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Man Arrested For Facebook Post About George Zimmerman Verdict

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posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by muse7

The same thing happened to a white kid just a few months ago. They should get attention and be straightened out, but not locked up.

I know you are careful about what you say because you are very biased on the subject, but can you at least add that the guy that posted this is a complete idiot and racist?
edit on 24-7-2013 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by butcherguy
Is the 'DIS BEEF" in his threat supposed to be 'disbelief'?

edit on 24-7-2013 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

No "dis" means this. And "beef" pretty much means "you and me got a problem to (squash)"

Some of us blacks folks talk in a slang called "ebonics" To me, it is a quick lazy way of speech that sometimes makes no sense to the average person.

I don't agree with the Wikipedia definition because its a language made up by African Americans not from African heritage.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 05:39 PM
My understanding of the law is that the verbal threat has to be deemed a true threat and not just rhetoric in order to be illegal.

The reason this guy was arrested (in my opinion) was because he spoke of killing police officers, however his arrest may have been illegal, based on the law itself.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by ProfessorChaos

Yea that's true but if he is broadcasting these verbal threats over the internet, his words may cause actually violence and mayhem.

Law enforcement basically steps in to make an example out of his butt.

You could never know what may can happen at any moment.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:20 PM

A New York Police Department officer monitoring Facebook...

Well I feel safer, not.

Seriously? Thats his job? Are they hiring?

...his lawyer, Tasha Lloyd-Garcia,... She is "disturbed" over how the NYPD obtained a search warrant based solely off the posts.

I'm disturbed too.

Cops searching your home based on online comments. 50% of America could be searched at anytime.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Sharingan

Here is the interpretation of the quote: "Black negro's can't get any type of justice messing with these caucasian's. Kill all caucasians, that's the type of stuff I am into, screw this situation, lets kill cops and neighborhood watchers. This is the truth."

Wow that was not an easy job...Maybe we need to have english classes in prison so when the parents get out they can teach it to their children...or visa versa...

edit on 7/24/13 by shells4u because: (no reason given)

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edit on 7/24/13 by shells4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Sharingan
Well, its about time at least one police dept isnt afraid to take action against these thugs threats against whites.

Check out his post, his grammar


What a credit to the human race


Guess ill add a bit more of the story to the post.

Remel Newson, a 20-year-old Queens, N.Y., man, was angry after a jury in Sanford, Fla., on July 13 found Zimmerman not guilty in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, an unarmed black teenager. Newson took to Facebook to air his grievances, posting a status update about how blacks cannot get justice, according to WNYC. He used the hashtag "#killall whites" and wrote, "let's kill cops nd neighborhood watcher [sic]."

edit on 24-7-2013 by Sharingan because: (no reason given)

Only because he threatened "cops".. Just whites isn't enough. But at least it is something I suppose.


posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:36 PM
ITT: Users insult the intelligence of blacks yet are on this site believing the most ridiculous conspiracy theories on the internet

Makes sense.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537
Black people kill each other every day on the south-west sides of Chicago with these same people not carrying.. Heaven forbid another race kills a black person......

Black kills black = Perfectly ok

Hispanic/white kills black = borderline riots

Makes sense....

The difference (as if you're too mentally-short to have known this) is that when a black kills a black, the murderer isn't given a pat on the head, his gun back, and told to have a nice night. The reason given isn't that "he was college educated and clean cut so we believed his story".

What's so hard to understand about that?

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 09:00 PM
They should punish this guy by making him diagram sentences on a chalkboard for hours on end so that he can get a understanding of basic grammar. Maybe put him into solitary for a month strait and a force him to listen to k through 2nd grade kids educational tapes. I'm thinking Barney would be a suitable place to start or maybe see spot run.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by jhn7537

Actually I believe a few years ago they were trying to petition teaching eubonics in schools. It got shot down because it was correctly deemed not a legitimate language. But the arrogance and ignorance to try and demand it be taught as a language was surprising to me. I thought even eubonics speakers knew better.

