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Chemtrails on vacations?

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posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:51 AM
So it's been like two months where I haven't seen a single airplane create those lines on the sky (call them chemtrails or contrails).

We have had in these two months days when it was cold at night and days that it was really hot (being in Greece n all)

So I got two questions for you:
1. Did you notice a lack of lines on the sky lately?

2. If you have would you say that this is a preety strong case of the chemtrail conspiracy theory? If those contrails were something natural how come they all stoped? Not a single one even during colder days?

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:21 AM
The temperature at ground level doesn't have any affect on the formation of contrails. The temperature and humidity at altitude is what dictates whether contrails form or not, regardless of whether it's hot or cold at ground level.

edit on 24-7-2013 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:23 AM
so basically... no reason why they totally stoped...

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:27 AM
on monday i watched 3 planes fly over a clear sky and kept a watch for hours after i thought contrails were supposed to vanish in minutes .

4 hours later the sky was filled with clouds where those planes had passed and it is not the first time i have seen this lately .

i am starting to believe the chemtrail theory after witnessing that

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by geobro
on monday i watched 3 planes fly over a clear sky and kept a watch for hours after i thought contrails were supposed to vanish in minutes .

4 hours later the sky was filled with clouds where those planes had passed and it is not the first time i have seen this lately .

i am starting to believe the chemtrail theory after witnessing that

yeap that's another thing... on perfect clear days after they pass it seems to make a gloomy rest of day

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Alda1981
So it's been like two months where I haven't seen a single airplane create those lines on the sky (call them chemtrails or contrails).

We have had in these two months days when it was cold at night and days that it was really hot (being in Greece n all)

So I got two questions for you:
1. Did you notice a lack of lines on the sky lately?

2. If you have would you say that this is a preety strong case of the chemtrail conspiracy theory? If those contrails were something natural how come they all stoped? Not a single one even during colder days?

You posit 2 questions. To each I would respond in the negative. I have seen many contrails in the last two months and in fact, in my occupation as a turbine powered aircraft pilot, I have made quite a few. Your second question indicates a fundamental ignorance of earth science. The temperature on the ground has very, very, little to do with the outside air temperature at the higher flight levels. For example, the surface temp in Miami right now is 81F. At 39,000 feet above Miami, it is -65F. In Duluth, MN, it is 30 degrees colder on the ground. At 39,000 feet, it is only 4 degrees colder.
The fact that you haven't noticed any contrails doesn't mean there weren't any. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. You very well might not have noticed any. That doesn't mean they weren't there.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:43 AM

Originally posted by Alda1981

Originally posted by geobro
on monday i watched 3 planes fly over a clear sky and kept a watch for hours after i thought contrails were supposed to vanish in minutes .

4 hours later the sky was filled with clouds where those planes had passed and it is not the first time i have seen this lately .

i am starting to believe the chemtrail theory after witnessing that

yeap that's another thing... on perfect clear days after they pass it seems to make a gloomy rest of day
i live in a remote part with not a lot of planes and it is very very confusing as to why this causes the sky to cloud up on a beautiful day for hours and hours

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by geobro

i thought contrails were supposed to vanish in minutes .

why, because other uneducated chemtrailers told you so? It's a basic scientific fact, contrails will remain and in some cases form light cloud cover, under the right circumstances.

But yeah, decades of science is wrong, some dude on youtube is right, my bad.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by geobro

i live in a remote part with not a lot of planes and it is very very confusing as to why this causes the sky to cloud up on a beautiful day for hours and hours

do some research on CONTRAILS, preferably from an unbiased source. It should clear it up for you in a hurry.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by geobro

Originally posted by Alda1981

Originally posted by geobro
on monday i watched 3 planes fly over a clear sky and kept a watch for hours after i thought contrails were supposed to vanish in minutes .

4 hours later the sky was filled with clouds where those planes had passed and it is not the first time i have seen this lately .

i am starting to believe the chemtrail theory after witnessing that

yeap that's another thing... on perfect clear days after they pass it seems to make a gloomy rest of day
i live in a remote part with not a lot of planes and it is very very confusing as to why this causes the sky to cloud up on a beautiful day for hours and hours

3 planes leaving contrails is not going to cause the sky to fill with clouds. The trails may very well spread out and become quite large and could potentially take up residence between the sun and wherever you happen to be standing, but if the sky ends up cloudy, its a pretty safe bet that it would have happened anyway due to weather conditions

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by phishyblankwaters
reply to post by geobro

i thought contrails were supposed to vanish in minutes .

why, because other uneducated chemtrailers told you so? It's a basic scientific fact, contrails will remain and in some cases form light cloud cover, under the right circumstances.

