, the victim of racial discrimination.

Even the white victims of rape and sexual assault by Pakistani gangs aren't regarded as victims of racism; the racial difference is politely overlooked, or else seen as coincidental.

That's just the way it is now.

It's not a level playing field, everyone understands that.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:22 AM

Can whites be victims of racism?


There are those who say 'no' but they are wallowing in manufactured 'white guilt' or, for some reason, they don't want to admit that everyone on the planet has had ancestors who were slaves or who were severely mistreated due to race/ethnicity. The race baiters have manufactured 'victimhood' to such an extent that some people wear it like a super-hero cape. :shk:

reply to post by polarwarrior


ATS Thread - Man arrested for Facebook Threats

edit on 7/25/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:43 AM
Of course they can, just as every other race.

I for one have seen and heard people of my race talk trash about every race including whites. It is disgusting to whoever it is directed at.

I am Native American and have seen and dealt with racism myself. I do not hate any race, religion or groups because there are a-holes for every group of people.

I do not blame the white man for my failures and every person who does is just an idiot.

With saying that, I do see racism is alive an well in the world. I see it on ATS and although it is no outright it is subtle and it usually comes from the right wing members.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Did you not read my OP? Racism of ALL types against ANY person is the same. There aren't two types of racism. Just because black people have been oppressed in this country for a long time does not excuse a 20 some black person from attacking and beating a white person because they are white. It is just as wrong as if the skin colors were reversed. And no whites shouldn't have to put up with a double standard. It's putting up with the double standard that causes the hatred to spread. While you may be ok with it, some white person who was victimized is building up dislike that can eventually turn into hatred and when they lash out we are back to where we started from. To excuse ANY racism is wrong. You need to get off of the white guilt trip that you are on, I know I wasn't alive during any of that. To be thrown in with the people who were is offensive to me. My actions should speak for themselves not my ancestors' actions.
edit on 25-7-2013 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

I'd like to point out one thing to you ...

there is only one race, the Human race

Everything else, is just means to divide the people amongst themselves. We are all, non-related to the color of our skin, subject to discrimination.

Ever bothered to read irish history? Ever bothered to read about irish children being hung by the neck, by the english for stealing an apple to eat, and avoid starvation. This, is actually a fact.

The truth of the matter is, that your GOVERNMENT is feeding you with this information. For the purpose of dividing the people.

You're spanish-american
You're italian-american
You're caucasian-american
You're african-american

They're italian
They're chinese
They're japs

There are more terms, to divide you than any speech, to unite you. Now, Mr. Zimmerman who ISN*T WHITE is suddenly a bad guy ... he's not as black as you. And because he's less black, he's suddenly an enemy.

Sounds to me, that the color of your skin ... is some excuse to demand privileges. You don't have to abide by court rules. He was white, so he must be judged ... sentenced and executed. Wether he did or didn't do it, becomes a secondary aspect. He's guilty, because he's less white. So, only black people can judge black people ...

I'm not saying that minorities shouldn't be protected ... but this isn't a minority issue anymore.

edit on 25/7/2013 by bjarneorn because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by bjarneorn

Oh I am more than aware of the issues the Irish faced in their homeland as well as the issues they faced when they immigrated here. You bring up a good point however. To call people chinese-american, irish-american, spanish-american, etc is a divisive tactic that separates all these AMERICANS into groups. I've felt for a long time that we need to stop calling these people by special names and just call everyone Americans. You are right that these names feed into the racial tensions since it allows people of one group to feel separate from another group when in the end we all are residents of the same country.

As for your Zimmerman points, I won't address them, like I said in the OP, this thread isn't to discuss that trial.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:19 AM
When a minority racist in a postition of power has whites under them, darn near an act of God or impossible to stop.

Slots for special assignments, officer programs, special billets (special cool jobs), etc

In the military there are programs for everyone to compete for the slots, then... there are EXTRA programs just for certain people.. So, they get an extra 'point' in the open programs.. and then have other programs too! that breeds hatred and is behind a MAJOR rise in the numbers of white supremist soldiers. there are TONS in the army.