Personally I think eubonics is just plain lazy and anyone who chooses to make eubonics their primary mode of communication are short changing themselves. It's a little difficult to be articulate and get ahead in the world when you purposely dumb down and reduce your vocabulary to a few dozen words all spoken I correctly and largely out of context.
edit on 24-7-2013 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:44 PM
It just goes to show the mentality towards many blacks against whites. Let this be evidenced, that racism works both ways. And from what I saw of the trial and understand of what occurred, Zimmerman did not even know that the kid was black when he thought he was "up to no good." Therefore anyone who made this issue about race is ignorant in my opinion, because they are claiming this when the evidence suggests it is not true.

But they claim this because they want it to be true. They want to be able to say that there is some conspiracy against black people, perpetrated by white people. And after influential leaders within the black community started making this about race, people like our learned Facebook scholar started jumping on the bandwagon. Although people like this guy probably needed no one to tell him this was a racial issue. He just assumed it was, because the person who got killed was black, and the person that killed him was not. Zimmerman doesn't even look white to me, he looks more brown.

I am sick of the claims that there is some nationwide conspiracy against black people. The very fact that there are groups that exist SOLELY for black people is RACIST to the utmost degree. Yet do you see other races going around and making a huge ruckus over the issue? NO. Because unlike what many black people claim, not that many white people are actually racist. If this were true, organizations like the NAACP would not exist. But if someone went and started an all-white group of this nature, you can bet that the very same day it would be a national issue. And there are many whites who would support black individuals and groups simply because they are afraid of being labelled "racist."

This is a horrible tactic that is used, not only by the black community either. And even though some people can see through this wrong, they cannot stand up for the truth and what is right, simply because of the commotion it would cause. So what needs to happen is that those perpetrating these wrongs, by using these racist tactics, need to be the ones to stop doing it. But I don't see that happening. Why would it, when the individuals of a certain group using the tactic can keep utilizing it to get what they want?

And just to prove my point, I MUST be racist for making these claims...The hypocrisy is just astounding.
edit on 7/24/13 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by JiggyPotamus

So you are basically saying this incident proves that most black people think a certain way, have certain beliefs, and are generally ignorant, racist, and lacking in intelligence.

That you came to that conclusion from this story is, I'm sorry to say, very dumb. However, I do sense you are trying so very hard to sound somewhat intelligent so I applaud your effort.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by Sharingan

Just empty threats from a hot headed kid, I would say.

Facebook is a social evil we can well do without, giving global voice to the feckless and unthinking....

By way of punishment, he should be sent back to primary school, to improve his spelling and grammar !

( And probably a speech therapist.)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:46 AM
Here is some made up black slang

baddy daddy lamatai tebby chai (ba-dee da-dee lame-a-ti teb-bee chi)
1) the lowest of low

bang the dillies (bang the dil-ees)

Bano Denny (ban-o den-ee)

bata shane (bate-a shane)

bettie tai (bet-ee ti)

cama cama leepa-chaiii (kay-ma kay-ma lee-pa shy-ee/)

camietowns a biddie (cam-ee-towns a bid-ee)

canapan (can-a-pan)

canapan to the semichai (can-a-pan to the sem-ee-ki)

capachow (cap-a-chow)

capatown (cap-a-town)

*cobbler (cob-ler)

cole me down on the panny sty (cole mee down on the pan-ee sti)

cole toni (cole toe-nee)

cry the pooster (kri the pooh-ster)

dabbies (dab-ees)

dabe ba samie (dabe ba sam-ee)

damie (dam-ee)

dammies (dam-ees)

dane on the cherries (dane on the chare-ees)

deri-teri (dare-ee tare-ee)

di (dee)

dillie (dill-ee)

dillies on the peppatain (dill-ees on the pep-a-tane)

dinie (dine-ee)

*hootenanny (hoot-en-an-ee)