But yeah, decades of science is wrong, some dude on youtube is right, my bad.
no i read that from a pilot and i take youtube with a pinch of salt when the planes appear a beautiful clear sky vanishes into cloud all day

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by geobro

IF that were the case about contrails, how can clouds remain for hours?
Both are just dirty air and water, therefore both have similar characteristics.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by geobro

Just because you live in a remote area with no airports, doesn't mean there will not be planes flying over your head. There are a lot of planes in the sky, following set routes, much like roads on the ground. I don't know if you are US or not, but this explains what I mean.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by F4guy

Originally posted by Alda1981
So it's been like two months where I haven't seen a single airplane create those lines on the sky (call them chemtrails or contrails).

We have had in these two months days when it was cold at night and days that it was really hot (being in Greece n all)

So I got two questions for you:
1. Did you notice a lack of lines on the sky lately?

2. If you have would you say that this is a preety strong case of the chemtrail conspiracy theory? If those contrails were something natural how come they all stoped? Not a single one even during colder days?

You posit 2 questions. To each I would respond in the negative. I have seen many contrails in the last two months and in fact, in my occupation as a turbine powered aircraft pilot, I have made quite a few. Your second question indicates a fundamental ignorance of earth science. The temperature on the ground has very, very, little to do with the outside air temperature at the higher flight levels. For example, the surface temp in Miami right now is 81F. At 39,000 feet above Miami, it is -65F. In Duluth, MN, it is 30 degrees colder on the ground. At 39,000 feet, it is only 4 degrees colder.
The fact that you haven't noticed any contrails doesn't mean there weren't any. The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. You very well might not have noticed any. That doesn't mean they weren't there.

so basically you rather have me believe that the fact i haven't seen a single one means i forgot how to look the sky. as for the temperature i mentioned it cause i was sure someone would go on and say "dude its summer thats why".

and since you are so well educated explain to us the fools the fact that the sky was getting full of lines that wouldn't go away? thought contrails disolved after a period of time. small period of time.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by geobro

Please give the source of the pilot who said that. It will be interesting to see how a pilot who believes in "chemtrails" and gets that part of the weather information they needed to learn to get their license wrong.

As to the contrails spreading, this is the reason they are still studied today. People want to know why, how, and when they spread and what that effect on the weather and climate might be.

Because there is so much air traffic, a completely plane filled sky is next to impossible. So far, there has only been a few, the days after 9/11/2001 when they shut down the skies completely, except for some defensive military flights. The studies they did about those days are fascinating, and give you actual numbers. Here is the report: Contrail Formation and Spread 9/12/2001 It's a .pdf.

For those who don't like to read links or reports on their own, this is the pertinent part, found on page 4 of the study:

Most of the trails spread at 7-8 km h-1 and reached maximum width within 2-4 hours, except for G, which spread at about 5 kmh-1 and peaked after only 2 hours from when it was first detectable. Contrails A, F, and G lasted more than 10 hours, while B dissipated after 5 hours. The contrail areal coverage reached a maximum of 20,456 km2 at 1445 UTC just from six contrails

For those in the US (like me), the area coverage in the more familiar is 7898.1 sq mi. From just six planes. So it's very likely to happen, you just have begun to notice them now.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Alda1981

Your question is one lots of people ask. It's the difference between weather and climate. We see a seasonal change on the ground as a weather's hotter and more muggy during the summer, gets cooler in fall, and cold in the winter. But these weather changes are because the whole planet is tilted toward the sun, which changes the climate for those in temperate and polar areas. When the climate changes, the changes affect the whole atmosphere in several ways, including the jet stream. These changes, depending on your geographic location, can mean more or less contrails at different parts of the year.

I'm inland, away from any large body of water, and in the more northern part of the US, in Indiana. I don't see much of a difference, but have to admit I've never actually studied to compare them. But I've talked online to people in California, where the difference is very apparent. It depends on where you live.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Alda1981
thought contrails disolved after a period of time. small period of time.

Contrails have persisted since 1915 or so. They are simply cirrus clouds created by engine exhaust, so why couldn't they stay, and spread out?

The reason you aren't seeing any right now is simply because the conditions aren't right for them in your area. I'm seeing them all the time where I am. Some that persist, and some that disappear quickly.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:49 AM

thought contrails disolved after a period of time. small period of time.
reply to post by Alda1981

No. The only people who say that believe in "chemtrails."
Clouds persist for hours and can travel for miles. So can contrails.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by stars15k

i did not say the pilot believed in chemtrails just that contrails were vapour and should only last a certain amount of time .

i do not ever remember seeing the effects i see now when i was younger even in the same weather conditions

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by geobro
reply to post by stars15k

i did not say the pilot believed in chemtrails just that contrails were vapour and should only last a certain amount of time .

i do not ever remember seeing the effects i see now when i was younger even in the same weather conditions

true dat

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