And, were are TONS of racist black 'muslims'(strip clubs, weed, alcohol, sizzurp, gambling, etc) in the Navy starting back in the late 80's.

Talk to any retired adjutant from ANY branch, I worked for one when a little lance cooley after an injuryl

In the corps, many blacks are somehow allowed to flail and need pulled out during swim quals. Then a few days later there are re-quals for those that failed. Well as you go thru the stations, look back at the beginning station. You are passed, hit the locker room, then back to the bks to change.
there was this special swim qual for 'dark green' marines.. meaning as long as they treaded water for 60 seconds without lifeguard, they PASSED!! no joke.. 100% of the people in those classes were black.

I was WSQ qualifying. only 2 of us out of 300 made it. so we were at the other end of the pool. Well, as i was watching one of the guys, he clearly could not swim. I asked the CWO who ran the pool wtf? how did that guy ever get thru boot? CWO stated "thats the dark green marine program".

My family has many marines, my best friend (we went to boot/mct together) from mid and high school is a 1stSGT in arty at camppen and my best marine corps buddy(from motor T school, 1st unit, and 1st Oki trip (the other WSQ guy with me) is also a 1stSGT one of the most well known marines in the new england area (news articles, interviews, etc) . he was a DI and can confirm. even in boot camp, those who fail final swim qual, go back sunday and pass, yet only 1 platoon DI and 2 Swim Instructors are there to see.

Dark Green Marine. as far as I know, still is pc? well, not much jarhead talk is so who

my point is, its not the peoples faults totally, its whomever sets these crap programs up.

Or how female marines have lower standards for promotion than males. Like gender matters on the battlefield.

I do see that the last 10 years has done a LONG way of weeding out many of the 'freeloader' type women. NOW, the women MARINES are GOOD TO GO!.. its no longer the "cake walk" pre-2003. therefore only Legit Hardcore women even consider signing up.
edit on 25-7-2013 by HanzHenry because: skipped a sentence

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum
reply to post by defuntion

So you are saying that you have never heard a black man call a white man a "Cracka"? Have you ever heard a Mexican a white man a "Gringo"

You have your damn nerve to say that Caucasian Americans can't be discriminated against because they are white. Surely you are Not that damn Naive, are you?

Did you read my subsequent posts?

I have never felt like I was the recipient of racism. I am white.
If I am called "Cracker" or "Gringo" and it doesn't bother me then is it racism..
Am I racist because I don't care about such childish name calling?

If I was black would I care? I am not sure. Maybe, but I doubt it. Depends on what kind of environment I was raised in I imagine.

Racism only exists if you buy into it. All I am saying.

So, for me, the answer is NO. I am white and I am not subject to racism. Some other white person with less self-confidence, may feel subject to it.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by muse7

At least one person agrees with you

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by defuntion

So, for me, the answer is NO. I am white and I am not subject to racism.

I think that is pretty shallow.

You may be white, but, what is your ancestral background. Are you Jewish, or Native American, or Polish? Are you Christian, a Catholic, a Jehovah witness?

Just like the rest of Us "White" folk you certainly have blood in you that has been the target of racism at one time or another. Maybe it is your religion.

The point is that Not one person on the planet is devoid of being a target of racism.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by ShadellacZumbrum

Irish/English. No religion.

Again. "Racism only exists if you buy into it."
I am not saying people can't try to impose racist sentiment toward me.
I am saying that I do not accept it as such.

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

What a stupid question. It's happening daily all over the country.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:07 AM
You really wanna see racism towards people? Then here's what ya do; Go into New York City wearing a WV shirt and hat and just wait for it. It seems totally acceptable too. You'll hear some of the most racist, terrible things ever about you. And if you retort, you'll be made-out to be the racist or "anti-Semitic".