*Hopalong (hop-a-long)

fine tine (fine tine)

flitti tai (flit-tee ti)

kayed (kayd

leepa chai (leep-a ki)
1) you think; really; for real 2) where 3) time will tell; maybe 4) sure

limi tine on my chammy dees (lee-ma tine on my cham-ee dees)

mana tine (man-a tine)

nay-no (nay-no)

netatai (net-a-ti)

panny (pan-ee)

panni stai (pan-ee sti)

panny tine on my damie kings (pan-ee tine on my dame-ee kings)

pone toni (pone tone-ee)

ranacan (ran-a-can)

rown on the crowny town (rown-on the crown-ee town)

sa da tay (sa da tay)

sepatown (sep-a-town)

shama cow (shame-a cow)

shamy day (sham-ee day)

shiminah (shim-ee-na)

sine tippi in a classi-ti (sine tip-ee in a class-ee tee)

sine your kitty on the sepatime (sine your kit-ee on the sepa-town)

sine your pitty on the runny kine (sine your pit-ee on the run-ee kine)

tammie (tam-ee)

tellie (tel-ee)

tine cappy (tine cap-ee)

tine tanies (tine tan-ees)

tipi tai (tip-ee ti)
1) you think; really; for real 2) where 3) time will tell; maybe 4) sure

tippi tai on my capatown (tip-ee ti on my cap-a-town)

tippi tais (tip-ee tise)

wa-da-tah (wa-da-ta)
1) well of course; that's right; hell yeah 2) how are you; what's up 3) my man; cool

wapatah to the bammies (wa-pa-ta to the bam-ees)

yeah (heh, yeah)

BTW it was invented by a Mexican American

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by Frankenchrist

The camietowns a biddies can cole me down on the panny sty anytime... if you know what I'm sayin'! Just as long as the cobblers don't fine tine my damie, because there ain't nothin' I hate more than a cappy who will wapatah to the bammies. And so on and so forth, naturally.

Hahaha, am I right?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by djr33222
reply to post by Frankenchrist

The camietowns a biddies can cole me down on the panny sty anytime... if you know what I'm sayin'! Just as long as the cobblers don't fine tine my damie, because there ain't nothin' I hate more than a cappy who will wapatah to the bammies. And so on and so forth, naturally.

Hahaha, am I right?

Sa Da Tay!

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 06:04 AM
I'm sure the post wasn't a threat, just a ramble... possibly could be considered "conspiracy"? I found the post harmless. Though inappropriate, what ever happened to freedom of speech?? Have they taken that right away as well?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:16 AM
Having read the article and saw what the may stated the following can be stated:

What is the difference between what this man did and say the leader of the New Black Panther Party saying the exact same thing on the street or an anti abortion preacher's rhetoric, or a baptist preacher's call for killing of gay people, or a racist stating such or even any number of people in the US that state such all cause they are upset?

From what I can tell, there really is no difference. It is a matter of free speech and ultimately the question has to be asked, and hopefully the lawyers for this individual should be asking the court, did the state prove that he was going to carry out his threat.

Many people will state many things, no matter how vial or shocking that what comes out is. And some of which can be thought of as a threat. The question is was this man prepared to carry out said threat, or was it just rhetoric? Did he have weapons or was he just ranting like so many in a public venue?

We can not be certain, other than so far, the police arrested a man for exercising his freedom of speech in a public venue and so far, with a lack of evidence, they had no real reason to do such.

Until it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that he was going to carry out said acts of violence, there is no real reason to have arrest this man and the police acted in haste and ultimately should be punished for their hasty actions.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by Urantia1111
I'm guessing the arrest was made because of the threat to kill police, not whites. Its perfectly legal for blacks to threaten to kill whites as long as they're not cops, you know, because of slavery.

I think the article title is using the term "man" very loosely here.

I have to agree. The threats against white americans have spewed like empty promises from the WH. First threat against the law I've seen though.

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