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I have the secret to everything, but Im not going to tell you.

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posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by ErgoTheEgo

Originally posted by tachyonmind
what a load of tripe.. like reality is just one big equation...

Is your issue with the idea of:
"1) Reality is ultimately one equation."


"2) An individual point could ever understand its own equation."


the first point, to the degree that reality is not ultimately one equation..

and the second somewhat, in the sense that an individual point is not individual at all, and it's ability to understand it's own equation relies on the context of other "individual" points and their equations..

i really hate my use of the word "equation" in my rant earlier, i didn't mean it literally at all.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Tylerdurden1

Made me laugh.

You know, you could just put bologna on their cars.... polka dots are fun!

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by tachyonmind
i really hate my use of the word "equation" in my rant earlier, i didn't mean it literally at all.

Fair enough. What term would you prefer for the fundamental structure of reality?

Originally posted by tachyonmind
the first point, to the degree that reality is not ultimately one equation.


So is it no equation at all, or multiple equations? Understanding that you don't necessarily mean literal equations. I'm willing to work with "self replicating patterns" or whatever else fits the bill of describing the lattice connecting "moment to moment".

Originally posted by tachyonmind
and the second somewhat, in the sense that an individual point is not individual at all, and it's ability to understand it's own equation relies on the context of other "individual" points and their equations.

Understood that no individual point is individual at all, however is it impossible for an individual "point" to "reflect" "everything"?
edit on 24-7-2013 by ErgoTheEgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

If I told you that the answer to everything was the evolution of your eternal consciousness and that the only proof you could ever find, lies within your own subconsciousness, you would still look for proof from a science that cannot understand either.

Visions or it didn't happen

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 02:57 AM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by boymonkey74
Mustn't forget that he immediately "Foe's" anyone who opines that it may be him, or who asks for any evidence, or who doesn't play along with his story, or.......

Sounds like another poster around here.
This one poster was picking on the OP who had rightly placed a thread in the RANT forum about posters who attack instead of discussing a topic.
Well, I had already replied when a poster showed up upsetting the OP. So I told them [OP] just to ignore the poster.
[which was the whole point of the thread to begin with, posters attacking for no reason]

Guess what?? I got put on this guys 'Foe' list.......Yay!!!! Whoopty do.

On Topic:
I hate it too when they boast of knowing something but fail to provide proof or a source.
I'll glance over it and then go on to another thread if it seems bogus.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
Great rant and I agree, also they come up with wild ideas but with no evidence and when you show them evidence to show they are wrong they just ignore it or divert the thread away from it.
Recently a few have just tried to divert by attacking my avatar saying it gives off bad energy

Delusions of grandeur and look at me syndrome.

Haha I know exactly who we're talking about here.

Hint: Your avatar is giving off bad energy. Please change it

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by ErgoTheEgo

Originally posted by tachyonmind
i really hate my use of the word "equation" in my rant earlier, i didn't mean it literally at all.

Fair enough. What term would you prefer for the fundamental structure of reality?

i dunno man, how about fundastructureality?

Originally posted by tachyonmind
the first point, to the degree that reality is not ultimately one equation.


So is it no equation at all, or multiple equations? Understanding that you don't necessarily mean literal equations. I'm willing to work with "self replicating patterns" or whatever else fits the bill of describing the lattice connecting "moment to moment".

self replicating lattice patterns of moments works fine.

Originally posted by tachyonmind
and the second somewhat, in the sense that an individual point is not individual at all, and it's ability to understand it's own equation relies on the context of other "individual" points and their equations.

Understood that no individual point is individual at all, however is it impossible for an individual "point" to "reflect" "everything"?

reflect? what now? i meant like, the only way a single point in the self replicating lattice patterns of moments of fundastructureality could know anything about its place is if it found out stuff about its neighbours.
edit on 25-7-2013 by tachyonmind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

Just someone trying to start their own religion. Make # up, explain people's underlying desires, tell them you understand the greater knowledge, even maybe what happens when you die. It's been successful for thousands of years and continues on today. Pay them no attention. Despite there being from yesterday or thousands of years ago, the formula is the same.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

When I open threads that your rant is based on, it is always the same feeling I get when I crack open a good SCI FI book. Never really looking to learn anything special but ready for a good story.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by ErgoTheEgo

I havent seen that movie in a grip! Love that movie!

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by ErgoTheEgo

Originally posted by tachyonmind
i really hate my use of the word "equation" in my rant earlier, i didn't mean it literally at all.

