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NASA scientists take first steps to building faster-than-light warp engine

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posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:38 AM
Hi guys
Source[/ url]
I searched and didn't find this

It seems those clever guys over at NASA think it is actually possible to bend the rules of space and time or even space itself.

Although admittedly this is on a ridiculously small scale who knows where it could lead ?

Researchers at the NASA's Johnson Space Center are convinced they can turn science fiction to fact and prove warp speed might someday be possible. To do this, they would need to break, or at least bend the rules of time and space famously laid out by Albert Einstein over 50-years ago. Undeterred, Dr. Harold G. White and his team have begun small-scale experiments using infinitesimally small photons that could have galactic sized ramifications for the future of space travel for mankind.

The article goes on to say

Dr. White, 43, is trying to manipulate or 'warp' the trajectory of a photon - put simply, he wants to see whether he can fold time and space around the photon to allow it to travel a greater distance, but at the same speed.

The basis of the theory is

His theory was published in 1994 and involved enormous amounts of energy being used to expand and contract space itself - thereby generating a 'warp bubble' in which a spacecraft would travel. Allowing space and time to act as the propellant by pulling the craft through the bubble, Dr. White explained it to the New York Times as stepping onto a moving walkway at an airport. Despite Dr. Alcubierre stating his theory was simply conjecture, Dr. White thinks he and his team are edging towards making the realm of warp speed attainable.

For all you boffins this is the equation

It surely is an amazing world
[url=]Here[/ur l]

I can't link it ?

Give me a minute or two

OK if it's green click it it will take you to the article

[url=]Different link same thing

edit on 23/7/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23/7/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23/7/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

edit on 23/7/13 by cody599 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:49 AM
reply to post by cody599

That's really cool! I remember reading about this theory awhile back. It all sounds very interesting and exciting.

In physics, expanding and contracting can obviously cause breaking. Do we maybe have the first wormhole creation in our near future?

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by scojak

I'm not that clever to be honest

I was wondering if you are using space itself to accelerate in the way I understand it

the end speed would surely be almost limitless but how do you slow down if space is the engine ?

I just realized I forgot to post the source



posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:04 PM
2 decades it will make huge strides and have bilions put into with it getting to the stage of a working engine to be put on a ship......

Then NASA will cancel the project and carry on useing there chem rockets

If this was a russian, chinese or even private secter project I would be excited but as its NASA its failed before its begun.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:29 PM
Was watching a program on Discovery the other day and it was going over all the possibilities for faster than light travel. The program put it out there as possible but at the same time we are going to need to create some sort of shield to protect the travelers in general, and then the fact space is full of miniscule things that at that speed would cause serious damage.

So although I am stoked for the possibility I still sit on the fence until we can develop all the functions that are also need to make it possible. Going fast is cool staying alive while doing so even better.


posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by cody599

I always wondered if basic nuclear fusion could be used to propel you through space, let me explain, I'm not a nuclear physicist or anything like that, but from the way I understand it fusion is essentially a steam engine. You take the uranium and place it in a pool of deuterium which then creates steam which spins a turbine creating electricity, well instead of sending that pressure into a turbine you could just evacuate that pressure into space through a venturi or a small orifice into the vacuum of space wouldn't that propel a large object through space, such as a ship?

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by DonVoigt

Nuclear propulsion (see orion project) is a known method and could be used to:

1) Get a ship of up to 8 million tons into Orbit

2) Get a ship to 10% the speed of light.

But it wont ever get a ship fatser than the speed of light as the laws of relativity will apply to the ship and its mass will prevt such a vessel from getting to the speed of light.

But it would make s amazing inteplantery ships for getting round a solar system and getting large quanitys of stuff into orbit.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by SaneThinking
Was watching a program on Discovery the other day and it was going over all the possibilities for faster than light travel. The program put it out there as possible but at the same time we are going to need to create some sort of shield to protect the travelers in general, and then the fact space is full of miniscule things that at that speed would cause serious damage.

So although I am stoked for the possibility I still sit on the fence until we can develop all the functions that are also need to make it possible. Going fast is cool staying alive while doing so even better.