Then, if you really, and I mean REALLY, wanna see racism, while wearing that WV garb, break down almost anywhere in a black neighborhood, anywhere in America. I don't know if you'll live to tell about it though, so actually, don't do this because I fear for your safety. When I done it in N.C. when my car blew up on the interstate, a car load of black males tried to run me over as I walked by the side of the road. Then, they shot at me while laughing. I didn't fire back in this instance because mama didn't raise no fools. Finally, a construction crew stopped and picked me up, and they were from WV originally, but had lived in NC for 15 years. They said: "my god man, what're you doin' walkin' 'round here fer? You gotta death wish or sumthin'?"

Then, for good measure, have a black man break down way out in the country somewhere, and have him walk the road. I bet 99% chance that someone will help him, and that he will be treated well. I know of it happening.

I'd like to see an episode of: What Would You Do with either of these scenarios above used. LOL You will never see that episode, though.

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

Racism is an equal opportunity mental illness.
It doesn't discriminate.

By suggesting "See!? It happens to white people too!", does nothing to solve the problem, it should be intolerable period.
edit on 27-7-2013 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Fylgje

Whats WV garb? West Virginia?

When it comes to people, like attracts like.. First skin color, then nationality, social status, religion..on and on..

To address the OPs question.. No, not in the U.S.. Yes you can be and probably have experienced it first hand.. There is no way in hell you can claim it.. Racism in the US only apply to nonwhites..

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Krazysh0t

The question the OP asks is self answering. If it is even a question about it then of course it's an issue!

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:53 PM
According to Webster most anything that involves race can be considered "racist" while the common sense definition of racism involves a denigrating attitude even hatred towards the subject race. For example, "affirmative action" would be considered racist against whites but the intent of said policies is to "balance" past inequities. Stating that blacks are better at some sports (basketball not swimming) than whites is racist but there is an element of truth altho part of that is cultural and opportunity related (you can shoot hoops by yourself but you cant swim without access to a pool). When whites were attacked by blacks after the Zimmerman verdict it was racist in every sense of the word (including hatred).

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 10:59 PM
I'm white,and I've experienced it .More than once .

Racism is racism . Color is unimportant. In all people's ,you will have the enlightened ,and the idiots.
What can ya do ....

posted on Jul, 27 2013 @ 11:19 PM
Polarwarrior's post on page 3 sums it up perfectly.

I've noticed that talking to certain people on ATS about racism in America is like bashing one's head into a brick wall over and over and over and over and over again.

I don't know when people got to be so dense. However, I do marvel at one's ability to transmogrify a corporeal body into a dense rock-hard partition.

To answer your question, no. Not really.
edit on 27-7-2013 by djr33222 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by Fylgje
You really wanna see racism towards people? Then here's what ya do; Go into New York City wearing a WV shirt and hat and just wait for it. It seems totally acceptable too. You'll hear some of the most racist, terrible things ever about you. And if you retort, you'll be made-out to be the racist or "anti-Semitic".

Then, if you really, and I mean REALLY, wanna see racism, while wearing that WV garb, break down almost anywhere in a black neighborhood, anywhere in America. I don't know if you'll live to tell about it though, so actually, don't do this because I fear for your safety. When I done it in N.C. when my car blew up on the interstate, a car load of black males tried to run me over as I walked by the side of the road. Then, they shot at me while laughing. I didn't fire back in this instance because mama didn't raise no fools. Finally, a construction crew stopped and picked me up, and they were from WV originally, but had lived in NC for 15 years. They said: "my god man, what're you doin' walkin' 'round here fer? You gotta death wish or sumthin'?"

Then, for good measure, have a black man break down way out in the country somewhere, and have him walk the road. I bet 99% chance that someone will help him, and that he will be treated well. I know of it happening.

I'd like to see an episode of: What Would You Do with either of these scenarios above used. LOL You will never see that episode, though.

3 years in Eastern North Carolina was enough for my family. I swear its like 1940's Georgia as far as racism. Only now, its against whites! Sickening.. its 100% the blacks under 50. the older gen are 1,000 times more polite. The Old white people are racist loons too!.
so, young white and old black generally are less so.....weird

there are stories about my 3 years in Washington county NC. not tonight,

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