Fair enough. What term would you prefer for the fundamental structure of reality?

Originally posted by tachyonmind
the first point, to the degree that reality is not ultimately one equation.


So is it no equation at all, or multiple equations? Understanding that you don't necessarily mean literal equations. I'm willing to work with "self replicating patterns" or whatever else fits the bill of describing the lattice connecting "moment to moment".

Originally posted by tachyonmind
and the second somewhat, in the sense that an individual point is not individual at all, and it's ability to understand it's own equation relies on the context of other "individual" points and their equations.

Understood that no individual point is individual at all, however is it impossible for an individual "point" to "reflect" "everything"?
edit on 24-7-2013 by ErgoTheEgo because: (no reason given)

Ah, now this is getting interesting! I would love to hear some thoughts on all of this, this is the stuff I like to read as well..

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by snarky412

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by boymonkey74
Mustn't forget that he immediately "Foe's" anyone who opines that it may be him, or who asks for any evidence, or who doesn't play along with his story, or.......

Sounds like another poster around here.
This one poster was picking on the OP who had rightly placed a thread in the RANT forum about posters who attack instead of discussing a topic.
Well, I had already replied when a poster showed up upsetting the OP. So I told them [OP] just to ignore the poster.
[which was the whole point of the thread to begin with, posters attacking for no reason]

Guess what?? I got put on this guys 'Foe' list.......Yay!!!! Whoopty do.

On Topic:
I hate it too when they boast of knowing something but fail to provide proof or a source.
I'll glance over it and then go on to another thread if it seems bogus.

Really?? I didnt mean for anyone to not like each other! Damn now I feel even more worse, collateral damage and all. Cant....we...all just get along?? LOL I love to debate things as well. I was just upset to begin with, but Im okay now, just was stressing. I think this is turning out to be a good dicussion about the human condition, and life in general, also what people think it all means.

Did you ever notice, besides here, that nobody talks about it? All my friends couldnt care less about it. Where we come from, or just thinking outside the box.

I think the world we live in here is a giant petri dish, and we are the virus. We were put here by aliens in different stages in evolution, and they sat back and watched. Like the greatest experiment or something. I think they started with the dinos first then started to mess with their DNA. They got bigger, they had to wipe them out for other life forms to develope. Then they started messing with their own DNA and created what we evolved from. Who knows that could have happened. The aliens have tech, way beyond our own. They can fly without fossil fule.

I love to entertain that thought, because it just feels right.
edit on 25-7-2013 by Tylerdurden1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:22 PM
I have always loved anything that involves the phrase pfffffftttt!! But seriously i have to both disagree and agree, I hate this stuff because I wish some of it was true but obviously is not, since its backed by jack crap, but I love it because it sometimes makes for a fun science fiction read.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:47 PM
I am a starchild..... as science has proven though, so are we all.....

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:17 PM

Ah, now this is getting interesting! I would love to hear some thoughts on all of this, this is the stuff I like to read as well..

try this

some of this

and definitely this.

this fun too and slightly related.

edit on 25-7-2013 by tachyonmind because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-7-2013 by tachyonmind because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by tachyonmind
i dunno man, how about fundastructureality?


Does fundastructureality exist?

Originally posted by tachyonmind
self replicating lattice patterns of moments works fine.

What provides the "energy" or "momentum" to replicate?

Originally posted by tachyonmind
reflect? what now? i meant like, the only way a single point in the self replicating lattice patterns of moments of fundastructureality could know anything about its place is if it found out stuff about its neighbours.

I mean reflect in the mathematical manner.

A mirror doesn't have to "find out" stuff about you in order to reflect you.

Ok... so let's start with something. The Mandlebrot set.

z=z(squared) + C

Does the Mandlebrot set exist?

There are an infinite number of "mini-brots" contained within the Mandlebrot set which "reflect" the primary "Brot"... yet are not exact duplicates. Every mini-brot contains exactly as many "elements" as the "whole brot"... yet are still different from the "primary brot".

The equation listed above is nothing more than a representation of the inherent existence of the Mandlebrot set. Any videos showing sweet pretty dramatic zooms are yet even further sub-versions... with exceptionally rigid "rules" placed upon the fundamental "truth".

The Mandlebrot set exists "outside" of the representation we offer via an equation, as well as exists "outside" of any representation we offer via visualizations.