Although still not proven in situ, this next link may be of some interest to you as it deals with an ion shield to protect from solar radiation.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by cody599
reply to post by scojak

I'm not that clever to be honest

I was wondering if you are using space itself to accelerate in the way I understand it

the end speed would surely be almost limitless but how do you slow down if space is the engine ?

I just realized I forgot to post the source



Although the source isn't overly detailed in its hypothesis, generally speaking, this isn't travelling faster than light, rather, its just sort of crumpling space in front of you, then driving through the crumpled bit...(compacted space?). So, its less warp drive, more wormhole..but sort of a growing wormhole, or a tunnel being created in front of you on the fly.

If I am getting it right.

Slowing down would be as easy as just turning the wotsit contraption off and let space erm..defold or whatever...because your not going fast to begin with..just going through.

A example I guess would be going through a cake. start at one end and tunnel through the other...would take X amount of time, but if you smooshed the cake towards you as your tunneling through, you would emerge much faster without having to go faster.

Thing is, when you turn off said device, wouldn't space itself have to travel back to its original place? Is there any detrimental effects to space and the like by doing this...

This stuff is over my head...far over my a ant looking at a orbiting satellite type over my head...I don't even understand it enough to call it will just sit back and dream about flying around in my space jet and meeting with blue alien women.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by crazyewok

Thank you I've thought about that theory for years but until I came here I've never had a forum of like minded to present the idea for discussion. I always knew it would never make FTL , but my thought was that we should learn or own neighborhood before we reach FTL.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:42 PM
I may be mistaken, but it sounds like shields wouldn't be necessary as you would be warping space around the craft. Anything in your path would be moved out of the way.

But it makes me wonder what would happen if, say, a planet was in the way.
Can you imagine the amount of energy requires for this to be a feasible method of space travel?

This will be one of those things we will know is possible, but still cannot achieve for a very long time.

ETA: someone needs to tell these guys at NASA to call up Bob Lazar. He could get these boys straightened out quick.

edit on 23-7-2013 by JayinAR because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by DonVoigt
reply to post by cody599

I always wondered if basic nuclear fusion could be used to propel you through space, let me explain, I'm not a nuclear physicist or anything like that, but from the way I understand it fusion is essentially a steam engine. You take the uranium and place it in a pool of deuterium which then creates steam which spins a turbine creating electricity, well instead of sending that pressure into a turbine you could just evacuate that pressure into space through a venturi or a small orifice into the vacuum of space wouldn't that propel a large object through space, such as a ship?

Hell dude, a coal engine blasting steam out of a vent will move you (basic physics..equal/opposite force). That's not an issue, we can move stuff around in space fairly easily.

Its propulsion that is the issue. At best, you can go about as fast as whatever force is lets say you have something shooting out the back at 30k mph. well, the ship in a void will eventually hit 30kmph, which is fast..if it was on land. in space...not so much...

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by SaneThinking
Was watching a program on Discovery the other day and it was going over all the possibilities for faster than light travel. The program put it out there as possible but at the same time we are going to need to create some sort of shield to protect the travelers in general, and then the fact space is full of miniscule things that at that speed would cause serious damage.

So although I am stoked for the possibility I still sit on the fence until we can develop all the functions that are also need to make it possible. Going fast is cool staying alive while doing so even better.


Vikings duct taped to the sides of crafts with shields..they can deflect the stuff, and axe anything that comes too close. Also good for alien warding.

Or ya...what the guy above said..its not an issue as your not flying through space at a bajillion mph, your just warping space and casually wandering through the void tunnel

But the Viking idea would be badass

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by cody599

This stuff is obviously way out there, but here's how I understood the theory. You use an immense amount of energy to bend space and create this bubble that's, for lack of a better description, between space. I'm not sure what this bubble exactly is, or what defines it, but the experts apparently are confident they can somehow create them. They bend the fabric of space, and naturally, the fabric wants to bend back to fill this gap and close the bubble. The scientists are confident they can harness this 'bend-back force' to push the bubble through space, similar to a surfer riding a wave, except they would somehow be able to control the size of the wave to control the speed.

I also remember something about how when using this theory, the bubble, for all physics intense purposes, doesn't actually move through space, the space moves around the bubble. This means no g-force to deal with.... mind blown.

