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Pastor Manning knows ALL the facts - Truth about GZ/Trayvon - Awesome

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posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by CaptainNemo

Kill someone and be rewarded, only in 'Merica

Yep, being demonized by the media and every black "leader" is quite a reward alright.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:15 AM
I hope the pastor replaces all the charlatans, Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, that lead the black community. These two are almost solely responsible for the decline of blacks in America. The newly immigrated black Africans, that should suffer the same oppression by color of skin, love this country and exceed when they get here. My point, the supposed victim stance of blacks lead by the charge of idiots like Sharpton need to end because it isn't about skin color it's about the actions that one takes. To listen to Sharpton black men are ready and able to work, however, most can not fill out an application, horrible credit (which companies check for hiring), or have a criminal record. I was taught by my parents to take care of my responsibilities, being no one else's duty, and from what I've seen blacks are addicted to government handouts and not working. The few that do understand mostly are from two parent families (rare) and have been taught the same morals as I. Religion is a joke in the black community because an over whelming (87% by recent poll) amount of blacks claim christianity or Islam but "act" like idiots.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by CaptainNemo

Kill someone and be rewarded, only in 'Merica

Trayvon's mom sent him to stay with his dad, since he was too much for her to handle any more.... then she got a fat settlement check.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Lysistrata

Thanks to the OP

great video, says quite a lot about how people should really see this

have to take the religious aspect with a pinch of salt personally but a great speaker to know of, might listen to more of his stuff

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:38 AM
Can you upload the actual link instead of the video to this.. I'm also unable to see the video, but I'm not sure if that's because there's a problem with my adobe flash player.. hope you can send the link.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by sonnny1

What was he sent down for?

Burglary, robbery, larceny and criminal possession of a weapon. He's also the guy who started his own unaccredited seminary and then awarded himself a PhD.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by F4guy

Originally posted by boymonkey74
reply to post by sonnny1

What was he sent down for?

Burglary, robbery, larceny and criminal possession of a weapon. He's also the guy who started his own unaccredited seminary and then awarded himself a PhD.

I should do that sometime.
Doctor Butcherguy.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:01 AM
Here is the real questions the media should be trying to answer instead of painting this as a race crime.

1.Why had Trayvon been suspended from school?

2.Why did they report this as a white on black crime when the shooter was hispanic?

3.Why did they not report that the shooter was bleeding from his face and head after being beaten by Trayvon?

4.If he had honorable intentions, then why did he put up his hoodie, covering his face when he was confronted by Zimmerman?

5.Why is it that the only picture they could find of Trayvon to plaster all over the TV was when he was 12 years old and looked like the innocent "skittles" kid.

6.Most importantly, why is this story such a feature when these others have seen almost no attention?

These are just a few examples, I can give many many more.
edit on 24-7-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by charles1952
While I tend to agree with Pastor Manning on his observations on the Black Family, and Trayvon Martin and his parents in particular, I can't accept his theological position.

The laws in the Old Testament were given to the Jews, for the Jews, and are not seen as appropriate for Christian Americans.

Watch the last minute of the video, and I think you'll see why I find the Pastor's position to be questionable.

He did go overboard there at the end with the Zimmerman "stoning" analogy. In my opinion.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by charles1952

The laws in the Old Testament were given to the Jews, for the Jews, and are not seen as appropriate for Christian Americans.

It would be nice if somebody told that to all of the christians bashing gays just for being gay.

I'm sorry if it seems like I am derailing the thread, but many christians I know cite deuteronomy and leviticus from their soapboxes to pass judgement on everyone else. Not realizing that there are so many contradicting statements iin the bible if you look at the entirety of it.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive
reply to post by riffraff

I could take 3:10 seconds of this video -- until this supposed reverend called Martin a bug. I'm also not convinced this sermon videotaped was before an audience as I heard no audience sounds. Also, what makes this guy an expert on all the facts of Martin's back story?

But the vast cult of the white fear and entitlement crowd here at ATS eat up crap like this. Nothing better than a black "minister" slandering a black teenager who was shot and killed by a guy with a history of domestic violence and violence against the police.

im not sure why you replied to my post. my post was in jest and only meant to lighten the mood of this ;it added no intellectual value to this thread but since you asked me:
what makes him an expert on Martins backstory?
it doesnt take an expert to know the things he said, its commom knowledge/public record. truth be told Manning held back. i knew all that and more about Martin and Im no expert;just another seeker of truth.
you only watched 3 mins of the video?
why ?
is it because the truth hurts? trayvon WAS a thug. you know nothing about trayvons history yet want to regurgitate media skewed propaganda against Zimmerman?
and white entitlement?!? what's that all about? please enlighten. the only thing this white man feels entitled to is a fair trial.

as for rev. manning, he made alot of good points but i wouldn't call him an uncle tom. he seemed more like Uncle Ruckus to me. and the way he thanked Zimmerman for doing Gods will was insanity. he quoted joseph smith once or twice/he must be mormon. Taco Bell is to fast food what mormonism is to christianity. but now im digressing.

summary: if you researched anything about this case you would know Martins backstory too. but you made up your mind too early just like you did about the video. watch three minutes and shut it off. yes he said it in front of a crowd its in the video.
and i really wanna know more about this white entitlement thing.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Lysistrata
I put this here because there is a political conspiracy amongst the major civil rights leaders that goes all the way to the White House - their intention is to foment racism and division in America - promoted and promulgated by none other than the president of the United States.