And yet in order for us to even be capable of visualizing it... it MUST exist... MUST be at least as real as the visual representation... and yet you could never point to the Mandlebrot set. Only representations.

Yet every representation owes its entire existence to the very nature of The Mandlebrot set. Something which can not be seen, sensed, etc... only re-imagined... re-presented... in limited and never fully complete forms.

Look at some of these words and contemplate our blind usage of them:
representation = re... presentaton
subversive = subversion = sub... version
edit on 26-7-2013 by ErgoTheEgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 12:30 AM
reply to post by Tylerdurden1

You had me at intergalicticnonhumanoidcobracomander.....

I praise you sir. That was a superfantasticaldelicioussexy rant.....

edit on 26-7-2013 by tadaman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 01:37 AM

Originally posted by ErgoTheEgo

Originally posted by tachyonmind
i dunno man, how about fundastructureality?


Does fundastructureality exist?

sure does, we just coined it.

Originally posted by tachyonmind
self replicating lattice patterns of moments works fine.

What provides the "energy" or "momentum" to replicate?

i believe it's self sustaining.

Originally posted by tachyonmind
reflect? what now? i meant like, the only way a single point in the self replicating lattice patterns of moments of fundastructureality could know anything about its place is if it found out stuff about its neighbours.

I mean reflect in the mathematical manner.

A mirror doesn't have to "find out" stuff about you in order to reflect you.

Ok... so let's start with something. The Mandlebrot set.

z=z(squared) + C

Does the Mandlebrot set exist?

There are an infinite number of "mini-brots" contained within the Mandlebrot set which "reflect" the primary "Brot"... yet are not exact duplicates. Every mini-brot contains exactly as many "elements" as the "whole brot"... yet are still different from the "primary brot".

The equation listed above is nothing more than a RE-Presentation of the inherent existence of the Mandlebrot set. Any videos showing sweet pretty dramatic zooms are yet even further sub-versions... with exceptionally rigid "rules" placed upon the fundamental "truth".

The Mandlebrot set exists "outside" of the re-presentation we offer via an equation, as well as exists "outside" of any re-presentation we offer via visualizations.

And yet in order for us to even be capable of visualizing it... it MUST exist... MUST be at least as real as the visual re-presentation... and yet you could never point to the Mandlebrot set. Only re-presentations.

Yet every re-presentation owes its entire existence to the very nature of The Mandlebrot set. Something which can not be seen, sensed, etc... only re-imagined... re-presented... in limited and never fully complete forms.

Look at some of these words and contemplate our blind usage of them:
representation = re... presentaton
subversion = sub... version

our only hope is endless reiteration, just like the mandlebrot set. xD

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by tachyonmind
i believe it's self sustaining.

How? Why? Just because you have experienced iterations 53-1034 doesn't automatically imply there is an iteration 2048.

Originally posted by tachyonmind
our only hope is endless reiteration, just like the mandlebrot set. xD

Why? Is there no hope in completion? Is there only hope in endless perpetual searching? The mandlebrot set goes nowhere. It is always inherently complete. It is only our desire to *see* it that creates the "need" to "subvert" it.
edit on 26-7-2013 by ErgoTheEgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 26 2013 @ 06:32 AM
Ranted about the 'secrets' people many a time....Star & F for you..

It stuns me that these people have the gall to sit on ATS which is normally inhabited by reasonably smart people and a lot of nut cases and say these things. Even our resident nut cases smell BS but they have their agenda so mostly ignore these people.

In this day and age to seriously sit and say "I have and insider in Nasa" or whatever org you like and then refuse to tell what these apparent insiders have told you is not only childish but just destroys the credibility of these forums to the outside first time reader. The second I see "my source" I stop reading and find a better thread, I've yet to hear from anywhere that the poster with the source was proved right.

As for the "an alien visited me and took me to the future and I know what is going to happen" people, please seek medical help, don't use the forums to spew your delusions and reinforce your illness. I myself suffer from severe mental health issues, most radiating from depression, I often get asked on visits to my Mental Health Doctor if I hear voices (which I don't), that always makes me think of ATS.

Seriously, the mind is a deadly weapon when its broken, it will search for ways to harm your thinking and what better way than to convince you an Alien has burdened you with the knowledge of how the future will go and you are not allowed to tell about it. That in itself is such a terrible toil, the mind has taxed you with this info and you can't tell, what better way for the mental illness to flourish.

Until people get better or grow up I'll continue to avoid reading more than the first post of those threads.

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