I'd also think that since you are traveling "between" space instead of "through" space, you don't have to deal with all the dangers of space. Yep... mind blown again.

Hope that makes sense and is somewhat accurate.
edit on 7/23/2013 by scojak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by scojak

Yeah that's the way I understand it

Moving space around an object as opposed to to moving through space
if that makes sense ?

The wife is the scientist here

I'm just a wood butcher

So is the trick to get to a velocity whereby the object is shall we say essentially stationery and space is moving around it ?

Pretty mind blowing

posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:01 AM
Humanity doesn't need propulsion but it needs spacestations. All homes could be in orbits of the planets like compartments clinging on to eachother and people would have less conflicts. It's a waste of time trying to go as far away as fast as possible, maybe funny if you say you make it so you can tell your dreaded wife you're going for a pack of cigarettes but the space station is really far for that brand and it needs to be fast so you can be back in a jyppie.

But in reality first you build a house then you build a vehicle then you gather materials to build robots so you don't have to do anything yourself and maybe have some pets and a wife and children for entertainment. Or make it really romantic and build thrusters around the space homes of which you told her you build for her and the kids and all of humanity so you can go on a drive. Which only you know doesn't go anywhere but she will believe you guide everyone like the captain of humanity, kids will come to you and ask you if we're there yet. Think about the possibilities!
edit on 28/7/2013 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2013 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by cody599

Originally posted by cody599

The article goes on to say

Dr. White, 43, is trying to manipulate or 'warp' the trajectory of a photon - put simply, he wants to see whether he can fold time and space around the photon to allow it to travel a greater distance, but at the same speed.

Maybe NASA could apply what is already happening within a small area in the state of Oregon. It’s in a little town called Gold Hill, Oregon. In this small plot of land photons deviate from their normal path, making objects appear different sizes depending on where they are located within the affected area. This phenomenon seems to be limited to an optical effect. There is no gravitational distortion detected as of yet. They should at least send out a team just for fun and see if it’s really worth any bother. Maybe they could buy the land. It was for sale a number of years ago when I last went.

The Oregon Vortex is a spherical field of force, half above the ground and half below the ground. The word "vortex" simply means a whirlpool of force, like a whirling mass of water. Especially one in which a force of suction operates such as a whirlpool or a whirling mass of air or one in the form of a visible column or spiral such as a tornado.

A vortex, essentially a whirlpool of force, is the basic form of our universe. From our galaxy, whose vortex form we see as the countless suns of the Milky Way, throughout the gravitational vortex of our solar system, down to the vortex of an atom, the vortex form recurs throughout our world structure. The Phenomena that gives The Oregon Vortex its name are evident throughout the entire area. Nowhere in the circle do you normally stand erect. Inevitably the visitor assumes a posture that inclines toward magnetic north. The corona of The Vortex, as well as the minor vortices, discovered during the continuous study of The Vortex, are among the unique phenomena to be observed here.

They encourage visitors to bring their own levels or squares to prove that it’s not a hoax.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 06:34 PM
Going anywhere fast is not the way to persue space travel since you have to go faster and faster to achieve less travel time.

We need to think outside the box and develop dimensional travel like a star gate portal and leave mechanical gizmos behind. We may even have this technology already after spending so much money on black projects for so many years.

While science has no measuring instruments for certain energies, they will not move into those other directions because for them, they dont exist yet. Science and religion has a lot more in common than science or religion would like to believe.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by lostinspace

The oregonvortex seems a bit funny on how they set up the example images there is clearly some cleverness put onto creating the effect in the photos both here and on the site, from leveraging simple optical illusion, to body postures and small (but cumulative in geometric relations) positioning changes.

posted on Jul, 30 2013 @ 08:35 PM

Despite Dr. Alcubierre stating his theory was simply conjecture, Dr. White thinks he and his team are edging towards making the realm of warp speed attainable.

However, Dr. White admits that his research is still small-scale and is light years away from any type of engine that could be constructed into a space ship like the USS Enterprise.

See that.. he said it will take Light Years to complete.
Not anywhere near our life time.

Zefram Cochrane has nothing to worry about.

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