I don't know that there is a political conspiracy since I think Obama would just rather this go away..

But otherwise I agree.. this has been made into a major race issue when it's simply isn't..

The US is lopsided on how it handles race .. We have NAACP when we shouldn't, we have affirmative action.. we have special organizations, special rules.. all sorts of things to favor one race over another.. we simply need to get RID of it .. I understand the intent, but seriously that helps perpetuate the issue in the long term..

We instead need laws in place that just insure that everyone is treated equally.. period.. no special treatment.. If a Black guy, Spanish guy and White guy walk in for an interview.. the person most qualified and best able to present themselves should get the position..

I'm always put off by the fact that you can have NAACP but if you suggest something like National Association for the Advancement of White People.... you're racist!

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:31 AM
I think he basically said the problem some blacks are having is that they are lazy leaches that expect something for nothing and take advantage of the race card for money and excuses.
That's not me, but what he said. I think it is true but it is also true for lazy white leaches that are dishonest thugs as well.
I think we should all follow gods word or what ever word it is that shows you how to live an honest good life that helps others and your family. Go out and get a job work at it, better yourself , be proud, and have your family be proud. It isn't a difficult idea to grasp. I am agnostic so the god thing was for the believers that read this.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:35 AM
Is it true that all of the robberies in the neighborhood stopped after tre was shot?

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:45 AM
I have been holding my tongue because I wanted to see what the Trayvon Cheerleaders had to say.

This video clearly serves to kick those cheerleaders square in the Nutz.

So what do you do when someone attacks your team with Facts like this good reverend did?

You don't accept the facts but rather attack the good reverend. I had expected as much.

This completely destroys that "The Poor Innocent Child was Murdered" mentality. Those that continue with that line of thinking after watching that video will Never see the light. I suspect that there are also those that watched the video for 2-3 minutes and decided that the good reverend was attacking Trayvon. To those cheerleaders I have one thing to say. .. . Exhibiting the Facts is Not an attack, so why take it so personally?

Coming from a voice of reason do you now agree that this was Not Racially Motivated? After all he did completely shoot that theory down in flames.

I also wanted to comment on what was said about the Department of Justice pursuing this as a civil matter.

He is Absolutely Right. They don't have a leg to stand on. Especially when Trayvons character is called into question. This at a minimum will Prove that Trayvon may very well have been a Racist. In addition, it might also prove that Trayvon did in fact attack George with Malintent.

I for one am glad this video was posted. It gives the Facts from an Unbiased view.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 11:57 AM
Race is irrelevant in the context of this entire issue. Trayvon was a thug, and he got shot. And as the Pastor said, if it hadn't been GZ it would have been somebody else.

And, finally, someone has held the parents to account. If they're not fit to raise a child and enforce on that child rules and boundaries, then they're the ones to blame. I dream of the day when every bad parent is placed on trial for criminal negligence. Raise your kids right, or don't have them! And if they decide to take a criminal path, drag their behinds to your nearest police station and have them arrested and charged.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:07 PM
It just occurred to me that maybe the DOJ should charge Melissa Perry with child neglect...

After all, our kids aren't ours, right?

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Cancerwarrior
Here is the real questions the media should be trying to answer instead of painting this as a race crime.

1.Why had Trayvon been suspended from school?

2.Why did they report this as a white on black crime when the shooter was hispanic?

3.Why did they not report that the shooter was bleeding from his face and head after being beaten by Trayvon?

4.If he had honorable intentions, then why did he put up his hoodie, covering his face when he was confronted by Zimmerman?

5.Why is it that the only picture they could find of Trayvon to plaster all over the TV was when he was 12 years old and looked like the innocent "skittles" kid.

6.Most importantly, why is this story such a feature when these others have seen almost no attention?

These are just a few examples, I can give many many more.
edit on 24-7-2013 by Cancerwarrior because: (no reason given)

Those are not "questions, there are statements in rhetorical form. They are:
1. "Every young black male who has ever been suspended from school, for any reason, deserves to die at the hands of some racist pig cop wannabe with a gun.
2. Hispanic is not a "race"; it is an ethnicity, but I am going to ignore that because it doesn't fit in my framework of white entitlement
3. The damn media won't support my sense of non-black victimhood.
4. I refuse to accept that anyone, even a young black male might want to cover their head in the rain.
5T was a black mail. You must portray him as a thug who needs shooting. "

No 6 actually might be a question. And the answer probably is that by framing the story in this manner it will get the attention of every bigot in the country, and that is what gains viewership and readership.

It is important to remember that Zimmerman was not found to be innocent. He was found "not guilty." There is a huge difference.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by F4guy

Care to explain this

It is important to remember that Zimmerman was not found to be innocent. He was found "not guilty." There is a huge difference.

I thought the choices are either guilty or not guilty? not guilty to me means innocent of all charges.

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by F4guy

Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?

What herp a derp country are you from where not guilty translates into not innocent?

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